Being The Hosts' Maid (An Our...

By FangirlAndFeels

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Hitomi Takenaka is the daughter of someone very important to the music industry and because of this, she gets... More

Chapter 1 - Starting Today, You Are A Host! [Part 1]
Chapter 2 - Starting Today, You Are A Host! [Part 2]
Chapter 3 - The Job of a Highschool Host! [Part 1]
Chapter 5 - Beware the Physical Exam! [Part 1]
Chapter 6 - Beware the Physical Exam! [Part 2]
Chapter 7 - Attack of the Lady Manager! [Part 1]
Chapter 8 - Attack of the Lady Manager! [Part 2]
Chapter 9 - The Twins Fight! [Part 1]
Chapter 10 - The Twins Fight! [Part 2]
Chapter 11 - The Grade School Host Is The Naughty Type! [Part 1]
Chapter 12 - The Grade School Host Is The Naughty Type! [Part 2]
Chapter 13 - Jungle Pool SOS!
Chapter 14 - The Sun, The Sea and The Host Club! [Part 1]
Chapter 15 - The Sun, The Sea and The Host Club! [Part 2]
Chapter 16 - A Challenge From Lobelia Girls' Academy! [Part 1]
Chapter 17 - A Challenge From Lobelia Girls' Academy! [Part 2]
Chapter 18 - A Day In The Life Of The Fujioka Family! [Part 1]
Chapter 19 - A Day In The Life Of The Fujioka Family! [Part 2]
Chapter 20 - Big Brother Is A Prince! [Part 1]
Chapter 21 - Big Brother Is A Prince! [Part 2]
Chapter 22 - Honey's Three Bitter Days! [Part 1]

Chapter 4 - The Job of a Highschool Host! [Part 2]

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By FangirlAndFeels

        “Kyoya, how long have you known, though?” Tamaki asked and Kyoya got out his black notebook and opened it up.

        “As you know, I conduct a little research on each of our customers. I didn’t think the information was relevant, so I disregarded it.” Kyoya said, “And he’s very boring.” He closed the book with one hand.

        “Since when were you merciless towards guys? Is that why you avoided telling me that boys have been requesting me? So how many is it?” Hitomi adjusted the hem of her maids’ outfit.

        “About fifty-three.” Hitomi almost fainted.

        “I could have been helping out Haruhi this entire time and you said nothing!” She yelled and Kyoya didn’t budge.

        “Starting with the dance, we will have our very first hostess.” Hitomi wanted to die, this was not how she wanted to spend her high school years.

        “Alright everyone, we’re going to have to work on our strategy.” Tamaki said in all seriousness.

        “Which one?” Everyone asked at the same time.

        “It is our job, as elite members of the Host Club, to make every girl, and boy apparently, happy!” Tamaki decreed.

        A week later, the party was ready and it was time for the dance. Hitomi had stayed the entire time helping out with the decoration and making all of the sweets and food for everyone. It would be a night to remember, she hoped.

        Her mom had picked out a dress for her to wear for this type of affair. She said she could live in her maid outfit, but he mother insisted, and next thing she knew, she was wearing it. It was a ivory colored dress that had three red straps in the back, holding the top part together. Near her lower back, large, ivory pieces of cloth were tied at the back, holding the bottom to the top. The dress flowed to the bottom and trailed behind Hitomi. The dress led up her neck and was tied at the back of her neck with red string. Red outlined the top of the dress. It was beautiful, and it went with the blonde wig the Hosts would later give her.

        Her auburn hair was tied at the back, but strands flew from it and tickled the back of her neck Her bangs were like curtains on her face and some strands framed her face. In the bun was a white flower. In other words, she was glowing. 

        “Hello, my little lambs,” Tamaki said to the dark room. The girls were all in their fancy dresses, awaiting the arrival of their knight in shining armor. Hitomi could see all of the boys in their suits, but didn’t spot Toru. It wouldn’t be easy for him to recognize her if he wasn’t there, “The Host Club would like to bid you…welcome.” A spotlight went onto Tamaki who was wearing a white suit with a purple undershirt and vest along with a pink bow tie.

        All of the lights in the chandeliers went on and the girls clapped as the orchestra started playing. Hitomi had composed some music, with the help of her father, late at night.

        “But wouldn’t a B flat sound better there?’ Hitomi had pointed at the sheet music sitting on their piano.

        “You’re right. You got me there, Hiti.” He used her nickname she gave herself when she was about three years old, “And then a D flat there, perfect, you’re getting better.” He smiled. They had stayed up until one in the morning.

        All the members of the Host Club, along with Hitomi and Haruhi, were standing on the staircase below where Tamaki, the King, was standing. The twins and Haruhi were on Hitomi’s right side while Mori, Honey and Kyoya were on her left. She was straight in the middle. She heard a few whispers, but nothing too bad.

        They all bowed while Hitomi curtsied. She heard a boy whistle and she smiled with a little blush. Haruhi was right, being fussed over wasn’t that bad.

        “As always, the Host Club members are here for your entertainment.” Kyoya declared, “And starting now, we are adding a new addition to the Host Club. Meet our very first hostess, Hitomi Takenaka.” Smile and wave, smile and wave, smile and wave. That’s all she needed to do. Kyoya was wearing a black suit with a white tie and undershirt, similar to Mori. The twins were…twinning…with a plaid, orange vest and green tie and black trousers. Honey was wearing an almost mini version of what Tamaki was wearing. Haruhi was in a brown suit with a blue undershirt and matching brown trousers. She didn’t look that bad, “So we shall dance to your hearts’ content. Based on their dancing skills, one lucky young lady will be chosen for a kiss on the cheek by the King, while a lucky young man will get a kiss on the cheek by our newly elected Queen.” Kyoya looked at Hitomi with a “You have to do this” look. Hitomi wanted to cry, but she had to pay her debt.

        At the same time, Hitomi and Tamaki said, “Good luck to you, my darlings.” All the boys put their hands together and looked as if they had hearts in their eyes while some of the girls squealed.

        “Haruhi, will you escort me?” Hitomi winked at her and Haruhi bowed with a strange expression on her face.

        “Show some enthusiasm, Haruhi.” The twins appeared beside her and scolded her.

        “At least your not forced to be the ‘Queen’ or have to kiss anybody.” Hitomi smiled.

        “I’m sorry, it just that I’ve only been to the festivals at my neighborhood park.” Haruhi frowned and Hitomi took her arm.

        “Then we do it together.” Hitomi smiled and they walked down the stairs, “Plus, I made a large amount of food, so you might as well get something to eat.” Hitomi whispered in her ear, “With fancy tuna.”

        “Fancy tuna?!” The hosts all cried out and they took Hitomi and started cuddling her. Tamaki did a backflip off of the balcony he was just on.

        Haruhi grabbed Hitomi away and led her to the dance floor where a handsome blond boy was waiting for Hitomi, “I’m glad you could make it, sir.” Hitomi curtsied.

        “My name’s Aito Takahashi.” He bowed, “May I have this dance?” Haruhi let go of Hitomi’s arm and she put her gloved hand in his and he put his hand around her waist and they started dancing.

        Hitomi kept an eye on all of the hosts and saw Honey doing his own thing and the others smiling as they danced. She smiled to herself, “So,” Aito’s voice cut through her thoughts, “how did a pretty girl like you end up with such a low status?” Her heart stopped.

        “I’m sorry,” he twirled her, “I don’t understand your question.”

        “Those apart of the Host Club, I believe, are those who can’t handle a relationship. So how did you come across it?” Just as she was about to answer, Tamaki pushed Aito out of the way and took Hitomi and danced with her.

        “Are you okay?” He asked and she raised an eyebrow.

        “Why wouldn’t I be?” He twirled her twice.

        “I overheard what that guy was saying to you and I wanted to make sure you were okay.” She looked up at him and smiled.

        “I’m fine, thanks.” Tamaki passed her off to another boy who was waiting for her. Hitomi spotted Haruhi leaning against a pillar with two girls trying to ask her to dance when she heard Kanko’s voice.

        “Hello Haruhi,” she greeted. She was wearing a beautiful blue dress with a white scarf, “I’ve been looking all over for you. Do you think I could have the next dance?”

        “Yeah,” Haruhi smiled, “of course you can.” And Haruhi took her hand in hers. The two girls were in the background, crying. Hitomi smiled.

        The operation will begin. Just as the boy twirled Hitomi, two of the hosts grabbed her and ran off with her to the changing room.

        “There she is.” Kaoru said as Mori put Hitomi to the ground.

        “Thank you. Just give me the wig already and those weird shoes. I’ve been in these flats all evening.” Hitomi pointed at the ivory flats on her feet. She went into the curtain and put on the blonde, curly wig and put it in the same hairstyle as before. She took her shoes and put them on so she was a bit taller.

        “A little accident towards the end of the night would be quite thrilling.” Hitomi heard Kyoya say, “And remember, Hitomi. The party has twenty minutes before it reaches its climax. Suzushima is already waiting for you in a classroom down the hall.”

        Hitomi opened the curtain and sat in a chair while the twins applied some makeup that she neglected on wearing earlier, “You have to ask him how he feels, okay?” Honey reminded her.

        “Uh, we know this is the boss’ idea, but it’s kind of unsettling.” As if on cue, Tamaki bursted in the room and Haruhi was behind him.

        “There you all are! What is taking you so long? The guests are wait—.” He stopped when he looked at Hitomi who stood up in her blonde glory. He had a weird smile on his face.

        “Wow! You really look good with blonde hair, Hitomi!” Haruhi smiled. 

        “So, what do you think?” The twins asked and Hitomi struggled with the high heels.

        “My face fills stiff and I can’t walk like this.” Hitomi muttered and walked out of the room and towards the classroom.

        “Good luck, Hitomi!” The twins said as Hitomi struggled walking.

        “I can’t believe it, she’s—.” Hitomi got too far away to hear what Tamaki said.

        She opened the door to the classroom and saw Toru standing by the window, “You’re the one who wrote this letter?” He asked, holding up a letter and an envelope, “You’re totally different than what I imagined.”

        “Letter?” Hitomi inquired and took the letter from him.

        I’m in love-love. From the first time I saw you, I’ve been head over heels for you. It’s like my heart is stuck in a never-ending typhoon. All of these feelings of love keep whipping around in my heart like the breaking waves. When the typhoon’s rising waters come, I want to rendezvous with you on Noah’s Ark. I do! I do!

        Hitomi rolled her eyes. It was definitely a collaborative effort of the twins and Kyoya, “Excuse me?” Toru broke through her train of thought, “Have we met somewhere before?”

        “Not that I know of.” Hitomi said calmly, twilling with a strand of blonde hair, “This is the first time I’ve ever talked to you.”

        “I’m sorry. I’m flattered by your letter, but I don’t feel the same way.” He said and Hitomi let go of the strand of hair, “You see, another girl already has my heart.”

        “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know you had a girlfriend.” Hitomi looked as if she was embarrassed when she was really relieved he said that.

        “Unfortunately, she’s not my girlfriend. In fact, I think she’s completely over me. In all honesty, I think she’d be happier with someone more self confident than me.” Hitomi gave him a sympathetic look.

        “It’s pointless. It doesn’t matter how hard I try, she never notices me. And I wanted to study abroad so I could become a better man. I know it’s selfish, but I wonder if she’ll wait for me.” He said, still staring out of the window.

        “Yeah, you’re right, that is pretty selfish.” That must’ve been like an arrow to the heart, “but maybe she would wait. You’ll never know if you don’t tell her how you feel.

        “You obviously have strong feelings for her, so why not tell her? I think once you decide to change, then you’ve already begun your transformation.” He held up a hand when the door opened. Kanako.

        “I’m sorry, I didn’t meant to interrupt!” She was crying and she ran off with Toru behind her, calling her name.

        Hitomi went out of the room and Tamaki was next to her, “It looks like we made matters worse.”

        “But he did go running after her.” He said optimistically. She smiled at him. It’s our responsibility, as elite members of the Ouran Host Club, to make every girl happy, Hitomi remembered.

        Tamaki took Hitomi to the balcony where they could see Kanako and Toru. They put spotlights on them.

        “Ladies and gentleman,” he began, “it is now time for us to begin the final dance for tonight. The last waltz of the night has been chosen by the Host Club for this couple.” He pointed at the two. The twins were eating bananas when Hitomi looked at them. She had changed dresses as well as her wig so she wouldn’t be recognized. She was now wearing her maids’ outfit again.

        Toru bowed, “May I have this dance?” And she accepted. Hitomi swore, as they were dancing, that he said the three words that mattered most to a girl.

        Tamaki sighed and put his arms out, causing Hitomi to duck, “After tonight, may this couple be forever blessed.”

        Hikaru came by, holding his banana peel. Uh-oh, Hitomi thought, “And now we’ll announce the winners of the ball.

        “Congratulations Miss Kanako and Mr. Toru for being our winners.” Hitomi had completely forgotten about that. She gave an odd look. Everyone clapped. But where were the banana peels?

        “And for your reward, a kiss on the cheek from the King and Queen.” Hikaru announced.

        “Are you ready?” Tamaki gave her a lustful look.

        “Haruhi Fujioka will stand in for Tamaki.” Hitomi laughed and Haruhi looked deserted.

        “Kyoya did say that a little accident towards the end of the night might make it more thrilling.” The two said in unison.

        Haruhi held Hitomi as they went down the stairs. She couldn’t believe that her first kiss of the year was going to this. Haruhi kissed Kanako on the cheek, and when Hitomi was about to kiss Toru something pushed her and they kissed. She backed away with multiple apologies. “It’s alright,” he laughed and Kanako did too. When Hitomi turned around, she saw two fallen banana peels and a broken Tamaki.

        Hitomi’s first kiss had been taken.


        This was hysterical to write, I really did love recreating this chapter in the show. It was a blast! i hope you thought so as well!

        I may be gone, but continuous updates are a must and the show must go on, or something like that. I hope you don't find the grammatical errors, I promise it will all be edited when I get back. I just need to focus on one thing at a time.

        Guys, school is coming and I don't know if I can handle that. i'm not ready for this giant school, I'm really not, but with you guys, I know I can break new walls. :D

        Don't forget to vote, comment and share and keep up with the support, it means the world!

        The Host Club will be waiting for you.

        Love always,

        Nicole-y (Fanfiction Version)

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