Mirror Image: A teen Wolf Fan...

By Kole_Stilinski24

935 21 2

A world where Scott and Stiles have female versions of them selves that they don't know exist. What happens w... More

Compulsive Texter
Start of the Season
Severed Arm
Parent Teacher- Cougar...
Stiles(Keys+Cars)= Oh No...
Not Dead
Dress Shopping
Last Stand
New Beta
Conflict of Interest
Trust Issues
Custody Battle
Something's in the Punch
Falling Down
A Plan
Road Kill
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 1 Cont.
Epilogue 2

Restraining Order

11 0 0
By Kole_Stilinski24

They locked up Jackson and Winnie complained, "This is a bad idea. Like really bad. Like probably our worst." "You got a better one," Stiles asked. "Uhhh ignoring it until it goes away," Winnie proposed. "Not an option," Skyler said. Winnie's leg was bouncing as Stiles went in the back of the prison transport van. Skyler was texting Danny to see if he was okay and Isaac to try and buy time. "Any luck with Isaac," Scott asked. "He's trying but you know Derek," Skyler replied. Scott nodded. Stiles walked out frustrated. "He won't listen to me," Stiles said. "Give me your phone," Winnie said. "What," he asked. "Trust me," Winnie pleaded. He sighed handing it over and she walked to the van. She opened it.

"Stiles," Jackson fumed. "Try again," Winnie said. "You actually believe this bullshit," Jackson asked. "I'm the one that figured out this bullshit," Winnie said. He raised an eyebrow. "Kanima killed the mechanic in front of me and Stiles. This is the time he called 911," she said showing Jackson Stiles's call log. "So," Jackson asked. "It was the night of the full moon," she said and pulled up  the video on her phone. "Luckily I didn't have time to delete it yet, but..." she trailed off and pulled up the time stamp and played it. "Time loop is during that time," she said. "So," he asked. "Also last night when we were all at Scott's we knew it was either you or Lydia. The kanima was on the roof when Lydia joined the rest of us having both Lydia and the kanima in the same place at the same time, but you were missing. Jackson you didn't become a werewolf you became a lizard that's been murdering people," she reasoned. Jackson got defensive and snapped, "I actually thought you were smart!" "Oh my god. Jackson you ignorant slut! I'm trying to help you," she snapped and got out slamming the door. "He's a lost cause kill him," Winnie fumed. She's been putting her ass on the line for him, for what!? So what if they find out at this point? Fuck it. Stiles smiled proudly. "I'm going to school, don't get caught," Winnie said leaving with Skyler. They had practice after school today and needed to attend at least two classes for after school activities.

"What the hell did you guys do," Isaac asked. "What do you mean," Skyler asked. "The cops were called Skyler. Jackson was reported missing. "I told him not to send the text," Winnie complained. "Oh my god," Isaac muttered, "You kidnapped him?" "We had to stop him and Derek was trying to kill him," Skyler defended. "I told you guys it was a bad idea," Winnie said. "Now is not the time," Skyler said. "Now is exactly the time," Winnie said pulling her phone out texting like the world was ending. "What are you doing," Isaac asked. "Warning Stiles," Winnie said as if it was obvious. The bell went off and they split up again. "I'm leaving," Winnie said. "You can't we have practice," Skyler said. Winnie half ass fake coughed, "Oooo I'm sick." "Keep his ass out of jail," Skyler said.

Winnie saluted and made a scene forcing herself to pass out. They let her out for the day and George took  her home worried. "I'm so sorry I have to go back to work," he stressed. "It's ok I'll be fine," she said. He nodded and hugged her before leaving. She waited for his car to leave and snuck out trekking through the woods texting Stiles to find him. "I thought you were in school," Allison said. "I forced myself to pass out so they sent me home," she explained. "What the hell is wrong with you," Stiles asked. "We don't have the time to go down that rabbit hole. Also I told you so," she replied.

Skyler realized she was the only one still in school by the last period and Lydia had been talking her ear off all day being she was the only one left to listen. "And then he tried to kiss me," Lydia went on about the boy she's been flirting with. "See you don't need the douchebag," Skyler pointed out. "I guess you were right," Lydia replied. "Hey I have to go to art catch up with you later okay," Sky said. Lydia nodded.

Scott met Winnie, Allison, and Stiles explaining the tablet was stolen. "He went after Danny instead of me because Danny actually retrieved the lost footage," Winnie realized. "Yeah and if he doesn't remember being the kanima he definitely won't remember stealing the tablet," Scott pointed out. "Why would he steal it if he doesn't even know what's on it," Stiles asked. "What if someone else took it," Allison asked. "Someone else," Scott asked. "Maybe someone's protecting him," Winnie said. "Well yeah the kanima seeks a friend. It's like the bestiary said," Allison pointed out. "Okay so someone sees Jackson making a home video," Stiles started and Winnie zoned out. She had an idea. "What if it was the kid who gave Jackson the camera? He'd be the only other one with access to the footage. He wouldn't know about me knowing either because Jackson and I kept our research to ourselves," Winnie pointed out. "Maybe," Allison said.

Scott pointed out that it didn't actually try to kill them and that it was trying to keep them in. They kept bickering and Winnie bit her tongue as they kept going at it. Skyler joined after lacrosse and Winnie had to run home before George got back. "Hey I'm going to go meet with Isaac and try to find out what Derek told them about the kanima," Skyler told Scott and Allison. They nodded and she walked off. "Hey," she said seeing him. "Hey," he replied. "You okay," Isaac asked. She nodded. "I'm sorry I haven't been able to do much with Derek," he apologized as they sat. "It's okay. I know you've been trying. Thank you," she said. "It was the least I could do after totally fucking up," he said. "I'm sorry for being so hard on you. I- I saw the basement. I get why you did it now. Why didn't you tell me it was so bad," she asked. "I didn't want you to worry. You have enough on your plate. I wanted to be strong for you," he admitted. "What happened to you're not alone," she asked. Isaac chuckled sadly, "Do as I say not as I do."

"So you need help with the kanima," he asked to change the subject. "Yeah uh. We're ahead on the person side of the kanima but we think Derek may know more about the creature itself. If we're going to stop him we need to understand both halves," Skyler explained. "You want to know what Derek told us about it," he asked. "Yeah I can fill you in on what Winnie found out," she offered. "I think it's better I don't know so Derek can't try to pry it out of me. He's kind of," Isaac trailed off. "Intense," she asked. He chuckled, "That's being generous," he replied. She smiled in reply, laughing. "Yeah," she replied.

Winnie made it back out as Stiles picked her up to "study". They walked over and saw the busted up transport van. "Oh you have got to be kidding me," Stiles said. Winnie watched him rush over to the car and knocked on the window. Scott and Allison walked out and Stiles pointed out their issue. "I have to tell my father," Allison said. They were all quiet. "Scott, I have to tell him. He's going to kill someone," Allison pointed out. "Tell him. Tell him everything," Scott said. "I have to tell mine too," Stiles said. "This is all my fault," Scott said. Allison tried to defend him. "We're just a bunch of teenagers," Allison said. Winnie bit her tongue wanting to cut in. "To be fair, sure we're just teenagers, but the adults don't have the same abilities we do," Winnie pointed out. They all shot her a look. "What? How are we even supposed to convince the not Argents of this shit anyways," Winnie asked. "They'll believe me," Scott said flashing his eyes. Winnie went with them to the station to talk to Noah.

They walked in and froze seeing Jackson and his dad with the sheriff. "Perfect timing. Have you three met Jackson's father. Mr. David Whittemore Esquire," Sheriff asked. "That means lawyer," Jackson said with a smirk. "We know what it means dou-hmmmm," Winnie started cutting herself off. They sat down at a table and per usual Winnie had her leg bouncing. She was thinking back to the news that he was being controlled. The Sheriff read off not being allowed within 50 feet of him. "That's one that only applies to the two of you," Sheriff said to Stiles and Scott. Winnie looked up confused before glancing at the table. She was trying to reason who'd want those people dead and why the victims were picked. "The rest apply," he said and read off on verbal, psychological, and physical harassment. "What if he says something really stupid and it slips? Or what if he assaults me first," Winnie asked. "He wouldn't he's the victim," his father said. "Tell that to the years of bullying," she remarked. "Winnie," George hissed. She clenched her jaw looking to her lap.

"What about school," Stiles asked. "You can still attend classes while attempting to maintain a 50 foot distance," his dad said. "Ok another question, What if we both have to pee but there's only one bathroom and the only available stalls are right next to each other," Stiles added. His dad just glared as Winnie bit her lip to keep from chuckling. Scott was keeping his head down to refrain from pissing his mom off further. "I'll just hold it," Stiles answered his own question.

"MIRECZKA! What were you thinking," George demanded as Stiles was pulled out. "I'm sorry George," she apologized. "I thought you were at home! What the hell were you thinking? Doing this before I had custody fully signed over," he demanded and his voice raised, "Do you understand that the state could take you away or you could be sent to aunt Jo in Maine?" "George I know," she replied holding back tears. Melissa took Scott out to give them some privacy. "Then why did you do it," he asked. She looked away trying to think it over. She couldn't tell him. She just looked back and shrugged. He sighed and shook his head before snapping, "Talk to me!" She wiped her eyes and just looked down at the table. "Fine if you don't want to talk we won't talk. I'm leaving, you either come with me now or figure it out for yourself since you clearly don't care what happens to yourself anymore," he said looking away to hide his face. She stayed seated and he left.

Stiles left his conversation with his dad and had just gotten through most of his interactions with the McCalls as Melissa said, "Then no Stiles." "What? No Stiles," he asked and she startled him as she rose her voice, "NO STILES!" He watched Melissa tear Scott a new asshole and knew how much it was killing her. He still had to warn his friend not to tell his mother. "I'm the worst son ever," Scott said. "I'm not winning any awards any time soon either," Stiles said looking at his dad heart broken. How did super heroes always do this? "Where's Winnie," Stiles asked. "Last I saw she was arguing with George," Scott said. "Is she still here," Stiles asked. Scott listened for a second and Stiles got worried as his face dropped. "What," he asked worried. "She didn't leave she's in the bathroom. She's crying," Scott said. Stiles's heart dropped. "Apparently George wasn't signed custody yet. There's a chance the state could see him as an unfit guardian because of this... because of us," Scott said. "Fuck," Stiles muttered. They watched Jackson's dad yell at the Sheriff.

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