Stop following me. (second sp...

By KrystalEndermalie

11.8K 215 275

third story for this, what if humans got (y/n)? how will both sides react? More

Chapter one.
chapter two.
chapter three.
chapter four.
chapter five.
chapter seven.
chapter eight
chapter nine
Chapter ten.
chapter eleven.
chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen.
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five .
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight.
chapter thirty nine.
chapter forty
chapter Forty one
chapter forty two
Chapter forty three.
End one
end two
end three
End four
End five
End six

chapter six.

440 8 17
By KrystalEndermalie

A wet little tongue woke (y/n) the next morning, Hanatamago was licking the girl's face as Finland chuckled at the puppy.
"Good morning Hana.", the silver haired female yawned, "good morning Finland."
"Hyvää Huomento pikkusisko.", the Finn smiled back and accepted the kiss on the cheek from his sister, "Denmark is on cooking duty this morning."
"Should I be worried?", (y/n) asked and the Violet eyed Finn laughed.
"Not unless you're trying to diet.", Finland smiled and waved as he walked out of her room, "wear something that is a bit formal."
The silver haired female brushed out her hair and put on the snowy white dress she brought with her, it fit her nicely and showed off her curves well.
She was actually much more attractive than she realized, she never seen herself in anything other than baggy clothes. Fancy was new to her.

Denmark about choked on his coffee when he saw his sister walk down from her room, she was cute in that dress.
"Sweden even looked a bit impressed, "you look nice lillasyster."
"You do too.", (y/n) smiled and sat down for breakfast.
He had his official dress on for the ceremony, as did Finland.
Both looked really nice.
Breakfast moved fast, Iceland and Norway squabbled about Iceland not calling Norway big brother.
"(Y/n) does it.", Norway said to the Younger brother.
"Because she doesn't know better.", Iceland said back with a bit of an additude.
The said female giggled at their argument.

Finland and Sweden took the female to the car and went to Stockholm for the party.
They were early so they helped to set up and introduced (y/n) to some of the people Sweden knew, the government workers were a bit surprised at the sister but relaxed after the girl showed how kind and polite she was.
More people showed up and festivities went underway.
The silver haired female kept mostly to herself but would smile and chat if someone spoke to her, all while Finland or Sweden kept an eye on her.
After a while, it was time for the feast.
The splendid meal was accompanied by music and polite talk between the guests.
(Y/n) sat between her brothers and sipped her drink, the nonalcoholic beverage was slightly sweet and pleasant.
The food was just as delicious as it looked.
Finland looked a bit upset.
"What is wrong Finland?", (y/n) asked her Finnish brother.
"I keep wanting to drop some food, but then I remember that Hana is not here.", Finland answered, "I keep having to catch myself."
The silver haired female giggled, "you're so sweet to think of Hana right now."
The Finnish male smiled, "joo, I guess so."
Sweden smiled and patted her head, "and you are kind to think of him."

People started moving to another room and (y/n) looked around, "what is going on?"
"Time to dance.", Finland answered and stood up before bowing to (y/n), "dance with me pikkusisko?"
The red-violet eyed female smiled and took his hand, "Ja. I would love to."
The Finnish male pulled her to the Ballroom and wrapped a arm around her torso, "are you leading or me?"
"Lead on isoveli.", (y/n) smiled and followed the Blonde Finn's footsteps.
"You're surprisingly excellent at this.", Finland teased, "did you study?"
"Is this a test?", the female poked right back.
The Finn smiled, "if it was you passed."
Sweden watched as his two siblings danced, he was not much of a dancer or social.
A bit of ginger caught his eye, across the sea of people was a man who looked like him.
The swede could see that the ginger male was not facing him but had most of his face turned away from him, the man was talking to someone shorter than him.

The music stopped and it was time to change partners, Finland sadly let his sister dance with a noble as he danced with another girl.
Sweden had lost sight of the ginger male but wanted to tell Finland what her saw, he had to warn Finland and (y/n).
The silver haired female was switched off with a few more males before she was caught by a male in a deep blueish-violet coat, the music started again from the last dance and the two danced.
"You look lovely.", the deep Swedish accent of her partner caught (y/n)'s attention.
The other nobles she danced with had flinched or said something rude about her scars, but this man said she was lovely.
"Takk.", the red-violet female said to her dance partner.
The tall man looked almost exactly like Sweden, but his hair was ginger and his eyes were blood red with a strange look in them.
She was so caught in his red eyes that she did no realize that he had led her away from the other dancers
The male leaned down and bit her in the crook of her neck, the sharpened teeth sunk into her flesh like it was soft butter.
She let out a piercing scream that was soon muffled by his hand, the blood from the bite ran down her neck and stained the dress.

A few of the other dancers saw what happened and ran to the female's aid, the male let her go and jumped off the balcony they were on.
Sweden ran over after hearing her scream and saw the bleeding bite that was pouring red liquid, he saw the tears burning his sister's eyes.
He disregarded what he was wearing and hugged his sister to comfort her, he took his coat off to make a compress to stop the bleeding.
(Y/n) was holding back the urge to cry as some more came to see what the commotion was about, Finland came with a medical kit and looked at the bite.
"I'm sorry pikkusisko, I should have kept a better eye on you.", Finland apologized, "Bernard is dangerous, we should have told you."
"It is my fault I should not have been caught so much in those eyes he has. I should be apologizing.", (y/n) said back, "I'm so dumb I should have realized what those eyes were saying."
Sweden patted her head as Finland worked on her wound.
The silver haired female saw another face in the crowd, it looked like finland.
But this Finn had crimson eyes and light brown hair, he had a red hat on and looked surprised then angry.
The male left and (y/n) watched his hat, the hat looked exactly like the one she had.
Did she somehow know him?

"We're going home pikkusisko. You need to heal and we need to tell you a few things.", Finland said and picked the female up.
Sweden nodded and walked it Finland to their car, the tires were slashed.
"Thurston did this no doubt.", The Finn growled and ducked below the tops of the cars, "keep your head down pikkusisko."
The female did as told and held onto the Finnish man, she was scared to say the least.
Were both of those red eyed men psychopaths?
"Isoveli, are they bad people?", (y/n) asked in a whisper as Finland retrieved his rifle and ammo from the car.
"Ever hear of terrorists in the Scandinavian countries? They are our 2ps.", Finland explained, "you were bit by Bernard, Sweden's 2p."
"And the one I saw who looks like you?", The silver haired female asked.
"Thurston. You saw him?", Finland asked, "did he see you?"
(Y/n) nodded and the Finn growled, "I can't leave you here. You are coming with me and Sve."

The female and the two Nordic countries ducked below the tops of the cars to stay out of sight as they made their way back to the building, they caught the sound of two men arguing.
"You Bit her you bastard!", the enraged Finnish voice yelled at a shaking swede, "Tell me why I shouldn't kill you now?"
"We confirmed that she is with our 1ps, and wouldn't you want to take a bite if something tasty is in front of you?", the swede retorted before a gunshot went off, "shit! Thurston! I'm sorry!"
"Be glad Magnus wasn't there!", Thurston growled and kicked His brother's head, "He would tear you apart kusipää."
The swede whined and held his head, he sniffed the air.
"Dammit, he might have caught our scent.", Finland said lowly, "stay behind us Pikkusisko"
Thurston looked around, "who the hell is there?"
Finland motioned for (y/n) to stay down, Sweden put his coat over the female.
"Come out before I fire on you.", the brunette Finn growled, "I might spare you."

The swede got up and sniffed, "I Smell you, All three of you. Did you enjoy that little show?"
(Y/n) covered her mouth to keep herself from making a smart-ass comment, Sweden motioned for them to move. The silver haired female followed her older brother's lead and crawled away from the maniacs.
"Split up. Take them out.", she heard the man named Thurston say and a loud thud as one jumped on top of a car.
There was sniffing and what sounded like a purr, "I smell you~ Ditt blod smakar sött."
(Y/n) felt a bit sick, the man liked how her blood tastes?
A tire blew in front of them after a gunshot went off, "I heard you scream. Show yourself."
Finland gave the female his cell phone, "text Norway and tell him to get us out of here."
The silver haired female did so and muted the sounds to the phone.
The crunching of car roofs under the boots of the Swedish psycho were getting closer, Finland nudged her to scoot under a vehicle, the female complied and hid under the vehicle.
"Stay here.", the violet eyed Finn ordered, "I'll be back"
Sweden took a look back at his sister and crawled away to draw the males away from the injured female.

Bernard had texted his brothers and they were on their way, he knew that they will be mad about the bite but he would have to deal with it.
He would just have to have a little fun, "Lilla kanin, var är du älskling? Jag vill se ditt ansikte"
Thurston was walking around and listening for sounds of movement, "you want to play assholes? Let's play."
The sounds of the crawling countries continued, but one had stopped. They hid the girl somewhere.
"You think you're clever?", Thurston hissed, "I'll find you. Then I'll make you suffer, like I made everyone else tied to her suffer."
The ginger swede chuckled as he sniffed out the female as his brother took care of the other two.
A cold chill told him that Egil was there and probably excited to find the young lady they were hunting, "Kom ut älskling. Jag lovar att vi inte kommer att skada dig"
The female's smell did not move from where she was, they were trying to mask her smell with their own and the vehicles.

(Y/n) stayed under the vehicle, she watched as a pair of boots move by her hiding place.
The boots the Finnish man was wearing.
She heard a childlike giggle, "litla kanína, komdu út og leika"
That voice stirred something in her mind, like she heard it long ago.
The childlike voice called out again, "ég vil bara vera með þér kanína"
"Egil, she's hiding under a car. Want to play car smash?", Bernard asked from on top of the car he was perched on.
"Yay! If I win I choose what we do.", Egil cheered.
The Scandinavian female wondered what was taking Norway and the others so long.
"If you're wondering what is taking them so long kanin, Our brothers are taking care of them.", Bernard chuckled, "now we have more time to play~"

Finland lined up a shot and took it, he hit Thurston in the shoulder.
The dark Finn did not flinch and returned the shot, he hit Finland in the torso.
Sweden noticed that Egil was there too and saw Bernard getting closer to the vehicle they hid (y/n) under.
He motioned to Finland and the Finn was reasonably upset.
The silver haired female texted her oldest brother, Denmark.
She waited for a response but none came

Denmark took another hit from his double when his phoned beeped, he could not check it at the moment.
The much larger Dane hit his smaller 1p again in the face.
"What the hell is your problem?!", Denmark yelled at his bigger and stronger counterpart.
"You at the moment.", Magnus growled.
The smaller Dane looked at the unconscious body of Norway, he was crushed by Magnus's pure strength.
Loki was burning Iceland with his fire magic, the young Icelander was screaming in pain.
The place was a mess, broken and burned furniture were everywhere.
Magnus grabbed Denmark's hair and dragged him off by the scalp to (y/n)'s room, the scruffier Dane looked around the room.
He did not seem happy about it, like it was something almost protective in his eyes.

Magnus stepped on his counterpart's back and tore the dane's head off, he ripped the rest of the body apart too before cleaning up a little and looking through the closet.
He took clothing items he thought would be acceptable for (y/n) and put them in a bag, Magnus walked down to Loki, "are you done yet?"
"Almost.", the pyromaniac Norwegian chirped and picked up Norway's old sword.
He stabbed it into Iceland until the young Icelander stopped moving, "now I am."
"The we should join the others to find Lillesøster.", the dark Dane said and the Norwegian used his magic to transport them there.

Bernard threw another car away from him, "This game is silly kanin. Why not come out already? I can always smell where you are."
Egil giggled, "Kanína, segðu okkur halló. Við höfum ekki séð hvert annað í mörg ár"
(Y/n) held the phone close to her and crawled under another car, she saw the feet of two new people arrive.
"Where is she?", a deep voice asked and the ginger swede laughed.
"We were just playing with her Maggie. She is under one of these cars.", the swede chuckled, "I we just need to find her."
"Fine. Just don't call me Maggie ever again.", the deep voiced man said to the swede.
She heard sniffing from the swede, "Magnus, want to pick up that one next to you? Yes that one."
(Y/n) heard a creak and looked up, a tall handsome man was holding the car she was hiding under up.
He looked like Denmark, only older, taller, scruffier, and more battle hardened.
The man threw the car away and picked the female up gently, he Cradled her against his broad chest.

Finland shot at him but Egil blocked the shots with a ice wall.
"Found you Lillesøster.", the Danish man said softly to the exhausted and sore female, "sleep. You will be okay when you wake."
"Thurston! Come on, we got her!", The swede yelled.
The Finnish man ran over quickly to check the female, dodging the bullets shot by his 1p the while time.
Loki quickly got them out of there, causing Finland to scream out in frustration.



Kusipää: Bastard

Ditt blod smakar sött: your blood tastes sweet. 

Lilla kanin, var är du älskling?: little rabbit, where are you sweetheart?

Jag vill se ditt ansikte: I want to see your face.

Kom ut älskling: come out sweetheart,

Jag lovar att vi inte kommer att skada dig: I promise we will not hurt you.

litla kanína, komdu út og leika: little bunny, come out and play.

ég vil bara vera með þér kanína: I just want to be with you bunny.

Kanína, segðu okkur halló.: bunny tell us hello.

Við höfum ekki séð hvert annað í mörg ár: we have not seen each other for many years.

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