I Was Forced To Become The De...

By Shadowalker_2

208K 5.5K 1.9K

Kazuto Juro, born in a Distinguish family of talented individuals known throughout the world. No matter where... More

Summon (Edited)
New world (Edited)
New world-2 (Edited)
Humiliation and Despair-1(Edited)
Humiliation and Despair-2
Humiliation and Despair-3(Edited)
War (Edited)
Battle At The Fortress-1
Battle At The Fortress-2
(BATF-3) Helpless (Edited)
(BATF-4) soulless (Edited)
My Pet (Edited)
Training-2 (Edited)
The Forgotten Forest
Unwanted Trouble-1
Unwanted Trouble-2
A Painful Past
Don't Let Go
Don't Say Goodbye
Prove Your Worthy-1
Prove Your Worthy-2
Chief Selection
End Results
Gathering A Team
Black Hound-1
Black Hounds-2
The Hidden Village
Death's Little Village-1
Death's Little Village-2
Death's Little Village-3


6.2K 188 63
By Shadowalker_2

How's it going guys this chapter turned out kind of...a little...pretty long. I just couldn't stop coming up with ideas on what to write and it just...kind of happen. I really wanted to finish this chapter since it was like the end of the arc and I was thinking that at the end of every arc I was going to make a long chapter like this one. Soooo yes? no? maybe so?  But I promise this will be worth the read.


The orders came from command for all available units to regroup at the fortress and wait further instructions. Meaning any units that isn't currently fighting beyond the first line of defense are to come back with haste.

With the army making it way back everyone had their theories on why we're going back to the fort.

"Something probably happened with the main army, I'm sure they been wiped out"- soldier
"No way, we're definitely just getting together to finish off the demon army in one fell swoop"
"Maybe we're being called back because the heroes are with us. I mean, wouldn't it be bad if all of them get killed off right?"

Many theories went around but the majority of them were about that huge surge of MP right before that major earthquake. Something definitely happen on the larger battlefields but well, we're just going to have to find out when we reach there.

When we reached the fortress I didn't actually know how large of a army we were currently working with till now. There are over 3,000 elite soldiers present around and outside the fortress walls, reporting to their respective positions. We were told to standby and wait further orders, but honestly When I see something like this I think to myself, what's the point of having us here in the first place.

Part of me wish we were never brought to this world while the other part is glad to be able to experience a whole new fantasy world away from my old life. But if I think about it clearly, as long as those two are here all I'm doing is just trading one prison for another but beneficial one. Either way a prison is still a prison.   

"Something must be weighing on your mind if your so deep in thought. Surely you aren't thinking of desertion"-Celine


Out of nowhere commander Celine appears right next to me. I was surprise to find her down here, outside the fortress walls. But she also strikes me as the kind of woman who would stand before a demon without a care in the world.

"C-commander Celine? I thought that you'd be inside the fortress"

"And sit on my pedestal while issuing orders? Please, don't mistake me for those presumptuous old fools, Plus I need to observe how our defensive measures coming along"


She actually say pedestal, she must really think highly of herself. I was actually getting nervous with her just Standing beside me and all but I also felt her gaze towards my way.

"......I can tell just by looking at your squad all I needed to know, I don't even have to read the after reports about how all you did. I would have been surprised if none of you were phase by that experience, but nevertheless it shows me exactly who can still push forward despite their fear"

Casualties are expected in wars, losing friends and family in wars is expected, and Fear of death is expected as well, but fear can also be the unexpected. Fear can render one frozen in battle despite your wishes or make one do something out of desperation no matter the consequences. If you don't let your fear consume you, you'll be that much more capable. That's what I learn yesterday.

"What's going on commander for everyone to be called here? Did something happen?"

"(Sigh) yes.....very much so"


She explains to me exactly what we're up against with a concern look and if she's worried then it must be bad. During the battle with the main army there was a certain demon that was spotted on the battlefield and judging by it MP it's a upper class demon. Demons have 3 classes, lower class demons are AA+, middle class are S-SS, upper class are SS+ and then there's demon lords.

Demon army's are usually consist of lower and middle class but it's not unusual for there to be one or three upper class within the army But this demon....wasn't just an ordinary one. With MP strong enough to cause an earthquake, command thousands of demons and right hand to a demon lord, A Demon General.

"A Demon general? Why would one be here?"

"I haven't the slightest idea. Throughout our war with the demons we know very little about the actions demon generals and demon lords take, they rarely show themselves at all but what we do know is that they bring destruction in their wake. Enough explanation, now what I want is to take those two and a few of your men"

She was pointing at Zuko and Mia, saying she going to put them in different squads that better suits they're capabilities, and for those who are...less then capable will be assign elsewhere.

"You take command of the rest and will work together with your brothers group"

......wait what.

"....is there a problem?"

"N-no not all, Just excited to fight some demons hahaha......"


(Sigh).....well, this is happening isn't it. I actually wanted us to sit this one out for obvious reasons but that's not going to happen. I'll just stay away from them during the battle, for now I'll go let everyone know the situation.

At first mostly everyone didn't want to fight again and I tried convincing them that everything going to be fine this time, but once I finally said we're be working with Shinji team everyone seem to have calm down.......I guess they feel more reinsured with them (sigh).

Hours pass as the sun draws noon, scouts reports stop coming in and there's no sign of life on the barren wasteland ahead. Silence reign over the soldiers with only the wind as they're music. Then a single figure appears on the foot of the hill.


The question going through everyone minds was, where did she come from? And could it be. It became very clear with only one Demonic word.

".......Devour" -unknown

With no warning what may be a portal appears in front of us unleashing hundreds of thousands of bloodthirsty demons, but With giant heavy armored soldiers upfront, magic Artillery and weapons ready to fire and thousands of soldiers at the ready, the battle can finally begin.

(Clang!!, whoosh!! Boom!!)

"(Gasp Gasp Gasp)"

I don't knows how much time as pass since the fight began. It feels like days but I know only hours pass.

(Clang!!) "tsk damn"

The demons continue to rush us in groups of large numbers but as expected of the soldiers of a Supreme commander they are taught as hell.

(Shplitch) "(Gasp Gasp) R-Riri....I could've use some help with that one.......Riri?"

I could have sworn she was just behind me just a second ago. Could she....no, I would know if something happened to her.


I look around in hopes to hear her voice......but nothing but the sound of fighting all around me.

"Ugh! where did she go!!.....wait, could she have"

During the fighting earlier I noticed how everyone followed after Shinji and Blake, breaking away from me and Riri which I understand but.......she wouldn't just....I mean, she was just with me so she wouldn't run off without saying anything right. She hates them just as much as I do so.....don't she know I would protect her.

I ran towards where I believe they are while dodging and countering demons I come across in a rush to get there.


I keep calling her name but there's just too much chaos everywhere. Now I'm just getting more worried. Out of desperation I jumped on the biggest demon head just to get a good enough view and thankfully I spotted someone that strongly resembles her. Before the demon attack me I jumped off heading towards Riri.

"Haha!! Riri!!!! Rir-!!!!!!??"

I was attacked from the front and sent flying. I let my guard down and this what happens? I barely caught myself from hitting the ground too hard but dropped to my knees because of the serious injury to my chest. 

"Damn what the hell do you think your doing BLAKE!!!!!"

"Hehegagagaga what I should have done from the start trash!!
<Shadow manipulation!!!>"

This guy, is he serious doing this now of all time. What the hell am I'm saying of course he would. This isn't good though, I was barely able to do anything last time and now that I'm injured.....shit.

I unsheathed my sword in hopes to fight back or run away if possible.

"Hahagaga this time No interruptions!!"

This sick bastard, I really hate him. Everyone else is too busy fighting to notice us but then I saw a group of people just behind him who aren't fight any demons and luckily some of them are my friends.

"H-Hey!!! I need you guys to help out here or just heal me!!!! Ahhh I'm losing a lot of blood here "



What the hell? They tilted their heads down or looked away.

"Hey!!! Can you guys hear me!!!"

"It's no use, they won't come to rescue you this time"

"....Why? What the hell you do to them"

"Ha! it's funny how you think I did anything in the first place. No they chose not to help you because your an incompetent leader"


Why would I believe anything he says. It's clear to me that your threatening them, I just got to do something or.



"Wha-" -Blake

A demon appeared and lunch a attack on Blake, This is my chance to strike.

"<Black lightning!!!>"

I threw my sword at the same time as my ability. My sword was covered in lightning with the release of Monstrous Strength behind it. It was my first time doing something like it so I'm glad it work. There's nowhere he could run with a demon on one side and my powerful attack on the other, not even his shadows will be able to withstand it.

"<Absolute Barrier>"

The smoke cleared and I saw that Blake  was unharmed and a demon corpse.
I-I couldn't believe it, that skill.....I-it couldn't be.....could it? 
I turn around to find......Riri next to Shinji.

"So....that skill, it was you. Why?, why Riri!"

".........I'm sorry" -Riri

She avert her eyes refusing to look at me. Sorry isn't what I want to hear.

"There's no need for you to apologize, Your just saving a fellow comrade is all.- Shinji


"Shinji You bastard!!!! If you done anything to her I'll kill you!!"

"Oh, I haven't done anything, can't you see we're working together to survive"

"BullShit!! Your just using her to get to me and I won-"

"Your Wrong!!!......you got it all wrong kazuto"- Riri


What she mean? I got what wrong? What's there to get wrong?

"R-Riri, they threatened you right? And everyone else right? That why you guys are acting the way you are. Don't worry I'll save you and everyone else from them"

".......you don't have to save us from them kazuto"


"You see we're the ones who wants to be save by them"

What the hell this.

"You should let me explain.(ahem) I'm sure your aware of the battle yesterday, you know the one where most of you fellow classmates were killed under your leadership. You see that left everyone severely scarred and traumatize, it's only natural they become bed ridden with fear. So, I came along and offered them protection but only if they came over to my side that is. So just so they can stay alive they have no problem betraying You"- Shinji

"T-that can't be true. I don't believe you!! Just so they can live they're ok with betraying they're friends!!! That bullshit!!"

"No kazuto, that's Fear"

No no no, I'm not going to listen to crap anymore.

"I'm sorry kazuto but...but"- Riri

No I don't want to hear it. Just shut up!!! 

"I-I (stiff) I just don't want to die!!"

You think I want to die either!! No, but you don't see me going around betraying people, I thought you...I trusted you.

"you don't have to do this on your own, it's not too late you could also join us"

I Rather DIE!! Then Be Under Them Again!!! No Way In Hell!!! You Of All People Should Know What Hell They Put Me Through.




I snapped. Filled with rage for the two people I most hated and for someone I truly cared for, as well as for those I tried to protect. I rush towards them holding nothing back but.....a dark substance engulfed my arm from behind and threw me across the battlefield.


When I hit the ground I didn't even feel any pain. I was in a daze just.....resting my face on the cold ground. I slowly tried getting myself up but slipped and immediately dropped in a Puddle of my own blood.

"Ughhh.....(inhale, exhale).....I...I can't...feel anything"

I notice my blood wasn't the only reason I slipped.....M-My arm is gone and bloods poring out. I couldn't even panic much less move.

"(Inhale.....exhale....)I'm going....to die.....(Inhale.......exhale.......) gotta stop...the bleeding"

I couldn't die yet not just yet, I got to deal with Those sorry excuse for human beings.

"(Inhale..........exhale..........) I kill them....(cough cough)........every.....last one.....of them"

Shinji!, Blake!!, Riri!!!, My Classmates!!!!, Those Soldiers!!!!!, That Kingdom!!!!!!, EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!

So I won't die yet, not now!!.

"Not...yet (Inhale.........exhale..........)

Darkness took me, and I begin floating in a endless void. Dying with rage and all the negative emotions I felt before my last breath, There's isn't anything I could do. Nothing.

"Are you really giving up on living?"- Woman

There's nothing I can do about it, I'm dead.

"(Humph) fool, death is just another form of prison within the body and for the weak minded. With some assistance you can escape that prison"

Heh are you saying your help me escape death, that's crazy.

"....So you wish to die? And pass up your chance for vengeance? How disappointing"


"...Do you wish to live?"

I do

"Do you wish for vengeance?"

I crave it

"Heheh... then pledge yourself to me and become mine, then I'll make all your desires come to fruition"

......You can have me, my life is yours.

"Good. The conditions have been met and contract been establish. Now, come to me my pet"

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