Peter Parker Preferences

By UGottaLovePlums

32.1K 969 1.4K

Love is not black and white but rainbow! Smut, angst, fluff, lemon- you name it, I'll write it! #22 in lgbtp... More

When You Come Out
When He Supports His Transgender Partner
When He Adores Your Stretch Marks
When He Writes You A Love Letter
When It's The Scales That Lie, Not Him
His First Time
When He Has A Nightmare
How You Meet || feat. Tom Holland
When You're Exhausted (Part One)
When You Die
Your First Time
When He Has A Break Down
When He Threatens Tony
Before And After His Mission
When You Get Sick
When You Get Kidnapped || Feat. Tom Holland
When You Come Out As Asexual
When You Cheat
Everyone Loves A Bad Boy (Part One)
Professor!Parker Will See You Now
When You Fall In Love
Pillow Talk || t.h.
Panic! At The Party || t.h.
When He's Dying
Wet (Smut)
When You Finally Return
When Danger Is Near || (smut)
Short But Sweet (Smut)
"You look so cute when you're all blushy and squirmy like that."
"Baby..." you murmured. "what's wrong?"
"I'll be good for you, daddy."
"Tell daddy what you want."
"Where do you want my mouth, sweetheart?" | Genderfluid Reader
"Feeling a little shy, darling? Even after you just face f*cked me?"
"There are days when I want you to f*ck me." | FTM!Reader
"Are you cheating on me?"
'words of honeyed sweetness fell from your lips'

When You're Bisexual || Feat. Tom Holland

637 19 28
By UGottaLovePlums

A/N: This super long chapter is dedicated to Misato_Gordon. I hope it's close to what you wanted. :) 


"Dad, you are being so unreasonable!"

"No, you're the one who chose to be this. You chose this for yourself. "

"For the last time, I didn't choose this! This is not a choice. What I feel is not a choice. Being Bisexual sin't wrong or greedy, Dad. It''s so undeniably easy for you to understand but you just won't want to!" oh yes, (Y/N) was angry now. No, fuming. Seeing red. For so long  they had kept their identity a secret and finally, finally they had had the bravery to tell their Dad who they were and how did he react? As if Bisexuality was a crime. "You're just set in your views and I don't understand why. I'm still your (insert preferred parental relationship noun). I'm just telling you something about myself. Something that should be celebrated, not loathed."

There was a pause as you awaited his reply. Those few moments seemed to never end. The atmosphere tense and yet, alive with an electric current. You could feel it pulsing through your veins, like the blood that was thundering in your ears, ringing incessantly. Anything to just drown out the quite. "Well, I'm not going to. I want you out of here. If you're not going o stop this nonsense, you can do it elsewhere."

"Dad, be reasonable! can't kick just kick me out..."

"I can and I am."

You stood there, looking aghast at your parental figure, how could he be acting so unfair? "You cannot be serious?! This is my sexuality we're talking about. It's a part of who I am."

Your words did not sway your Dad's opinion but only served to cause his temper to flare further. "I. Don't. Care. I want you out of here in the next ten minutes. Otherwise, I will be personally driving you to the middle of nowhere." 


"No, no, they're not come home yet. Yes, I know. I know. I know that, Anthony. That's why we're freaking out." Elizabeth frowned. You had been missing for five hours and she was going out of her mind trying to find you. "Are you nearly here?"

'Here' being Danai's Gurira's apartment, where you had often stayed and hung out with the actress, who was unfortunately still stuck on set and unable to help with the search. She, Elizabeth and Scarlet (who also had had to remain on set) had taken you under their wing and treated you as if you were their own offspring. Jeremy had nicknamed them your Mama birds

"Hello? Chris, any news?" Robert was on his mobile, calling one person while Elizabeth called another. "Nothing? I see. No, no, they're still missing. You're on your way? Thanks. You know we appreciate it. They're going through a tough time. No, no, I'm fine, I'm just worried about (Y/N). Okay, well, we'll see you soon." he rung off.

Which was just in time because there was a knock at the door. Elizabeth was still on the phone, so Robert walked down the hallway and answered it. It was Tom. He smiled at him, warmly. "Hello, Tom, come on in."

As Tom Holland entered the apartment, he slipped off his his jacket, hanging it up on the coat rail in the narrow hallway. "Has there been any news?"

Robert shook his head. "You?"

"No." Tom seemed genuinely upset that you, his (gender)friend, hadn't come to him in your hour of need.

The father-like male placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "We'll find them, they can't have gone far."

"They're not at the bookstore or the mall." Elizabeth stated as she ended her call with Anthony. "We're running out of places to look."

"Are we sure that there couldn't be anywhere else?"

She merely shook her head and sighed deeply. Her mouth set into a grimace. 

"Okay, well, I suggest that Elizabeth, you and I check the places that aren't closed. Maybe Chris and Anthony missed (Y/N)." Robert Downey Junior- a man on a mission as always.

"What about me?" Tom enquired, eager to join the search, it was certainly better than-

"You gotta stay here, kid. If (Y/N) comes knocking here, at least they'll have a friendly face to great them."


Tom was at home, going out of his mind with worry. He could hardly believe that only two days ago you had been sitting on the sofa beside him, chatting excitedly about your plan to finally come out to your Dad. 

And now this had happened. 

You were lost somewhere, alone and most definitely scared. The person you thought you could depend on had unrightfully turned their back on you. It pained the young male to think of you in such a scenario. He cared so deeply for you and the idea of you hurting like this, well, it broke his heart. You deserved so much better.

As he waited for more information on your whereabouts, he could hear Sam in the kitchen attempting to make a simple cup of tea. The older male had been called by Chris- who was outing looking for you- to keep an eye on Tom, which made the brunet actor feel a little like he was being babysat but he didn't mind too much. Sam wasn't all that bad to talk to, even if he was a bit annoying.

"Do you want sugar and milk?" the "Falcon" called from the kitchen.

"Please!" he called back.

Coldplay suddenly filled the air, his mobile was ringing. "Hello?" he answered.

"Tom?" the voice at the end of the line sounded faint and hoarse.

He checked the caller ID, he didn't recognise it. "Who is this?"

"It's me. It's-It's (Y/N)"

Suddenly his attention was more focused. He thanked God that you were at least alive and able to call him. "Babe, I was so worried something had happened to you. Are you okay? Where are you?"

"I'm at the park, I-I..." she began to cry. "Do you think that you can come and get me? I don't know who else to turn to."

"What part of the park?"

"Near the water fountain, I'm calling on a payphone."

Already standing and moving towards the front door, Tom cradled the phone between his ear and shoulder, as he slipped on his jacket. and pocketed a set of keys. "Sit tight, love, I'll be there as quickly as I can."



"Thank you."

"Stay strong."


Chris was making his way down the block, his mind focused on finding you. Were you okay? If found, what state would they find you in? 

Suddenly, his mobile began ringing. He hastily answered it. "Tom?"

"I've found them. Where are you?

"On the corner of Main and Forster. Where are they?"

"The park near the theatre."

"How'd you know?"

"They called me."

"Oh, thank goodness." the blonde let out a sigh of relief. "Okay, I'm quite far away. I'll see you in  about forty minutes. Do you want me to call Robert and Elizabeth?"

"Could you?"

"Of course. I'll be there soon." 

"We'll be here."


"Sssh, it's okay, (Y/N)" Tom tried to comfort you. "It's all to be okay. I know, I know. Shhh, you're okay. Everything will be fine. Don't cry, (Y/N). Please. It's going to okay."

Right at that moment, you just needed Tom to comfort you. Not anyone else, just him. You craved his familiarity during such a turbulent time. "I wish he wouldn't act this way. I really wish he could be supportive."

"I know, but it's his loss, isn't it?"

"But he's my Dad, Tom, he should care!"

"He should, he really should. Maybe...maybe he's worried about you and this is his way of hiding it. . I don't know. Hopefully he'll change his mind and realise that this is who you are and that it doesn't change anything. You're still his (preferred title e.g. son, daughter, dinosaur)."

You sniffed, wiping her jumper sleeve over her tear-stained cheeks. "I hope so, I really do."

"At least you've got me. I'm not going to go anywhere any time soon. I'll always be on your side, fighting your corner. You know that, right?"

You gave his a watery smile. "Yeah, yeah I know."

"And you've got the Avengers on your side. Not everyone can say that now, can they?"


They arrived at the park only thirty minutes later. After Chris had called the others, saying that Tom had found you. 

Parking a few blocks away, the duo began to jog to the large wrought iron gates. Quickly slipping inside, they made their way through the eerily quiet park. The street lights above provided only a little source of light, as their bulbs were dimmed to save energy. One near the fountain, was flashing, broken. Robert noted how it was like being in one of the many horror movies he'd watched. Cautiously approaching the said landmark, he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw you, sitting on the bench beside the creepy water feature. But thankfully, you were not alone, for there was Tom, comforting you with temple kisses and what the male assumed was reassuring words. You looked up and suddenly ran towards them.

Elizabeth already had her arms open to greet you. She wrapped her arms around you and held onto you tightly. 

"I thought that you might not be able to get here." you whispered through your fresh tears.

"We'll always be able to get to you." the actress whispered back, affectionately kissing your forehead. "I was so worried. Where have you been all day?!"

"Wandering, I didn't know where to go."

"You could have come to me, you should have called!"

You pulled away slightly to look at Elizabeth's face, you  couldn't find any traces of anger, just relief. "You were filming, I couldn't disturb you."

"Filming isn't quite as important as you."

"It's your job and I didn't want to disturb you, you needed to focus."

She pulled you back into her original hug. "Non of us can focus if you're missing. At least if you'd answered our calls and told any of us where you were, then we would have been less freaked."

"I'm sorry."

"So, you told your Dad, huh?"

"Kinda came up, yeah." you replied dejectedly. A tsunami of emotions rewashed over you, sending you spiralling back into your abyss of confusion, anger and sorrow. "I wish you could have hear d what he said..." you began to tell them your story.

Tom watched the conversation from afar, focused on the saddening scene. He had already seen you cry so much, too much. No one should ever feel that much anguish. Not ever. Especially not over something so normal as sexuality because that was what it was, normal. One person identified as one thing and the someone else, another- what was so hard to understand about that?

Footsteps behind him brought the young actor back to his senses, Chris was entering the parks domain. Anthony following a few steps behind.

"(Y/N)!" Chris called out to you, running towards the duo. Evans pulled you- a valid member of this dysfuctional, extended family that you had acquired through association with Tom- into his arms. "I thought we'd lost you for good." he laughed. "Where on earth have you been?"


Danai watched through the living room window as you, Tom and Anthony walked up to the front door, whilst carrying between you both a few boxes containing your most needed belongings. The elegant actress immediately left her position and into the hallway, opening the door before either of you were able to ringing the bell. "Hey." she greeted you warmly. Smiling sympathetically at you "Here," he took a box from you. "let me take that for you." she grinned. 

Despite everything, you found yourself smiling. "Thank you."

"Come on in, you must be tired from your journey."

"Exhausted." you mumbled.

Inside the cosy home, you all made your way to the kitchen where Scarlet was preparing a hearty meal of butternut squash and carrot (with a dash of coriander) soup. 

At the sound of footsteps, she turned to face her guests, mirroring Danai's sympathetic smile. "Hello, you." she moved away from the stove and pulled you into a welcoming hug. "How are you doing?"

"Good, aside from the fact that my Dad wants nothing to do with me."

"Don't worry about your Dad, Elizabeth will persuade him to change his mind in no time. You'll be back home before you know it."

You looked sad for a moment. "I really hope that you're right."

The doorbell rang expectantly, surprising you and Tom. However Danai and Scarlet appeared to be totally unfazed by the presence of a new arrival at their home. "Chris, darling, would you get that?" Danai politely asked her fellow costar, eyes twinkling mischievously.

Chris complied, exiting the room, trying desperately to suppress a grin. Oh, so he was in on the surprise too?

"So, apart from coming out to your Dad, who else knows?"

You  shrugged. "I haven't really had the chance to tell many people but I do believe that you guys are the only people that know." 

You felt Tom's hand link with yours. "Well this time, you won't have to do it alone, I'll be with you whenever you need me."

You couldn't have been more grateful.

Scarlet smiled supportively at you  before turning the stove off. "The soups nearly ready. We can all eat soon."

"Tom, are you going to stay for a bit?" Danai enquired, getting bowls out of the cupboard for everyone.

"If that is okay with you? Just while (Y/n) is settling in."

Danai laughed, pleasantly. "Of course it's fine. Why don't you, Scarelet, Chris set the table of sinner. I think (Y/N) is going to be somewhat occupied with a certain person."

You frowned, what was Danai talking about?

"Hey, (Y/N)." an extremely familiar voice suddenly filled the air.

You turned around to face the new visitor. Your eyes grew wide as your smile grew. Within seconds, you  had left your place beside Tom and had rushed over to the latest addition to the group, engulfing them in a hug. "What are you doing here? I thought that you were still in (choose a country) filming!"

It was your best friend Sebastian. He grinned at you, reciprocating the hug. "I came back home yesterday, my filming ended early. Danai texted me saying what had happened. Are you okay?"

You pulled away from his embrace. "I will be. Tom's right though. Everything is going to be fine."

Chris had now re-entered the room, leaning against the door frame. "Why don't you two go and unpack your things, while we set the table for dinner?"

You both nodded enthusiastically before making their way to your new bedroom. "I know you asked Tom to help but can he come too?"

Rolling her eyes, the actress laughed. "Yes, now go!"

Once out of sight Danai chuckled. "Bless them. (Y/N) seems to be taking the situation rather well."

Chris  seated himself at the expensive oak kitchen table, taking a sip of the wine that she had just poured into four glasses. "She's putting on a brave face."

"Do you think their Dad will change his mind?" Scarlet asked, whilst stirring the soup mixture.

"If anyone can change his mind, it's Elizabeth."

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