Burning Star (rewritten versi...

נכתב על ידי Lizardboy22

634 116 5

There is 5 main wyvern types Fire earth water lightning and air. But what if there is a secret new kind a gal... עוד

Intro to the kinds of wyverns that will be in this book
Chapter 1
{Chapter 3}
{Chapter 4}
{Chapter 5}
{Chapter 6}
{Chapter 7}
{Chapter 8}
{Chapter 9}
{Chapter 10}
{Chapter 11}
Chapter 12
{Chapter 13}
{Chapter 14}
{Chapter 15}
{Chapter 16}
{Chapter 17}
{Chapter 18}
{Chapter 19}
{Chapter 20}
{Chapter 21}
PowerLevels part II
{Chapter 22}
{Chapter 23}
{Chapter 24}
{Chapter 25}
{Chapter 26}
{Chapter 27}
{Chapter 28}
{Chapter 29}
Genders for the elites
{Chapter 30}

{Chapter 2}

28 4 0
נכתב על ידי Lizardboy22

Comets POV
I was exhausted after playing Cat and mouse for about 3-4 hours. I started training with flare after I regained my energy. Flare said "The first one to yield loses alright Comet," in response I nodded., within minutes I found out what m strength was in combat and what I had to rely on Speed strength and calculated attacks so I knew I was a strategist. He attacked me first so I kept dodging until flare started slowing down than I dove down at him  making him think I was coming from above than jumped into the time and space continuum and came from the bottom and ramming into his stomach and causing to fall down and I then landed on top of him and put my razor sharp wing talon his throat and I said "Do you yield big brother?" He replied, "Fine I yield I can't believe I was beaten by a 1 1/2-year-old." Everyone else started laughing while he was sulking about being beaten by me. Our mom came into the room we were training in and said: "who won?" I replied, "I won." Starburst said, "He apparently he is a strategist." Our mom was surprised that big brother got beaten by a 1 and a half-year-old. I was starting to get slightly nervous because I had a sinking feeling something bad is going to happen now. I was still learning control over my powers but I mastered one aspect of it changing my tail tip and the disk shape that is around a planet I discovered called Saturn. I quickly formed my tail orb into a blade about 3-4 feet long in length. Just then an earth spire shot through the window and as the first one to react I jumped towards it and I sliced my tail through it. I looked out the window and saw an earthen wall with giant cannons made of stone and more earthen spires where being launched I calculated that in about 5 minutes it would be dark out so that's when I could make my move against them I thought despite being one year old I said "Get out of here." Starburst looked at me in shock and said "no way we wi- I interrupted her and said "It's my tactic right now since it's dark out I will have the advantage. Plus I am small and quick so they won't expect me and I can see in the dark I said." Flare said he's right as much as I don't want to admit it he is an extremely good strategist compared to everyone here. But one problem I saw some blue scales that means the Water Wyverns are here and they can see in the dark." "Yes I know I saw them too but I also noticed a weak spot in the defenses," I replied calmly but firmly considering my voice is small and quiet. Our mother demanded, "No you are not going to do this Comet." I replied, "I have to mother I need to do this so I can keep you guys safe and I am the only one that can do this as a Galaxy wyvern this is my element." I said "Plus I have my tail that can extend in size and shape. "So long everyone," I say.

Starbursts POV
When I heard my younger brother say that I was shocked about as flare led us out of the palace I saw him going into his element and as he did I felt a massive power surge come from him and I am pretty sure the enemy did as well.
I was cornered against a wall when a couple of other fire wyvern males cornered me and was about to rape me. I saw my little brother in a dark shadow and was about to come to my aid when I softly shook my head and I asked the two males what they wanted They both said they wanted me. I saw my brother step out of a shadow and transformed his tail orb on his tail into a hammer and smashed the hammer into one of there legs. The other male turned around and saw who he was dealing with and the male said what are you going to do little one. My little brother replied nervously leave my sister alone. I saw him glowing slightly so I shot into the sky and when I got high enough I looked down and I felt a massive surge of power I whispered to myself quietly asmerath while my 6-month-year-old brother reached an untold power level because of his loyalty to his friends and family.
Flashback end*^%#}{][=+*^##}{][]=+*^%#{
I saw mother watching in shock about Comets true power level as well as Flare Tempest and Plasma. I was the only one that knew he had full control of his powers since he reached amaranth.

Comets POV
I tapped into my power, amaranth and I became a swirling galaxy that was in a shape of a wyvern so I sent down a meteorite down towards the enemies with a flick of my tail and I then shot a cosmos blast but with everything including mini-galaxies black holes  rolled up into one fireball shape and I blasted about 3/4 of the wall and I saw about over half of the enemies on the ground fatally wounded or dead. With that attack, they decided to retreat while they were alive next time. I will wipe them out completely. I turned back to my original form and transformed my tail orb into a blade and went down to the ground and I slit the earth and water wyverns throats that are fatality injured. When I went back to my family I saw my mom and brother looking at me in shock about how strong I truly was my brother asked me "How long have you had that power for?" I replied since I was 6 months old and this is the only other time I have ever used it I reached because my sister was about to get raped so I got extremely angry and since they were right next to me they were incinerated instantly. My mother said "You are easily one of the strongest Wyverns in the world right now and the aura that surrounds you is extremely powerful. I remember that day I was in the council room that day when I felt the energy surge and when you came home that evening you looked different like your body shape and structure was different. You are meant for speed agility and strength now."

Tempest POV
I realized that even a young wyvern like him can cause mass destruction to the enemies. Just than Comet said something that involved humans Earth and Water wyverns.

Comets POV
After I said that to my close friends and family I was thinking of a strategy for what is about to happen. I heard I commotion outside and I saw a human army with vehicles that had a long barrel aimed right towards where we are I also saw Earth and Water wyverns near them as well. I saw the giant barrel shoot towards us and with one hit the outer wall was destroyed I saw a human army with long weapons as well they also shot their weapons at the Fire wyverns in nonvital area. I saw one of the bullets come at me and I quickly turned my tail orb into a shield so it just bounced back. I saw another one coming at my brother so despite being scared I jumped into the path of the bullet and it hit me in the ribs cracking a couple of bones. Flare saw me yelp with pain as I fell onto the ground, I said to them considering my pain "Take a couple of steps backward please." They did what I asked and I tapped into Asmerath again for the second time in two days. Changing into Asmerath were I become my own element but that into a wyvern shape so it automatically healed my wound. I blasted a galaxy fireball at the center of the enemy army and the energy released from it became a massive explosion decimating 1/3 of the human army. I saw a giant cannon being aimed at me and the tower where I was standing with my friends and family I yelled at them to go and as if in slow motion the cannonball was going right towards mother. I tried opening a portal but I was a few seconds to slow and it went right through mothers chest. I changed back to normal in shock and ran right over to mothers side as well as Flare and Starburst. I heard mother speak to Flare and Starburst and then she turned her head to look at me and said: "Stay strong my son." With those final words, she passed and I started crying since I was only 1 1/2 years old and still a hatchling. I turned my tail orb into a sword and as I heard human footsteps I Speared my tail through the door. I heard yelps of surprises from them and I was crying so hard that I could barely see the humans got through the doors as they got through I unleashed my power that I had been keeping dormant for the past year. The humans were blasted backward and when they got back up I was in front of them in a flash. I was my element or the cosmos I shot towards them and they all tried shooting their rifles at me. I just dodged the bullets and swipe my tail and I cut through all their throats at once. I then collected all the energy inside me and planned to let it loose all at once injuring me but destroying the enemy completely with a yell the energy exploded towards the enemy.

Flares POV
Right after Comet let a yell a huge blast of power destroyed the enemies but the force blasted him through the wall opposite of us. I heard yelling of some humans coming towards us. I was too shocked to comprehend what happened and I didn't realize I got shot with a tranquilizer gun. I let the darkness take me in its grasp. My last thought was I hope my little brother is okay.

edited on June 19, 2019

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