I am NOT! [Stray Kids Hogwart...

Von joytiny

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A series of different Stray Kids ships in Hogwarts. It all plays in the same AU and it's kinda connected some... Mehr

I am NOT [ready]
I am NOT [gay]
I am NOT [me]
I am NOT [crushing on Lee Felix]
I am NOT [jealous]
I am NOT [going to mess this up]
I am NOT [cute]
I am NOT [who I used to be]
I am NOT [the one for you] {Prequel}
I am NOT [giving up on you]
I am NOT [your Valentine]
I am NOT [good enough]
I am NOT [just that]
I am NOT [doing that]
I am NOT [good at this]
I am NOT [scared of anything]
I am NOT [sick]
I am NOT [a friend]
I am NOT [reckless]
I am NOT [mad]
I am NOT [pure]
I am NOT [the end]

I am NOT [letting you go]

1.2K 33 25
Von joytiny

Hii, sorry I'm late again...but I literally just finished this one shot five seconds ago. I felt super uninspired about this until like Tuesday, so I had to write all of it in two days. I apologize for any typos. I'm beyond tired and haven't proof read this (it's 1:20am, oml)

I hope this one isn't too random for you and I hope you'll like it...

PUBLISHED: 08/09/2018
EDITED: 09/25/2020

Kwak Nahyun was just minding her own business, climbing the stairs to the fifth floor in order to head to the prefect's bathroom.

The Gryffindor was a hardworking prefect, dedicated to always do the right thing and bring order to the hallways of Hogwarts. But tonight, she just needed to de-stress.

She was just about to reach the prefect's bathroom when a student came out.

No, not one – but two!

Nahyun took a closer look and her eyes widened in realization when she saw none other than the head girl Myoui Mina and head boy Park Jinwoo. They were fixing their clothes and hair. Mina turned to Jinwoo and fixed his tie before giving him a short kiss on the lips.

Nahyun was scandalized, to say the least. She wouldn't have expected the two of them to participate in such lewd actions in the middle of the night! She had to report them to the headmaster!


"Oh my god, did you hear about Jinwoo and Mina?"
"No, what about them?"
"I heard, they were caught getting it on in the prefect's bathroom!"

Jinwoo was just walking up the stairs to head to the Great Hall, noticing the way some people shot him random looks and pointed at him.

He figured that it was because he was head boy (and because of the fact that he didn't look too bad). He entered the Great Hall, making his way over to the Hufflepuff table where Jeongin sat.

"Hey, Jeongin," he greeted the younger with a warm smile.

Jeongin gave him a knowing look. "You're in trouble," he told Jinwoo, without returning his greeting.

"What? Why?" Jinwoo questioned, beyond confused at the younger's statement.

Before Jeongin could explain or say literally anything else, a Gryffindor guy whom Jinwoo had never even seen before, patted his shoulder as he passed by, yelling "good one, man!"

"Would anybody please tell me what the fuck is going on?" Jinwoo exploded.

Jeongin looked around as if to check if anybody was listening in – which, of course, everyone within earshot was. He decided to speak up nonetheless.

"There is this rumor about you and Mina getting caught in the prefects' bathroom. Um... I-I don't really want to go into detail here..." Jeongin said, blushing.

Jinwoo didn't reply.

Instead, he spun around, searching the Ravenclaw table for his girlfriend. It didn't take him long to find her. She looked back at him with an equal amount of horror in her eyes.

Someone carefully tapped his arm. Jinwoo was about to snap at whoever it was but held himself back when he saw that it was just a little first year from his house.

"Excuse me... the headmaster wants to see you and the head girl in his office..." the boy said in a squeaky voice.

"Alright, thanks..." Jinwoo muttered.

The little boy ran off without further words. Jinwoo sighed heavily, looking in Mina's direction again. She seemed to have gotten the same message. They both made their way out of the Great Hall, followed by more stares.

"How does the whole school know?" Mina asked frantically as soon as they'd both reached the entrance hall.

Jinwoo faced her and put his hands on her shoulders. "Calm down, princess... this school is full of gossiping idiots. Tomorrow, they'll have something else to talk about," he tried to comfort her.

"But the headmaster wants to see us..." Mina argued.

Jinwoo gave her a comforting hug. "It's going to be okay... maybe this is about something else," he said, while stroking her hair in order to soothe her.


It wasn't about something else.

The headmaster received them with a sour expression and motioned for them to sit down. He crossed his arms over his chest, glaring at Jinwoo. The two of them sat down across from him, awaiting his outburst.

"I have received a report from one of our prefects. She claims to have seen you doing... inappropriate things in the prefect's bathroom."

Jinwoo wasn't sure how someone could have walked in on them without them noticing. Granted, Jinwoo had been a tad bit busy, but he was 96% sure that nobody had been in the prefects' bathroom while he was in there with Mina.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" the headmaster questioned sternly.

Mina lowered her head. "We're really sorry..." she muttered.

"You're not setting the best example for your fellow students! That is why I have decided that the student council is no longer allowed to date one another, effective immediately!" the headmaster announced.

Jinwoo jumped off his seat before he could stop himself.

"That's ridiculous!" he exclaimed. Mina stood up as well, reaching for Jinwoo's hand to calm him down.

"Mina and I are adults, you can't–"

"You may be adults under the wizarding law, but as long as you're students here, you're following my rules! The prefects will be informed later. You're dismissed!"

Jinwoo opened his mouth to argue, but Mina squeezed his hand and dragged him along to the exit. The headmaster cleared his throat, raising his eyebrows at their intertwined hands.

"You can't force us to break up!" Mina said in an exasperated tone of voice.

The headmaster looked at her coldly. "Then you're expelled. I heard you want to get into wizard politics, Miss Myoui... that's going to be hard when you can't graduate," he said, leaning back in his armchair.

Jinwoo was about ready to slit the guy's throat.

"Don't you dare threaten her, you–"

"Jinwoo, please... let's just go," Mina interfered, her voice small. The Hufflepuff looked at his girlfriend; her eyes were glued to the floor – in shame or resignation, he didn't know. Most of his anger faded at the sight. He reluctantly let her pull her hand away.

They left the headmaster's office, not without Jinwoo shooting the guy one last glare, though.

Outside, Mina let out a quiet sob and Jinwoo didn't hesitate to hug her.

"This is all my fault!" she exclaimed, her voice muffled, due to her face being buried in her boyfriend's robes.

"No, that's not true..."

"Going to the bathroom was my idea..." she argued while pulling back to look up at him.

"Don't worry about it, princess. We're going to make this right..." Jinwoo told her, while gently wiping her tears away with his thumbs. "For now, we're going to have to pretend that we really broke up, though," he added.


"Yeah, the headmaster needs to get his head out of his ass. This council dating-ban isn't going to last. And I'm not letting you go that easily", he told her.

At least, that brought a little smile to her face. Jinwoo cupped her cheeks and pecked her on the nose.

"It's all gonna be okay..."


The news about the student council dating ban spread like wildfire over the next few hours.

Jinwoo found it hard to stay away from his girlfriend all day, since he knew how upset she had been earlier.

Hyunjin decided to join him at the lunch table, because Jeongin was at Quidditch practice. The older was grateful for the hug he gave him.

"It's gonna be fine," Hyunjin told him.

Jinwoo lowered his head, staring at the empty plate in front of him.

"That's what I keep trying to tell myself, but I don't know how to fix this..." the Hufflepuff said.

Hyunjin patted his shoulder comfortingly. "For now, it's best to let the headmaster cool off!"

"What do I do about the prefects, though? We have tons of council couples! I'm just glad it won't affect you and Seungmin."

"What kind of stupid rule is that anyway? You could have been with anyone. Why only punish part of the student council?" Hyunjin questioned.

Jinwoo shrugged. "The headmaster is an asshat..." the older mumbled.

"I'm sorry, you have to go through this," Hyunjin said sympathetically.

Jinwoo gave him a sad half-smile. "Worst part is that I have to stay away from Mina..." he replied, his eyes trailing off to absent-mindedly search for her at the Ravenclaw table. She wasn't there, which worried him even further.


"Chan, I have a favor to ask you...", Jinwoo whispered to his friend that same evening during Astronomy class. The Gryffindor looked at him.

Of course, he had heard the rumors, too. But just like Hyunjin, he would never judge him...

"Sure, what do you need?" Chan questioned.

Jinwoo pretended to look through his telescope when Professor Sinistra looked over.

"Could you look after Mina for me? Like, make sure people are not getting on her case about what happened?" Jinwoo asked his friend.

Chan looked surprised at the request but nodded nonetheless. "Sure, I'll look after her," he agreed. Jinwoo smiled.

"Thanks," he said sincerely, but his best friend waved off.

"You'd do the same for me..."

After class, the two of them hung out together near the Astronomy classroom.

"Who even ratted us out?" Jinwoo asked, more to himself than Chan.

The younger looked at him, surprised. "You haven't heard? The girl who ratted you out was Kwak Nahyun from our year. She's in my house and she couldn't wait to brag about it in the common room!"

Jinwoo's face darkened.

Kwak Nahyun; he should have fucking known. Nobody in the council really liked her. She was too bent on obeying the rules and she had zero loyalty towards her friends. One time she had deducted 40 points from her little brother's house – which was Hufflepuff, as Jinwoo remembered bitterly – for a minor mistake, nobody even remembered.

"Why am I not surprised..." Jinwoo mumbled.

Chan nodded in silent agreement. "What are you gonna do?" he asked the older, who shrugged.

"I'm not sure... I could ask her to tell the headmaster that she misunderstood the situation?" Jinwoo offered.

Chan snorted. "That's the best approach for literally anyone but her..." he said.

The Hufflepuff sighed in resignation. "You're right... but I have to come up with something..." he said.


Usually, Mina loved this time of year.

The snow was finally melting, and spring was about to begin. She had been looking forward to spending most of her time at the lake with Jinwoo once it got a little warmer, and on top of that, it was also her birthday this month.

Right now, though, she felt horrible.

Half the school's eyes were on her wherever she went; she heard people whispering behind her back and some things she heard made her want to curl up into a ball and cry.

Also, to put the damn cherry on top, she thought she might be coming down with something. She felt nauseous and tired all the time.

As head girl, she couldn't really afford to be sick, but with everything going on she figured that maybe it was the right moment to just backtrack.

Then again, Myoui Mina wasn't someone who just gave up when things got a little though... usually. Jinwoo was right, though. Soon, this would all be over.

"Mina!" someone called out to her, causing her to turn around.

Chan caught up with her, starting to walk alongside her.

She gave him a small smile. "Hey, Chan..." she said, trying to ignore the pulsing headache she had woken up with this morning.

"We have Charms together now, don't we?" Chan asked.

Mina looked at him, chuckling. "Jinwoo wants you to babysit me, doesn't he?" she said knowingly.

Chan scratched the back of his head sheepishly. Jinwoo was really the sweetest to be worrying about her like this. It made her happy to know that her boyfriend was such a caring person. But it also made her sad, because she couldn't be with him right now.

"That's really nice of you, Chan, but I'm fine. I don't need a babysitter or a bodyguard..." she told him.

Unfortunately, though, as if to contradict her statement, her headache was getting worse by the second. She was beginning to feel dizzy, causing her to stop walking and lean against the nearby wall.

"You okay?" Chan asked.

Mina hummed in confirmation. "I... just need a minute..." she said.

Chan approached her. "Maybe you should go to the hospital wing," the younger suggested. She shook her head and pushed herself off the wall, trying to stand up straight again.

"I'm fine..." she argued.

However, her surroundings began to spin before she had even finished speaking and she vaguely registered Chan catching her before she passed out.


Jinwoo wasn't even pretending to listen to Professor Binns' lecture. He just stared out of the window and waited for the torture that was History of Magic to be over.

The door at the back of the classroom, right next to where Jinwoo sat, opened, which Professor Binns didn't notice.

Jinwoo looked over to see Chan peeking inside, trying to get the older's attention. Jinwoo furrowed his brows in confusion as Chan motioned for him to come outside.

Jinwoo shot a quick look over to the ghostly professor before getting up and sneaking outside, ignoring the stares of his classmates, who, of course, found anything more entertaining than History of Magic.


"It's Mina. She's at the hospital wing!" Chan interrupted the older.

Jinwoo was immediately alarmed. "Why?! What happened?!" he questioned frantically.

Chan began to lead the way as he answered: "No idea. I was talking to her and all of a sudden she just... fainted," he explained.

The Hufflepuff frowned. He knew that Mina had been complaining about dizziness a lot recently, but he knew her. She usually avoided going to the hospital wing, unless she absolutely had to.

Finally, the two seventh years reached the hospital wing where Jinwoo had to stop himself from bursting through the door. When he entered, he found Mina already sitting up in her bed.

Jinwoo rushed over to her, reaching for her hand. "Are you alright?" he questioned.

Mina gave him a half-smile. She looked a little pale, but other than that she seemed fine.

"I am... Madame Pomfrey said that it was just because of the stress. I'll be back on my feet before lunch," she said.

He was just about to reach out and brush a strand of her hair behind her ear when Madame Pomfrey appeared.

"Ah... the boyfriend. I hate to say this, but you shouldn't be here," she addressed Jinwoo.

The Hufflepuff let out an exasperated huff. "I can't even check on her now?" he asked.

He knew that he shouldn't snap at the school nurse as she was only trying to do her job, but this whole thing just made him even angrier than he had been before.

"I think it's best if you go now. She's alright..." the nurse said, completely unbothered by the Hufflepuff's tone.

Jinwoo sighed in resignation and gave Mina a short apologetic look, squeezing her hand a little bit. He didn't like leaving her behind like this, but he also didn't want to get her into more trouble.

"I'll see you later..." Jinwoo told her.

She just nodded as Jinwoo turned around and left the hospital wing with Chan. The younger looked like he wanted to say something.

Jinwoo was grateful when he didn't.


After Mina was discharged, Jinwoo had to find an opportunity to have a moment alone with her. He couldn't stop thinking about how utterly ridiculous this situation was. They were still head boy and head girl, so keeping them apart really wasn't the best solution here.

Apart from that, he'd caught several prefects glaring at him. He knew that most of them probably weren't happy about the dating ban; he just hoped that they would let all their anger out on him, instead of Mina.

He was scheduled for patrolling the hallways tonight, which turned out to be his opportunity to finally talk to his girlfriend without anyone breathing down their necks. He was patrolling the seventh floor near the Room of Requirements, when she rounded the corner.

At first, in the dark, he thought that it might be another prefect, but as she stepped closer Jinwoo recognized Mina. He closed the rest of the distance between them and hugged her.

"Are you feeling better?" he asked her.

She mumbled a "yeah, I'm alright..." She pulled out of the hug. "There's something I need to tell you, though..."

Mina looked nervous, fidgeting with her hands, unable to meet his eyes. "Um... so, I don't really know how to say this..." she trailed off.

Jinwoo reached for her hands. "You're not breaking up with me, are you?" he asked, trying to contain the panic in his voice.

Mina looked at him wide-eyed. "No, of course not! But... you might consider breaking up with me once I tell you..." she replied, averting her gaze again.

Jinwoo couldn't deny that he was getting a little worried. What did she mean by that? He couldn't imagine her doing something bad enough for him to break up with her.

"I'm pregnant."

Jinwoo didn't know what he'd been expecting, but it hadn't been... that. He stared at her for a few seconds, trying to process the information. Mina seemed to take his silence as a bad thing.

"I'm sorry, Jinwoo. I know this isn't what you had planned for your future..."

The Hufflepuff was quick to reassure her, though. "I'm not mad at you. I'm surprised, yes, but I'm responsible too! And I sure won't leave you, princess. We'll get through this together, okay?"

Mina sniffled, her eyes still glued to the floor. "Look at me..." Jinwoo said gently.

The Ravenclaw carefully looked at her boyfriend, who was trying to make her feel better by giving her a warm smile. He hated seeing her like this.

"I'm with you. You're not going through this alone..."

"But we're not even allowed to be together right now. What happens if word gets out?" Mina questioned desperately.

Jinwoo knew that the timing wasn't the best, but he wanted to prevent her from feeling discouraged.

"Maybe we should just try to keep it a secret until things calm down," he suggested. Mina just nodded. "Did you tell anyone else yet?" Jinwoo asked her.

She nodded again. "I told Momo when we were at our dorms earlier..."

She looked a little less shaken up than before, probably due to the fact that Jinwoo had reacted pretty calmly. He was glad that she had someone to confide in while he couldn't be by her side.

Mina stood up straight, wiping her eyes. "I have to get going... I don't want anyone to get suspicious..." she told him. Jinwoo nodded and gave her another brief hug before letting her continue her duties.


To say that the other girls were unamused by the dating ban situation was an understatement. Ever since it had been announced, Mina had had to endure death glares because everyone knew about the bathroom incident, which, of course, led everyone to the conclusion that it had been Jinwoo's and Mina's fault.

Still, she tried to keep her head up and hoped that the others would just leave her be until the situation resolved. But, of course, luck wasn't exactly on her side these days.

She was currently in the bathroom after breakfast trying to get her dizziness under control when the door opened, and two girls stepped inside.

Mina knew them because they were both prefects. One of them was Slytherin's sixth-year prefect Ahin. The other one was Dayoung from Gryffindor who was also a sixth-year.

"Look who it is..." Dayoung said when she spotted the head girl.

Mina really wasn't up for this type of confrontation at the moment, but the girls seemed happy to catch her alone.

"You know, the least thing you could do is apologize..." Ahin accused her.

"Because you and your boyfriend couldn't keep your hands to each other, we can't openly see our boyfriends anymore!" Dayoung continued.

Mina took a deep breath, not wanting to lose her temper in front of the two younger girls.

"Maybe, instead of snapping at me, you should confront the person who reported me to the headmaster and ultimately got us into this mess. I'm sorry about the dating ban, but I never wanted this to happen either!"

Ahin scoffed as Dayoung rolled her eyes. "You're so high and mighty all the time because you're head girl and dating Jinwoo, but without him you're actually nothing..." the Gryffindor spat at her. "You two were the ones who deserved a punishment, the rest of us didn't do anything wrong!"

"Yeah, you're the slut here, Mina!"

For some stupid reason, Mina took the girls' words to heart more than she would usually.

(She remembered Madame Pomfrey telling her that she could be more emotional than usual.)

She didn't want to deal with them any longer, so she just pushed past them and stormed out of the bathroom before she had a full-on breakdown in front of them.

She didn't look where she was going, which resulted in her colliding with someone almost immediately after leaving the bathroom.

Mina just hoped that it wasn't another angry prefect, as she mumbled a quiet "sorry", ready to run off again.

"Whoa, slow down, there... are you alright?" Mina looked up and saw Chan standing there, giving her a concerned look.

Granted, yesterday when he'd seen her she'd fainted. She quickly wiped her eyes. "I'm fine, Chan. For real, this time," she said. Chan raised his eyebrows like he didn't believe her.

"People around here aren't too fond of me right now. Nothing that won't pass," Mina waved off when she caught his look.

"Don't let them get to you. This sucks right now, but it's going to be fine," the Gryffindor said encouragingly. Mina gave him a small smile. She was glad that Jinwoo had someone like him as his best friend.

"Come on, I'll walk you to class," Chan offered. Mina chuckled, knowing that the younger wouldn't take no for an answer.



"Hey, head boy!" someone called out to Jinwoo, who was absent-mindedly walking to his next class, through the Transfiguration courtyard.

His thoughts were with Mina and the news she'd shared yesterday. He still couldn't quite wrap his head around the fact that she was really pregnant...

"Park Jinwoo!" the same voice called out to him again.

The Hufflepuff turned around to see none other than Kwak Nahyun and her Ravenclaw boyfriend Park Hyunwoo approach him. He rolled his eyes. If there was anyone he disliked more than Nahyun it was her idiot of a boyfriend.

"I gotta say, some leader you are! First you knock up your girlfriend and then you get us all busted!" Hyunwoo said.

Jinwoo froze at his words. How did he know about Mina? He glared at Nahyun.

"The dating ban doesn't even affect you two," he finally said.

Nahyun crossed her arms over her chest. "I did the right thing," she defended herself.

Jinwoo scoffed. "Sure, it's always easy to rat out others. Bet you'd even betray your own boyfriend to get brownie points with the teachers," he said more calmly than he felt, but with a certain bite in his voice.

Hyunwoo apparently thought that it was a good idea to get up in Jinwoo's grill and push at his chest. The guy was taller than Jinwoo with way too many muscles; he barely passed as a seventh year, since he looked around 23.

Under different circumstances, Jinwoo might have been slightly intimidated, but his blood was already boiling with pent-up anger.

He was angry at Nahyun for being the reason he had to stay away from Mina and angry at Hyunwoo for having the nerve to call him out on something that didn't even affect him.

In other words, the Ravenclaw should not pick a fight with him today.

"I mean, they could have just kicked you and your slut of a girlfriend out, instead of–"

Jinwoo didn't let Hyunwoo finish. He took a swing and punched him right in the face before he could stop himself – not that he had intended to.

Nobody talked about his girlfriend like that and got away with it.

Nahyun screamed and ran off, but Jinwoo didn't have it in him to care. Hyunwoo caught himself pretty quickly, though. Before Jinwoo knew it, the Ravenclaw had placed a punch on his jaw and no sooner the two seventh years were on the floor, throwing punches at each other.

Jinwoo usually wasn't someone who lost his temper easily, but if it was about Mina or his friends, he wasn't playing around. Suddenly, he was thrown back through the air, magically.

He landed on the grassed floor, hard, sat up and looked around to see their Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher standing there, his wand raised.

"Would anybody care to explain why the two of you are fighting like Neanderthals?!" the Professor asked, dangerously calm.

"Jinwoo punched Hyunwoo in the face!" Nahyun said, looking panicked... or maybe that was just an act to make her seem more believable.

Jinwoo wouldn't even be surprised if that were the case.

"And why would he do that?" the Professor asked, his gaze fixed on Jinwoo.

"He had it coming!" the head boy said.

"As head boy, you should know better. That's 50 points from Hufflepuff," the teacher told him.

Hyunwoo huffed in amusement. "...and 50 from Ravenclaw as well. Fist fights are unacceptable! This is a school, not a fight club! Now get those bruises fixed up and then head to class!"

Jinwoo scrambled to his feet and snatched his bag up from the floor where it must have dropped somewhere along the fight. He walked off without further words.

He wasn't going to run to Madame Pomfrey like a little bitch just because of a few bruises.


"I guess they've turned into a slut and a thug by now..."
"It's tragic, really..."
"Look at her, seems like she finally fell off her high horse."

"Do any of you actually have the guts to say that to her face?!" Chan exclaimed, facing a small group of gossiping students.

They didn't seem to have expected him to call them out as they now only stared back at him with wide eyes.

"It's okay, Chan. You don't have to do this," Mina said with a small voice.

Chan had practically insisted on walking her to lunch after the "rumor" about her pregnancy had seeped through.

He hadn't asked her if it was true, yet, but he had been glaring at people who pointed their fingers at her, causing most of them to turn away.

Mina didn't think anyone would attack her with more than words, but she had to admit that she felt safer with Jinwoo's best friend around.

"It's not okay! They can't talk about you and Jinwoo like this," Chan argued.

"Just... let's just get lunch, okay?" Mina asked. She didn't actually want to go to the Great Hall, but it seemed better than having Chan pick a fight in the middle of a hallway.

The Gryffindor gave in, nodding, before he proceeded to take Mina to the Great Hall.

As expected, many students stared at her as she walked through the door, making her freeze in her spot.

Chan nudged her carefully. "You don't have to stay here... I could get you some food to eat somewhere quieter," he whispered.

Part of Mina wanted to decline and tell him that she didn't want to give them the satisfaction to see her crumble. The other part had enough of the whispers and the stares. It was too much for one day. So, she nodded.

Chan patted her shoulder comfortingly and told her to go wait in the courtyard.

Mina quickly scanned the Hufflepuff table to see if she could spot Jinwoo anywhere, but he was nowhere to be seen. She sighed in resignation before turning around to head to the courtyard and wait for Chan there.

She was worried about Jinwoo. Of course, she had heard about the fist fight between him and Park Hyunwoo. She wondered how it was possible for rumors and news to spread this fast around here, even without magic.

Did nobody have respect for privacy anymore?

"Here you go," Chan's voice suddenly ripped Mina out of her thoughts.

The Gryffindor stood in front of her with a full plate of many different things on it. She took it gratefully, only now realizing how hungry she actually was.

"I didn't know what you liked, so I just got everything," Chan said sheepishly.

Mina chuckled as she began to eat. "Thanks, that's really thoughtful of you," she told him. Chan waved off. "I usually don't run from my problems..." Mina added, feeling the need to explain herself.

"I know. But sometimes it's okay to hide..." Chan looked like he wanted to say something else. And eventually he did. "Besides... I don't think you should, you know... get too stressed."

Mina looked down at herself. It was obvious what Chan was referring to.

"It's true, isn't it?" he asked.

Mina nodded. "I found out yesterday. I'm 8 weeks pregnant..." the Ravenclaw answered, her hand absent-mindedly coming to a rest on her belly.

"Did you tell Jinwoo?" Chan questioned.

"Yeah. He said we'll get through it together. He was really sweet and supportive, even though I just ruined his future..." she said lowering her head.

"I don't think he sees it that way. He loves you. I know for a fact that you're the most important person in his life... he'd be a great father, if you ask me," Chan told her.

Mina put her plate aside and shifted to sit on the bench cross-legged. "I'm not even sure if I should keep it. There are many people who could take better care of this baby..." she admitted. "Besides, my parents will kill me when they find out."

Chan hummed in thought. "Well, I can't tell you what to do. But I know that Jinwoo will definitely respect your decision..." Mina nodded.

She knew that Jinwoo was a good man. She just wished that making a decision would be easier...


"Jinwoo, your face!" Hyunjin exclaimed the next morning when the Hufflepuff joined him and Seungmin at the Slytherin table.

"Why didn't you go to Madame Pomfrey with this?" Seungmin asked.

Jinwoo shrugged. "It's not that bad..."

"Not that bad, my ass! Your right eye is swollen like a golf ball! Can you even see?" Seungmin questioned.

"I'm fine, guys. I'll get it fixed up later..."

The two fifth years didn't look too happy with that answer but decided to drop the subject anyway.

"Have either of you seen Mina?" he asked them.

Hyunjin shook his head, but Seungmin replied: "Yeah, she left the Great Hall when I came in."

"How did she look? Was she okay? Was Chan with her?" the oldest asked quickly.

"I think she was alright. Chan wasn't with her. Momo was, though..." Seungmin told him.

That calmed him down a little bit. He didn't want her to be on her own when he couldn't be with her.

"Um... is she really..." Hyunjin trailed off, like he was scared to overstep by voicing out the whole question.

Jinwoo couldn't blame him for asking. With the amount of gossip going around in this school, you never knew what was true and what wasn't.

"She is..." he answered.

Seungmin's face lit up the smallest bit. "The circumstances aren't ideal, but I still want to say congratulations. I love babies!" he said.

Jinwoo couldn't help but smile at the younger's excitement. "Thanks, Min."

It was nice to hear something positive about this whole situation for a change. He was really glad to have his friends.

"Chan's coming over," Hyunjin pointed out, looking past Jinwoo who turned around to see his best friend approach them.

"Hey, I was looking for you yesterday," the younger said. He looked at Jinwoo's bruises, making a face at how bad they probably looked, but chose not to comment on it.

"Mina told me to tell you that she'll meet you in the Room of Requirements tonight at 10," he explained.

Jinwoo perked up at that. He felt like he hadn't seen her in ages. "I'll be there," he said.


Jinwoo arrived at the Room of Requirements at 10pm sharp.

Mina was already waiting for him, immediately hugging him when he stepped inside. In order not to worry her, he'd been to the hospital wing after class to get his bruises healed.

"How are you feeling, princess?" he asked her once she'd pulled back from the hug.

She smiled a little. "I'm good. What about you? Did you get hurt during that fight?" she questioned.

Jinwoo shook his head dismissively. "Don't worry," he said. He looked around in the room. Mina had made it to look like the Ravenclaw common room. He took her hand and sat her down on one of the blue couches before taking his own seat next to her.

"Jinwoo... I wanted to meet up to talk about this whole pregnancy thing..." Mina started after a few seconds of silence. "I want to know where you stand. Do you want this baby?" she questioned, looking more serious than he had ever seen her.

Jinwoo had thought about this a lot over the past few days. Was he really ready to possibly become a father? Did he want this baby?

"Yes, I... I think I do... do you?"

Mina looked at her own knees. "I wasn't sure at first... I mean, I'm just about to turn 18 and I have no idea how to do this," she replied. "But then I thought that I can do anything as long as I'm with you. So... if you're completely sure about this... then yeah, I want to keep the baby," she told him.

Jinwoo took her hand again, making her look at him. "I meant it when I said that I'm in this with you..." he assured her.

She leaned against his side and exhaled. Jinwoo enjoyed being close to her again after all the drama.

"Sometimes I think that we should just leave this damn school..." Mina muttered.

Jinwoo slung an arm around her waist, pulling her a little closer. "How am I supposed to take care of you when I can't get a job?" he said with a little chuckle.

"We got this, princess. We'll finish these last few months of school and then I'll find a job and we can move in together..." he trailed off.

It wasn't like he had never imagined it before. He knew that he loved Mina, it was the only thing he was 100% sure of in his life.

He had often found himself thinking about what their life would look like when they were out of here and in the real world.

Now that they had a baby on the way, he was looking forward to it even more.

"You're making this sound a lot less intimidating than it probably will be," Mina said.

Jinwoo chuckled. "Then I'm doing a good job..."

"But what are we going to do about the situation right now? Are we really going to keep meeting secretly like this until we graduate?" Mina questioned.

"If we have to... but I thought about talking to the headmaster again..." Jinwoo answered, trying to sound more confident about the plan than he actually felt.

"Let's just hope that it'll work out..."


Mina had offered her boyfriend to come along to talk to the headmaster the very next day, but Jinwoo had told her to stay put. He wanted to think about what exactly to say to him. Rushing into it might ruin everything.

Luckily, the gossiping and finger-pointing had died down a little by the end of the week.

Jinwoo decided not to push his talk with the headmaster up further than necessary and went to his office that same weekend.

He said the password he needed in order to get into the office. The headmaster was sitting at his desk, pretending to write something, even though, Jinwoo knew that he had head him enter.

"Mr Park, what a nice surprise," he said, not looking up from his paperwork.

"Can I talk to you, sir?" Jinwoo asked, trying to sound as polite as possible. He was still boiling with anger when he looked at the headmaster, but he figured that acting up wouldn't get him anywhere.

The headmaster finally looked up and made a gesture for Jinwoo to sit down. The Hufflepuff did as told.

"The reason I'm here is–"

"You're going to ask me to lift the dating ban," the headmaster interrupted him knowingly.

"Yes, the rest of the council did nothing wrong. And they're taking their anger out on Mina," Jinwoo explained. "Please, if you want to punish someone, let it be me."

"Mr Park, you're one of Hogwarts' brightest students and an even better head boy... but you have disappointed me," the headmaster told him.

Jinwoo nodded slowly. "I know, but it's not fair of you to punish other prefects for that. I'm ready to take responsibility," he said sincerely.

"Really? How so?" the headmaster asked, raising his eyebrows in interest.

"I'll do whatever it takes. I'll step down as head boy... just... please, lift the ban."

The man folded his hands and rested them on his desk. "You're quite the leader, Jinwoo. People are looking up to you."

Jinwoo wasn't so sure about that anymore. After the week he'd had, he wouldn't be surprised if people were screaming for a new head boy.

"I'll lift the ban," the headmaster said, making Jinwoo's head snap in his direction in surprise. "But you're not going to step down. It's already March. It would be way too much of a hassle to elect a new head boy now. Besides, I told you... you're a good leader," he explained.

"Then... what–"

"You'll get detention for the rest of the month and I'm deducting 50 points from Hufflepuff." That was it? Detention and a few points? "You're dismissed," the headmaster said. Jinwoo furrowed his brows. "Just like that?"

"Would you like a more severe punishment?" the older man questioned.

Jinwoo quickly rose from his seat. "No! Thank you, sir!"

He turned on his heel and stormed off without any further words before the headmaster could change his mind.


Mina was sitting at the Ravenclaw table with Momo, picking around in her food.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Momo asked carefully.

Mina shook her head and put her fork down. "I'm not hungry..."

She was feeling anxious. Jinwoo had told her that he would talk to the headmaster today. It could go either way.

The prefects were still extremely mad, but at least by now, most of the people were over the news of her pregnancy.

When Mina had asked Momo about how word might have gotten out, the older had suspected one of their dormmates overhearing the conversation. It sounded the most reasonable, since she trusted her friend enough to know that she would never share her personal stuff with anyone without getting Mina's permission first.

Momo nudged her. "There he is," she pointed out. Mina looked over to the entrance of the Great Hall where Jinwoo stood, scanning the Ravenclaw table. He finally found her sitting there and made his way over.

Mina got up from her seat once he was in ear shot. Judging by the fact that he was here and the wide grin on his face, she assumed that he had good news. Her theory was confirmed when he cupped her cheeks and pecked her right on the lips in excitement.

"He lifted the dating ban!" he exclaimed.

Mina's eyes widened before she all but threw her arms around his neck.

"What did you do?" she asked him.

"I just asked him to punish me instead of all of you guys. Now I got detention and my house has lost a few points, but other than that, we're good," the Hufflepuff said.

Mina pulled back a little and looked up at him. "You took all the blame?" she questioned.

Jinwoo just shrugged. "I did what I had to do to end this ridiculous ban."

Mina hugged him again, uncaring of the others' eyes on them. She had the best boyfriend out there and she was finally allowed to be with him again.


"Well, now that you two can be together again I finally get the chance to congratulate both of you!" Chan said a few hours later when he, Mina and Jinwoo hung out together in the Clocktower courtyard.

"Thanks, Chan. And also, thanks for looking out for her while I couldn't..." Jinwoo answered, giving his best friend a hug.

The younger waved off, like he always did, humble as he was. "Anytime..." he said. "By the way, do you think that it'll be a boy or a girl?" the Gryffindor asked excitedly.

Mina and Jinwoo shared a look.

"Doesn't matter. Through my gut feeling's pointing towards a girl," Mina told him.

Jinwoo put an arm around her shoulders, whispering something in her ear. Chan chuckled when the couple got lost in their own world.

"I should get going. I have a boyfriend who's been complaining about the lack of attention he's been getting from me lately," he told them.

They both bid their absent-minded goodbyes to Chan, who then went to meet up with Minho, leaving the two reunited lovebirds alone.

"Something tells me that my idiot friends have a bet going on about the gender of our baby," Jinwoo stated.

Mina laughed. "Mine too. Sana outright told me," she replied.

Jinwoo shook his head fondly, at their circle of friends. He reached out to put a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Whatever this baby's gender is, I love both you very much," he told his girlfriend.

Mina smiled, leaning into his touch and putting a hand on her belly.

"We love you, too."


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