Mirror Image: A teen Wolf Fan...

By Kole_Stilinski24

935 21 2

A world where Scott and Stiles have female versions of them selves that they don't know exist. What happens w... More

Compulsive Texter
Start of the Season
Severed Arm
Parent Teacher- Cougar...
Stiles(Keys+Cars)= Oh No...
Not Dead
Dress Shopping
Last Stand
New Beta
Conflict of Interest
Trust Issues
Restraining Order
Something's in the Punch
Falling Down
A Plan
Road Kill
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 1 Cont.
Epilogue 2

Custody Battle

18 0 0
By Kole_Stilinski24

"I have to take this," Winnie said. Skyler glanced over to see her walk off. "Where are you," George asked. "My friend is sick I'm with her," Winnie said, "Why?" "Can you come home," he asked. "What's wrong," she asked. "Winnie we need to seriously sit down and talk. The court deemed me unfit we need to discuss your options," he said sounding hoarse. She knew he had been crying. "Ok, I'll head over in like five minutes if that's okay," she said quietly. "Okay," he replied. She just started out and Derek stopped her. "Where are you going," he asked. "Home. Some of us have lives outside of the supernatural," she replied and walked out.

"Oh what the hell is this," Sheriff asked his son. He had gone to hangout with his dad being Scott and Sky were stalking the kanima and Winnie vanished. "Veggie burger," Stiles said. "I almost prefer you wreaking havoc with Winnie at least she gets me real food," the sheriff said. "Yeah well she vanished on me today you're stuck with your actual son eating food to help you live longer," Stiles countered. "She didn't tell you," Stillinski asked. "Tell me what," Stiles asked. "Her brother lost the custody battle they have 30 days to have another family member file a case for her or she's going into state care," the sheriff asked. Stiles sunk in his seat. They sat in silence. "Well you going to tell me about what you found," Stiles asked. "Wha- Not. That's confidential," the sheriff replied. Stiles zoned out for the second half of the sentence as he noticed the board. "Is that it on the board right behind you," he asked his father who turned around.

"Don't look at that," Noah scolded his son. "K," Stiles said looking around the board. "Avert your eyes," Sheriff added. "Okay," Stiles said still contradicting his responses. "I see arrows, pointing to pictures," Stiles said. "Sto- ok ok fine. I found something," the sheriff said. Stiles had to restrain his excitement. "All three," he asked. "You know what I always say. One's an instant, two's coincidence," he recited. "Three's a pattern," Stiles finished. "The mechanic, the husband the wife all the same age, all 24," he shared. "But Lahey, Isaac's dad isn't anywhere near 24," Stiles pointed. "Which made me think his death wasn't connected or the age is a coincidence until I found this," he said handing his son a yearbook. They put together that Isaac had an older brother who died in combat but would be 24 today. "Sky is close to Isaac I can text her see if she knows anything or can ask. You know same age maybe same class," Stiles proposed. "I would have. Look I just got Lahey's file two hours ago," he defended. "Two hours? Dad people could be dying," Stiles snapped. "I'm aware of that thank you," the sheriff replied. They started to tear through year books and Stiles found they all went to Beacon Hills as a part of the class of 2006. "Same teacher," sherif said. "Harris," Stiles asked.

Winnie sat tapping her leg. "I have a favor I could call in," she said. "What do you mean," George asked. "I saved someone's life and told her what was going on and she genuinely meant she'd take me in if the worst happened. This is definitely the worst." "Who," George asked. "Lydia Martin," she said. George just sighed out sinking into his chair. "If this is what you want then okay, but you have to talk to aunt Jo and the Martins," he replied. He was just tired. "Ok," she said. The quiet resumed and she watched George leave. She called Lydia taking a deep breath. "Hello," Lydia asked. "Hey... It's Winnie. I wouldn't be asking this if I didn't have to, but you're my last hope of staying in Beacon Hills," Winnie said. Lydia switched into professional mode, "I'm picking you up in 30 minutes we'll go together to pick my mom up from work and discuss it over dinner at Cheesecake factory. I'll be damned if I let Beacon Hills lose Winnie Wizinski."

Skyler had sat in the back seat with Isaac after watching Jackson freak out the ticket sales woman in a fugue state. She had filled him in before Scott filled in Derek and rolled her eyes as they continued bickering. Derek was just as annoyed. "Does he really have to be here," Scott asked as they walked into the animal clinic. "I trust him," Derek said. "I don't trust him," Scott said. "He doesn't care," Isaac replied in third person. "Can you two stop bickering like an old married couple for more than five minutes," Skyler snapped. Both boys looked away like a guilty dog with its tail between its legs. "Deaton we need your help," Skyler said as the vet walked out. "That depends. Do you plan to kill him or save him," the vet asked. "Kill him," Derek said. "Save him," Skyler and Scott growled. "Save him," Scott reiterated.

They walked to the back and Sky watched as Derek grabbed Isaac's hand as he curiously reached for a jar. "Be careful what you touch," Derek hissed. Sky gave him a small smile before looking back to Deaton. Deaton picked up the mountain ash. Isaac rested on his elbows asking, "So what are you? Some kind of witch?" "No, I'm a veterinarian," Deaton said innocently. Sky smiled and laughed silently to herself. She looked as they explained it has no weakness except an inability to swim which makes no sense because Jackson is captain of the swim team. "Essentially you're trying to catch two people," Deaton said pulling out something to demonstrate, "A puppet and a puppeteer." "Why do I feel like I'm in school," Sky muttered. Derek whacked her upside the head. They pointed out the kanima and the controller both killed and Isaac pointed out that it could be part of the rules. "What if something that affects the kanima also affects the master," Deaton proposed. "Meaning what," Sky asked. "Meaning we can catch them, both of them," Scott explained.

The next day Stiles pulled up in the jeep ready to share what he found out with Scott when he froze seeing Winnie get out of Lydia Martin's car. He watched them exchange a few words as she spotted him and rushed over. "What is going on with you," he asked and noticed she had some makeup on. "I stayed the night at Lydia's and was woken up at 5 in the morning for her to get me ready I'll explain everything later," she said. He nodded quietly. "You okay," she asked. "Yeah just super surprised by the creature that resembles my friend in front of me," he replied. "Trust me I am too. I'm wearing actual pants instead of sweats," she pointed out. Scott had heard everything and was smirking at Stiles behind Winnie's back.

"There has to be another way to get tickets right," Sky asked continuing their previous conversation reading her friend. Winnie raised an eyebrow. "We think Jackson is going to strike at the rave tonight and the tickets sold out," Stiles said. "Go to Craig's list or find one and I can get a guy to make duplicates," Winnie proposed, "Or we sneak in." "That's what I said," Skyler proposed. "It's a secret show," Stiles pointed out and they whipped around. "Hey do any of you know why no one's getting suspended after what happened after school," Matt asked. "Forget about it nobody got hurt," Stiles cut in in. "I-I had a concussion," Matt stated. "No one got seriously hurt," Winnie corrected with a sweet smile. "I was in the er for six hours," Matt argued. "Ok do you want to know the truth Matt," Stiles started. "Oh no," Sky groaned. "Your little bump on the head is about this high on our list of problems right now," Stiles said dropping to the ground like one of his earliest interactions with Winnie. She smiled a bit at the memory. "Are you okay," Scott cut in. Skyler took Stiles and Winnie by the ears towards the building as they repeated, "Ow." "I don't like him," Stiles said as Scott caught up.

Winnie went back with Lydia still working out the kinks but Mrs. Martin had given the okay to adopt the girl she thought it would be good for Lydia to have someone to balance her out and felt it was the least she could do after the girl saved her daughter's life. "So Winnie's moving in with Lydia Martin," Stiles asked. "Don't look at me, even I didn't see this one coming," Sky said, "I never thought George would lose custody."  "Hey can you tell your boyfriend to chill the fuck out," Scott asked. "Isaac's not," Skyler started. "I never said Isaac," Scott smirked. "Well it sure as hell wasn't Derek and our main topic of conversation is the supernatural soo," Sky reasoned. "You like him," Stiles teased. "Not nearly as much as you like someone else we know," Skyler replied. Scott smiled at the monster he had created by getting them onto that topic.

They were talking about the night with Deaton and the vet gave them ketamine explaining it would buy them time. Deaton handed Stiles the mountain ash and said it was for Stiles and only Stiles. "That's kind of a lot of pressure," Stiles mentioned. Sky and Scott glared at Stiles as he asked not to have the task. Deaton explained how it worked and that Stiles needed to be the spark. "If you mean light myself on fire I think Skyler's a bit better suited for that," Stiles said. Deaton chuckled. "Let me try a different analogy," Deaton said and explained he needed to believe. It was intense and Skyler added, "Faith, trust, and pixie dust." "Stand in Winnie comment," Scott asked. She nodded proud of herself and they highfived as Stiles glared.

"What are you doing," Lydia asked suspiciously. "Getting ready to go meet Stiles," Winnie said throwing her hair up. "Like a date," Lydia asked sitting on her new housemate's bed. "No! Not a date. We're going to go research something to try and anonymously help his dad with a case," Winnie explained. "So like a date for two incredibly socially awkward teens," Lydia said. "No," Winnie said shaking her head. "If anything happens I want details," she pressed. "Nothing will happen," Winnie called after her as she left. She felt more at home the past 24 hours than the last 7 years of her life. The Martin house was still big but it felt cozy and she didn't feel worlds apart from the people she lived with. She really wanted this to work out. She grabbed her phone and said, "I should be back before like 11," Winnie said popping her head into Lydia's room. "Okay, mom's lawyer is getting back to us 11:30 so we can watch the office until they call. You can invite Skyler, but no boy past 11 when mom's home," Lydia replied pulling her hair up to put on a face mask. "Gotcha," Winnie said and left.

She pulled in and saw Stiles looked really upset. Sky and Scott were eyeing him worried. Sky just shook her head. "So we're on door duty," Winnie asked Stiles. He nodded quietly. "What? Are we going to go gardening," She asked at the sight of the mountain ash. "It's mountain ash," Stiles said quietly. "It's dusty," she said in a goofy voice trying to cheer him. "I hate to be an ass but I'm really not in the mood," Stiles admitted. She looked at him surprised. "What happened," she asked worried. He shook his head and started struggling with the bag before getting frustrated with himself. She just gently held his hands to stop him from hurting himself. "I can't do anything right," he he muttered. "Where the hell is this coming from," she asked opening the bag with her camping knife. "I jus- I mess up everything. My dumb idea got Scott bit, my dumb idea caused George to lose the custody battle and my dad's job," he snapped, "I can't do this."

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