ѕ w e e т p e a ONE - SHOTS...

By Lexinator04

23.7K 733 177

DO YOU WATCH RIVERDALE? DO YOU LIKE SWEET PEA? If so here's a book for you! I know you all love Riverdale! S... More

"Mate?" PART TWO
"I love... you,"
★ "Runaway," ★
"ⓜⓞⓝⓔⓨ ⓟⓡⓞⓑⓛⓔⓜⓢ,"
"Oᕼ ᗷᖇOTᕼEᖇ!"
"S H O T S F I R E D,"
"I don't want you to leave,"
"I don't want you to leave," P A R T T W O
"T h i s i s l i f e,"
"Cheater," Part Two
"thє вrєαk up,"
"ƒɑԵҽ íՏ մղՏԵօԹԹɑҍӀҽ"
"Rath of G & G,"
"The Monsters Within,"
"The Monster Within," PART TWO
"The Monsters Within," PART THREE
"The Monsters Within," FINAL PART!
"D⃠r⃠u⃠n⃠k⃠," ★ PART ONE
"D⃠r⃠u⃠n⃠k⃠" ★ PART TWO
"R o A d T r i p,"
"Unknown love,"
"Unknown love," PART TWO
"тнe вreaĸ υp,"
"A r E w E tHe BaD gUyS?"
"A r E w E tHe BaD gUyS?" PART TWO!
"We might just die here,"
"We might just die here," PART TWO!
"The hits just keep on coming,"
"ʙᴇʜɪɴᴅ ʙᴀʀs,"
"Harms way,"
"FiGhT fOr Me,"
"FIgHt fOr Me," Part Two
"T H E D E A L,"


1.1K 24 3
By Lexinator04


If only Sweet Pea knew... That blow right to his cheek would lead to so much more.

"You can't hang out with him," Toni stated bluntly to one of her best friends Y/N.

"Why not he's really nice-"

"No! Jughead he'd be pissed!" She exclaimed.

"About what?" The beanie-wearing leader asked coming into view.


"I met this guy at school and his name was Sweet Pea and he just transfers-"

"You can't be friends with him," Her boyfriend stated bluntly.

"Why not he's really nice-"

"No, you can't-"

"But Jug!" She exclaimed. "You don't even know him!"

"Yeah I do," He defended but that was the wrong thing for him to say.

"How?" She asked confused, she had never heard of a Sweet Pea before.

"A mouth before I met you... He was kicked out of the serpents, many times he would walk in with another black eye saying that he got into a fight, it was making the Serpents look horrible." Her boyfriend explained calmly putting his hands up in surrender.

"What happened to no serpent stands alone? that's it I'm out of here!" Y/N exclaimed grabbing her bag and slinging it over her shoulder. "You're full of crap!"

"Come on Y/N don't do this!" He exclaimed, reaching out to her but she wasn't having any of it.

She thought she could trust the Serpents, but obviously not... Who was next? Y/N felt horrible for believing Jughead because he was often one to get into fights all the time. She was angered the Serpent was supposed to be her second family and they just let this happen. Y/N couldn't believe it.

So she went home ready for school the next morning hoping to get Sweet Pea's side of the story, and maybe get him back on the Serpents...


"Sweet Pea hey wait up!" Y/N exclaimed grabbing his arm in the hall.

And boy was it firm.

"Hey, what's up?" He asked turning around and that was when her eyes gazed upon it.

"What happened?" She asked her fingers brushing against his cheek only for him to flinch.

"Well, I uh-"

"Was it a fight?" She questioned curiously... He definitely didn't have that the day before.

"It was uh-"

"You know what you can tell me later," She smiled trying to be nice. "Anyways we should hang out after school?"

"Yeah, that would be great where-"

"We could go to Pop's?" She asked. "Meet me right after school,"


With that Y/N walked away waving goodbye, trying not to be late to class like she almost always is.

It was now after school and her and Sweet Pea was sitting across from each other at Pops... Y/N not caring what her boyfriend would think as she knew she couldn't let anyone control her.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Sweet Pea asked eating a fry.

"Why have you kicked off the Serpents?" Y/N asked not able to keep it in any longer.

The former Serpent was dumbfounded since he didn't know Y/N was a member of the gang since she couldn't wear her jacket in school.

"I uh- it's not something I like talking about... No one would understand," He whispered looking down at his hands resting on the table.

The tension soon became so thick you couldn't even cut it with a knife.

"I'm sorry... I was just trying to clear things up since I just heard that you used to be a member," She mumbled softly.

"I'm sorry Y/N but we just met and I can't open up-"

"About what? That you get into fights all the time Sweets? I really don't care! I just want to know why you're trying to hide it," And with those words, the young adult knew she probably had just ruined their "dinner"

Yet surprisingly he didn't get up nor did he even move, slowly he looked around as if making sure no one was around before silently whispering two words that he had told no one else about in the whole world... And suddenly felt so good to get off his chest.

"I'm abused,"

"You're what?" She shouted more shocked than ever.

"Shhhh!" He exclaimed causing her to sit back down.

"Don't tell anyone... Hell, I don't even know why I even told you," He mumbled looking down and running a hand down his face.

"What no! I need to tell the sheriff-"

"No! You can't do that," Sweet Pea desperately trying to stay calm.

"Why not? This is so bad... You can be free-"

"My father will just show him the video," He stated calmly. "The one he shot of me transporting drugs for Penny a LONG time ago... Since she helped me and I owed her, her and my father are kinds of together,"

"Well, we have to do something!" She pleaded desperately trying to help the man out... He shouldn't have to go through all that... Nonetheless all alone.

"I've tried everything... I'm Screwed-"

"Well I'll just go explain to the serpents what's really going on and then you can-"

"I've already tried," He mumbled looking down once again. "I'm just a burden..."

"But we have to try," She murmured softly. "I wish I would have known this sooner Sweet Pea you don't deserve this and don't let anyone tell you different."

"Even if I do get back in my dad is still going to-"

"No, we'll find a place for you to stay!" Y/N defended. "This plan will work!"

"Well I guess I could give it a shot," He whispered looking up. "Thank you Y/N,"

"Don't thank me... You deserve this," She explained giving his hand a light squeeze.


Y/N's plan didn't work out so perfect after all, after Sweet Pea once again got into the serpents they still couldn't find a place for him to stay... So she is a nice person let him move into her place, for what was it?

"the time being"

Jughead was furiously jealous of getting into many fights with his girlfriend, and after a while, she became so fed up with it they broke up... for good. And that was when life had truly fallen apart for Y/N as being in the serpents was just too much for her.

Y/N and Sweet Pea soon after had left the gang... It just wasn't right for them.

"You mean the world to me," The raven-haired man mumbled looking down at his girlfriend who he was happily hugging. "If it weren't for you I'd probably be dead... Or worse still stuck there," the man cringed at the thought stiffening in place.

"Hey, you're not there anyone..." She smiled rubbing up and down his back. "My plan worked things are going to be different for the better,"

"How can I even believe you?" He asked with a smirk.

And that was when their lips locked.

T H E   E N D . . .

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _










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