Addicted | Yoonmin✔

By prespoverty

29.3K 1.7K 703

"I could easily get addicted to you, Park Jimin." - In which Yoongi, a recovering drug addict, finds solace i... More

|fourteen . two|
|Fifteen . two|
|nineteen . two|
|twenty one|
|twenty two|
|twenty three|
|twenty four|
|twenty six|
|twenty seven|
|twenty eight|
|twenty nine|
|thirty one|
|thirty two|
|thirty two . two|
|thirty three|
|thirty four|
|thirty four. two|
|thirty five|
|thirty six|
|thirty seven|
|thirty eight|
|thirty nine|
|thirty nine . two|
| character q&a |
|forty one|
|forty two|
|forty two . two|
|forty three|
|forty four|
|forty five|
|welp i was tagged|
|forty six|
|future works and fun facts|
|extra : marriage texts|
|extra: lovesick|
|extra: first love|

|twenty five|

430 28 8
By prespoverty

Yoongi didn't even look up from his paperwork when Jihoon entered the café and sat down right in front of Yoongi. He rested his chin in his hand as he looked adoringly at Yoongi, admiring the maturity in his ex's face. He looked cute, with his glasses sitting low on his nose. Yoongi never had glasses when he and Jihoon were together, and must have gotten them recently. It made him seem so smart and sophisticated. Well, Yoongi was very smart. Just didn't have the diploma to prove it.

"Hi," Jihoon said innocently, leaning forward to press his finger to Yoongi's nose. Yoongi looked over the rim of his glasses at Jihoon, who was smiling like an idiot.

"Hi," the shorter man replied coolly. Jihoon chuckled and went in to poke Yoongi's nose again, but Yoongi swatted his hand away irritably. "Fuck off, I'm just finishing this paper." Yoongi took his glasses off and organised the papers before looking at Jihoon. "Okay, you have my attention now. What is it?"

Yoongi had told Jin earlier to keep an eye out on them, since Jihoon was not to be trusted. Yoongi had also made sure to text Jimin to tell him that he was meeting up with Jihoon, but this time it was on his home turf. And, Namjoon was supposed to arrive at any moment, and with his towering height he was sure to intimidate Jihoon (nevermind the fact that the man was a real softie).

"So, there's an update on your mom. Care to hear about it?" Jihoon feigned sympathy, by making his voice extra soft and furrowing his eyebrows together. Yoongi didn't want to sympathy, he just wanted the truth. He needed to know to what colour sky he was waking up to tomorrow. He needed to know how to plan out his days: if he'll need to set time aside for mourning or not. He must prepare himself for worsening cravings.

"Yeah, lay it on me."

Jihoon placed his hand next to Yoongi's, their pinkies centimetres apart. "She has cancer, Yoongi. Brain cancer. Apparently, the tumour can be removed, but it's a pricey operation..." Yoongi released the breath he has been keeping the entire time. "If the operation is preformed, there's a good chance she'll survive. And, if not..."

She has a chance, though. A chance for us to make up.

"How much?" Yoongi's voice could cut through glass at that moment. Jihoon took a napkin and wrote a number down on the paper. When Yoongi saw the amount, he nearly pissed himself. "Holy shit," He breathed out and slumped back, rolling his head back as the stress settled down on his chest. "That's a lot, 'ey?"

Jihoon patted Yoongi's hand. "You don't have long, Yoongi. A few months. She said she doesn't want anything to do with you, but maybe this is your chance to prove to her that you're not what she thinks." Yoongi withdrew his hand from Jihoon's, like his touch was made of fire.

"Can't you give me a number? Some way to make contact with her, or even your mom?"

Jihoon shook his head. "Sorry, babe. I'll ask my mom to make sure, but you know how they feel about you. Maybe the hospital. I'll forward you the hospital's contact details. Ask for a Mrs Min, maybe they'll know."

Yoongi felt the dam behind his eyelids well up, but he refused to let the wall break. He needed to be strong. "You sound like you have something more to say. Spit it out."

Jihoon couldn't help but smirk, but he was quick to hide it. His next words came out hushed, in a whisper. "I have a way you can make money. Fast. I need a dealer. You don't need to use, but it's good money, and you know your way around."

It took every ounce of Yoongi's self-control, every single ounce, to not pounce on Jihoon right at that moment and beat his face to a blood pulp. "Shut the fuck up. I'm not getting involved in that world again." His skinny hand tightened into a fist, the veins in his hand stark against his pale skin.

Jihoon shrugged. "The offer is on the table for the time being. But, like I said, it needs to be fast. And you have a boyfriend whom you probably enjoy spoiling, huh? A little extra cash will do you good. Maybe buy him something pretty. He looks like he could be a femboy. A skirt will fit him well-"

Yoongi hit his fist against the table top. "Now's not the time. And, above all, I don't want to hear you ever talking about my boyfriend. He's got fuck all to do with you. Fuck you in the highest manner of the verb. Leave this café."

Jihoon's smirk faded into a scowl. He didn't like how protective Yoongi was over Jimin. Yoongi was a lone wolf, a cold soul, a warrior on his own, wandering the earth with no particular destination in mind. Jihoon had been the pup's owner, his master, teaching him everything he needed to know. The lone wolf was not meant to be part of a pack. He wasn't meant for doing paper work while drinking cappuccinos. He was meant to be a part of an empire, to be by Jihoon's side. Jihoon was supposed to own him.

Instead, Yoongi was wrapped around Jimin's pinky. Totally whipped.

"This boyfriend of yours is going to be your end." Jihoon got up. "Now, if you'll excuse me," He walked out, not forgetting to flip Yoongi off as he backed away. Yoongi smiled endearingly.

"Don't be a stranger now, darling!" Yoongi mocked, and loved the angry look on Jihoon's face. His smile faded however as he started feeling that old attraction bubbling up in his stomach. That excitement that arguments with Jihoon made him feel. That arousal that went aflame in his hips when he realised he was pressing Jihoon's buttons. Yoongi took a deep breath. He hasn't felt so many conflicted emotions at once in a while.

Immediately, he reached for his phone and called Jimin. He needed to hear his mochi's voice. That sweet, angelic voice that seemed to always be able to help him find his way through the fog to the safety of the shore. His soft giggle, that was sunlight in the form of sound.

The phone rang only a few times before the call was accepted.

"Jiminie," Yoongi said in a soft voice, feeling instantaneous relief.

"H-hyung!" Jimin said, sounding flustered. "I-I was just thinking about you," Jimin said softly, and Yoongi heard faint ruffling in the background. He must still be in bed, since it was only Sunday. Yoongi would also have still been in bed if duty hadn't called on him.

"Hopefully only promiscuous things?" Yoongi joked, and when Jimin didn't answer, Yoongi's face brightened. "Park Jimin, were you having dirty thoughts about me?" Yoongi spoke softly now, scared the customers might hear him. "Please tell me you were. Make my day." Jimin made a cute sound, as if he was having a serious internal struggle. He sounded extremely flustered, and Yoongi wished he could see Jimin's flushed face at that moment. Wait, he could. "Wait, Imma video call you." Before Jimin could even protest, Yoongi hung up and was busy video calling the younger. He half expected Jimin to decline, and was surprised when he did pick up.

His face was, indeed, red.

"Well, hello handsome," Yoongi said huskly, deciding to put his earphones in to keep what Jimin told him private. "Ah, much better. So, what were you thinking about?"

"I-I wasn't having any dirty thoughts, I swear! Well, maybe a few...I was thinking about Friday night...and then about the night we got know, how you uhh...t-touched me...and I know..." Jimin started stumbling over his words, which amused Yoongi to no end.

"Slow down, little one, before I cause you to have a heart attack. I get it, teenage boys get aroused." Yoongi said the next part very quietly into the headphone's speaker. "But next time you want to touch yourself, text me and I'll help."

Jimin's reaction was fucking priceless.

He made a small squealing sound, which, to the trained ear, sounded a bit like a moan. If Yoongi wasn't looking at Jimin's face, he would have been mistaken, but the Mochi dropped his phone the second Yoongi said that to hold both his hands to his face as he shook his head side to side. Yoongi got a very flattering view of Jimin's face from his lap's angle.

"Iwasnottouchingmyself!!! H-how... You can't make assumptions like that hyunggggggggg. I hate youuuuuu..."

Yoongi howled with laughter, some people in the café actually turning around to look at him. He smiled widely when Jimin picked the phone up again, his nostrils flaring adorbly. "Aaww, baby boy... I miss you so fucking much. Let's run away to Hawaii."

"Too hot," Jimin mumbled, still pouting and angry at Yoongi for getting him so flustered.

"Switzerland?" Yoongi enquired, aching to reach out and stroke Jimin's heated cheeks.

"Too cold," Jimin mumbled again, finally looking at his phone's screen again.

"Fine. Jin's back yard. Set up a tent there. Make scavenger runs into their house for food and bathroom privileges. They have wifi."

Jimin giggled softly. "Sounds just right. I think we do have a tent... I've never been camping before, though."

"Do I look like the type of guy who's gone camping before either?" Yoongi placed the phone hosted against a bottle of ketchup so that he wouldn't have to hold it any longer. He pulled his paperwork closer and repositioned his glasses on his nose's bridge."Well, I've slept on the streets before, but not by choice," his chuckle was a bit hollow, and Jimin just stared at him.

"Hyung, your past...I know it's something you don't want to talk about, but I want you to know that I won't be scared off or disgusted or whatever. I actually want to know." Jimin put his phone down as well, the phone's pop-socket helping. Yoongi had a lovely side-view of Jimin as he pulled his laptop unto his lap. "Shit, I have an assignment..."

Yoongi faked a gasp, looking down at his paperwork as he started filling it out. "Did you just say shit? Park Jimin, I'll have to punish you for using such profanity," a cheeky chuckle escaped his throat as he heard Jimin mumble angrily. "But yes, I'll talk when I'm ready. And same goes to you. We're dating, and I don't know about you but I don't actually know how to do this whole 'healthy relationship' thing. It's all alien to me."

Jimin hummed in agreement as he started typing on his laptop, faint music playing from the device. "Ah, I love this song." Jimin was quiet for a bit as he concentrated on his laptop. "I don't know, actually. I guess we just try and be like Namjoon-hyung and Jin-hyung. Supporting each other, being there for each other, and whatnot."

Yoongi snorted. "You don't want to be like them. They're hella kinky." Yoongi looked at the phone's screen as he reached for his cup of coffee to take a sip.

"Hey, who says I don't want to get hella kinky with you?"

Yoongi had to stop himself from spitting his coffee right back out. "You little shit," he growled with a smirk. "Don't say stuff like that."

Jimin looked confused for a moment before his face turned pink again. "I meant it as a joke! I-I didn't know you'd react this way!" His chubby hands ran over his face before he turned back to the screen. "By the way, what did Jihoon have to say?"

The ravenette shrugged, biting the end of his pen in concentration. "Nothing much. I might have a way of contacting my mom, though. I'll talk to you about it in person, though."

And, only two hours later (when Jimin had fallen asleep with his laptop on his lap), was Yoongi able to end the video call and swear under his breath, because his data was almost finished.

But Jimin was surely worth every megabyte.


Double update yayayayay.

I love you readers so, so much.

Remember that you're absolutely beautiful.

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