Reborn(Shugo Chara Fan fictio...

By ShadowandNemo

69.1K 2.5K 179

I wish to be outgoing. Loving. Fierce. Rebellious. Not just that shy girl sitting around in a lonely corner... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Author Notice to ALL readers
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Q&A's Characters
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58

Chapter 40

407 13 0
By ShadowandNemo

Shizuko: You know, I think that now that you have Jacko (Shizuko and Jack), that maybe we should have a bit Ryuuko (Shizuko and Ryuu)... What do you think?

Ryuu: *brightens up* Yeah! I think that that's a GREAT idea!

Ninja Joker: *shakes head firmly* No. Abolutely not.

Ryuu: Awwwww... Please?

Ninja Joker: Nope.

Ikuto: *walks in* Come on, give them a chance.

Ninja Joker: *nods vigorously* Of course! I'll listen to anything you say!

Ryuu: *hugs me tightly* I love youuuuuu!

Ninja Joker: *glares* Get off of me.

Ryuu: *smiles and get off* Whatever you say!

Ninja Joker: *sigh* This is really creepy.

Shizuko: -.-lll

Ninja Joker: Oh yeah, and be warned that there IS this one part where a guy takes off his shirt and all... but nothing more other than that... so yea... be warned...


"What is it that you want, Caretaker-san?" Ryuu asked.

Caretaker took out two cards from his deck: Queen and Jack. "Queen and Jack are a bit closer."

He shrugged. "So?"

Caretaker smiled gently, and took out another card: the King. "... While the King is being left back." He glanced at Ryuu. "The King and Queen should be together, don't you think?" he asked, giving Ryuu the King card.

Ryuu stared at the card, and his hands tightened around it. "Caretaker-san's right. I need to make my move!" he shouted, and ran off.

Caretaker sighed. "The Queen and Jack are not a good pair..." he muttered, looking up at the stars. "The stars say that there'll be a heartbreak..." He took a sip of his tea. "Be careful, Guardians."


"-So that's why you have to help me, Amu-chan!" Ryuu finished.

Amu sighed. "Ok, fine, I'll do it. Gimme the tickets."

Ryuu fished the tickets out of his pocket, and handed them to her. He bowed. "Thank you so much!"

Amu rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever," she muttered, putting on her 'cool-and-spicy' personality.

~Later, in Shizuko's POV...~

Ryuu and I were just hanging out, chatting about random stuff, when Amu barged into the room.

"Shizuko! Ryuu!" she called out, pulling two pieces of blue paper. "These are tickets to a private boat, and Ikuto and I were planning to go, but we have an interview today, and since these tickets expire today, can you two go instead? Please?"

I smiled."Sure, why not?" I turned to Ryuu. "Wanna come? It'll be fun!"

Ryuu smiled. "Ok!"

~Later, when we went on the boat...~

"Wow, this isn't what I was expecting," I said.

Ryuu cocked his head. "Why?"

I shrugged. "Well, Amu and Ikuto are famous celebrities, so I thought that the private boat that they had would be... I don't know... Something fancy... Not like this," I said, motioning over to the boat that we were on right now, which was the old-fashioned type that you had to row and all...

He shrugged. "Yeah, I guess..." he muttered, looking away.

I stood up on the boat and leaned over at the side, examining the water and seeing if there were any fishies in there. I got excited when I saw a salmon. "Ryuu, look!" I shouted, pointing at it. "There's a salmon-"

"Shizuko, watch out!" he shouted, trying to warn me of something. I realized that he was trying to warn me because I was dangerously on the edge of the boat, close enough to fall off of it.

Too late. I plunged into the depths of the lake. Despite my struggles, I couldn't keep myself afloat, since I didn't know how to swim. I was scared- I couldn't handle water, and at this second, I needed air. I shut my eyes quickly, suffocating from the lack of air. I was gonna die.

~Let's go visit Ryuu...~

"HOLY *beep!*" Ryuu shouted, watching in horror as Shizuko sank into the water. There was no help. They had decided to leave behind Emi, Kina, Kazu, Aya, and Yuko back at home. Ryuu took a deep breath. There was only one solution: he had to go personally to save Shizuko.

Ryuu quickly took off his leather jacket, dived into the water, and immediately spotted Shizuko. Thank god she wore orange today, since that color seemed to stand out in the water. If she had worn a color like blue, she probably would've drowned before Ryuu even spotted her. Ryuu quickly grabbed Shizuko, and pulled her up into the boat.

Shizuko coughed, choking on what seemed like seaweed.

"Are you ok?!" Ryuu asked worriedly, pulling himself onto the boat.

Shizuko nodded, shivering like crazy, half because she was freezing, half because she was terrified. Who wouldn't be? After all, she was just seconds away from death. Tears spilled out, and Shizuko hugged Ryuu tightly. "I was so scared... I thought that I was gonna die!"

Ryuu patted Shizuko's back, and muttered, like what a dependable older brother would do. "It's ok, it's ok... Everything's fine. Don't worry..."

Shizuko pulled back the hug, sniffling. Ryuu glanced worriedly at her shivering body, and muttered, "Are you cold?"

Shizuko nodded. "F-Freezing," she chattered.

Ryuu took his jacket and wrapped it around Shizuko. "Better?"

She nodded. "A-A bit..." she stammered, checks turning a bit red.

"Still cold?"

Shizuko nodded.

Ryuu sighed, and, with a tad of red on his cheeks, pulled Shizuko to him, hugging her. "Better?"

She shook her head, blushing a bit more. "Y-Your shirt's t-too wet..."

Ryuu's face turned redder as he took off his shirt, wringing the water out of it and then using it to wipe off the water tat dripped down on him. He pulled Shizuko close to him again, rewarded with a beet-red Shizuko. "Now?"

"Y-Yeah, this is fine..." she muttered, snuggling a bit closer to him. They stood like this until the boat naturally drifted to the surface, earning a lot of stares and murmurs.

"Is that girl ok?"

"She looks pretty cute!"

"Too bad she has a boyfriend though..."

"Well yeah, mister smooth-moves here IS more good looking than you'd ever be..."

~At the end, we got home safely...~


Ninja Joker: Finally! Done!

Ryuu: *blinks* That's it?

Ninja Joker: Yeah. What did you expect?

Ryuu: Kisses, confessions, relationships! Where are they?!

Ninja Joker: You greedy little thing! I gave you more than enough Ryuuko! *slaps* NOW THERE WILL ONLY BE JACKO!

Ryuu: ;-; Why...?

Ninja Joker: Because I'm the author and I make the story. That's why.

Ryuu: But didn't you say that the King and Queen are good together and that the Queen and Jack aren't?

Ninja Joker: *glares* That was to make you feel better.

Ryuu: Are you sure?

Ninja Joker: Don't make me kill you, both now and in the fanfic.

Ryuu: *gasps* You wouldn't...!

Ninja Joker: *smirks evilly* Yes I would.

Ryuu: I don't believe you!

Ninja Joker: Watch. I'll make sure you don't appear in the next chapter AT ALL! :3


Ninja Joker: *glares* Shuddup. *stabs with knife*

Shizuko: *bows* Thank you for watching. From this day forth, Ryuu will no longer appear, unless he turned into a zombie.

Ryuu: Save... me...

Shizuko: *screams a girly scream* RYUU HAS TURNED INTO A ZOMBIE!

Ninja Joker: *stabs 5 million times* Die, die, die, die die!

Shizuko: *pokes at dead body* Are you sure that it's dead?

Ninja Joker: *rolls eyes* Don't worry, we'll just lock him up in the closet. This way, if he does turn into a zombie, he won't be going anywhere... Now help me carry the body before he turns into a zombie!

Shizuko: *nobs* Ok.



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