Contemplation (Anime fanficti...

By Kikaraaa

519K 16.7K 14.5K

When the war had come to an end, rumors spread that Uchiha Sasuke was dead. Three years had passed since the... More

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BONUS CHAPTER: How to get rid of a bich

cнαpтer 7

13.8K 444 429
By Kikaraaa

Quote of the chapter: "It hurts to know you're happy. Yeah, it hurts that you've moved on." -Amnesia by 5SOS

Dedicated to: @SnowRabbit on finishing her work (Tightrope) which is also Sasusaku! She is honestly one of my favorite authors in wattpad ^_^



          cнαpтer 7


"You know, training grounds were made for training not crying."

The Platinum blonde ceased from sobbing once she heard the mysterious voice that spoke from behind.

Immediately, she wiped her tears off as if trying to hide her sadness from the person. She turned towards the man's direction as she exclaimed with her eyes widen and jaw dropped to see who it was.


The said man sat beside her while she concealed her gloominess with a smile.

"What are you doing here?" Ino questioned, moving on with another topic than replying to Sai's statement.

"I was on my home from the bookstore, when I saw you running." His expression was a poker face as usual as he stared at the scenery in front of him.

The sky was magnificent. Puffy clouds saunter with the orange background in place as the sun sink.

Ino nodded with a 'grin' in understanding. "Well-"

"Stop hiding." Sai suddenly interrupted with an accompaniment of his fake smile, much to Ino's confusion.

His sentence lead Ino into thinking about what had happened recently or just a couple of minutes ago.

With her mind wandering about this, her lips automatically curved down. "Sorry." Her eeyes softened and realized what Sai had meant. He was referring to the fake grin in which means 'Stop hiding your sorrow.'

He is the master of fake smiles, how would he not know?

"It's alright."

Since silence took over, Ino's mind went back to her love life.

Her love life is in a cage...because she always lock her feelings up.

First, she stopped or switched (if possible) her crush once she realized how much Sakura loves Sasuke.

Now, the man she grew interested with has a girlfriend.

Does she really need to hide her feelings again?

"May I know what happened..." Sai tried his best in continuing conversations without hurting the receiver's feelings. Especially now that the person he's talking to is emotionally unstable at the moment. "...beautiful?"

She knew that Sai was having a hard time in the situation to which she chuckled at his reply as she forced the upcoming tears to stop.

Since Sai was waiting for an answer, she mustered up her inner strength to respond. "The guy I like is in a relationship with someone else." She bit her lip and shook her head. "Just a typical girl's problem."

It may be simple as said though it is hard once you encounter the experience.

"I never experienced to be in love, but I know it is difficult." Sai glanced at the Yamanaka maiden before shifting his gaze at the sky that shows the sun setting. "Hinata loved dickless years ago until now even if he loved ugly before. Now? They're dating."

Sai picked up a rock and threw it to the river nearby the training grounds as it bounced a couple of times before falling into the water.

Sai got another rock and threw it to Ino lightly in which she caught as she stood up.

"Now, try to skip it over the river."

"What is this for?" Ino asked and did exactly what she was told.

The rock hopped a few times then drowned into the water.

"Just like that-" he pointed at the rock that jumped a few times before going down to the water."-it's hard to skip a rock."

"...what?" Ino muttered, thinking logically.

"Imagine you are the rock and the river is the obstacle and you are trying to cross the river. Some rocks don't make it over and some do. Like falling in love, it's your choice if you would throw without energy (energy representing as hope or love) which means giving up and drown or throw with enough energy and-" Sai threw another rock with strong force which resulted the rock to cross the river. "-earn your love."

Ino was left dumbstruck. Who knew that the person they call brainless would have a brain after all?

"Thanks, Sai." Ino gave Sai a soft hug.

With Sai's help, Ino was determined to move on-which was her only choice.

A blush on the cheeks of the painter was an effect of the hug. Indeed, he was not fond of emotions.

When they let go, Ino questioned. "I've been wanting to ask you, why is your smile always fake?"

"It is in my nature." Sai replied nonchalantly. "I do not feel much emotions since Shin died."

Ino heard a lot about Shin from Sai's stories about him that came from Sakura.

Shin grew close to a younger root member which was Sai. He was once Sai's friend-or maybe his first. Sai treated him as if he was his older brother. He pursued in creating art as a hobby or power because Shin was the only one who encouraged him. Although in the midst of an unknown disease, Shin unfortunately died.

Ino noticed that it was getting late and her mom is gonna kill her if she does not come home early. "I guess I'll see you around then?"

Sai nodded approvingly

"Wait, how did you get to know much about giving advises?" Ino questioned before she took her leave.

His lips form a smile while raising a book that has a title 'How to comfort people, for dummies edition'

Ino was loss for words as she smacked her palm at her forehead. "Why did I not see that coming...?"


What the hell happened?

Breathing heavily, the pinkette clutched the soft pillow in surprise. She observed her surroundings carefully.

She was inside a plain room that has a closet on the left side, a night lamp on the other, curtains were covering the windows and a queen-sized bed wherein she was currently laying down.

Please don't tell me there's a naked stranger beside me.

Slowly, she held the blanket and removed it which revealed no one or no thing but the matress. She also noticed that she was still wearing the clothes that she wore when she blacked out.

Sighing in relief, Sakura snatched all her things and was about to get out of the room but then her face met the cold floor once she stood up.

Sakura groaned and internally cursed. "Was I that tired?"

She stood up wobbly, in order to avoid discomfort, and moved towards the door until the sound of the footsteps separated Sakura from clutching the door knob. Instead, she leaned on the wall next to the opening of the door.

She tried to identify who the person is by his or her chakra signature though she only got a vague feedback due to excessive use of chakra before she passed out and the person was most likely masking his/her chakra. However, she did find out that the person was a male.


Gaining more strength as the man comes nearer, she balled up her right hand into a tight fist. When the door opened, she used her monstrous punch to knock out the man.


That did not happen.

Because the man dodged her hit gracefully and held her wrist closely with the use of his left hand. In a high rate of speed, he used his right hand to wrap her around his arms to prevent her from attacking him.

Sakura squirmed at the unknown man's grip. "Let me go you jerk!"

With just two simple words, Sakura knew exactly who it was.

Although, she was right about the jerk part.

"You're annoying."

(( Forgive me. I know, it's pretty much obvious who it was even if I didn't say the "You're annoying" statement xD I suck at plot twists haha ))

Sakura's eyes widen in realization, even more when she turned her head slightly to take a look at him. "Sasuke?! What are you doing here??"

The Uchiha prodigy arched an eyebrow as if she grew another head. "This is my room."

This time, Sakura took a peek of her surroundings and compared it from Sasuke's temporary room for their stay. She saw an uchiha crest on the luggage beside the closet. Why did she not see that?

Since the design of the room was partly same as hers, the room was exactly the same as Sasuke's. This is his room.

The reason why she did not notice was because she rarely goes to his room. Scratch that, she only went inside his room once when they were picking on who gets who in terms of rooms.

Twitching her eye, she was about to go to her room but then she forgot that she was still in Sasuke's grasp. Blood rose to her cheeks when she saw that Sasuke was-practically-hugging her. By realizing this, her body stiffened as her heart raced which result to her having a hard time to reply. Mustering her courage left inside her body, she responded. "S-Sasuke-kun, y-you can let go of me now..."

She stuttered. Wonderful.

He let go of Sakura from his clasp as his response.

Sakura's body relaxed and was able to breathe properly when Sasuke took off his hold.

A few seconds passed when Sakura recalled her main question. "What happened?"

"Drunk men tried to touch you."

A chill ran down to Sakura's spine by just hearing that.

"Oh..." Sakura bit her lip nervously. "What did you do to them?"

Sasuke shrugged. "They just ran when I came."


In all honesty of honestiness (( lol )), Sasuke actually saw Sakura leave the hospital since it was like a habit that he would pick her up at the hospital though he just observed her. He was about to come to the stoplight when the drunk lunatics entered the scene.

Then again, he wanted to see how much Sakura improved from the past years so he continued to watch from the shadows.

Sasuke rolled her eyes once the men flirted.

When the man locked Sakura on his grip, that was his cue to jump down.

"This will be fun." Sasuke commented while cracking his knuckles as he lunged attacks towards the men and used his katana to hit them-avoiding vital points but enough for them to lose consciousness or blood.

That's what really happen. But will he tell Sakura that?

Hell no.

The word may slip and the Kazekage might get angry since those were his citizens that he needed to protect.

This is also one of the reasons why Sasuke would not want Sakura to go to the hospital. Because those bastards may see her and may attempt to make a move on her.

"Thanks Sasuke-kun."

"For what?" He asked.

"For bringing me back and keeping me safe." Sakura gave a genuine smile towards the icicle.


Now, Sakura was positive that despite those evil actions that he has done...he still has a soft side. In some part of his soul, there lies the old Sasuke that was her teammate-the one she loves and that Sasuke was slowly being revived.

Later on, Sakura chose to go to her room until she remembered her mission.

"Damnit, I have to go to the hospital!" Sakura tried to get out of the room but Sasuke blocked her, resulting her to smack her face towards Sasuke's chest.


"I contacted them that you won't be coming to the hospital and you need rest." Sasuke said, emphasizing the last phrase.

Sakura did not push the topic about her going to hodpital because it may get Sasuke pissed. "I'll just go back to my-" She offered to stay in her room, so that she will not be a bother though she was interrupted.

"Stay." Sasuke stated-or more like demanded.

"Why?" Sakura blurted out of consciousness or automatically.

Sasuke simply stared at her with those hard-to-read eyes because he had his emotionless expression plastered on his oh-so-handsome face.


She was loading on what she said. When she knew the meaning of what she said, she mentally punched herself. "Note to self: Sometimes, it's better to just shut up."

Although, she was partly glad-not totally because Sasuke might be mad-that she questioned because it did struck her on why Sasuke refused to let her leave the room.

Dirty or pervy thoughts are not considered, thank you.

Maybe he did not want her to get hurt?

Is this because of his mission?

Or does he care?

Inner Sakura interfered. "Of course he does! He saved you a couple of times, why would he not?"

Because that was a LONG TIME AGO.

Indeed it was a long time ago, probably around six years ago. Approximately six years of hurt and longing.

"So that I would be sure that you will not go to the hospital and get hurt again." Sasuke responded as he turned his heel towards the door though stopped when he reached for the door knob. "Go back to the bed, you might fall again."

With that, Sasuke left the room.

How did he know that I fell to the ground a while ago? Was the sound that loud?

Following his orders, Sakura went back to the bed and wondering about going back to sleep so that she may regain her chakra and energy.

She thought about the last statement he said.

"Go back to the bed, you might fall again."

She did not fall physically, (thank you Kami-sama) though she did fell.




Sadly, she fell deeper in love with Uchiha Sasuke for the nth time.

And she knows...that he will never be hers.






SasuSaku tho >__<

Very much excited with the Last Naruto Movie~

Sorry for slow updates but on the bright side, intramurals (like sports fest) and christmas/winter break is coming so I'll be updating faster :)



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