By Msmarv28

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When Angelique Savant, a quiet, unassuming foster kid with a genius IQ is found not guilty of attempting to m... More



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By Msmarv28

The next time I come to, I lay face to face with Jacob's mauled corpse. And I don't know what happened after I blacked out. All I know is he's now covered in blood, and he's been mauled. Just like Michael and Emily.

Sitting up, I clasp a hand to my head.

It aches something awful.

I feel dizzy, but I need to make my way to a road to get help.

Staggered to my feet, I look for my backpack. But I don't know which direction I came from. So, I stumble around for a few minutes before I find it.

The sun is up, but it's cold out, and I'm shivering. Gathering my strength, I move a short way across the field before I pass out again.

The next time I come to, I climb to my feet again and make it as far as I can before I end up collapsing again. But there seems to be no end to the marshy woods around me. As I lay there in the grass staring up at the sky, wondering if I'm going to die in this field, I start hearing things.


Forcing myself to my feet, I will myself forward. But I can feel myself losing consciousness again, and I don't want to spend another night alone in the dark.

That's when I finally feel something hard beneath my feet, and realize I've reached pavement. Looking up, I see two familiar faces not too far from me.

Elizabeth and Anna.

They're frantically looking around everywhere. And yelling my name.

They're searching for me.

"Anna," I try to scream. But it comes out more like a croak because my voice is too hoarse.

They're moving so fast I can't catch up to them. And my eyes are starting to close. But before I hit the ground, someone catches me.

I try to fight off the person behind me, but I pass before I can.

It seems like forever before I'm able to open my eyes again. When I do, I'm greeted by blinding lights and an annoying beeping sound.

"Angelique," Sebastian calls my name. "Angelique, can you hear me?"

"Where am I?" I ask. Groggily.

"The hospital."

"Ugh," I groan. "My head is killing me. And what's wrong with my right eye?"

I can't open it.

Sebastian digs in his jacket for something, and hands me a small mirror.

My mirror.

I look into it, and the sight that confronts me is horrifying. My eye is swollen shut and my face is badly bruised.

"Do you remember what happened to you?" Anna asks.

She's standing on the opposite side of my bed, and I didn't even see her.


"Angelique!" Aunt Sarah cries. Rushing to my bedside.

"What happened? Are you alright? Who did this to you?" Uncle Cliff questions me.


"She can't remember," Sebastian informs them.

"My face hurts," I grimaced.

"We found a dead body in the woods where you were?" A masculine voice tells me. Stepping up to my bedside and shooing everyone away. A glance at his badge and uniform tells me he's a cop. "Does the Name Jacob Kyle mean anything to you?"

"He's in some of my classes," I reply. Trying hard to remember.

"Were you and Jacob involved in any way? We found your DNA on his body, and we have evidence that he might have been the one to do that to your face," the officer tells me.

Suddenly, a flash of me running through the field flashes through my mind. Someone was chasing me. And then that someone became Jacob. He tackles me to the ground and starts hitting me.

"Are you okay? Do you remember something?" Aunt Sarah asks.

"It was Jacob. He followed me from the library. Only, I didn't know it or who he was at first. I got scared, started running, and he chased me. Tackling me to the ground and dragging me into the woods. He wouldn't stop hitting me and I blacked out," I recalled.

"We're very familiar with Jacob's work. He's not a nice guy. The last girl he did this to left town and her family didn't want to press charges," the officer tells me. "Did you see anybody else there last night? Because someone did a number on him."

"No. I passed out after the first few blows to my face," I shake my head.

A nurse comes into the room to press some buttons on the machine next to me. Then she examines me while the officers ask me more questions. I try my best to answer, but knowing I look like I just lost a boxing match, and Sebastian is here watching me... I feel a little self-conscious. My hair is all over the place, my face is puffy, and I'm sure I could probably use a toothbrush.

"I want to go home," I announce to no one in particular.

"You can't go home yet, Angelique. We have to make sure you're well first," Aunt Sarah tells me.

"I feel dirty, and I ache all over. I just want to go to sleep."

"You found her?" Samuel rushes over to me. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I just want to sleep," I assure him.

The nurse places a cold pack against my eye, and I wince from the pain.

"You look like crap," Samuel points out.

There was no way anyone could be this insensitive. Samuel is either an idiot, or he's trying to make me uncomfortable on purpose.

"I'm not in the mood for you right now," I wave him away.

"Oh, come on. I'm not that bad," he winks.

"And you are?" Aunt Sarah eyeballs him and Sebastian.

"Samuel Demonti."

She looks to Sebastian next.

"Sebastian Christiani."

Satisfied, Aunt Sarah turns her attention back to me.

"What were you doing at the library? And why didn't you call us to let us know so someone could come pick you up?"

"I needed to do research for an assignment, and I lost track of time. By the time I looked up, you guys were all at choir rehearsal, and no one was home when I called," I answered.

"You could have called me," Sebastian levels me with a look.

"And why would I do that?" I snap at him.

Aunt Sarah picks up on the tension between the two of us and smiles. My hostility towards him has betrayed me more than I wanted it to.

"About yesterday...I-"

"It's forgotten."

I knew my reaction to him would be yet another betrayal, but I can't stop myself. And now Sebastian has this huge smirk on his face.

"Does this mean you're not coming to my party?" He asks.

"Not like this," I scoff. "Besides, I didn't want to go anyway."

"That's too bad. It's not really going to be a party without you."

"All right," Uncle Cliff tells them. "Visiting hours are over for you kids. Go home to your parents."

Samuel, Sebastian, and Elizabeth say their goodbyes and leave. And as soon as they do, Aunt Sarah wastes no time diving into the Sebastian subject.

"What's the story with you and Sebastian?" She asks.

"Other than the fact that he's a jerk? Nothing."

"He seemed nice to me."

"It's a long story," I sigh.

I looked over at Anna who's upset about something. But when I flash her a warm smile, she seems relieved.

"So, you and this Sebastian kid... you're not interested in him, are you?" Aunt Sarah continues her investigation into my love life.

"No... I don't know," I shrug.

"Uh huh."

"Your aunt and I feel it would probably be best if we got you a cell phone. And maybe even a car. Your mother left you some money so you shouldn't have a problem paying for it," Uncle Cliff tells me.

"My mom left me money?" I frown.

"Yes. You can't really touch it until you graduate from College, but as your guardians we have access to a certain amount to make sure you get everything you need."

"So, I can get a car?" I smile.

"Nothing too fancy," Sarah nods.

I'm happy and yet sad all at once. My parents did so much in preparation for my arrival, and yet I know nothing about them. For the longest time, I thought they'd abandoned me. And I spent most of my childhood hating them. Now that I know they're dead, I feel horrible about all the mean things I've said about them.

Later that night I was sent home. But I'm mortified to see my attack made the local news. And the police asked for information from anyone who might have seen what happened. Even though I knew for a fact no one else was there. Only the blood that has haunted me all my life. Following me everywhere I went.

I'm happy to be back in my own room. But as I lay down in my bed, I began to wonder why Jacob would suddenly want to hurt me. Only, my thoughts are interrupted by a light tapping sound on my window.

With my heart racing, I'm hesitant to go to my window and check it out. But the tapping starts again. So, I walk over to the window and slowly pulled the curtain back to find a smiling Sebastian sitting outside my bedroom window.

How does he even know where I live?

Placing my finger to my lips, I signal for him to be quiet and opened my bedroom window. He climbs inside my room with a backpack on his back and a boyish smile.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper to him. "How do you know where I live?"

"I figured if you couldn't come to the party, I would bring the party to you," he winks.

"I'm not talking to you," I folded my arms across my chest. "How do I know you're not going to start being a jerk to me again?"

"I didn't mean to be rude. It's just... I'm kind of in the middle of something, and I'm pressed for time," he apologizes to me for the third time. "I'm searching for something that takes precedence over everything."

"I'll accept this one last apology from you, but this is the last time. You push me away again and that's it," I warn him.


Sebastian's smiles and I hate what his smile does to me. It's so magnetic. And it commands my attention, leaving me powerless to refuse him. Which leads to me this tiny revelation...

I'm interested in Sebastian.

And there's no denying it anymore.

My only problem is Sebastian is impossible to figure out. And given my current situation, dating isn't in the cards. I would hate it if something happened to him because of me.

Taking his laptop out of his backpack, Sebastian calls someone on his cell phone. Then he logs into a website, and suddenly, I can see Anna and Tessa having the time of their lives. Pointing the camera at people and giving commentary.

"We have to be quiet," I whisper to Sebastian. "If my aunt finds you up here, I'll be grounded for life."

"I'll be quiet," he promises. "How do you feel?"

"Well, the painkillers they prescribed are amazing. So, I feel great," I chuckle.

Sebastian motions for me to sit next to him on my bed, but I freeze. Because it's just dawned on me that we're alone in my bedroom. I've never even had a guy in my bedroom before. I've never had a first kiss or held hands with a guy before, either.

"Is something wrong?" He asks.

"Why are you here?"

"I thought we covered that."

"Yes, but why are you being so nice to me?" I asked.

"If you want me to, I'll leave," he replies.

Which isn't an answer to my question.

Sebastian stands up to disassemble everything and leave. But I feel stupid for overreacting now. Because having him here is a lot better than being alone.

"Wait. Don't go. I really don't want to be alone," I sigh. "I appreciate what you've done for me. It's just... I'm not used to male company. I don't know how to act around you."

"Oh," he laughs. "Look, I'm not here to make you fall in love with me. I just want to do something nice for you after everything you've been through. I guess I feel like it was partially my fault. If I wouldn't have upset you, you might have called me for a ride."

"So, you're here out of guilt."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No," I shake my head.

Just disappointing.

Why did I choose now to pay attention to the male species?

And why him?

Nervously, I sit down next to him, and we watched everyone at the party on his laptop. I also can't help but notice how good he smells. He smells like cinnamon and like fresh ginger. His scent is almost therapeutic.

Sitting here laughing with him, I think it's cool of Sebastian to bring the party to me. I don't know when it happened, but at some point, I fall asleep in his arms.

The following Saturday morning, I wake up around five and wipe the sleep from my eyes. But there's something heavy draped over me. And a look to my side tells me it's an arm.

I follow the arm to its owner, and realized Sebastian is still here. He opens his eyes to meet my gaze and I freak out. Aunt Sarah could walk in at any moment. And I'd be toast. On the other hand, I'm feeling that pull to him again, and I think he feels it too.

His eyes moved from mine to my lips, and he looks just as flustered as I am. Then he quickly sits up like he's on fire, breaking eye contact, and climbs to his feet.

"I'll see you at school," he tells me.

Then he opens me bedroom window and leaps out. Giving me a heart attack. A loud swooshing sound, like a sheet being whipped to straighten it out, startles me. And a breeze blows me back from the window a few steps. Worried for Sebastian, I rush to the window to check on him. But he's gone. And a shiver runs up my spine.

How did Sebastian even get up here? I wondered.

Even though it's early, I'm awake now. And I don't feel like lying down. Instead, I put on some warm clothes and head out into the woods. It's been a while since I've played with my abilities, and this is the perfect opportunity to do it.

After picking a secluded spot, I close my eyes and slip into a focused state. Raising my hand over the ground, palm down, leaves began to raise from the ground. But a flash of Emily standing in the middle of leaves flash through my mind. Breaking my concentration. And the leaves fall back to the ground.

A small brown object a few feet away catches my attention. The local fish and game missed a small bird.

It's lying on its back with its feet in the air, and I cup it in my hands. Allowing the energy inside me to reach my fingertips.

My fingertips glow an orange-reddish color for a few seconds. Then they dim and I feel the birds heart began to beat again. I toss the bird in the air, and smile as it takes flight.

I've never healed or revived anything from the dead before. And I wish I too were a bird that could just fly away from everything. But then I think about Sebastian and wonder if he'll still be his warm self. Or if he'll be cold when I saw him at school on Monday. That's when the crumpling of leaves behind me breaks my concentration. And I hide behind a tree. Waiting for whoever it is to appear. I'm surprised to see Aunt Sarah in her robe, looking for me.

"Angelique!" She calls out to me.

"Over here," I come out of my hiding place.

"What are you doing out here?"

"I just needed to be alone."

"Well, do me a favor and want to be alone in your room, where I don't have to worry. Okay sweetheart," she smiles worriedly at me. "You'll catch your death out here."

"Yes ma'am," I nod.

I follow her back to the house where I glance at the clock. It's nine-seventeen.

Where in the world did the time go?

Was I really out there for that long?

"Good morning, Thelma. I heard you made a run for it," Alex teases.

"I didn't... I just took a walk out back," I explain.

"Relax, Angel. It was just a joke."

"How was your night?" Anna asks. "Your eye looks like it's almost healed. That was fast."

"My night was fun, I guess," I smile.

"Really? What happened?"

Anna knows exactly what I was up to. So, why is she pretending not to know? I'm starting to get the feeling she has a problem with me spending time with Sebastian.


Simply thinking his name provokes smiles from me. And as much as I hate to admit it, I've fallen under the same spell every other girl at Emerald Academy has fallen under. Sebastian has grown on me, and I'm starting to like him more than I cared to admit.

I sit down at the kitchen table to eat breakfast and Anna joins me a few minutes later. Rolling her eyes at me.

"Here you go," Aunt Sarah hands me a phone.

"For me?" I smile.

"Yes, for you. Top of the line," she chuckles.


"When do I get an iPhone?" Anna asks.

"When you can afford one," Aunt Sarah answers.

Anna rolls her eyes and storms out of the room. Aunt Sarah ignores her and hands me a plate of food that I waste no time devouring.

I wondered what Anna's problem is.

Rather than allow this to go on further, I talk to her as soon as I'm done eating. And I'm outside her door when I hear her on the phone. So, I wait. Not wanting to interrupt.

"I can't wait until she turns eighteen and leaves. Did you know Sebastian spent the night in her room? What a slut. She knows I like him, but she just had to have him for herself. Oh, and get this, my mom bought her a friggin iPhone! Meanwhile, I'm stuck with this three-year-old phone that doesn't even do picture messaging," Anna complains to someone about me. "At first I thought having her here would be like having a sister. But now I just hate her face."

Those are some powerful words.

I didn't know Anna felt that way about me, but I did know she liked Sebastian. I mean... who doesn't. Yet, the more I listen to Anna talk crap about me, the more I fear I'll lose the only family I've ever known. When Deborah got this way, within weeks she gave me back to the state.

Only, where would I go?

I have no car, and no real friends. Other than Sebastian.

Is he really the only person I can count on?

He isn't even a stable friend. Depending on what he's going through at any given moment.

I also hate disappearing on Aunt Sarah as much as I hate depending on people. But I need to get out of here. I've never felt more unwanted in my life. 

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