Addicted | Yoonmin✔

By prespoverty

29.3K 1.7K 703

"I could easily get addicted to you, Park Jimin." - In which Yoongi, a recovering drug addict, finds solace i... More

|fourteen . two|
|Fifteen . two|
|nineteen . two|
|twenty one|
|twenty three|
|twenty four|
|twenty five|
|twenty six|
|twenty seven|
|twenty eight|
|twenty nine|
|thirty one|
|thirty two|
|thirty two . two|
|thirty three|
|thirty four|
|thirty four. two|
|thirty five|
|thirty six|
|thirty seven|
|thirty eight|
|thirty nine|
|thirty nine . two|
| character q&a |
|forty one|
|forty two|
|forty two . two|
|forty three|
|forty four|
|forty five|
|welp i was tagged|
|forty six|
|future works and fun facts|
|extra : marriage texts|
|extra: lovesick|
|extra: first love|

|twenty two|

498 28 8
By prespoverty

His hand in his,
He became his tomorrows


Yoongi didn't return the kiss as enthusiastically as Jimin had initiated it. Yoongi held Jimin by his waist, kissing gently to let him know. Jimin pulled away, pouting slightly when he saw the older man's eyebrow cocked up. "What was that about?" Yoongi asked, letting go of Jimin and walking to the corner of the small balcony to light his cigarette. Jimin stood against the railing, looking at the city beneath him.

"My mom just wanted to know where I am. She's just worried," Jimin smiled at Yoongi, who looked unconvinced. Jimin's smile faltered a bit and looked away, not wanting to tell Yoongi the whole story. He didn't want to tell Yoongi the truth, about how his mom called him worthless and how she's going to take his stepfather's side when he came home. Jimin was used to being a punching bag, both at home and at school, and he could deal with it. Yoongi will probably march over and punch Jimin's stepdad. Besides, it wasn't so bad.

"Text her and tell her I'll bring you home now. I anyways have to take Taekook home too. Shit, I mean Tae and Jungkook. Fucking shipnames." Yoongi shook his head, his elbows leaning on the balcony's railing, his head dangling between his arms. "She said something to upset you?"

Shit. Jimin sometimes forgets that his boyfriend is great with him. "She just sounded a bit worried, hyung. You know how mothers-..." Jimin immediately bit his lip, refusing to finish his sentence. He regretted saying that, knowing how Yoongi gets when it comes to the topic of mothers. Or rather, the topic of family in general. "My family is Namjoon and Jin. Fuck, even Hoseok. They're all I have. I don't need my mother, and my absent father was never a bother". Jimin looked at Yoongi with wide, sorry eyes, but Yoongi wasn't looking back at him.

"My mother never worried. Look what happened to me. I don't want to make your mom mad, not while you still have her." Yoongi said softly, his cigarette dangling between his two fingers.

If only he knew... Jimin thought. Well, he could tell Yoongi...but not tonight. Jimin walked over and embraced his boyfriend from behind, his arms holding unto him tightly. Yoongi sighed, killing the cigarette by pressing it down in an ashtray and turning around afterwards. He held unto Jimin, stroking his cotton candy hair. Jimin breathed in Yoongi's scent of menthol cigarettes, cheap cologne and coffee. His favourite smell in the world.

"I guess you're right, hyung..." Jimin took a deep breath and looked at Yoongi, smiling bright. Yoongi's face softened and he pecked his boyfriend's nose. Yoongi never kissed Jimin after smoking, even when Jimin says he wouldn't care and that kisses are kisses. Jimin and Yoongi then entered the livingroom again.

"Kids, we have to go take you home," Yoongi said, and that earned a pout from both Taehyung and Jungkook. Taehyung got up and pulled Jungkook up swiftly, and the three youngest bid farewell to their hyungs before exiting with Yoongi.

The drive back was quiet, with Taehyung and Jungkook sleeping in the back and Jimin scrolling through his Instagram while Yoongi's hand remained on Jimin's thigh (Yoongi has never been so thankful for automatic cars). Except for Jimin telling Yoongi about a lame meme every now and again, they didn't want to wake the sleeping babies in the back. However, after they had been dropped off, was when Jimin started becoming mischevious.

Jimin's hand was on Yoongi's thigh this time, but Yoongi didn't pay a lot of attention to it. Jimin must have just picked up on Yoongi's habit of wanting to hold the younger's thigh. "Hyung, can you take a longer route? I just want to drive around a little bit," Jimin asked innocently, his fingers running up and down Yoongi's jean-clad thigh. Yoongi nodded, deciding to drive through the sleepy neighbourhood. However, Jimin had other plans in mind.

Jimin's hand started to travel dangerously high on Yoongi's thigh. He kept running his chubby hand up and down his thigh, and kept going higher and higher. Yoongi's grip on the steering wheel tightened significantly, the whites of his knuckles showing. He bit down on his lip when Jimin's fingers grazed his zipper, and he let out a muffled groan when he applied a bit of pressure to his hardening member. "God fucking damn it. Park Jimin if you don't stop right now, we'll get into a fucking accident." Yoongi muttered as he pried Jimin's hand away.

Jimin was feeling especially bratty and giggled mischievously. He leaned forward, whispering into Yoongi's ear. "Sorry, Yoongi..." Jimin sat back, and Yoongi bit his lip again. The innocent look on Jimin's face, along with his own arousal, might drive him to do something insane.

"Not in the car, baby," Yoongi said gently, however Jimin was having none of it as he placed his hand on Yoongi's thigh again.

"I kind of like seeing you flustered, Yoongi~" Jimin purred. Yoongi cocked his eyebrow up. He hasn't seen this side of Jimin since that night they got together. The other times they kissed, Jimin got flustered easily and acted all cute and fluffy, but this is the first time Jimin has been acting out in a sexual way since then.

"Hyung. It's Hyung." Yoongi instructed, not wanting to let it be known that he has a slight hyung kink (that might be derived from his previous relationship with Jihoon, but if the entire world went around trying to figure out their kinks, nobody would be having sex anymore).

"Mmhh? What did you say, Yoongi?" Jimin asked on purpose. Yoongi inhaled deeply when Jimin's fingers ran across his abdomen, his fingertips slipping inside his jeans a bit.

"H-hyung. It's hyung to you, little one." Yoongi said as he parked the car somewhere dark.

"And what about...oppa?" Jimin bit his lip shyly after he said this. Jimin then looked at Yoongi, confused, but his expression quickly lightened up when Yoongi pulled Jimin unto his lap to kiss him.


When Yoongi and Jimin finally arrived at Jimin's home, Jimin was all giggly and Yoongi was trying to wipe his smile off his face. Their hair was a mess, their clothes wrinkled and Jimin wasn't wearing underwear.

"Hyung, I've never been more thankful for wearing sweatpants. Jeans would have hurt a lot, not wearing underwear and all." Jimin said as Yoongi held the car's door open for him and he stepped out. They were parked outside of Jimin's house.

Yoongi snorted. "I'm also thankful. Sweatpants works best when dry-humping." Jimin blushed, hiding his face in his hands and, just like that, Jimin was Jiminie again. Yoongi's innocent little one. Yoongi smiled endearingly as he kissed his boyfriend's cheek swiftly before getting his clothing bag and school bag.

Friction. Hands running all over each other. Tongues intertwined in a battle of dominance, which Jimin was happy to lose, but he continued to put up a fight just to entertain Yoongi. Hips rolling as their crotches pressed together deliciously. Small whimpers and moans as Yoongi traced sloppy kisses down Jimin's throat. The car windows were steamed up.

And a loud moan tore through the night as Jimin messed his pants, soon becoming embarrassed. "I...I came?" He looked surprised, and Yoongi could only laugh softly as he pecked his boyfriend's nose.

"Take your underwear off and put it in that plastic bag. I'll wash it at home."

"What? And arrive home without underwear?" Jimin asked, his cheeks flaring up. This caused Yoongi to smirk.

"Never gone commando before? Aish, little one. Well, that's better than having your mom come across your cum-covered undies."

Jimin and Yoongi walked up the small pathway to Jimin's home, Jimin becoming quieter as they neared the door. His posture stiffened and his giggles died down, his face instead becoming quite emotionless. Yoongi frowned at this and stopped Jimin just before he was going to unlock the front door. Yoongi looked around, made sure no one was looking, before taking Jimin's chin between his fingers and placing a sweet kiss to his lips. This caused Jimin's face to brighten.

"Good night, little one," Yoongi whispered as he embraced Jimin, and Jimin smiled widely, subtly kissing the exposed hickeys on Yoongi's neck. Yoongi loved his hickeys, having a bit of a hickey kink as well. The ones from that night had been fading, but Jimin replaced them with new ones tonight. Yoongi didn't care who saw his, and seemed to wear them like badges of honour. Jimin silently wondered if it wasn't because of a past relationship. Yoongi seems more like the type to like to make hickeys, not wear them.

"Good night, hyung. Thanks for tonight. I owe you twice now," Jimin giggled, and Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Idiot, I do that because I want to. No such thing as owing me." Yoongi let go when Jimin opened the door and peeked around inside, finding all the lights to be off.

"They seem to be asleep, hyung. You can leave," Jimin smiled sweetly, and he saw the look of hesitation in Yoongi's eyes. Yoongi had wanted to apologise to Jimin's parents for having caused Jimin to be late. "Hyung, I'm fine. They'll probably just ground me or something, you know?" Jimin's smile widened when Yoongi huffed and pecked his cheek. "Goodnight. Go back to your friends and sleep in your own apartment."

Yoongi's eyes widened. "Shit! They're still at the apartment! Fuck we've been gone for a while! See you, Jiminie!" Yoongi waved as he jogged off to the car, swearing as he checked his phone for messages.

Jimin giggled as he waved Yoongi goodbye before entering the house and and locking the door behind him. Jimin leaned against the close door, feeling his heart fluttering excitedly. He doesn't know what came over him tonight, but he wasn't regretting it. His body was still tingling deliciously, and his hips were nice and warm. He had a fun day, but his body was swore and he just wanted to sleep.

It's strange, Jimin thought as he went to the kitchen to get a drink and make himself his nightly peanut butter sandwich. The last time we did anything sexual, was about a week ago, and I had been sad as well. Does my inner sexual demon only awaken when I'm sad? Jimin shook his head at the thought, looking inside the fridge.

"Huh. Why don't we ever have jam? I was in the mood for a PP&J." He shrugged and went about making his sandwich, when the flickering of the living room light caught his attention. He turned to see his stepdad standing at the entry way of the kitchen, smoking a cigarette. Jimin immediately stiffened, setting the peanut butter down and turning to face the man. "S-sir," Jimin said softly.

His stepdad nodded and walked over, taking the sandwich off of Jimin's plate and taking a bite. "You're picking up weight again, Jimin. Can't eat sandwiches." He said simply as he leaned against the counter to look at Jimin. "You're fucking late. Your mother was so upset, Jimin."

Jimin gulped, looking down at his hands. "S-sorry, sir. We lost track of time. My hyung wanted to apologize, but we thought you were all asleep." Jimin starts fidgeting with his chubby fingers, finding himself hating the digits.

"You've been talking about this friend for a while. You always smell like smoke after you come from him. Is he a bad influence, Jimin? Your mom told me about how you talked to her over the phone. You've been testing me lately, young man." His stepdad warned, and Jimin bit down on his jaw angrily.

"No, he's a good influence. His name is Yoongi, and I look up to him a lot. He helps me with my music, and likes watching me dance, and writes poems. He teaches me to be tough, and to be proud of who I am." Jimin, for the second time that night, immediately regretted what he said.

"He sounds gay to me. Don't be around faggots, Jimin. You'll become gay too. It's a fucking illness."

Jimin's eyes started to well up with tears, and he clinched them shut hard to keep the tears from rolling down his cheeks. "He's straight, sir..." Jimin whispered, the very word tasting bitter in Jimin's mouth. "He's my friend..." Jimin's voice started sounding shakey.

"He's a bad influence."

I'm a good influence on him.

"I don't want you around him."

I only feel at home when I'm in his arms. I only love myself when I see my reflection in the darkness of his eyes. I only feel like I'm worth something when he says my name.

"I get that you work with him, but either you change shifts or quit the job. Your grades have been dropping."

I'm the top student at my dance academy. I'm top of the class in music. I'm class president. Namjoon-hyung helps me with my English, and I finally got an A for it. Maths is just hard...and I hate science...

"You're a disappointment to your mother and me."

Jin-hyung says I'm such a hard worker. Namjoon calls me determined. Yoongi calls me perfect. He says he's proud of me.

"She works so hard, and this is how you repay her? By hurting her? Oh, are you crying? God, and I thought you dying your hair pink was embarrassing. Go to your room. You're grounded. I don't want you around that boy again."

Jimin nodded his head, walking off to his room and closing the door silently behind him. He put on his music as loud as he was allowed to, fell down unto his bed, and cried his eyes out. His phone vibrated with a text, and when he looked at it, it was Yoongi.

Suga Daddy
Hey baby boy, sleep well
tonight. xoxo
God, can't belief I actually
said xoxo. I feel old.
sorry that was hoseok.
he was dealt with.

Jimin sniffled and smiled a small smile.

Thank you for today, hyung.
It was amazing.
I really like you a lot...
And Hoseok-hyung is dirty!!!
I'm an innocent little boy!

Suga Daddy
You? Innocent?
After that stunt you
pulled tonight? Please.
Don't make me laugh.
Dirty little boy.
Sleep now, child.

But hyung I'm so sad|
But hyu|
I feel worthless|
I fee|
I want to die sometimes, you know?|
I want to di|
I want to see you again soon!
Goodnight, boyfriend!

Suga Daddy
Goodnight, boyfriend

Guyssss I started writing a reader x Namjoon fanfic called Pocky Sticks! Please check it out sometime!

Please give this story some love as well. I mean, ALMOST 500 READS ERMAHGAWD. But seriously though, I've been struggling with inspiration and whatnot, and even just a vote will make my day.


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