Watch your mouth

By HannahProverbs_

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I tried to make myself prettier for him. More lady like for him. Smile more for him. I didn't even have him. ... More

Three strikes you're out
author's note
WYM 12
WYM 13
WYM 16 - part one.
WYM 17


4.7K 189 46
By HannahProverbs_

I woke up in my bed with my braids all over my face, I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes stood up and cringed when I saw my face in the mirror. My already small eyes were swollen making them look smaller I looked dirty and unkempt. I felt my phone vibrate and picked it up from my dresser table top.

LOL Check your snapchat, I saved my number on ur fone wen u was snoring and dribbling lol.

- Sexy ginge Jabari.

I laughed at his stupid contact name, not bothering to change it and go on snapchat. I went through my stories I didn't have a lot of contacts just friends from church and school.

I got through Jabari's snapchats and saw the videos we took and pictures of me sleeping. The last video was of him pulling on my braids and my mouth opening. In the background Demi, Ivan and his laughter could be heard. I shook my head, remembering to get them back.

I walked to the bathroom taking a shower with my body shop tea tree body wash and then washing my face with the tea tree face wash. I felt so refreshed and smelled minty, i brushed my teeth. I had 45 minutes to get ready which wasn't too bad. My hair was still in a shower cap so i creamed my skin with palmer's cocoa butter, put on dove deodorant. I picked out a basic black t-shirt bra and some pink polka dot boxers. I didn't have the time to be looking for matching underwear who’s was going to see it anyway? I put on my blouse, skirt, white socks and kickers. I put a bit of mascara on with my nude lip gloss. I sprayed some body shop vanilla fragrance and was ready to go.

My mum would be coming home today thank God no more of Demi's antics.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen and made some toast and spreaded nutella on it. I heard someone coming down the stairs and saw Demi in a white t-shirt and jeans with grey and orange huaraches. I noticed he needed a shapeup because his hair had grown and his shapeup hardly visible. Demi was a little darker than me like a deep chocolate brown where as I was a dark toffee.

"Demi can you drop-"

"No. You have an oyster ahlie? So take a bus or walk even" he took a bite out of my toast and walked back upstairs. I rolled my eyes at his cheekiness and poured myself a cup of water before getting my black and blue Nike bag and leaving with my braids all up in a bun.

I plugged my earphones in, scrolling through snapchat and walked to the nearest bus stop.

It only took me like 15 minutes to get to school on the bus and the bus was coming in 12 minutes, I was waiting when a lightskin girl barged past me making me almost drop my phone. I kissed my teeth thanking God my HTC did not drop.

"Watch where you're going yeah."

I rolled my eyes and turned to see her walking up to me a group of girls behind her.

"erm if I am correct you walked into me so you watch where you're going" she gave me a dirty look and stepped closer to me her friends following. She had around five girls with here none of which were in uniform including her. I guessed they were in college or bunking.

"you wanna start something yeah little girl?" I scoffed who does she think she is. Did she not know she was dealing with the crème de le crème?.

"First of all I’m not starting , I’m STATING watch where you go and I’m no little girl maybe little in the waist but nowhere else" i winked at her laughing inwardly.

All her friends starting talking telling her to deal with me and show me what’s gwarn. I shook my head at her mixup friends.

The mixraced girl swung for me and hit me square in the jaw, I kicked her in the belly ad winded her, then one of her friend joined in.

Then another

And another.

Till it was six against one. I was punching and kicking, but I couldn't see. I was being stamped on and spat on. I knew someone was recording because I could feel the light behind my eyes. I felt so weak I just kept on fighting till it stopped. I

Was numb, my whole body was aching. I closed my eyes waiting for it to be over.

"Watch your back b*tch"

I tried to cuss back but I couldn't I had no strength left and stopped fighting letting unconciousness take over.


I think I'm dreaming. I woke up and saw me I was getting beat up by a group of girls but It

Couldn't be me because I’m right here. I looked at my limp body on the ground showing no signs of life.

"Demi, i think you should calm down you to Ivan" I strained my eyes and looked at my surroundings I was in the living room and everyone was surrounding the television, Nana , Chyna , Jabari , Kobe , Ivan, Demi and Temi were all in the living room. My lifeless body on the television which was connected into Demi's laptop by the HDMI cable.

I tried to get up but I couldn’t, it was as if I was in so much pain but yet i was numb.

I tried to talk but my lips burned and split. I knew I looked a mess I could hardly see as my left eye hardly opened and my right felt bruised. I winced every time I tried to move it felt like i was being beat up again and again. I cleared my throat and all seven pairs of eyes were on me.

I looked at all of their expressions, anger, pity sadness and shock. I looked at Demi and he quickly looked away as if I disgusted him. Did I look that bad? Tears were forming in the brim of my eyes from the pain but i didn't cry, especially in front of people.

Demi suddenly stood up and stormed out the room, Ivan quickly followed.

Nana and Chyna walked up to me while Kobe, Jabari and Temi were all texting, calling and scrolling through their phones. I knew what they were doing , trying to find whoever did this.

"Hannah babes , oh my gosh what the.. Don't move yeah" i nodded my head at Chyna's instructions and winced at the pounding of my temple.

"I can't believe she had the cheek to put this on keek stupid fool" Nana plumped my pillow and gave me a smile of pity. I was so embarrassed now most of south London knows I got jumped by a group of girls and was left for dead. As if my life couldn't get any worse my mum's coming back this evening how am i going to explain all of my bruises and scars.

Chyna came back in the room with packs of ice and frozen peas, Temi not far behind her.

"What did they do to my bae man, they messed you up stupid paigon yatts six against one you know adonbelivit" I laughed at his African accent at the end but soon regretted it as my lip split even more and began to sting.

Chyna rubbed some carmex on my lips I thanked her with my eyes

Knowing that’s what I needed. I closed my eyes relived as the carmex soothed my chapped lips making it feel 100 times better. Her and nana put plasters on my bleeding scars and Nana fed me a pill of paracetamol and cold water.

"Hannah you alright yeah? Don't worry we'll find who did this" I shook my head at Kobe. Revenge was not the way to go about it, if revenge was to be taken I’ll be doing it not a group of angry hood boys.

"What happened though?" Nana and Chyna's tending now enabled me to talk without feeling as much pain as before.

I proceeded to tell them what happened beginning with her barging into me and ending of me being left on the floor. Nana and Chyna shook their head in sadness and pity while the boys started laughing.

"Hannah your mouth is too big is that you yeah?" i tutted at Kobe and rolled my eyes. Why were they laughing i was in the most pain ever experienced and they were laughing.

"Remember when i told you to watch your mouth"

"Hello I'm talking to you" He waved his hand in my face his sweet cologne making its way into my nostrils. His ginger hair loosely coiled hair put into a low ponytail , his shapeup and sideburns freshly trimmed.

I rolled my eyes " First of all there's no need to get rude and you walked into me might I add, just because I'm new don't try to victimize me gerrout of my face" I hated his kind, the type of boys they think they are above everyone else in the school and think everyone should get out of their way. Bet he is half Jamaican kmt.

"Watch your mouth yeah."

"Watch where you step" i replied.

We stood there frozen in time as he looked me over then stared at me dead in the eye. I was not going to back down. His phone still held firmly in his hand as his knuckles turn white. I kissed my teeth and roll my eyes at him I had no time for his 'worst behaviour' because I didn't have the time this was my first day I wasn't going to be late. I turn around and walked in the opposite direction. Ode ni can't even see where he is going just tap tap on his phone. I could still feel his eyes on me as I walked out of class.

I laughed at the memory and smiled at Jabari.

It was nearly five, everyone was in their uniform and I knew they would be hungry.

"Someone order pizza please I don't have the strength to cook" nana nodded and brought out her phone. "What you guys want?"


"Cookie dough"

"Garlic bread"

"Large BBQ Texas pizza"


Nana laughed at all the orders being thrown at her. I opened my phone and went on voucher codes to get us a discount because everything we ordered would definitely come to over £20. I locked my phone and cringed at my reflection. My braids were now in a loose ponytail. My left eye was bruised and my right was bloodshot. My lips were swollen and had several cuts over them. I had several bruises on my face I looked so unkempt. Jabari caught me frowning and came over and sat on the couch, sitting next to me.

"don't worry you don't look bad, you just look f*cked up lol" I shook my head for his attempt to make me feel better.

Nana ordered our pizzas on her phone using my 30% discount everyone chipped some money in. As we waited for the food to come we all began talking, bussing jokes and having banter as usual. I felt to content, even though I only knew these people for a week and a bit they cared for me as if I knew them for the whole four years I've missed of st.bons.

Ivan and Demi came in the living room and all laughter stopped abruptly. Demi knelt down in front of me and scrutinized me.

"this is all my fault, I should've given you the lift I’m sorry Hannah yeah don't worry we'll catch that b*tch for you kay" Even though what that girl did was out of order, she didn't deserve to feel Demi's wrath, a wrath that I’ve felt every time 'act up' or 'need to act my age'. I felt sorry for the girl now she was on everyone’s hit list.

"okay all of you guys listen, even though all you nosey people are eavesdropping anyways, no one is to touch that girl if anyone is to f*ck her up it should be me, if you capture her l'll deal with her myself understood tenks carry on with what you’re doing now"

All the boys frantically started messaging each other and giving each other looks. I couldn't be bothered to even argue so I carried on watching Snog marry avoid. Ivan and Demi were lucky we ordered two of everything so they gave me some change exchange for food. They had to pay like everyone else.

"Hannah, mum can't make it today, you’re lucky so all them bruises have time to go down, you guys go home man Hannah’s fine come back tomorrow" i laughed at Demi's courtesy. Everyone left leaving me demi Ivan and Jabari. I don't know why they thought they were entitled to stay.

"Why aren't you going home?"

"....." air me then. i rolled my eyed and ate the rest of my wings and drank my cup of fanta.

"Demi why isn’t mum coming home today?"

"She’s staying the whole week to help Ayomide with her wedding" I nodded my head Ayomide's mum and my mum were like sisters. So I understood.

"Hannah what happened?" i rolled my eyes at Demi before explaining what happened today. He just shook his head.

"Your too brave but you held it in like a don not gonna lie" i nodded my head, I couldn't act like she scared me because i wasn't no pxssy. I nodded my head proudly and did what I could of my nearly due in bunch of homework.

"Hannah.." I stopped drafting my English essay and looked up at Jabari. I was sitting in an awkward uncomfortable position as my body still hurt from this morning and I was finding it difficult to write.

"Do you need help? I'll write for you" I smiled appreciatively at Jabari and handed him my pencil if he wanted to help do my homework then he was more than welcome. All this stress was beginning to take its toll on me.

I began to tell Jabari what i wanted written and he wrote in slanted italic handwriting just like mine except mine was a little bit smaller. I let him carry on with my essay using notes I've already made while I started on my maths. I felt Jabari still next to me.

He looked up at me with his small hazel eyes. I wasn't a big fan of lightskin pretty boys but Jabari was beautiful, his attitude was just iffy sometimes.


"Hmm?" I carried on sorting out the algebraic expressions, I loved algebra so I whizzed past this like a boss.

"Hannah look at me man" I rolled my eyes and kissed my teeth we had homework to do and

This guys getting distracted. I know my beauty is a distraction but he should be used to this. Wait did i forget I just got jumped so I must look like sh*t. I hesitantly looked over to Jabari giving him a blank look.

"Say something man I’m bored" I refrained from kissing my teeth being grateful he was helping me with my English homework and I hated English with a passion but i wasn't bad at it.

"Erm okay  ... What gcse's are you doing?"

"Erm the Ebac , but with Spanish , art , design technology, economics and extrs maths."

"Rahhh you can draw yeah? Lolseth erm and I’m doing drama, economics to and business studies thanks for asking" He chuckled as i kissed my teeth. I liked it when He laughed especially when i was the reason he made me feel funny because his

Laugh was so genuine you couldn't help but laugh to.

"Can you draw me, I've always wanted to be drawn but it’s so expensive like nahhh £20 for a portrait when I can get it done on a free app, but if you draw me yeah its real init so it’s different."


"Whyyyyy?" I whined.

He just shook his head and carried on writing.

"Stupid clapped ginger"

"Shut up man"

"Who do you think you are telling me to shut up, come like prince harry" I laughed as he gave me the best straight face known to man.

"Do your English yourself then you racist b*tch" I apologised disclosing the manner. We carried on doing work until he had to leave. I said bye to Ivan & Jabari , thanking Jabari for his work before Demi helped me pack my stuff and carry me to bed.

I said a quick prayer thanking God for all the good friends God has given to me, even thanking him for this morning because it could've been worst. I could've been killed but sometimes things fall apart to fall into place.


"SQUAAAAAD" Everyone came to my house again after school, Demi took me to the doctors when he came back from college. I didn't go to school all day thankfully my mum wasn't home until 10pm. They prescribe my painkillers for my constant headaches and oilment for my aching back. My scars and bruises were healing slowly but surely.

I was in the Living room and just watched everyone piling into my living room. I couldn't help but notice how Jabari wasn't here today, I asked of him and turns out he was doing an art project for the year eleven leaving exhibition. I couldn't wait to see his art then, I didn't think he'd be the artistic type.

It was six o'clock when everyone left except Kobi. He sat down next to me eating sweet popcorn and entertaining me by parring the thots on TV. He kept giving me side glances until I couldn't deal with them.

"What?" he gave me a pity smile.

"You must be tired"

"I’ve been lying down all day only getting up to go to the doctors"

"You must be tired though"

"Why?" He smirked. The smile got made me feel self conscious, hot and bothered.

"Because you've been walking through my mind all day"

I laughed at Kobi, him and his chat up lines just made me laugh. We were on the couch just laughing.

"I'm being serious though, I kept thinking about you" he smirked and I rolled my eyes. I took in his lynx scent and the faint smell of cocoa butter. I looked over his beautiful milk chocolate skin, his big dark brown eyes and brown and pink lips into a wide smile showing his perfect white straight teeth.

"How many girls have you used that on?"

"None, I told you I’m not like that Han" I scoffed and carried on watching television.

"I’m not lying swear down"

"Na swear up boo" he laughed and put a stray braid that was on my face behind my ear.

"You’re actually beautiful you know" i raised an eyebrow.

"Are you roasting ? You know I aint giving nothing IT up lol but thanks" He just shook his head and brought out his iphone. Iphone's were not even good even with all these good other brand phones out everyone still has an iphone.

"Say hello to the cam" He put his phone over so his arm was resting on my shoulders. I instantly shrieked and covered my face knowing I looked ugly. He dropped his phone on the sofa and rested on top of me. I turned my head so I wasn't facing him. He used his hands to support himself but was still on top of me.

"Kobe move please" he stood still saying nothing.

"Kobe man I struggled under his gaze and hold but Kobe was like 6'1 i was like a 5'5. I had no chance so I stood still maybe he would leave me alone if I don't reply to his actions.

"Hannah I meant what I said before you know” I gave him a confused look. He shook his head and began to tickle me making sure not to hurt me as I was in my most fragile state. I laughed and wheezed, pleading for him to let me go.

"Who’s the don?" I shook my head in disobedience. He tickled me more than before, I cackled loudly and gasped for my breath.

"okay you mannnnn" he let me go and got off of me leaving me panting and waiting for my breathing to be neutral.

"I should've recorded that man" I laughed and shook my head. He wrapped his arms around me ans we layed there in comfortable silence on the sofa.

"You smell nice han" i thanked him. "So do you" He really did he smelled of coca butter and cologne a sweet and spicy mix.

I watched some television before dozing off in Kobi's arms.

Omniscient POV

Kobi looked down at Hannah, taking in all of her features before flicking her bottom lio an laughing. He took his iphone the one Hannah despised so much and took a picture of Hannah. He put the picture on snapchat and saved it on his phone.

He carried a sleeping Hannah in his hands not even struggling, inwardly thanking his constant sessions to the gym. He carried Hannah upstairs and tucked her in her bed.

His phone buzzed and he received a message from Demi.

meet me @ d traphouse yh n thanks for taking hannah 2 bed. Its been done.

Kobi shook his head knowing when Hannah found out she'd be more than pissed.



My mum was home today. So when I woke up I went to greet her and tell her how much I missed her. I went to shower and brush my teeth. I put some mascara, lip gloss on and sprayed my vanilla perfume on after creaming my skin with cocoa butter and putting on my underwear and uniform. I decided to wear a blazer today and paired them with my leather patent loafers. My scars and bruises went down and I peeled off all of my plasters after I showered. My black eye wasn't really noticeable but if you looked hard enough you'd know I got beaten up.

I went downstairs to make some cereal I was feeling coco pops today. I noticed Demi wasn't at home and didn't come home yesterday. I brushed off the feelings feeding myself the last spoons of my coco pops cereal. I walked to my door shouting bye to my mum before bumping into a hard chest on my way out. I breathed in and out for five seconds keeping all cuss words in my head, ignoring the smell of cologne and minty gum.

"Hannah why you standing there for? Hurry please" I snapped my eyes

Open and kissed my teeth loudly at Jabari's antics.

"Why are you even here" we began walking out of my front garden then down the road.

"I'm your bodyguard init so if sh*t goes down I’m here and Demi told me to look out for you" i nodded my head and smiled at Demi's sincere actions. Most sisters would be annoyed but for Demi to be looking out for me from wherever he was meant a lot.

"Baribari when will you draw me?" he raised his eyebrow at my nickname for him and looked up at me from his phone.

"Baribari? That’s a new one you know, and never why would I?"

"Because I’m your best friend" I grinned up to him and he chuckled.

" I already got a best friend" I tutted.

"Fine then I’m your girl best friend can you draw me now?"

"Okay stop begging you can be the girl best friend but no, I’m not even that good of a drawer to be honest and i can’t believe you only want to be my best friend for the benefits."  I sighed and plugged in my earphones as he kissed his teeth and carried on ranting about how these hoes ain’t loyal.

We stopped at the bus stop and I peered at Jabari. I peered at his phone and he was on instagram. I didn't see the obsession; I hardly had any followers probably because I had no pictures. I wasn't exactly photogenic I took thousands of pictures but none were good enough for instagram and to be fair I only made it a few days ago with Chyna's assistance.

"Do you have insta Hannah?" I nodded and typed in my instagram username, he started to laugh at my lack of followers. I rolled my eyes.

"Not everyone can have four thousand follwers Jabari, I just got it don't worry my followers will soon come. Jabari raised his eyebrows and gave me a 'yeah right' look. I ignored him and plugged in my earphones. Our bus came and we sat on the bottom deck next to each other in silence. I was talking to Chyna on BBM telling her about my lack of followers on instagram she promised to help me take a good selfie today.

We got off at the school stuff I said bye and Jabari just nodded and then we went our separate ways.


"Hannah I'm coming yours today and Demi aint gonna be home" I nodded my heat at Jabari, him coming to my house is nothing new and I didn't need to ask Demi his whereabouts he was a man now. I needed to know before our relationship begins to take place. We began to walk side by side not bothering to wait for a bus.

"Jabari ..."

"Yeah" I've been wanting to ask Jabari this for a long time not that I was judging him but it was just bugging me.

"Are you ... You know ..?”

"No, not anymore anyways"

"But I swear that once you are you can't ... Not be again" he laughed and shook his head.

"You’re too nosey you know and something happened and I realized I aint about that life."

I looked up at Jabari was suddenly angry. His fists and jaw were clenched and he pulled his lips in his mouth and his eyebrows were furrowed. I desperately wanted to know but I knew this wasn't the time and he hardly knew me now and trust came with time and we met not long ago. I looked up to him an linked my arms with his.

"You're actually a nerd you know" I rolled my eyes and plugged in one of my earphones. I hummed a bit of "Hannah sing for me I wanna see if you can actually sing" I rolled my eyes something that I always did when I happened to be around Jabari.

"if you sing I’ll draw you" I thought about it I knew I wasn't that bad of a singer, I was actually quite good. If my mum said so that meant something because my mum was the definition of stooshe.

If at first you don't succeed 

Dust yourself off, and try again

You can dust it off and try again, try again

Cause if at first you don't succeed 

Dust yourself off, and try again

You can dust it off and try again, dust yourself off and try again, try again


 I stopped and opened one eye. I saw Jabari videoing my on his phone with a smile on his face. I opened both eyes and he stopped recording.

"You're not that bad" I straight faced him and he burst out laughing.

"That straight face is mad no word of a lie, but you were really good , do you want to be a singer?" i shook my head and linked arms with him again.

At random times I'd find Jabari looking over at me I suddenly felt self conscious and covered my face.

"What are you looking at man proper pree'ing and ting" he shook his head.

"There's nothing wrong with your face.. You’re just a bit blick init come like midnight" I abruptly stopped walking and folded my arms. He turned around and put his arm around my shoulders trying to push my forward but I stay put. He then carried me over his shoulder I screamed and punched his back I even pinched his bum but he never let me go.

"I was joking man you’re a nice complexion init" I pinched his bum again and he slapped my bum hard. I winced and began to rub my bum.

"I got some nice view." I kissed my teeth loudly knowing he was talking about my burning backside. We walked past Bobby's and I was really craving a snickers and drink.

"Jabari can you buy me snickers and drink please at Bobby's ?"

"No" I pinched his bum hard resulting in him dropping me, I stood to my feet and began to run. Seeing as in St.Matthias I had no friends I turned to sports I did netball, rounder’s and did athletics. I had a head start but Jabari was hot on my tail. I cackled loudly as I ran away from Jabari calling him names under the sun. I turned around to see Jabari filming me on his phone probably on snapchat, I swear his life revolved around snapchat he loved uploading stories.

Before I got the chance to turn around I bumped into a firm hard chest. I was now in an alleyway and lost sight of Jabari.


A boy probably my age or taller gripped onto my hands pulling me into a corner in the alleyway. I closed my eyes waiting for it to be over.

God help me, I can't be raped. Please God.

A cold arm stroked my face. i bit my lip struggling not to cry my heart was beating out of my chest, I didn't even have the guts to open my eyes.

"I'm not going to hurt you." I breathed out and opened my eyes, i cleared my throat and stepped back. A tall mixed race boy stood there scrutinizing my face. He was in all black and smirked at me flashing his gold tooth. His dark eyes looking me over, He was so dangerously good looking.

"Where you going Hannah?" It took me some time to register that he was talking to me i cleared my throat and replied.

"erm home." Wait how did he know my name?

I looked at him in shock he chuckled and held my chin in his hands and licked his lips. I shivered he raised his eyebrows.

“I know a lot about you”

"Hannah!!!.” I heard Jabari calling out my name I could tell he was close by I turned at the recognition of my name.

"See you later yeah" he left not before kissing my cheek. I stood there still, my pulse still racing. Fear quickly turned into anger I must of looked so fragile and scared, I can't believe I was going to cry I could've been raped and all I did was stand there. It wasn't even dark. I called out Jabari's name and walked to his voice. I shook of the thought of dangerously good looking and walked towards Jabari, his back was towards me so I tiptoed and jumped on his back.

"You're some idiotic girl you know" i laughed and flicked his ear. He walked to bobby's and bought me a snickers, I thanked him not even asking for a drink because I knew I'd be pushing my luck. As i was looking at Jabari, I couldn't help to compare him to DGL , dangerously good looking. They both had amazing jaw lines, cheekbones and mesmerizing eyes. Even though Jabari had hazel eyes you couldn't help but be captivated by DGL he was a walking temptation.

We continued to walk down the street and I finished my snickers. Jabari has bought a bottle of lucozade. I had bits of nuts in my throat but didn’t want to cough because I found coughing in front of people so unattractive and embarrassing, imagine I spat out a piece of nuts ew.

I quietly coughed trying to get the tiny nuts out of my throat. I felt like I was going to choke.

"Do you want some?" I nodded and took some of Jabari's drink not even bothering to sky it. He kissed his teeth at this and snatched his drink out of my hand. i laughed and thanked him for the drink.

Jabari's phone began to ring he stopped and ushered me to walk on.

I rolled my eyes and walked on i was nearly home anyways. When Jabari finished he ran up to me.

"Be safe yeah something came up I've got to go safe Hannah" and with that he was gone.

I walked in and frowned at Jabari's rapid disappearance, what he did was none of my business but I was looking forward to his company.

"Mum?!" no answer. Home alone once again.

I put my keys down and sat on the sofa not even bothering to make food. I went to the fridge and warmed me some leftover rice and stew.

I was halfway through American’s next top model When I heard a knock at the door I put my finished bowl of rice down on the table and walked to the door. I opened the door and trust me Nothing could prepare me for this. I was confused.

"ey help me please." and with that Dangerously good looking came inside my house with his jumper covered in blood he lifted up his jumper showing a deep gash against his beautiful butterscotch toned core.

No but sorry was I Holby City who invited this guy into my house, if my mum saw this blood she would kill me. I gave in anyway and showed him to living room. I took out the first aid kit and helped him bandage up the wound. Demi had been in many accidents like this before so I knew what to do. Even though he wasn’t involved in any gangs if his ‘squad’ ever needed help he would surely be there.

I met him in the living room and sat him down. What was I even doing helping an obvious criminal into the safety of my home. Then I breathed help thy neighbour’s as thy self Hannah.

“Explain now”

Authorss notee

Hey peopleessss , i love all your comments trust me I read all of them you guys crack me up.

Hannah's life is a joke tbh...

Jabari and Hannah are too cute but too good to be truee ... Might have to mess that up

Thought I'd bring a bit of temptation into Hannah's life.

Where is Demi?

How does DGL know where Hannah lives? Come like some stalker you know *smh*

Thanks for all the love guyss love you lots, all you ghost reader’s start showing love, it takes time making these stories you know at least like, it’s not everyday pree sometimes, like comment and follow. This was just a quick filler next chapter is juicy and very very sad. Lol life isn’t fair ohwells.

Love Proverbs xo

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