The Boyfriend Project. C.H. (...

By Foreverattached

1.6M 41.3K 17.2K

"Calum please don't go." I plead desperately. "I can't stay." He says coldly before grabbing his bag and wa... More

The boyfriend project. C.H. (A.U.)
Thirty - Six.
Note ◇
Important! ◇
Sixty-Three. (Part 1)
Sixty-Three. (Part 2)
Sixty-Three (Part 3)
Thank you ♡
Seventy - One.
Epilogue and Sequel details.
Seventy- Seven.
Seventy-Eight. (Part 1)
Seventy-Eight. (Part 2)
Eighty - Epilogue
A/N: The End. ♥
Sequel ♥
Hi or Hey ♡
Alternate Ending ♥
One Million Reads!


20.6K 499 285
By Foreverattached

"This is cute guys." Aria smiles sweetly looking around at us all.

"It is actually." Claudia agrees a beaming smile lighting up her face. We were all currently at the beach sharing a batch of fish and chips, And I had to agree with Aria this was pretty cute. It was like a big family dinner with everyone.

"Fish and chips on the beach with my second Family." Ashton grins happily showing off his dimples. "Not a bad way to the spend the evening."

"I think that was even cuter." I say a small giggle escaping my lips.

"Damn it Ashton stop making us look bad." Luke glares at Ashton before cracking a smile.

"I'd say." Michael adds.

"Sorry boys." Ashton shrugs that happy grin still on his lips.

I turn my attention to Calum to find him looking out at the ocean and looking like he was very deep in thought.

"Cal." I murmur pressing a kiss to his deliciously sharp jawline. He instantly turns to look at me with raised eyebrows.

"You okay?" I ask him. He was usually not this quiet.

"Yeah." Calum nods before smiling. "I'm good."

"Good." I grin at him as he scoots closer to me and wraps an arm around my waist.

"Earth to the sickeningly cute couple!" Michael yells getting my attention.

"What?" I asked. I had totally blocked out the others conversation so I had no idea what was going on.

"We're gonna watch a movie soon, you two in?" Michael asks. I look at Calum who shrugs. I guess that was a yes.

"Sounds good we're in." I answer with a small smile.

"Unless you know you two wanna have another shower." Luke smirks and I glare at him.

"Really?" Calum laughs from beside me shaking his head at Luke.

"Was I really that loud?" I ask chewing on my bottom lip. It was a bit of an awkward question to ask.

"Yes." Michael and Luke say at the same time.

"Well Ashton and I didn't actually hear anything." Emma states.

"You didn't?" I ask and they both nod.

"I only know because these two came and told me." Ashton says motioning towards Michael and Luke.

"I'm the same." Aria says. "I wouldn't of had a clue otherwise."

"The only reason Michael and Luke heard was because they were pressed up against the door. You weren't that Loud G." Claudia says before smirking at the boys.

"You two were what?!" I almost yell.

"You said you weren't gonna tell!" Luke whines to Claudia.

"Well I lied." Claudia shrugs.

"And your not the only one." Michael says looking at me. "Aria didn't tell you shit."

I look at Aria who is already blushing and she shakes her head.

"Actually she did." I say. "It just wasn't anything bad."

"What?!" Michael looks at Aria who's eyes are very focused on the sand in front of her.

"Relax Mikey." Claudia smirks.

"Well looks like Calum isn't the only one who deserves a high five." Luke laughs.

"Oh my god." Calum groans dropping his head to my shoulder.

"What did you girls talk about?" Ashton asks looking at all the girls before staring at Emma who blushes.

"Don't worry Ashton, Emma only had good things to say about you." Claudia tells him and Ashton shrugs obviously not bothered.

"So Genie now that you've seen it what's the verdict?" Claudia grins at me.  Did she really have to ask in front of everyone?

Calum lifts his head off my shoulder and smirks at me. "Yeah Genie what's the verdict? "

It's quiet as everyone awaits my answer, God this was so uncomfortable. It reminded me of at school when you have to say a stupid speech and all of your class mates are staring at you.

"Wait are you asking about Cal's P.enis?" Luke asks. "Jeez Claudia even I can tell you it's big."

Everybody laughs at Luke's response making a small frown appear on his face.

"Why is that funny?" Luke groans.

"It just is." Claudia answers.

"It's almost worrying that you know that." I say once I've finished laughing.

"It actually isn't.  I could tell you about Luke and all of the boys." Calum speaks up before lightly shrugging. "I guess it's a guy thing." He chuckles.

"Well do tell. Luke is the only one we don't know about." Claudia practically demands.

"You know Claudia if you really wanted to know you could of just asked and I would of happily showed you." Luke shoots her a cocky grin.

"Oh shut up." Claudia shakes her head at him.

"Just for the record Luke is blessed in that department." Calum nods.

"Yeah he's impressive." Michael says before laughing.

" about that movie." Emma says before standing up.

"Seems like the perfect time." Ashton chuckles before standing up.

"I'm picking!" Michael announces before standing up and running back to the batch.

"So Michael's choice." Aria lightly laughs. "Which obviously isn't me." I hear her say under her breath before she stands up and starts back towards the batch.

What was I gonna do with her?

Ashton and Emma entwine their hands together before they begin to walk back.

"Luke help me with the rubbish." Claudia tells him rathering then asking. Luke groans overdramatically before helping her.

"Alright then." Calum mumbles removing his arm from my waist and standing up. He holds his hand out for me which I take.

"You two coming?" Claudia asks looking at us.

"In a minute." I answer getting a confused frown from Calum.

"Okay. " Claudia smiles before her and Luke start walking back.

"What's up?" Calum asks obviously curious as to why we stayed behind.

"I wanna talk to you about something." I tell him.

"Alright I'm all ears." Calum smiles lacing his fingers with mine.

"Michael's whole 'No Dating' thing. When do you think he'll get over that?" I ask him.

"Uhh I honestly have no idea. It seems to be work out pretty well for him so far."  Calum shrugs. "Is that about Ari?"

"Yeah. I feel bad Calum, she really likes him."

"I know G but you can't really do anything." Calum tells me looking sympathetic.  I let out a small sigh before a great idea comes to me.

"Maybe there is."

"Hmm?" Calum frowns.

"Well you could always ask Michael about Aria....You know get me some intel." I grin and Calum smiles before shaking his head.

"I don't really know what that would achieve Genie."

"It would help sooo much. Please do it Cal." I plead batting my eyelashes at him making him shake his head at me once again.

"And what would I get in return?" Calum ask that familiar smirk playing on his lips.

"What do you want?" I ask swinging our hands back and fourth.

"I'll let you know." Calum smirks.

"Does that mean you'll do it?!"

"Yes I'll do it." Calum nods and I let out a slight squeal.

"Thank you Cal."

"Anything for you." Calum lightly smiles looking down at our hands. My heart instantly flutters at his words. God Calum why did you have to say things like that.


"Michael why did you pick this?" Aria complains hiding under her blanket again.

Michael had picked the movie evil dead for us all to watch and since Aria was quite squeamish when it came to anything gory in movies she was not enjoying it at all.

"It's entertaining. " Luke answers from the floor. Ashton and Emma were curled up on one couch with Claudia sharing with them while Calum and I were sharing with Aria and Michael. Luke could easily fit with either of us but he opted for the floor.

"Come here Ari." Michael says sweetly opening his arms to her. Aria smiles before moving in to Michael's arms. Those two would seriously be the cutest together.

I can feel Calum's gaze on me even in the dark, The only part of me that was touching him were my legs which were draped over his. I meet his gaze and ask him what he's looking at but he just mumbles nothing before looking back to the tv screen.

About twenty minutes later I can feel Calum's eyes on me again.

"Watch the movie Cal." I smile lightly shaking my head. Calum moves closer to me and leans in to whisper in my ear. "I would rather watch you wriggling underneath me as you gasp for air and moan out my name."

I swallow hard and try my best to look neutrel. God it had really gotten hot in here.

"Cal." I lightly scold turning to face him. He has his usual smirk spread on his deliciously plump lips making me feel almost light headed.

"Genie." Calum's fingers dance up my leg stopping at the top of my thigh. "You can't say that you don't want that as much as I do."

"Behave." I tell him trying my best to control my voice but I now had the picture of Calum looking down at me as he thrusts himself painfully slowly in and out of me. His hair is messy and his breathing is ragged, His lips are swollen and partly open and his eyes are shut tightly.

God I needed to shake those thoughts and fast. His hand begins to move again but I stop it before it can reach where it wants to go. "Calum." I say in warning tone.

"Genie." He retorts. I take a deep breath and try to turn my attention back to the movie. Thankfully no had noticed whatever that was.

I would say about five minutes pass before Calum lets out a frustrated sigh. I had been focusing on the movie to the best of my ability and I guess he was annoyed about that.

I stand up abruptly from my seat resulting in all eyes in the room moving to me. "Calum and I are gonna get some sleep." I announce.

"What about the movie?" Michael asks.

"I've seen and plus I'm pretty tired." I say with a small shrug.

Calum and say goodnight to everyone before making the walk to our room but I stop Calum when he reaches the door.

"No." I say simply before grabbing his hand and leading him outside.  It had become uncomfortably hot inside and I desperately needed some air.

"What are we doing Genie?" Calum asks as I lead him down to the beach.

"Getting some air." I reply before I stop walking. "So what was that?"

"What was what?" Calum has that stupid innocent look on his face which makes me want to both punch him and cuddle him.

"You know what I'm talking about." I tell him and he grins.

"I was just sharing my thoughts with you."

I lightly scoff at him and look out at the ocean instantly getting a great idea. 

"Feeling adventurous Hood?" I kink my eyebrows at him and he looks at me in confusion.

"I guess." Calum shrugs making me grin.

"Perfect." I grab the bottom of my top and pull up over my chest before chucking it to the sand. Calum watches my actions yet still looks a little confused.

"What? Have you never been skinny dipping before?" I laugh pulling down my shorts.

"Uhh." Calum stutters his eyes taking in my almost naked body. I smirk at him before reaching behind my back and unclasping my bra, letting it fall to the sand. My underwear is last to come off and I add it to my pile of clothes.

"Holy....fuck." Calum gulps his eyes drinking me completely in. It was like he hadn't even seen me naked this morning.

I had to admit I felt quite proud of myself, I mean this morning I had told Calum to not stare yet here I was standing completely naked in front of him. I guess I figured I had nothing to hide from Calum expect for my possible  feelings for him.

"Any day now." I grin at him before running towards the water. Surprisingly the water isn't that bad, I mean it's really cool but not freezing like I thought it would be.

I look back at Calum who was stripping down extremely fast making me laugh. I don't think I had ever seen somebody get undressed that fast.

He was in the water soon enough standing right in front of me. "Full of surprises aren't we."

"Oh yeah." I smile. Normally I don't think I would do this but I guess there was something about Calum that made me feel alive.

Calum brings one of his hands up to my shoulder and he pushes my hair off before moving his hand to my neck. His fingers lightly ghost down to my collarbone and then straight down the centre of my chest.

His hands then move to rest on my hips.

"You're so beautiful Genie." Calum half smiles meeting my eyes.

"So are you Cal." I tell him and he shakes his head. "I'm beautiful?" He asks looking amused.

"You are." I tell him and I'm 110 perecent serious.

"I'll take your word for it."

"You do that." I reach my hand up to his hair brushing it up slightly, Totally beautiful. It's quite strange? I guess calling a guy beautiful but that's exactly what Calum was.

"You actually have no idea how utterly perfect you look in moonlight." I tell him.

"Damn it Genie I was gonna use that line." Calum grins making me laugh.

"So we both look pretty good in the moonlight huh?"

"You have no idea." Calum let's out a small sigh before pulling me into a hug. "Genie?"


"Your boobs feeling pretty amazing pressed up against me." Calum chuckles and I break the hug to lightly shove him.

"You're such a boy."

"I know." Calum grins childishly.

"What is it with you boys and boobs?" I ask. It had always actually baffled me. Breasts were basically only there so that we could produce milk and feed infants when we needed to not for Males entertainment.

"We don't have them? I don't know it's complex."

"Bullshit it is. Women don't have dicks yet we don't obsesse over them." I point out.

"Are you sure about that?" Calum smirks and I roll my eyes at him.

"No you're right. We totally do." I say sarcastically. 

"I knew it." Calum says overdramatically before moving closer to me.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"I was planning on kissing you. Do you have a problem with that?"

"But nobody's around." I say dumbly.

"So?" Calum frowns. I decide not to dwell on my thoughts in that moment instead I pull Calum's face to mine and mold my lips to his perfectly.

Greetings! I finally finished this chapter!  I've legit been working on it like half the day. It probably would of bern finished earlier but you know..distractions. Anyway I hope you like and also I reached 4K today which is absolutely mind blowing!!!! Just thank you all so much :')

May or may not update again this week.. who knows? But remember triple update on the weekend! Enjoy the rest of the week! You are all so awesome I can't even handle :)

Another random note but I'm completely obsessed with 5sos' song close as strangers, I've actually cried listening to that song so I suggest that if it wasn't on the version of the album that you have that you look it up!

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