I am NOT! [Stray Kids Hogwart...

By joytiny

47K 1.5K 890

A series of different Stray Kids ships in Hogwarts. It all plays in the same AU and it's kinda connected some... More

I am NOT [ready]
I am NOT [gay]
I am NOT [me]
I am NOT [crushing on Lee Felix]
I am NOT [jealous]
I am NOT [going to mess this up]
I am NOT [cute]
I am NOT [who I used to be]
I am NOT [the one for you] {Prequel}
I am NOT [giving up on you]
I am NOT [your Valentine]
I am NOT [good enough]
I am NOT [letting you go]
I am NOT [just that]
I am NOT [doing that]
I am NOT [scared of anything]
I am NOT [sick]
I am NOT [a friend]
I am NOT [reckless]
I am NOT [mad]
I am NOT [pure]
I am NOT [the end]

I am NOT [good at this]

1K 36 16
By joytiny

Hi everyone! I am back with a soft Changlix today! It's kind of a filler because I couldn't really finish the one shot I had planned for today (I kinda made them the filler couple by accident...). 
This one's really soft and that's mainly thanks to my sister who wrote almost half of the one shot (because I really suck at writing full-on fluff). 
I hope you guys will like it!

PUBLISHED: 08/31/2018
EDITED: 09/25/2020

Everyone who knew Seo Changbin would probably say that he wasn't much of a romantic. Changbin himself, would agree 100%.

He wasn't necessarily cold; he just didn't really know how to express his feelings very well. The only person he was entirely comfortable around was Hyunjin, but that was solely because the younger Slytherin was his best friend who had tried to break through Changbin's shell from the very beginning.

Now, in his sixth year at Hogwarts he was dating the softest, most kind-hearted person he knew. Felix.

Felix liked to do romantic stuff, such as go on dates or just cuddle. He had prepared a whole Valentine's Day surprise for Changbin who hadn't even thought about coming up with something to give him until the very last minute. Changbin didn't hate the affection and attention Felix gave him, on the contrary, he secretly relished in it.

And that was just the problem. He did it secretly.


"Do you want to go to the lake later? It's pretty warm outside," Felix suggested one morning while the two of them sat at the Slytherin table, eating breakfast with Seungmin and Hyunjin.

"Sure, why not," Changbin replied. Felix' face brightened up; his smile leaving the sun jobless.

"Great! I have to go now, I promised Eric to let him copy my Defense Against the Dark Arts homework," the Gryffindor said and rose from his seat. He leaned down to give Changbin a peck on the cheek. "See you later, Binniebunny," he added teasingly before taking off.

Changbin tried not to blush at the nickname and just looked down at his plate to avoid his best friend's shit-eating grin.

"Say, Changbin. Do you ever actually tell Felix that you like him?" the younger Slytherin asked his best friend. Changbin did look up at that.

"What do you mean? He knows that!" he said defensively.

Hyunjin sighed. "Yeah, he does, but do you actually remind him? Show him?"

Changbin gave him a blank stare. "Um... what is this about?"

Another sigh, this time from Seungmin. "I think what Hyunjinnie's trying to say is that Felix could start feeling like you don't like him if you don't make an effort to show him that," he advised the older.

"We don't want to put things in your head, but it's just something we've observed..." Hyunjin added.

Maybe it was a little bit embarrassing to get unwanted dating advice from the two younger guys, but he would be lying if he said that it didn't spark his attention. He didn't want Felix to feel sad because of him...

"How do I do that? How do I... show him?" Changbin questioned. Hyunjin and Seungmin exchanged looks.

"Binnie... not to step on your toes or anything, but... did you ever, you know, date anyone before Felix?" Hyunjin asked him carefully. Changbin averted his gaze, suddenly finding his cup of pumpkin juice much more interesting.

"You didn't, did you?" Seungmin caught on.

Changbin pouted. "So what if I didn't..."

"It just explains a lot. I know you're not easy to get through to. Felix likes you enough to keep trying, though... so why don't you finally let him in? Tell him how you feel about him. Be confident!" Hyunjin said enthusiastically.

Changbin gave him another look. He didn't want to lose Felix, but he also didn't know how to be more open about his feelings. As the two fifth years had observed correctly, Felix was Changbin's first real boyfriend.

It would suck to possibly lose the younger to someone who wasn't... well, him.

"I'm just not good with all that lovey dovey shit, like you two!" he defended himself.

Hyunjin patted his friend's hand across the table. "That's what you've got us for! Here's the thing. If you can't talk to him face to face about your feelings, why don't you just write them down?" the Slytherin suggested.

Changbin furrowed his brows. "Like– like a love letter?"

Seungmin and Hyunjin looked at each other again before both nodding at the same time.

"I can't do that! I'm not good at expressing my feelings..." Changbin protested. He had never written or received any kind of love letter, so he really had no idea how to even do that.

However, it was a good idea to let Felix know without making a complete fool of himself.

"Just write down what you think and organize it..." Hyunjin suggested.

"Have you ever written a love letter?" Seungmin asked his boyfriend.

Hyunjin smirked proudly. "Nah, but I've received tons," he bragged jokingly. Seungmin playfully hit his arm, laughing quietly. Changbin observed the two of them. They were so cute with each other, so comfortable...

Changbin wasn't uncomfortable around Felix.

Actually, he felt more like himself around the Gryffindor than around anyone else, Hyunjin excluded. The only problem was just that he kept that to himself. He wanted to let Felix know that he liked him, but a part of him couldn't help but cringe at writing a love letter.

"So... I write him a letter... and then what?" Changbin asked after a while of being lost in his own thoughts.

"Then you take him out on a date and show him your romantic side... you know, candles and that type of stuff..." Hyunjin said.

Changbin was pretty sure that the color drained from his face at Hyunjin's words. "My romantic side?"

"Tell you what," Seungmin started. "You focus on the letter and we prepare something for the two of you. It'll be great."

Changbin nodded slowly. "Fine... thank you," he mumbled.

Hyunjin grinned. "Anything for true love," he teased, causing Changbin to blush.

True love, huh...


It turned out that writing down your feelings and organizing them was harder than it sounded.

Changbin had decided to try using his History of Magic class to get started on his love letter. His seatmate, a fellow Slytherin named Hwiyoung tried to spy over his shoulder to see what he was doing, but Changbin managed to hide it from his curious eyes. He figured that writing a letter in the middle of class probably wasn't the best idea...

After class, Changbin still had two hours until he was set to meet up with Felix. He decided to hide in his dorms and finish the letter there. He sat down on his bed cross-legged, slouched over the piece of parchment and trying to gather his feelings. He groaned in frustration and ruffled his own hair. Why was it so hard to be open about this? It was Felix, for heaven's sake. He wouldn't laugh at him or judge him, because Changbin knew for a fact, that Felix felt about him the same way.

Changbin exhaled. Okay, there was no point in forcing it. He closed his eyes and tried to focus on all the emotions he felt whenever Felix was close to him, whenever he kissed him or called him Binniebunny. He blushed like crazy at the mere thought, but soon enough the thoughts were practically spilling onto the parchment. Changbin's embarrassment began to fade slowly and he put all his effort into making the letter sound as sincere as he felt.

The Slytherin read over it when he was finished. It wasn't like him at all to be honest, but it had felt surprisingly good to write everything down on paper. Maybe he should do it more often. Or perhaps, he shouldn't get ahead of himself. He still had to find out how Felix would even react to the letter.

Changbin checked the time and noticed that he was almost late for his lake date with his boyfriend. He neatly folded the letter and scrambled out of his bed, hurrying out of the common room, through the dungeons and down to the lake.


Felix arrived 20 seconds before Changbin. The older came sprinting down to where he was leaning against the old oak tree. Felix chuckled. His boyfriend was just too cute, even if he sometimes didn't want to hear about that.

"Sorry, I'm late... I got caught up with something..." Changbin apologized.

Felix waved off and greeted him with a kiss on the cheek. "You're not late, so no worries," he said giddily. Changbin looked down at his hands for some reason. Felix followed his boyfriend's gaze, only now noticing the folded piece of parchment he was holding.

"What's this?" he asked. Changbin clutched the parchment tighter, not answering. The younger tilted his head in confusion. After a few seconds of silence, the Slytherin held the parchment out to him, still not saying a word. Felix took it from him and unfolded it. It seemed to be a letter, judging by how it started with Dear Felix...

He looked up at Changbin, who eyed him cautiously. "What is this?" he questioned.

Changbin blushed a deep shade of red. "Just... just read it..." he replied. Felix wanted to ask more questions, but he figured that reading the letter really would be the best option, so he focused his eyes back on the parchment in his hands...

Dear Felix

First of all, don't you dare laugh at me for writing this cheesy letter. I was forced to–

No... that's the wrong approach... I'm really not good at this...

The real reason why I'm writing this is because I've been thinking that I don't show you my emotions enough. You're always so open about your feelings for me and I love that, and I feel the same for you, but I just really suck at expressing it.

I... I want you to know how much I appreciate having you in my life and that I don't take you for granted and your affection for me makes my heart flutter like crazy and I just don't know what to do...

I look forward to seeing you every day and you're all I think about when I don't see you.

I've never felt about anyone like this before and I don't want you to feel like this is one sided or something because it really isn't.

I want to be close to you all the time because I'm the happiest when I'm with you. It's like I wasn't the real Changbin before I met you... like you completed me.

That's why I'm saying the least I can do for you is try to be more open and honest with you from now on because...

Because I love you... so much that I wrote this embarrassing letter...

I can't imagine being with anyone but you...

I will try harder for you, I promise...

I love you

Your Changbin

Your Binnie

Your Binniebunny

Felix was pretty sure he was tearing up. He sniffled and wiped his eyes before facing Changbin. His boyfriend seemed to panic at the reaction.

"I'm... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry! I just figured that–" Felix cut him off, by pulling him into a hug. Changbin seemed confused for a few seconds, but eventually wrapped his arms around Felix as well.

"That's the sweetest thing I've ever read..." Felix told him, sniffling. "Do you really mean it?" he asked, pulling back to look at his slightly shorter boyfriend.

Changbin finally allowed himself to smile. "Every single word," he replied, reaching up to wipe the younger's tears off his face. "Now stop crying, Lixie..." he added and let his hands rest on the younger's now blushing cheeks.

Felix' arms were still wrapped around the Slytherin as Changbin pulled him in for a kiss. The older's muscles relaxed at the feeling of sincerity they shared through this kiss as their lips moved against each other. Changbin removed his hands from the Gryffindor's cheeks to put them around his neck instead, pulling his boyfriend closer without ever breaking their kiss.

They stayed like this for a few more minutes until Changbin slowly pulled back, however, not without giving Felix one last peck on the lips. Felix smiled his bright smile that Changbin loved so much that it even made him chuckle until the younger started looking deeply into the Slytherin's eyes.

"I love you too, Binniebunny... more than I can describe with words..." he said sincerely before intertwining their hands.

Changbin blushed at his words and looked down to his feet in embarrassment, causing the younger to laugh warmly.


The two students made their way back to the castle, holding hands and just enjoying each other's presence.

"So where are we heading?" Felix asked, swinging their hands back and forth as they arrived at the entrance hall.

"Actually, I asked Hyunjin and Seungmin to help me prepare a romantic date for you and me because... as you know, I'm not good at these things but I still wanted to do something romantic for you..." Changbin answered shyly.

Felix smiled. "Aww, really? You didn't have to," he said but despite his words, he seemed to be more than excited to see what kind of date Seungmin and Hyunjin had prepared for them. Changbin only chuckled and led his boyfriend up the stairs to the seventh floor, where the Room of Requirement was located.

Felix was smiling in anticipation as they finally reached their destination. "Are you ready?" Changbin asked his boyfriend now smiling as well.

"Of course, I'm ready, let's go in~" the younger said excitedly.

The couple opened the door and the first thing they felt was the pleasant scent of coffee filling the room. Hyunjin and Seungmin had turned the Room of Requirement into a cozy café that seemed like it was reserved only for Felix and Changbin.

There were cozy looking booths for customers to the left, a comfortable couch with dozens of pillows and a TV to the right and a classic counter with bar stools in the back of the room. Behind the counter, there was a whole wall covered in different bags filled with coffee beans, pretty coffee cups and a nice coffee machine. There were rose petals all over the floor and almost every surface was covered in candles. It was perfect.

"Oh my god!" Felix said in disbelief as he slowly entered the room, looking around the room in awe. He almost teared up again at how beautiful and perfect this whole setting was. As he turned back around to face his boyfriend, all he saw was a blushy Changbin standing there, holding a red rose, ready to hand it to Felix.

The younger walked over to him, received the rose and smelled it and happily gave Changbin another hug. "Thank you! This is so romantic..." he smiled, grabbed his boyfriend by the hand and made his way over to the counter to try out the coffee machine. Changbin couldn't hide his smile as he watched his boyfriend happily try out everything Hyunjin and Seungmin had prepared for them.

They made coffee, talked, laughed, listened to music, cuddled and kissed – it was the perfect date. Changbin even found himself thinking that he could get used to this romantic stuff – even if it was just to make his boyfriend happy.

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