Chapter 18

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I sighed. "Kukai, I told you- it's useless. I can't do it."

"There must be a way! Anything can be done with Kukai's Special Training!" Daichi shouted.

"Yeah! He worked his wonders on us, too!" Yuko shouted.

"Try one more time. Just one more. Remember: chin up, speak loudly, no hesitations, think about dangers, think about loved ones, and most importantly, believe!" Kukai shouted. "Anything can be achieved if you believe!"

I rolled my eyes. "I think I've believed enough for the last three hours," I muttered under my breath.

"Just try! One last time! I promise!" Kukai begged.

I sighed. "There's no end to it," I muttered. "Watashi no kokoro: Unlock!" I shouted, forming the wierd rectangle thingy with my fingers.

Nothing happened.

Emi sighed. "Awwww man... And I was really looking forward to it, too!"

Yuko patted her back. "Don't worry. It'll happen sometime. Soon, I betcha!"

Emi blushed. "R-Really? Well, I obviously knew that! Of course me and Shizuko-chan will chara nari soon!"

Kukai sighed. "God damn, this kid's hard to teach..." he muttered. Then he perked up. "I remember now! When I first chara nari, it was merely against my will, and by chance too."

"You had to tell me now... After trying to chara nari for three hours..." I muttered, digging my face into the palm of my hand.

"Hahaha, sorry, sorry..." Kukai laughed.

"Well then, we'll just explain to you what are X eggs," Daichi announced.

Kukai nodded. "Hahahaha, good idea, Daichi!" he shouted. "Regular eggs turn into X eggs when something is troubling them, or when they no longer believe in their dream. So it's up to us to purify them, so that they can believe again. Since shugo charas have some sorta egg radar, they can sense the X egg."

"You'll sense it once you feel a negative energy. If someone breaks the X egg, that crushes their dreams permanently, causing them to never believe," Daichi continued. "If the X egg born long enough, or when the X egg's bearer's distress is enough, the X egg hatches into an X Chara. An X Chara is a lot stronger than an X egg."

"Hahaha, that's it for your lesson today!" Kukai laughed.

"Well then, since we have nothing else to do here, let's just leave," Ryuu muttered.

Yuko's eyes widened, along with Daichi and Emi. "It's a large amount of negative energy- it's a lot of X eggs," Kina muttered.

Daichi nodded. "Yeah! Let's go, Kukai!"

He nodded. "Boku no kokoro: Unlock!" He did the transformation. "Chara Nari: Sky Jack!" He look over at Ryuu. "Ryuu, hurry up and chara nari!"

Ryuu nodded. "Boku no kokoro: Unlock!" He did the cute transformation. Could it possibly be...? That I'm in love with... Friendly Angel?! I thought, staring at him with mesmerized eyes.(Ok, I know I sorta copied Tadase with Amulet Heart but whatever...)"Chara Nari: Friendly Angel!"

"The best I can xo for you is this: Chara change!" Emi shouted.

I straightened up. It was like I ate too much sugar, and drank too much energy drinks. I itched to move, to run. This wasn't like our normal chara changes. It felt like I was being transformed, into my chara nari form... But not quite right. I didn't really have my outfit changed, except for the smiley-face pin on my hair. "Guys! Lead the way! I'll catch up!" I shouted.

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