Stop following me. (second sp...

By KrystalEndermalie

11.9K 215 275

third story for this, what if humans got (y/n)? how will both sides react? More

Chapter one.
chapter two.
chapter three.
chapter four.
chapter five.
chapter six.
chapter seven.
chapter eight
chapter nine
Chapter ten.
chapter eleven.
chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen.
chapter fourteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five .
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight.
chapter thirty nine.
chapter forty
chapter Forty one
chapter forty two
Chapter forty three.
End one
end two
end three
End four
End five
End six

chapter fifteen

258 3 2
By KrystalEndermalie

Norway and Denmark woke up from their nap, (y/n) was still asleep.
Her sweet little face softly lit by the lights around them, hundreds of magic light balls floated around the room.
Norway touched one and it burst into a shower of shimmering dust, his hand was covered in the beautiful glowing dust.
Denmark was easily amused by the pretty lights, "beautiful."
Finland and Sweden were watching the lights with them, Iceland was Watching the dust form into another show.
"An aurora.", The Icelanders said as the lights shifted and merged into a colorful sheet of light.

"Light magic. The said base of other magic.", Norway spoke, "Scandinavia was light magic."
"Who is doing this then?", Finland asked.
Denmark looked at the lights then looked at (y/n), "I think she is."
The blond Swedish man got up, "suits her."
Iceland continued to watch the lights with Finland.

The lights faded as (y/n) woke up, her red-violet eyes met dull amethyst ones.
"Hej lillesøster.", Norway spoke softly.
The female's eyes seemed to shine bright like the lights that swirled around the room, Denmark squeezed her tightly.
"Cute! I love you lillesøster!", the Dane grinned and snuggled the female.
He still was a bit drunk but sober enough to know that he needed food.
"I think it's dinnertime lillesøster.", the Dane slurred and got up.
Norway followed and looked at the clock, "it's past dinnertime."
"You slept through it.", Finland chuckled, "I guess all of you were tired."
The silver haired female yawned and was picked up by the dane, she was made to eat dinner with the dane.
After dinner, Denmark dragged her to his room for more cuddles and legos.
(Y/n) cuddled the male as he made Lego models, the male was more than happy to be a pillow for the tired female.

The blond Dane finished his Lego model and took his sleepy sister to bed for rest, The male fell asleep as soon as he hit the mattress.
The two were asleep, full bellied, and happy.
The Dane's strong arms kept (y/n) securely and comfortably in his hold, the female had her arms wrapped around his abdomen.
Norway looked into the room at the two sleeping siblings, he sighed and let a small smile show.
the platinum blond Norwegian went to bed.


Loki put out the light he had, he had been watching the Nordic house for a while and saw his sister inside.
Egil was whining about his need to cuddle and kiss their little sister, Bernard shared that he wanted to kiss and cuddle her too.
The two males agreed that they both would share her once they get her back, Loki would get her afterwards.
The Norwegian sighed out smoke, "let's go."
The two males followed him to the door, he heard the dog growl at him.
"What is it Hana?", the voice of Finland could be heard.
"She senses something.", Sweden's voice was heard next.
Bernard and Egil both entered the home from different areas.
"I'll look outside.", The blond swede said and stepped up to the door.
As soon as the 1p opened the door, Loki suckerpunched him.
Finland was quick to retaliate, Loki was slashed by the combat knife the Finn had.

Bernard stalked around quietly, he heard the fighting downstairs and knew someone else may wake up.
The ginger swede moved around the creaky boards and in front of bedrooms, he got to where he smelled his little sister.
The man opened the door and stepped in, he was mad to see Denmark was cuddling the sweet female.
Her soft sleeping face was the only thing that kept Bernard from going into a bloody rage, he walked up to the Dane and tried to pry the female from his arms.
The dane did not want to let go.
He heard Egil and the magic brothers fighting, Bernard thought 'screw it' and broke both of Denmark's arms.
He picked up the scared awake female who was struggling against him and smashed the Dane's face into the vanity mirror.
The cannibal ran downstairs to aid his brother against Finland and Sweden.
The blond Finn and swede were noticeably upset to see that the female was being taken by the cannibal swede.

Bernard took a sword from a wall display and threw it right into his counterpart's skull, Loki summoned fire to scorch Finland.
Egil appeared with them and was happy to see the female with Bernard.
"Time to go~", Loki chuckled and transported them to a new place.
A place (y/n) had never been before.
"Welcome home Kanin. I hope you agree to a more permanent stay with us.", the Strawberry blond Norwegian chuckled, "because you're not going anywhere for a long time."
The cannibalistic Swede dropped the Female on a soft piece of furniture, she got up and ran.
The three did not pursue, Loki eliminated all means of escape magically.
The silver haired female ran around and searched for a door to escape, she found one with a spinning Magic circle on it.
It was sealed by loki.

The Scandinavian girl ran some more to see if she found other doors, none of them were the way out.
She fell to her knees and panted, she had tired herself out.
The cannibal swede was the one who found her.
"So you wore yourself out?~", The ginger male chuckled, "you are silly Lillasystir."
Bernard picked the girl up and gave her a kiss on the cheek, "So much more beautiful than mor."
The silver haired female weakly punched his chest, he responded by hugging tighter.
(Y/n) felt a dull pain in her bones as he squeezed her, he was literally crushing her body.
The girl let out a whine and the male ceased his display of strength, he walked with her in his arms like she was a child.

Egil was quick to join in the embracing of her and kissed her cheeks repeatedly.
Loki shook his head, "I'm going. I found them."
The Icelander and swede nodded and held the younger sister, "okay."
(Y/n) was trying to make the two stop kissing her.
The two however were determined to shower her with love, they held her still between them and cuddled her.
The silver haired female could not breathe from how tight Bernard was holding her, she became really dizzy.
She was slipping out of consciousness as the two began talking.
"Litla systir mín er sætur þegar hún er sofandi~", Egil cooed.
"Ja hon är väldigt söt.", Bernard agreed with a creepysh smile.

The Icelander looked at his older brother and growled, "You like her. You sick bastard."
"I do, but I won't do anything to her.", Bernard said back.
Egil hissed and held (y/n) closer to him, "I'll protect her from you."
"Don't lie. You've imagined it too.", The swede chuckled, "I read your diary."
The platinum haired Icelander gasped, "You did what?!"
the ginger swede laughed, "you have to admit it."
"... Fine. I did, but she's too sweet and innocent.", The One eyed Icelandic male said, "I won't hurt her."
The pale Icelander's cheeks were bright red from embarrassment, the swede however looked pleased.
"Can't hide secrets from me lillebror.", Bernard chuckled, "you'll only get hurt."
Egil huffed, "like all of your dirty magazines? And those websites you go to?"
The swede dropped his smile, "you're looking in my collection?"
"You're just as bad as Kuro with his Hentai.", the icelander said.

Bernard shrugged, "Just stay out of my collection."
Egil hugged the female close and nuzzled into her chest, "so warm."
The swede kissed the girl's neck and hugged her, "so cute and sweet."
The two brothers were interrupted by their brothers coming home.
Loki plopped down on the couch exhausted, magnus was still breaking the steel chains off of him and Thurston was staring into space with a blank look on his face.
The Finnish male got wandered over to where his girl was, "Can I join?"
Bernard had to hold back a snicker, the brunet finn was drugged stupid.
"Ja, you can.", the swede chuckled and laughed when the Finn fell onto the couch.
On top of them.
Egil was wary of the Finn and got out quickly, Bernard just found it funny.
"He'll be like that for a while,", loki said, "the guards pumped him full of drugs."
"Take him and lillesøster to their room.", Magnus said in his deep voice as he broke the chains and shackles from his arms.

The Swede took the two to Thurston's room, he put the two in the bed.
Thurston cuddled the female almost instinctively, he made a shield over the female with his body.
Bernard poked his brother to see what he'd do, he got slapped.
The cannibal swede chuckled and joined the two in cuddling, thinking that another body will be beneficial in the cold air after Egil changed the air temperature with magic.
The female was comfortably snuggled between the two warm men, both hold onto the female.

The night passed and the female found herself caught between two warm bodies.
One particularly warm from not having a shirt on.
She looked at the sleeping face of the one that had no shirt on, the messy ginger hair and sharp teeth told her that Bernard held her along with another.
Just as messy brunet hair and a surprisingly sweet expression made Thurston seem so attractive, so very hot.
(Y/n) could not escape from her holders, they had their arms wrapped around her and squishing her between them.
The silver haired female tried to slip out of the males' grips, The female was only held in a little tighter embrace.
"Stop moving and relax.", Thurston said, "I want to Love you."
"We can both love her", Bernard spoke, "don't be greedy."

The swede chuckled at the Finn's pouting face.
"Kultaseni, you are not behaving.", The Finnish male sounded a tad like Egil.
"I did not run. I was taken.", (y/n) said, "please don't hurt anyone."
Bernard Snickered, "Sweet systir don't worry."
Thurston seemed to be shaking off the drugs and held onto the female, "We will be marrying soon, Right?"
the swede snickered, "getting impatient?"
(Y/n) tried to slip out of their arms again as they bickered.
"Tämä nainen on minun.", Thurston hissed.
"Settle down, I'm not taking her from you.", Bernard chuckled, "I'll help you with takin care of her though."
The brunet finn thought a bit, "Fine. But she is mine."
The silver haired female saw that he was getting increasingly irritated, his energy was angry and violent.
The female was able to slip out with her magic and got away from the two, Bernard got Thurston to calm down a bit.
"She won't get too far, don't worry.", the swede grinned, "We'll work on the agreement for the marriage then get her. Okay?"
"Fine.", the Finn growled.

The silver haired girl knew it, her brothers have gone crazy if they already were not.
The female ran through the building, searching for escape.
She may love her brothers, but she wanted to be able to be free to make her own decisions.
She ran and ran, her legs were used to running but the stress she was facing was making her tired.
(Y/n) Kept running and tripped on a chain, the cold steel made her fall and the clatter caught the attention of the nearby man.
The tall blonde walked out and looked for the source of the sound, "lillesøster."
the male's large hands picked her up as gently as they can, he could feel her still bony body was getting heavier and was pleased she was gaining a healthy weight.

"Lillesøster, why are you so frightened?", the blond asked and held the female.
She did not answer and struggled against him, "Please let me go."
"Nej. You are going to stay with us.", Magnus answered and carried the struggling female with him.
he caught her again after she transported herself from his arms magically, Loki's containment field kept her inside the base.
The Dane had walked to where Loki was drinking, the Norwegian had his headphones in and seemed to be listening to something.
Loki saw him and took his listening device out.
"Seal her magic again Loki.", The Dane ordered the Norwegian.
"Don't need to. She's too weak to escape from us, she'll be fine.", the burned male said back, "Cute dress Kanin."
Magnus nodded, "it's your head of she escapes."
Loki just waved a dismissive hand, he put his headphones back in and played his music.

The dane carried his sister To the kitchen to make something to eat, he still had some chains on his body.
The chains were warm thanks to his body heat, Magnus set her down on the floor beside him.
"Don't you dare run", The Dane spoke and made the female shudder.
He crushed some more links of chains off of him.
Egil was up and tackled the female, "Litla Systir mín!"
The icelander rubbed his cheek on hers, (y/n) was trying to get away from the cold male.
Magnus looked back at the two, "Egil. Look after her while I make something to eat."
The surprisingly strong icelander picked the female up and carried her to his room, he snuggled her the entire way.
"We can play games again, or watch something together, or share stories!", the excited Icelander said while setting the female down.
He smiled at the frightened female, "You don't have to be afraid of us. We won't hurt you. We'll kill anyone who will try to hurt you or try to take you away from us!"

His eye was creepy as he spoke, as if insanity itself leaked from his very psyche.
The silver haired female stepped back from him, "please let me go."
"We can't let you go.", the icelander said, "we need you. You are why we still function."
His speech was getting a darker feeling as he continued to speak, he stepped forward and took hold of the female.
"Don't be scared of your dear older brother.", He said with a crazed grin, "Give your brother a kiss."
Egil leaned in to kiss (y/n), the red-violet eyed girl pushed him back before his lips could make contact.
"PLEASE STOP!", The female exclaimed and The icelander chuckled.
"You're so cute when you try to be tough. But I won't hurt you Blóm. Like I made sure that so many others would not hurt you.", Egil started laughing insanely, "Oh how sweet and innocent you are. But how many had to be sacrificed to keep you that way?"

The female's heart dropped, they killed people because of her.
"Don't cry Blóm. They deserved it.", The icelander giggled, "your father and mine deserved it. They all did. You don't need anyone else but us."
Egil gripped her shoulders, "don't worry Litla systir. We'll keep you safe, you'll see."
(Y/n) could feel the darkness dripping off of him, the darkness in his mind that had him like this.
His touch burned her as he spoke, this pain was worse than anything she had ever felt before.
The icelandic male let go of her shoulders, burn marks from where his hands were showed on her skin.
His hands seemed dull and his eye went back to being brighter.
"Oh no, I hurt you.", He whined, "I used my dark magic and hurt you."
The silver haired female's eyes were watering from the pain, her body was feeling like it was being stabbed over and over.
She ran away from the male, he called for her to come back but to no avail.
(Y/n) collapsed after a while from not being able to bear the pain anymore and cried, the sound of her cries got Loki's attention.

"Dark magic infection.", the Norwegian said, "bae."


Litla systir mín er sætur þegar hún er sofandi.: my little sister is cute when she is sleeping.

Ja hon är väldigt söt.: yes she very cute.

Tämä nainen on minun: this woman is mine.

Bae: shit

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