Loving Alpha Stone [Completed]


549K 18.5K 648

At 17, She rescued herself from a disastrous relationship, her neglectful mother and poverty. She built a new... More

Epilogue I
Epilogue 1.5 (the wedding night)
Epilogue II


4.7K 190 6

After showering, I settled for a baggy t shirt and leggings as I wasn't planning on leaving the house at all.

It was getting harder and harder to hide the pregnancy from Julius. As werewolf pregnancies only lasted 6 months, and I was already 2 months along, my stomach was getting so big.

The coronation was tomorrow, hence the reason he'd been too busy to even notice I was putting on weight so quickly. It had been 3 weeks since Alina and I had seen doctor Parker, and everyday she had been urging me to come clean.

I of course, had done the exact opposite, even swearing the doctor to secrecy.

I had come so close to letting the cat out of the bag several times. My eating habits were changing and I was started to constantly feel like I'd done an 8K run.

"Estrella?" Penny called, knocking on the door.
"Come in." I called back.

"Hey, you got a minute?" She asked.

"Yeah I do. Why, is something wrong?"

"No. It's just I wanted to ask something."

"Ok go ahead." I responded, patting the bed next to me.

"How do you know when you're ready?"

I furrowed my brows. "Ready to do what?"

"To take the next step?" She said in a whisper.

"Next step in your academic career?"

"No next step in a relationship. You know, third base."

I stilled for a second. Was my baby sister really asking me about losing her virginity?

"Woah what's brought all this on? Did Tony say something to you? Or is he pressuring you? Because I swear to God..."

"No no no. It's nothing like that. Relax Estrella, working yourself up isn't good for the baby."

My breathing hitched in my throat.

"Baby? What baby? "

"There's no need to hide it. I already know. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

I sighed. "We will get to that later. Now, you were saying something about being ready to lose your virginity?"

"That's just it. I don't know if I'm ready. I know that I love and care about Tony. And I don't see myself with anyone else. How will I know when the right time is?"

"Penny. You will feel it when it's the right time. Anyone can have sex. It's just..sex. But it becomes something more like a commitment when it's with someone you truly and deeply love. If you know that you're going to regret it the next day, don't do it. Don't rush, it will happen when you are both ready."

"Wow. Thanks Estrella. I actually thought you were going to say no sex before marriage."

"Well one that would make me a hypocrite. And two, we both have mates. I've come to accept that the mating bond is something so much deeper than regular human marriage." I laughed, shrugging. "Now back to how you know about my, current situation."

"Well your eating habits have been so weird recently. And you're filling out quite a bit. Usually I would think nothing of it because periods cause a similar kind of thing but this time it was just, different."

"Is it really that noticeable?" I asked worriedly.

"No not really. I just happen to know you really really well. Little changes are always obvious to me. So, have you and Julius been to the doctors yet?"

"Yeah I've, been to the doctors."

"And how did Julius first take the news?"

"Hahah well funny story actually...." I trailed off, chuckling dryly.

"No way! He doesn't know about it does he ?"

"Well, um no, he doesn't really know about it."


"Ugh yes I know. I'm just not ready!" I sighed, throwing my hands up in exasperation.

"What are you going to do, hide it until you're the size of a house, no offence. He deserves to know sis. He's a grown man and besides he is the child's father. You know unless you know of another baby daddy..."

I chucked a pillow at her, scowling at her poor joke.

"I'm kidding. Calm down. But seriously, when do you plan on telling him?"

"When the time is right?" I answered, unsure myself.

"And when would that be?"

"No idea. I'm just gonna go with the flow."

"Okaaaayyy. But I suggest you do it soon because you don't want him to hear it from a third party. Thanks again."

With that, Penny stood up and exited the room. The door slammed shut and I slumped back onto the bed, huffing.

"Oh little one. I want to tell your daddy about you, honestly I do, but it's really easier said than done."

After an hour or so, I got so tired of just staring at the same 4 walls continuously. Getting out of bed, which was getting harder to do everyday, I slipped on my cute Gucci flip flops and headed for the front door.

"Hey you. Where are you going?" Xavier asked, his arm slung around Ada's shoulder.

"Oh just for a walk. Where is everybody?"

"The girls went to the pack house. Damian and Tony are playing ball at the courts. And your mate is where he's been for the past 4 weeks. At his desk, in his office." He chuckled.

"Ahh. And I see you two have had an eventful afternoon." I commented, nodding at Ada's freshly marked neck.

"Oh yes we certainly have. I'm surprised you didn't hear us." Xavier smirked, wiggling his eyes suggestively.

Ada smacked his chest playfully, blushing.
I shook my head, laughing at the pair on my way out of the house.

I began my trek to my little sanctuary which I had not visited for God knows how long. It was usually my go to thinking and reflecting spot, but finding the time to just go there and be alone had been difficult the past month.

Sitting on the grass, I began skipping stones on the surface of the lake. I watched as the ripples of water glistened in the sunlight, the little movement almost hypnotising me. I experimented with different sizes and shapes of rocks, each rock making a different type of ripple on the lake surface.

I kept skipping until my arm hurt. Laying back, I stared up at the fluffy white clouds. I  began a mind numbing routine, counting the clouds and comparing their shapes to everyday objects.

"28. Banana."
"29. Lamp."
"30. Morgan Freeman."

My eyelids became heavy once I had reached 46, thanks to the repetitiveness of my little game and the warmth.

"Yeah. I found her. The lake by the south border. No she's asleep. Right. See you later."

Before I could full comprehend what was going on, I felt my self being picked up and carried away.

I opened my eyes to realise that the sun was just about setting. I looked up into the angry eyes of whoever was carrying me.

"Julius. You can put me down I can still walk."

No reply.

"What time is it?"


"Julius. What is it?"

"Estrella, It's been 4 hours since anybody had seen you and we were worried. What where you thinking come out here alone and not telling anyone?"

"I just went for a walk and got a little tired."

"So you put your phone on silent and took a nap in the woods? My wolf has been going crazy!"

"Ok Julius I'm sorry. I didn't mean to have all of you so worried."


"I didn't go too far."

"The south border isn't 'too' far?!"

"Okay okay. It is a little far. But it's not like I left the territory. And I'm here now right? You found me."

"And if you had left the territory? And I hadn't found you?"

I suddenly realised what he was low-key implying.

"You thought I had run off?"

He continued walking and looking straight ahead, his gaze never meeting my eyes.

"Julius. Put me down. Put me down now!" I demanded.

"Look at me. How could you think I would just up and leave? After everything we've been through?!"

"I don't know ok? I don't know how you are feeling about all this. Can you really blame me when you've been so standoffish lately?"

"I know I have and I'm sorry but why would you think that I'd just leave? I can't believe you!"

"This is a lot to handle. You didn't sign up for any of this and I know that very well."

"What the actual fuck! Julius I love you! I'm in love with you! I promised to remain at your side no matter what! I'm carrying your child for God sake!"

I slapped a hand over my mouth when I realised what I had done.


"Child? You're.. you're pr..pregnant?"

"Yes I am. I was waiting for the right time to.."

"How long..."


"How long have you known?"

"3 weeks ."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was waiting for the right time."

"How far along are you?"

Slowly I lifted up my baggy shirt. "2 months and a bit ."

"You're already in your second trimester! How didn't I notice this? I knew something was different. I knew I wasn't over exaggerating. A pup, my pup. "

"I wanted to tell you."

"So why didn't you? Didn't  you think I would have wanted to know that I'm going to be a father? Fuck I'm going to be a father. "

"I didn't exactly expect you to be thrilled about it. I just didn't know how you would react. I thought you wouldn't want to have a baby right now. I mean the first child you have will inherit your entire legacy and you have this whole elaborate plan for the future and I've just ruined it by getting pregnant right now." I admitted, my eyes welling with tears.

His hard gaze softened and he drew closer to me, taking my hands in his.

"Estrella you didn't get yourself pregnant. In that respects I'm also partly to blame, I mean it takes two to tango."

I laughed a little.

"And sure now isn't the best time but this is a living breathing child we are talking about. Our  very first pup. Regardless of the circumstances, nothing about this is wrong - it's a gift. I love you and I will love this child. I can see it in your eyes that you also have nothing but love for him or her. This is something we have to do together. I'm not going anywhere and I'm not letting you go anywhere. This child is going to be the luckiest child in the world with a mother like you."

I was full on sobbing by the time he had finished. He pulled me close. And for the first time in a long time, I felt safe and at ease. Gosh he was always saying sweet things to me and I was always a blubbering mess when he started these proclamations of love and reassurance.

"Let's go home." I whispered into his chest.

The walk home was short and filled with a comfortable silence. We entered the house hand in hand, much to the surprise of the others who were waiting patiently for your return.

"Wow that was fast. You two didn't have make up sex in the woods did you?" Xavier asked cheekily.

"No. I think I might be too far gone for that now."

"Far gone? What are you talking about?" Ada asked.

I looked up at Julius who gave me a reassuring nod.

"Well guys, looks like our family is about to get a little bigger."

"Oh my God! You're pregnant! Juli finally knocked you up huh?"

"Xavier!" Ada chided, smacking him round the head.

"Can't blame him. You two were going at it like rabbits." Alina snickered.

. "Oh my god Estrella I'm so happy for you!" Ada giggled.

"Seriously. Congrats Alpha. Now you'll have someone other than Estrella calling you daddy."

"I don't even call him that!" I whined, my face going a little red.

"Well guys. Let's not just stand here talking about their dirty talk. My sister has a baby on the way! Definitely something to celebrate!" Penny laughed.

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