Scouting Legion High School [...

By arminleftthechat

55.3K 3.9K 2.1K

Why is high school always a mess? Because it is full of pubescent, hormonal teenagers who are not sure what t... More

Disclaimer/ Other Information
Armin's Birthday
Personality Swap
Violin Vs. Tuba
The Lives of Friends of One Who is in a Fandom
Queen of Awkward Moments
Rants of an Angry Boy
Lame Puns Day
A Very Merry Titan Christmas - Part 1
A Very Merry Titan Christmas - Part 2
A Very Merry Titan Christmas - Part 3
A Message for Bertl
Attack on SLHS
That's Not a Spider - THAT'S NOT A SPIDER!
What is it, Jean?
Fabulousness on Ice
The Lives of Friends of One Who is in a Fandom Pt. 2
Eren's Sister
Valentine's Day
Christa is not Amused
Childhood Memories
Texts Levi Gets in the Middle of the Night
What Goes on in Band Practice
This Means War
Frozen Gone Wrong
Truth or Dare
Truth or Dare Pt. 2
Survival of the Fittest
How to Come Out
Gym Class Jerks
Marco's Package
Pick up Them Lines
Jean's Fate
Levi's Ultimate Challenge
Jean's Sad Life
Lights, Camera, Action! Pt. 1
Lights Camera Action! Pt. 2
Trouble in Ikea
When Things go Awry
Everyone's Happy When They're High
The Great Granola Bar Case
Can't Teach a Levi new Tricks
Attack on Nicolas Cage
Rolling the Rick
Where the Hell is Waldo?
Dodge or Die
Looking for Levi
Jean and Eren
The Mysterious Squeaking Noise
Capture the Flag Pt. 1
Capture the Flag Pt. 2
Prank Calls
A Mid-Summer Day's Fair
Hanji's Mission
Erwin's Terrible Driving
Halloween in August
Target Shenanigans
Public Embarassment
First Day
The Birthday Excuse
Poems of Death
The Curse of El Diablo
Dissapointments of Astronomical Proportions
The Chill
A Feathery Situation
Homecoming Eve
Too Spooky
Second Time Around
Christmas Spirit
The Case of the Missing Pencil
The Story of Thanksgiving
Gift Wrapping Mess
Reiner's Lame Jokes Part II
Another Christmas Carol... Sort Of...
Death is Not Around the Corner
Causing Pain
First Snow of the Year
Hanji Shenanigans
Semester Stress
All According to Plan
Battle For Royalty
Marco Commits Murder
The Average Day of Levi Ackerman
Mariachi Madness
Idiot Friends
Pain and More Pain
Butt Scooters
Recycling Day
Education System
Last Day-Mania Pt. 1
Last Day-Mania Pt. 2
Paint with the Colors of Pain
Pokemon GtfO
The Anticlimactic and Perfectly Normal Chapter With Nothing Happening Whatsoever
Sasha's Bizzare Adventure
A MidSummer's Day Fair Round 2
Opening the House
Dawn of the Dead
The Bean-pocolypse
Stripper Cake
Skating Hell
Hanji's Christmas Mission
Dancing Mii
History Repeats
Those Darn Tornados
Starry Night
Fidget Spinner Mafia
Musical Madness Pt. 1
Musical Madness Pt. 2
España! Pt. 1
España! Pt. 2
España! Pt. 3
A much needed A/N
The Final Battle Pt.1
Goodbyes and Farewells
Final Author's Note
Emo Eren
Who Said Karaoke Night Had to Be Family Friendly?

The Final Battle Pt. 2

41 7 16
By arminleftthechat

Guys, I know what you're thinking if you can see what the video is. But you're going to have to trust me on this one. And I trust that you guys know when to play this video...


Sasha tucked and rolled under a bush with a quick rustle of the leaves. Peering out from underneath, she quickly glanced around the perimeter. There was movement approximately 15 feet in her 10 o'clock direction. She listens closely. There were two people in that direction, all her team.

The slight shaking sound of pocket glitter gave Reiner away. And the stench of a new Victoria's Secret bra. Accompanied by the sound of Annie's harsh whisper chiding him, "No, there's no possible way you can deflect sunlight off glitter to blind someone!"

Followed by the snarky hushed response of "fucking watch me."

Yep. Definitely her idiot teammates.

She rolls forward past a clearing into another bush and repeats. The coast is clear. She turns around and makes a serious of complex hand movements to communicate this to her teammates.

"Coast is clear," she signals. "We have Reiner being useless and Annie whooping him to our left ahead of us. Everyone else must be behind us."

Connie pops up from the bush behind her and signals back. "Haha what else is new." He quickly joins the bush next to her.

"Hey guys," Christa whispered. "Y'all know that an average person cannot understand Sashanese right?"

Molblit walks up to her, facing her silently. He looks at her and signals. "I can understand. But you don't and it's entertaining. Haha you don't know what I'm saying. According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly."

Christa glares as him as they join the others. "Y'all out of your damn mind," she utters.

They slowly make their way forward, inching closer to Marco's backyard until Sasha holds up a single hand to halt them. She points past some greenery. There they see Auruo and Erd, patrolling with their Hanji-engineered weapons up.

Almost within a blink of an eye, Sasha hits them both, sending them to the ground, writhing as they sputter. With this, Sasha signals them to come forward, and they progress even closer to their goal.


"Do you hear that?" Annie asked.

"Nope, sorry," Reiner smirked. "My up sexy was too distracting."

Annie blinked in confusion. "What's up sexy?"

Reiner merely pointed at her and let out a single victorious "Ha, gotcha."

Annie stared at him. As a response, she pulled up her gun and shot up, sending him to the ground, paralyzed. One of the two glowing panels on his chest went out shortly after her hit.

"H-hey! I'm your own teammate!" He managed to speak as he twitched on the dirt.

"And I will not hesitate to kill you off if you keep being a pain!" Annie scolded.

Suddenly, a twig snapped ahead of them. Annie immediately ducked behind a bush, leaving Reiner open and exposed.

"Well, well, well," Annie listened as Marco - no, Darco cooed. "Look who we have here."

"I don't see anyone," Mikasa replied as she too approached him, also dressed in all black. "Just dirt."

Annie carefully peered over with her gun in her hand, taking her aim.

"And it looks like he only has one life left," Darco sneered, preparing his gun. "An easy target.

Reiner grunted as he was able to prop himself up on his elbows. "I may not have many lives left. But you won't have any eyes left!"

"Wha-" Darco didn't manage to complete his word before Reiner takes out a glitter packet from his pocket and deflect sunlight into Darco's unguarded eye.  He reared back in agony, trying to get his footing.

Huh, Annie thought. Who knew?

She quickly fired her gun with a pew pew, hitting both Darco and Mikasa. They fall to the dirt in awkward positions as they struggle to fight the paralysis.

She ran up to Reiner and quickly dragged him onto his feet before they sprinted ahead.

"Was that last part supposed to be a punchline?" Annie asked.



"Captain," Bertolt said in a grave time as he approached Jean. His heavy black boots clanking with every step he took. "The seekers have snuck by the hunters."

"Dammit!" Jean shouted as he pounded his fist into the podium holding the glorious blue bra. "Hanji, why did you have to make the gun so OP'ed?"

"I wanted to give them a fair shot!" Hanji tried to defend herself.

"May I also point something out, captain, sir," Ymir spoke up. "Why are we dressed like Satan threw up on our closet?" She said referring to everyone's predominantly black attire.

"Um, because it's appropriate, duh," Jean sassed. "Black is completely the color for conquest."

"I'm just saying," Ymir said with her hands up as she backed away. "I wanted to wear this nice flannel that flatters my gay but I feel cheated so."

"Captain, they're banding up!" Darco reported, out of breath as he entered the back yard. "They're going to attack us all at once."

"No matter!" Jean said triumphantly. "If they want to face us all at once, then we'll give them a battle they'll never forget!"


Moments later, the two teams were face to face at the fence behind Marco's yard. They stared at each other, glares being thrown, guns being readied.

"So our last game with the seniors is going to end in a huge showdown huh?" Erens smirked. "I like it."

Jean smirked back. "Don't get all sappy on me now, Jaeger. I might actually feel bad when I take you down."

"Hey, also," Christa said loudly raising her hand. "Why is everyone on that team dressed like My Chemical Romance is having a reunion concert and they're going to it."

"It's for the aesthetic!" Bertolt shouted. "We had to get in touch with our dark sides."

"Oh yeah?" Reiner asked. "Well I had I get in touch with my up sexy."

Bertolt stared at him for a good second in confusion. "What's up sexy?"

"Gotchu too!" Reiner exclaimed. "Two in one day! Nice!"

There was silence before Bertolt raised his laser gun and took Reiner down with a pew.

"Hey! That means I'm out of the game now!" Reiner cried.

"That's what you get, asshole," Bertolt said gravely.

"This is so sad," Darco said plainly as he unfolded a pair of sunglasses he had hidden under his black cloak. "Alexa, play Despacito."

Alexa immediately obliged, and the song was heard blasting from within Marco's yard.

"Wait are we just going to fight each other with Despacito playing in the background?" Isabel asked.

"You have a problem with that?" Farlan smirked.

"No way!" Isabel said as she reloaded her laser gun. "I'm down to kill while Despacito is playing."

"We shall march forward!" Erwin declared. "Brave and unmatched in brute force, our anthem playing fierce and formidably as we conquer and d-"

Erwin fell to the ground as everyone glanced over at Levi who reloaded his laser gun.

"Did you just paralyze your own team mate?" Eren asked in horror.

"He was droning on," Levi shrugged. "I wanted to hurry up and kill people."

"A mood," Annie spoke up.

"To battle!" Jean cried out and everyone followed suit as they ran around and tried to aim for each other as Despacito was playing in the background.

Slowly but surely, people began to lose track of the game. Each time someone hit someone else, they would do a victory dance and get a little too into it. One by one, they stopped taking aim, and instead waved their guns in the air as the song continued to play.

And just like that, it was like a high school dance all over again. This time, however, was better since it as just a bunch of friends and their shenanigans.

Then finally, when the beat stopped at the end of the hook, everyone joined in at once.

"De - spa - cito!" Everyone sang before uttering sounds and words that resembled the lyrics, but weren't quite Spanish. At all. They all jumped up and down to the beat. Surprisingly, some even grabbed the nearest person and began grinding on them. Even the unbreakable Levi joined in on their antics, flawlessly demonstrating his salsa skills. He moved his hips in circles and stepped to the beat as he mouthed the lyrics word for word.

No one dared to say it, but he was actually smiling. However, no one hid the excitement this brought them as they danced and sang even louder. Those who knew the basic salsa steps even joined him. First it was Sasha, then Moblit, then Bertolt who was quickly snagged by Reiner into a dramatic dip and back up as they danced together.

While they danced on, Jean's phone rang. He paused his dancing to pick it up.

"Missing something, ya lil' shit?" Christa's voice rang loud and clear.

Suddenly, it all came crashing down. He was reminded of the situation. Where they were, what they were doing before Despacito started playing. He screamed as he ran into Marco's backyard. And sure enough.

Reiner' bra was gone.

He ran back outside, still screaming, and grabbing everyone's attention. "We have been compromised!" He cried. Immediately, everyone ran back to the speakers home base, to see the victor.

Christa stood proud above everyone with Reiner's bra hanging from her delicate fingers.

Eren's team had won.

"FREIDA!" Reiner cried as he ran up to Christa, taking the bra in his big arms and cradling it.

Jean fell to his knees in despair. "I can't believe we lost."

"This is so sad," Christa said as she, too, pulled out sunglasses and put them on. "Alexa, you know what to do."

"What is it that you want me to do?" Alexa replied.

"Don't sass me you pathetic sound box and play Despacito!" Christa shouted.

Once again, Despacito started to play.

And once again, everyone completely forgot about the game.


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