Rilaya One-Shots

By MusicSavedMe_95

77.7K 1.7K 233

Just a bunch of cute Rilaya stories! If you cant take the extreme gay of this get your dusty crusty face out... More

Sweet Kisses at Dawn and dates
Just dont hurt her
I know
Merry Me?
Missing you
Love me
Smoke and Fire
Breaking Policies
You all along
Two Pieces of a Puzzle
Its gonna be ok
Therapy Session
Rilaya Rant
Girl Meets the End (P1)
Girl Meets the End (P2)
Dear Riley, From Lucas
Girl Meets Coming Out
Messy Breakups
Falling in Love
Finding Eachother
Coming Full Circle
Shes my Reason to live
Tangled up
Christmas Cards
Scary Story
Golden Hour
Dreams (pt1)

Dreams (pt2)

730 20 4
By MusicSavedMe_95

Lucas. It was as if time froze between me and Riley. I didn't know what to do. I hadn't thought of him, I had been selfish with my feelings about Riley. I didn't even consider how he would feel, or what I would do after the kiss. Riley looked at me expectantly, like I had a plan to tell her. I know what she would want me to do. She had waited for me. She'd want me to leave him, but it's not that simple. If he's not staying with me he has to move back to Texas. That wasn't fair for me to do to him. None of this was fair. I felt stupid for letting my dream consume me. "I don't know what I'm going to do. Oh my god what am I going to do?" I felt the tears water my eyes and I sat down on the bay window. Riley scooted closer to me and held me close. I let the tears flow on her shoulder. I couldn't believe I had messed this all up. I would have to choose who's heart to break. Riley's or Lucas's. I wasn't prepared to choose. I didn't want to hurt either of them. Riley was my day one. Since I've always known her she's been there for me. However Lucas is my boyfriend. He loves me. I guess so does Riley. I separated from her touch. My skin was warm with the imprint of her touch still around me. I looked at her and she seemed sad. "I'm going to make this right." I promised her. I touched our foreheads together and kissed her again. The feeling was still there. Then suddenly I was out the window the way I had come in, and I was down the street in a flash. The more I ran the more my mind cleared. The only thing I was able to focus on was my breath, not my decision, not who I'd hurt. The cold wind pumped in and out of my chest. And it felt nice. My throat was raw and my chest heaved as I reached topangas. Looking in through the windows I noticed Farkle studying in the corner. I walked down the stairs steadying my breath. Farkle didn't look up as the door bell rang or when I sat down on the bench next to him. "Farkle I messed up and I need your help." He chuckled deeply without looking up,"Don't you always Maya? What'd you do this time?" He still hadn't looked up from his textbook. I took it from him and set it on the table. "I seriously messed up Farkle. Now I'm at a crossroad. Either break Riley or Lucas's heart." Farkle looked up at me. His eyebrows lifted and he looked shocked."Maya, how did you get into this predicament?" So I told him. I told him about my dream. About lying, about the skit. About kissing her, about how it ignited every sense in me. "That is quite a predicament," he stated when I finished,"What do you want to do?" I shook my head,"Farkle I don't know. I don't want to hurt either of them." He nodded, "I know you don't, but either way, I think your heart knows who you want. Who you've always wanted." I was confused. I didn't know what he meant. It was stupid of me to think of Riley first. I've been with Lucas and these feelings are new. I should wait. I know I should've waited to see if they went away. Now everything was messed up. "I don't know Farkle. My mind thought of Riley first, but that's new. I'm used to having feelings for Lucas." Farkle looked up at me,"I know Maya, but dreams are what your mind seeks after all." I shook my head,"But it's one dream. I turned my life upside down because of one dream. I was stupid. I've made my decision now." Farkle looked confused and he tried to look past my eyes to see my decision, "Well I hope you've made the right one." And with that he picked up his text book and went back to ignoring me. I got up from my chair and left. It was cold as I walked out the door, it slapped me in the face as if I walked into a wall of snow. I shivered as I walked home. I wondered if this decision was really going to be the best. When I opened my door Lucas was sat on the couch. He jumped up from his seat and embraced me, his warmth was nice. It was comforting. The way his body surrounded me and warmed me was entrancing, "I've been so worried about you. Where have you been?" Lucas's voice shivered with concern. I pushed him away from me and I felt bad, "We need to talk." Lucas tilted his head down at me, confused. I talked to him. Told him about the dream, but I didn't tell him about the skit or the kiss. Or how I left heartbroken Riley in the bay window with hope in her heart. As I told Lucas about my dream my mind kept drifting to the last time I saw Riley. The feeling of her lips kept coming back to me. My heart hurt. I was making the wrong decision. I knew it. Lucas held me when it was over, it felt wrong, it didn't feel as good as being in Riley's arms. I changed my mind. I broke from Lucas's grasp, I felt awful looking in his eyes but my heart wasn't there with him. My heart was still with Riley in the bay window, "I cheated on you. With Riley. Not just in my dream. I couldn't get her lips out of my head and I kissed her. And I didn't realize what I had done till she pointed out I was with you. I know this will mess everything up, you're welcome to still stay with us instead of going to Texas, but it's over. I can't be with you, my hearts with someone else. I'm sorry Lucas." His big blue eyes teared up and he put his head in his hands, "I'm leaving then I guess. Screw you Maya," he started yelling as he got up off the couch, "I love you, why couldn't you just keep things good for once? You should stay with Riley tonight and I'll be gone when you come back in the morning." He stormed off to his room and slammed the door. I felt awful and it tugged at my heart. Farkle was right. I knew what I needed my choice to be. I needed to be with Riley. I need her. I held back the tears and I sprinted through the doorway. When I got outside my apartment complex the cold stung my skin and my lungs when I sucked in each breath. I ran down the street coughing, the air in my lungs was so cold it was as if my throat froze up. I could see her apartment, it grew closer and closer with each step. I was so close. I could make out her figure in the window. My vision grew spotty as I reached the fire escape. My skin was ice cold and I couldn't feel any part of my body. My legs felt as if they would give way as I tumbled my way up each step. My ears rang with a pitch that drove my head mad. I couldn't seem to keep my eyes open, but I was so close.. just a few more steps, I could feel the heat radiating from her room...I collapsed into Riley's room. The warmth surrounded me and the cold merely hissed from the window. Riley knelt next to me and felt my skin, "Oh my god Maya you're freezing!" She exclaimed, I couldn't even find the words to say my brain was so cold. As best as she could Riley dragged me by my armpits over to her bed. "DAD I NEED HELP!" She screamed and it pounded in my head. I heard Cory frantically enter the room. I couldn't make out their conversation but the next thing I knew Cory was helping her lift me into bed. When I woke up the next morning everyone was sitting next to me. My mom, Cory, Topanga, Auggie, and Riley. She looked down at me with concern. It was extremely hot. It was as if 100 blankets sat atop my chest and satan was breathing in my face. I took a deep breath and shoved the blankets off of me, everyone looked relieved to see me moving. "What happened?" I croaked. Everyone bombarded me with responses ranging from, "oh thank god you're okay!" To my moms "How dare you scare me like that baby!" Riley stayed silent. Auggie was the one to point out the tension. Cory made his usual "oh" face and quickly pulled his wife out of the room with him. Auggie tried to pull my mom away but I could tell she was too worried. "I'm okay mom, I promise. You can ground me for a thousand years later, Riley and I need to talk. That's why I'm here in the first place." It was sweet as she kissed my forehead and held Auggies hand as they left the room. I sat up on Riley's bed and looked at her. She fiddled with her shirt sleeve as she sat in the chair next to me. I cleared my throat and took a deep breath. She smelt like warm vanilla on a fall evening. She looked up to me and her hair fell in her face. She tucked it behind her ear before I could do it for her. I scooted toward the edge of the bed and sat I front of her, "I made a decision last night. And I sprinted from my apartment all the way over here to tell you. I talked with Farkle and he helped me realize what I actually wanted." She burst into tears and it ripped my heart up, I lifted her chin till her brown doe eyes met mine. They were red from crying already and they were full of tears. "Why are you crying Riles? I chose you. I broke up with Lucas." Her eyes gave up one more tear before a big smile broke through. "You did what?" She chuckled with disbelief. She grabbed my face and her lips were on mine. I held her hands on the side of my face and kissed her back. I still felt weak and my lips were chapped, but it had to have been the best kiss I have ever had. Her lips were soft on mine and it overwhelmed my body. Our smiles broke us apart because they spread a mile wide. We were the start of something new. Taking it slow. Not immediately together, but going on dates. Lucas didn't lie though, he was gone when I went back home to get some clothes. He left a note saying he was going home and he hoped that breaking his heart was worth it. I felt sad reading it, but I knew in my heart it was necessary. I needed to be with Riley, and it sucks Lucas had to get hurt. But luckily for me, I'm going to get to marry my best friend, all because I had a dream.

A/N: ahhh this is rushed and crappy so sorry. I couldn't make up my mind while writing if you couldn't tell. I've had a tough day  and I'm supposed to be a sleep rn. I wish my writing was better, but I'm so uninterested in writing now that I'm writing an essay a week at least. I'll keep trying to get more writing in, but it's tough. Should I even continue this one shot series? I'm so sad GMW is gone and a lot of the fan base has died off with the show. So idek if I'll keep writing for this, but you never know.

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