Hyperdimension Neptunia X Mal...

Autorstwa shingin24

104K 1K 1.7K

A year has passed since you left Gamindustri. During that 1 year, mankind has made a step forward towards the... Więcej

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Another Beginning...
Chapter 2: A Long Time
Chapter 3: Enemies
Chapter 4: Nostalgia
Chapter 5: Surprises
Chapter 6: Help...
Chapter 7: Berserk
Chapter 8: Vacation
(Lemon) Chapter 9: Jealousy
Chapter 10: One After Another...
Chapter 11: Curse
Chapter 12: Fear
Chapter 13: Cold Leaf
Chapter 15: Competition
Chapter 16: Date (Vert)
Chapter 17: Date (Nepgear)
Chapter 18: The Darkest Light
Chapter 19: Cutting Through The Future (Part 1)
Final Chapter: Cutting Through The Future (Part 2)

Chapter 14: Settling The Score

2.5K 42 59
Autorstwa shingin24

Y/N's P.O.V

Y/N: I... Can't... Breathe...

I feel like I'm being suffocated. My body feels heavy and the temperature increased. I slowly opened my eyes and felt a gentle wind blowing my cheeks. Once I could see, the reason my body felt heavy was because Neptune was on me. On my right was Blanc while the opposite was Noire.

Y/N: What the hell?!

Timeskip (School)

Neptune: You don't have to scream to wake us up you know?

Y/N: That's not the case now. Why were the three of you on my bed?

Neptune: I'm too tired to walk to my bedroom...

Noire: I-I just happened to sleep walk last night to your bedroom due to fatigue.

Blanc: No comment.

Y/N: <sigh>

It was currently recess. We had class as usual. I can't help but be surprised when I saw Blanc and Noire sleeping with me. Neptune is always like this so she's not a surprise.

Looking at them again happily eating and chatting together was truly a great scene. Deep inside I was happy that they came here. Despite not living like a real goddess they enjoy the life here.

Mebius: Such soft thinking.

Y/N: (Shut up.)

I could talk with Mebius through my head. Usually I'll be pissed hearing his voice but that's in the past.

Y/N: (What do you want?)

Mebius: It won't be long before I make my return.

Y/N: (Whatever you say.)

Mebius: You act tough but once it happens you'll be on the ground crying.

I just ignored him and joined the girls in their lunch. The smiles on their faces...

Noire's P.O.V

Y/N was called to help set up for the upcoming Sports Day so we were left on the rooftop.

Vert: Alright ladies. Shall we make this sports day a little bit interesting?

Neptune: Ooo, you mean a prize for the most awesome winner?

Vert: Yes. Whoever gets first place in the sports day will have the honours of dating Y/N.

Uni: D-D-Date?

Ram: Eww... Luckily Rom, Luna and I'm not entering the competition.

Luna: Uh-huh.

Rom: But Nepgear-chan and Uni-chan probably will enter.

Nepgear: It's going to be a new experience for all of us so I'll enter.

Uni: I don't really want to go out with Y/N but the competition is interesting.

Vert: With that being said, don't you all agree that this is a fine idea?

Blanc: It certainly will spice things up.

Noire: I don't really care because from the looks of things I'm clearly going to be the winner.

Neptune: No way. That chicken dinner is mine!

Nepgear: I guess it's fine.

Uni: Are we going to have to go against each other?

Vert: From what I heard, it'll only be against the same grade.

Noire: So we'll have to fight each other while Nepgear will fight Uni?

Vert: An accurate answer.

Uni looked at Nepgear while she did the same to Uni. Of course, I have no doubts Uni can win.

Timeskip (L/N Residence)

I was helping Y/N cook dinner since everyone else was busy doing their own thing. From the side I could see Y/N smiling. He's been like that since this morning. It's not creepy at all. Maybe he's in a good mood.

Noire: Oh yeah. What do you want to be when you grow up Y/N?

Y/N: What's with the sudden question?

Noire: Just felt like asking.

Y/N: What do I want to be..?

He seems to be thinking hard about it.

Noire: Then, what was your dream when you were small?

Y/N: I don't remember of wanting to be anything. As long as I'm alive and happy, everything's fine by me.

Noire: You've got to at least have a purpose in life.

Y/N: I know but... For now I just want to be with the rest of you.

Noire: E-Eh?

Y/N: I can consider myself lucky. You're cute, strong, smart, you're a perfect package. Almost anyone could have fallen for you.

Noire: W-W-What is with that sudden-

Before I could finish my sentence, I wounded my finger by accidentally cutting my finger. It didn't hurt that much but Y/N was worried.

Y/N: Are you okay?

Noire: Y-Yeah. It's a small cut. Something like this won't-

Y/N: Small or big you're still hurt. Let me help you with this.

Noire: No need. I can do this much-

Y/N grabbed my hand and cleaned it with water while gently using a tissue to wipe of any blood. It stings but that was all I felt. Why is he going so far just to patch up a tiny wound?

Noire: (Yet why do I feel happy?)

Y/N: There we go.

Y/N finished it with plastering my wound with a bandage.

Noire: T-Thank you.

Y/N: Your welcome. Now let's finish this cook.

My face can't stop turning red everytime I see his. But without him even noticing, he's building a harem...

Timeskip 3rd P.O.V

Satisfied with dinner, you returned back to your room. The girls also headed back to their rooms but right before they could get their good night's sleep...

<N-Gear ringing>

Nepgear: Huh?

Nepgear picked it up and saw the caller ID was Histoire.

Histoire: Nepgear?

Nepgear: Yes, it's me.

Histoire: How is Y/N?

Nepgear: He's doing fine.

Histoire: Thank goodness.

Nepgear: What's wrong?

Histoire: Actually, when I was researching about Y/N's sudden ability to HDD, I found out his power level has decreased drastically.

Nepgear: I guess. During our fight with a woman named Maria, she had took away a lot of power from Y/N.

Histoire: This is bad.

Nepgear: Why?

Histoire: Listen. With his now weak power, Mebius can easily overtake his body anytime soon.

Nepgear: Really?!

Histoire: Yes. So I need to ask for the goddesses help to prevent this.

Nepgear: We'll try to do everything in our power to help Y/N.

Histoire: It proves to be a daunting task but I hope you all will succeed for the future of that world and Gamindustri.

Nepgear: How do we prevent Mebius from taking over?

Histoire: Call the CPUs and CPU Candidates and I'll explain the plan.

Nepgear didn't wait a second and called everyone. They grouped up in the CPUs bedroom.

Vert: What seems to be the problem Nepgear?

Histoire: It's about Y/N...

Histoire explained everything to the rest. Most of them were devastated. Considering you could put up a smile while Mebius slowly tries to takeover you like a hidden parasite.

Histoire: There is a way to save him. And that's by entering into Y/N's dream and take Mebius out from within. However, it does contain risks.

Noire: What risks?

Histoire: If by any chance you fail to defeat Mebius from within, your souls won't return back to your body. Another one is, if Y/N wakes up while you're still in there the same results as the first will happen.

Neptune: Let me just pray he dreams of puddings.

Vert: A time limit boss... It's not impossible but it's not going to be a 100% win rate.

Blanc: Scared?

Vert: Of course not.

Histoire: I'll brief you on the plan. Rom and Ram will stay behind and cast sleep inducing magic at Y/N to increase the time for the 6 of you to defeat Mebius. I'll cast a spell that'll transport the 6 of you into his dream. Unfortunately, I can't predict what will happen in there so I can only wish the best of luck.

The girls were ready for what's about to come despite the risks. After the briefing, the girls opened the door slowly and saw you sleeping peacefully.

Uni: <whisper> Is there really no other way?

Nepgear: <whisper> It's a little embarrassing to do but it's for Y/N.

Rom and Ram used their magic and you slept like a baby. Luna was on standby. The rest of them got into the bed with you while being careful not to wake you up. Apparently, the girls have to get as close to you as possible to link with you.

Blanc: It's cramped...

Noire: Neptune you're taking too much space.

Neptune: It's not my fault. Vert's boobs needs space.

Vert: This is a rather big problem...

Histoire: I'll begin the teleportation.

All: W-Wait Histoire-

Neptune's P.O.V (Y/N's Dream)

Ow... That cramped teleportation really did a number on me. I looked around to see I was back on the Planeptower.

Y/N: Neptune!

Neptune: Y/N?

Y/N: What are you doing here?

Neptune: Hehe, I came here to beat that Mebius black and blue.

Y/N: Aren't you slow, I've already took care of it.

Neptune: Really? Then what are we suppose to do now?

Y/N: I guess wait untill I wake up. Since this is my dream...

Y/N summoned a whole mountain of games and flooded the room. I nearly drowned in it but swam my way to the surface.

Neptune: Pwah! Who knew a dream could be so deadly... WOW!!! The sequel for this game is already out?!

Y/N: Let's enjoy ourselves okay?

Neptune: You bet your pudding we will!

Nepgear's P.O.V

Somehow we were all teleported away from each other. I was at a vast field of grass. I looked around and saw Y/N running towards me.

Y/N: Nepgear!

Nepgear: Y/N!

I ran towards him and stopped when we were close to each other.

Nepgear: Y/N, I've got something important to say to you.

Y/N: Never mind that. Could you help me with a new robot I'm building?

Nepgear: Robot?

I could hear a machine whirring from behind Y/N. He turned around and I saw a blue robot flying towards us.

It landed behind Y/N who's looking at me with a smile.

Nepgear: Amazing... You really want me to tinker with it?

Y/N: I can't think of anyone else other than you.

Nepgear: Oh my goodness, I don't know where to start...

But now, I'm feeling like I've forgotten something very important...

Noire's P.O.V

Y/N: Congratulations!

As soon as I had arrived, I've been showered with confetti.

Noire: What's going on?

Y/N: Don't you remember? That cosplay outfit you just made apparently skyrocketed Lastation's Shares!

Noire: Really?!

I don't really get what is really happening but if my Shares has increase then I'm not complaining. I'm just glad all of my hard work has payed off.

Uni's P.O.V


Uni: Whew... Where did these monsters came from?

Announcer: Well done!

Uni: Huh?

I turned around to see an announcer behind me.

Announcer: The judges are impressed with your accuracy. For such a small girl, your aim rivals a pro.

Uni: O-Obviously!

Announcer: But this tournament is not over yet! There are still some more people whose skill is parallel with yours.

Uni: Heh, bring it! I'll show you all the power of the number one FPS player!

Blanc's P.O.V

Blanc: Where is everyone?

Y/N: Ah, Blanc!

Blanc: Huh? Y/N.

I walked quickly towards Y/N trying to warn him about Mebius but...

Y/N: Since we helped Kazuya-san from being swarmed, he decided to give you one of his latest release.

Y/N took out the book and showed it to me. Without hesitation, I took it and took a look at the synopsis.

Blanc: This is the sequel towards the book I've just read! I need to start now.

Y/N: Enjoy.

Vert's P.O.V

Vert: I'm... in my room?

I took a good look around and without a doubt, this is my room. We can't possibly got teleported back to Gamindustri...


My computer had a notification. I looked through it swiftly and saw my guild in 4GO needed my help.

Vert: ... Just a few minutes before I continue my real mission.

Mebius' P.O.V

Mebius: Fools... I can't believe these "goddesses" govern a nation.

I watched them drowned from the illusions I had created. I won't let them stop me from making my comeback.

Just a little more...

3rd P.O.V

Neptune: Hiyah! Eii! Woah!

As Neptune and the rest were distracted by Mebius' illusions, his objective is near completion.

Y/N: What are you doing here?

The real Y/N had made his appearance. Neptune who was too engrossed in her gaming continued playing without realising. The fake got up and turned towards you.

Neptune: Isn't it obvious? I'm pulling off a... Nepu, two Y/Ns?!

Fake Y/N: Why are you here?

Y/N: This may be a dream but why would I dream of Neptune with a doppelganger of me?

Neptune: Wait, who's the real Y/N?

Fake Y/N & Y/N: Me!

Neptune: Obviously, you'll say that...

Poor Neptune tried her best to figure out which one is the real Y/N.

Y/N: <sigh> I don't expect Neptune to figure it out though.

You summoned the key sword and pointed it at the fake. The fake couldn't do anything without a command from Mebius so he disappeared into a black smoke.

Y/N: Seriously though... You okay?

Neptune: Y-Yes.

Y/N: May I ask why are you here?

Neptune: That Mebius guy is taking over your body like a parasite! In order to save you, we decided to be heroines and save you from being a mind controlled zombie!

Y/N: Mebius huh... He just can't seem to let go of me.

Neptune: So where do we find the rest?

Y/N: You mean Noire, Vert, Blanc, Nepgear, and Uni?

Neptune: Yup!

Y/N: Follow me.

You made a gateway to Nepgear. The both of them went through the gate to see Nepgear being chased by a blue robot.

Neptune: Nepgear!

Nepgear: Onee-chan!

The robot was shooting Nepgear down with its beam rifle. Amazingly, she dodged every shot.

You jumped in, hugged her and jumped out as soon as the robot shot an accurate beam. You took out your sword and minced the robot.

Nepgear: Aww... What a wasted potential...

Y/N: Shall we continue?

The girls nodded and the three of you jumped through a portal to Noire. This time she's fighting 3 Killachine. She's having a hard time despite having a weapon in hand. There is also people watching her.

Noire: This might be bad...

Y/N: Duck!

She did as told and his blade impaled one of the Killachine's head making

Neptune: It's time to be a hero!

Nepgear: Let's go onee-chan.

The Planeptune sister took out their weapons and obliterated one more Killachine leaving the single one running for its life. The crowd cheered for the fight.

Noire: Y/N? I thought you had something to do?

Y/N: Since when? You know what? Forget about it.

You made another portal to Uni and she was ganged up with a lot of Vaders. There was no reason to wait so the four of you hacked and slashed the Vaders.

Uni: Eh?! W-Where did you guys came from?

Nepgear: There's not enough time to explain. We need to handle this Vaders first.

Uni: O-Okay.

Uni shot all of them at their critical spots adding your help and the rest, they were taken in less than one minute.

After clearing the wave of Vaders, Nepgear explained the situation to Uni while going to Blanc.

You saw her being attack by flying books. She didn't have a weapon but even if she did you think she wouldn't have the strength to attack a book.

Blanc: What the hell is going on?!

Noire, Neptune and you jumped in and sliced a few of the flying books.

Blanc: Ah! That's-

The three of you kept on slashing the rest of the books till they were all turned to shredded paper.

Blanc: Uhu...

Y/N: Come on Blanc. If we don't end Mebius now, you'll never get to read your books.

Blanc: That blue haired bastard will feel my wrath!

As soon as Blanc got her spirits again, you made the final trip to Vert. But as soon as you reached there...

Vert: Okay... Fall back for now... Ugh that boss has long range capabilities too...

All: Umm...

Vert was just playing 4GO without even noticing everyone was there with her. There was no real threat in the room. Blanc took out her hammer and smashed her computer while she was still playing.

Vert: Wah?! B-Blanc? E-Everyone's here... Ahaha...

Blanc: You still have the time to play with you games while we're on a mission?

Vert: I can't help it! My guild members needed my help-

Blanc: This is just an illusion.

Vert: Oh...

Y/N: Alright girls, now that we have everyone, let's go to Mebius and end this once and for all!

Mebius: That's not needed.

The illusion broke and you all were at a dark void. There was no platform but you can still stand. Most likely it's invisible. Mebius was a few metres away from you but he was still looking at you with a smile.

Mebius: I take it you all are here to stop me?

Neptune: Yeah! And we won't just stop you, we'll make sure you don't come back again!

Mebius: You girls are useless here. The only one who's able to attack will be Y/N and me.

Their weapons disappeared as soon as he said it.

Mebius: You goddesses don't even deserve to be called goddesses. The illusions were already proof on how weak you are.

Blanc: What did you say?!

Mebius: In the very end, you still had to rely on Y/N. If he hadn't come, you girls would have been trapped here eternally. Your desires can drive you away from your true objective. That's why none of you can unite Gamindustri.

Noire: That's...

Y/N: That may be true.

You caught everyone's attention.

Y/N: But really, a world without fighting or competition how would we be able to move forward? Evolution only happens through this. We won't get stronger if we don't fight.

Mebius: But what about the nations? Especially Planeptune.

Neptune: I'm here you know!

Y/N: The people still love their goddesses. None of them are in anarchy or riots. They're willing to put their lives on the line just to protect their nation from people like you.

Mebius: If that's your ideal...

Mebius started twitching and morphed into some sort of black dragon with few ice proportions.

(Shut up. This looks fitting for Mebius.)

Mebius: Then show me you have the strength to protect it!

Neptune: Nepu?! He became 10x larger than his human form.

Uni: We don't even have our weapons.

Y/N: I'll give you guys a pass for doing whatever you like here. I won't be able to do this alone.

Neptune: Alright! Let's create havoc in this boring dream!


The girls transformed and dashed towards Mebius. You also did the same only you didn't transform. They tried to inflict damage but he didn't even flinch.

Mebius: Weak!

He used his left arm to knock back the CPUs. Nepgear came in with Uni supporting her. But it also proved useless when he used a lightning magic to prevent them from coming close.

Uni(HDD): We can't get a hit on him.

You jumped towards him and attempted an attack but once again...

Y/N: <grunts>

Mebius: Useless effort.

He pushed you away and breathed out an ice breath. You all managed to dodge it but the cold was felt.

Nepgear(HDD): That's colder than Ram's ice magic.

Vert(HDD): It seems trying to even get close to it proves to be a daunting task.

Neptune(HDD): Then we'll just have to kick it up a notch.


The CPUs activated their NEXT form. They fought even harder than before but it still proved useless.

Nepgear(HDD): If only we could use the NEXT form.

Uni(HDD): We'll just have to support them.

The Candidates supported their sisters but it still had no effect.

Mebius: What a nuisance...

Mebius roared and he summoned blue lightning bolts from above crashing down on the CPUs. The shock paralyzed them so it was only you, Uni and Nepgear.

Blanc(NEXT): Damn it! Even in this form.

Nepgear(HDD): Onee-chan! Multiple Beam Launcher!

The beam only disappeared as soon it reached close to him.

Uni(HDD): No way...

Mebius: Time to say your prayers CPUs!

Y/N(HDD): Like I'll let you!

You activated your Hard Drive Divinity and dashed as soon as Mebius was about to squash the CPUs. You used your sword to hold

Y/N(HDD): Nepgear! Uni! I need your help!

Nepgear(HDD): But we're-

Y/N(HDD): It doesn't matter! I can't do this alone.

Uni(HDD): Alright. Nepgear, we need to attack him with everything we got!

Nepgear(HDD): I-I'll do my best!

The two of them charged up their weapons. Mebius tried to get them but you stopped him in his tracks.

Y/N(HDD): Shoot now!

Uni(HDD): But you're in the way!

Y/N(HDD): Just shoot!

Uni(HDD): Don't blame me if you die! Ex Multi Blaster, Mode: Empress!

Nepgear(HDD): Multiple Beam Launcher, Overdrive!

Two gigantic beams were shot at Mebius. You managed to dodge it with a scratch to your left arm.

Y/N(HDD): That's good. My turn!

You summoned the Magnum Rifle and shot Mebius on the head using all 5 cartridge. Mebius still could fight back despite the circumstances.

Mebius: It's going to take more than that to stop me!

Uni(HDD): Feel free to have some more!

The two beams got larger and you reloaded your gun. The three of you kept on firing until an explosion happened.

Nepgear(HDD): <pant> Did <pant> we... get <pant> him..?

Mebius: Maybe I did underestimated the power of the CPU Candidates.

He was still standing with a lot of cracks on his body.

Uni(HDD): No... way...

Mebius: It's now-

An axe was thrown at his head making him fall on the ground. The axe returned back to its owner; Blanc.

Blanc(NEXT): Your paralysis is not as strong as Y/N's.

The CPUs were all up and ready. Nepgear and Uni reverted back to normal along with you.

Y/N: I'll let you girls have the final shot at him.

Vert(NEXT): With pleasure. Infinite Spear!

Vert's spear disappeared and a lot of circle seals appeared behind her. Spears appeared out of it and rained at Mebius. Vert made more of the seals surrounding Mebius and with the clench of her hand, the spears impaled Mebius. Two much bigger seals appeared above and below him. It shot out two green beams making it explode in the end.

Mebius was on the verge of being destroyed. His tail which was glowing blue is starting to fade away.

Blanc(NEXT): Here comes mine! Blaster Controller!

Blanc created a frozen wasteland which freezed Mebius. She did a slash wave which destroyed the ice covering Mebius. Instead, he was impaled by ice spikes which came with the slash wave. A portal appeared beside her and there came out a gigantic blaster. Blanc took out the key from her armour and sticked it into the rear of the gun. The front of the gun opened up revealing a gap in the middle which charged the beam.

Blanc(NEXT): Fire.

By her order, the gun fired a gigantic beam which decimated Mebius. He lost his right arm and left wing. The rest of his body is nearly gone too.

Noire(NEXT): Hmph! You think we'll let you rest?

Noire flew to Mebius and did some quick slashes. After that...

Noire(NEXT): Think again! Diagonal Blade Dance!

Four swords appeared behind her and joined in the many slashes Noire made. After doing a certain amount of slashes, she flew up and the four swords made a seal behind her. She used it to boost herself towards Mebius at a crazy speed. Her final slash passed through him and created a blue explosion.

Noire reverted back after that skill. Vert and Blanc also reverted after their skill.

Noire: Neptune! You finish it!

Neptune(NEXT): I won't let you take Y/N away...

Neptune touched the ground and it reacted like water.

Neptune(NEXT): He's an important friend of ours!

The particles emanated from her back was small but now, it's out of control. Her katana also became larger and larger.

Neptune(NEXT): Be gone with you! Dimensional Slice!

She dashed at Mebius at an insane speed. Once she could reach Mebius, she swinged her sword and a gigantic cut was made. Mebius was also sliced in half.

Neptune reverted back but Mebius was still alive, only he's back in his original form weak looking.

Mebius: No... I... Can't... Lose...

Y/N: I'll handle this.

You walked towards him slowly with the key sword in your hands. Everyone watched as you approached Mebius.

Mebius: <cough> Fine... You... Win...

Y/N: Why go so far just to change the world?

Mebius: I'm pretty sure... You've already got the answer... Why are you... Fighting so hard just to protect someone?

Y/N: I guess you're right.

Mebius: Just end my... life... I failed to do what I was born to do...

Y/N: You'll never achieve it. Not on my watch.

You stabbed your sword into Mebius. He was fading but just before he disappeared...

Mebius: The nightmare continues... That's something you can't change...

Finally, he disappeared. His last words didn't last long but you did wonder what it meant. You turned to look at the girls who were smiling at the result.

Y/N: I think it's time we wake up from this slumber huh?

The girls just nodded and you woke up from that dream.

Y/N's P.O.V (L/N Residence)

Y/N: Urgh... What a dream...

The End: Chapter 14: Settling The Score

After a long adventure, you've finally gotten rid of Mebius. Will this help with the cause of monsters appearing or is there a third party pulling the strings?

<Yawn> Damn it. The only time I can do this is during my sleeping time. There might be a few errors here and there but that's because I'm sleepy AF. By the way, why the hell is the Conquest Ending for HDN Rebirth 2 so damn sad? It feels like a bad ending to me.

Well, I'm gonna take my nap, bye guys!

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