Watch your mouth

Oleh HannahProverbs_

68.7K 3.2K 866

I tried to make myself prettier for him. More lady like for him. Smile more for him. I didn't even have him. ... Lebih Banyak

Three strikes you're out
author's note
WYM 12
WYM 13
WYM 16 - part one.
WYM 17


5.3K 219 75
Oleh HannahProverbs_

"Out of anger comes controversy, out of controversy comes conversation, out of conversation comes action."

― Tupac Shakur

"Can you stop kicking me ?"

I have had enough of his attitude so when lunch was over I cornered him in the empty corridor.

I looked at his gorgeous face. He had such a prominent jaw line, flawless skin no spots except from his freckles each one looked like they were painted in perfection on his face. He was stunning his beautiful lips put in a deep scowl. He was no doubt beautiful but his attitude put me off.

I don't even know what got into me for me to be like this but I was just tired. Tired of people thinking they could take me for granted, that they could walk all over me just like everyone did in Matthias academy. I wasn't going to be the same little girl who sat on her own in the canteen or who let the bullies have the last word. I was just tired of all the bull. It was about time I stood up for myself and made it be known I would not be taken for a mug. Everything was going well and the guy who walked into ME thinks he can carry around this 'get out of my way' attitude with me. I was always told by everyone, especially the rude aunties in my church that my mouth will get me into trouble. However, I never knew trouble was so good looking. Good looking but not perfect I've met better, boys with good looks AND personality.

"Move or I will move you." I stood still my eyebrows arching letting him know I wasn't going anywhere.

"Don't waste my time" I laughed. This boy had cheek can you believe, boy be screwing me and kicking me by 'accident' under the table then tells me don't waste my time.

"Are you krept? Are you konan about don't waste my time." I kissed my teeth and rolled my eyes at the same time, a habit I got off my mum if I'm honest.

His deep throaty laugh caught me off guard and I almost smiled.


Why was he laughing? I was trying to show him i was not a force to be reckoned with, but here he was laughing in my face.

"Don't forget your place you just got here you black girls are too loud"

Let me get this off my chest, I dislike these kind of light skin people so much. Are you not half black? Where did you get your curls from? Your  complexion from? I swear light skin people seem to forget where their roots are from nowadays. Everyone else just sat there and watched the drama unfold.

"Are you not half black yourself though?"

His laughed once again filled my ears. "Nope I'm quarter b" I rolled my eyes he still had black in him so I did not appreciate his comment. I rolled my eyes and murmured "Whatever" and walked away.

I saw Kobi speaking to some of his friends so ran to catch up with him leaving Jabari far behind. I stopped myself catching my breath.

"Hi Kobi'' He nodded his head at me in greeting and put his arm around me. I had to strain my neck a little bit seeing as he was way taller than me. I greeted all his gangbanger friends with a smile and walked on with Kobi.

"Yo how comes I never seen you about b?" Am I Beyonce why is he calling me B?

A brown skin boy a bit shorter than his friends smiled at me with his chapped lips. He was slightly overweight but if it wasn't for that he would be good looking. He had these big dark brown eyes that read innocent and deep dimples that sunk in every time he talked. However, his personal hygiene was at an all time low as he stunk of body odour and his teeth looked yellow almost orange. I pitied him he seemed to be nice but his looks did him no favours.

"I just moved here" He opened his mouth and hit me hard. All I could sense was the scorching pain, if it carried on I would cry, and I do not cry. My nose was burning I felt to cry but covered my pain up well. He was kicking my nose again and again; every blow was twice as hard as the first one. Why was nobody helping me?

Why wasn't anybody helping him he needed a tic-tac right now. His breath come like my mum when she's angry, kicking and full of sh*t.

"Oh that's cool" I felt the overwhelming pain once again and calmed down holding my breath. His stench kicking me again and again in the nostrils. I nodded my head and turned to face Kobi and gave him one word answers hoping he would leave me alone. After Kobi walked me to lessons I said bye to all his friends before running into class.


Call me frigid or cold hearted but love is over rated. I remember in my four years of Mathis, I would see girls crying in the toilets , depressed not paying attention in class. All due to their infatuation with the 'love of their life'. Love was overrated many would kill for it, die for it. Why would I die for someone who will die just like me? To be honest I'm not the type of girl to fall in love its all cliché. So what, one day a boy will come and sweep me of my feet and he will be perfect to me? Nobody's perfect and what is given can be taken away. So when Chyna tells me she's met the love of her life, I do not believe her it will all blow over, she was only 16 anyways she would definitely not marry this guy and will just be a distraction to her upcoming studies. Do I say this to her though ? of course Not. Even though the cons of love overweight the pros love makes people happy even if it was for a little while I'd let Chyna have her fun. All these boys nowadays don't even know the meaning of love. Its lust, he will say he loves you but when he see's something better he will move on.

"Hannah you listening?" I nodded my head and continue listening to Chyna explaining how this boy was her soul mate nodding and laughing in cue to what she said.

I was at Chyna's house after school because I had a lot to catch up as I just joined the school. Even though I only missed one month of year eleven, us having our GCSE's coming up I had a lot of work to do. Chyna was a really good friend and she seemed trustworthy even though she got distracted easily she was very helpful and didn't make me seem like a burden and acted like she genuinely wanted to help me.

"What's going on with you and Jabari lols" I rolled my eyed at the thought of him. He made me so angry, he fully raised my blood pressure.

"He's just acting up like, remember he walked into me then he has the guts to kick me under the table like 5 times?" I shook my head and tut my teeth as Chyna's loud laughter filled the room.

"Its not everyday fight Hannah sometimes praise and worship" I laughed at her response and carried on filling out forms on Chyna's king sized lilac bed. Chyna continued scrolling through facebook when her laptop started vibrating.

'Skype call from Kobi_SL2k'

"Hannah, Kobi's skyping us come in the camera" I instinctively looked myself over i was looking good considering I was still in school uniform. My poetic justice braids still down in a middle parting and my shirt buttoned all the way and skirt just above my knees. I rubbed Vaseline on my chapped lips sitting down next to Chyna on the floor, just seconds before Kobi's beautiful face appeared on Chyna's laptop screen.

This whole week Kobi has been flirting with me nonstop, complimenting me, sitting next to me and hugging me. I didn't complain though because when someone as good looking as Kobi is giving you attention you don't say no. Call me an attention seeker but it's been a long time since someone has called me beautiful and made me feel good about myself. 

"Watagwan ladies" He smiled his infamous wide smile. I waved and Chyna said hello. We started to talk about everyday life and school.

"Let's play 21 truth or dare" Trust Chyna to think of something like that, Kobi agreed and after persistent begging I agreed to. I didn't like this game you either find out things you don't want to know or you get snaked. All the times even though I didn't have friends to play this within Matthias I still found out the consequences of the game.

"Haha Hannah your 21, truth or dare?" I rolled my eyes at Kobi's wide cheeky smirk.


Chyna and Kobi were both quiet for a while probably thinking of questions that would ruin my reputation at the school.

"Ey I got one you have to be honest I won't judge" I nodded my head at Chyna and Kobi."Are you a virgin?"

I nodded my head.

Chyna gasped "Oh my gosh really?" I playfully rolled my eyes and nodded. Kobi just watched me in suprise.

"Rah I didn't expect that not gonna lie not saying you look like a sket cause you don't, I got another question you ready?" i nodded in anticipation. "Are you medusa?" I rolled my eyes mamy times before have my braids been referred to snakes so this was nothing new to me.

"You must be, cause you got me hard as rock" As he peered down at his trousers.

It took Chyna's loud cackling and a few seconds for me to register what he meant I burst out into a fit of shy giggles. Kobi was very sly, obviously from experience he also was very funny and genuine. I could see us being friends in the future , just friends.

"That was sick Kobi not gonna lie" Chyna finally calmed down from her outburst.

After I finished my work an our game of 21 truth and dares I decided to home as it was nearly 6.30 and school finished at 3.30pm. I waved Kobi a goodbye and kissed Chyna on the cheek thanking her for everything she's done so far. Chyna reminded me of a good friend I had in Matthias called Simone ,we were so close it was always Hannah&Simone, Simone&Hannah up until she left half way through year ten to live in Ireland. I already grew fond of Chyna and saved her number on my HTC desire one.

I took the bus home greeted my mum informing her of where I was not that she was bothered as all her interest was on the television. I walked upstairs to my room and dropped my bags then going to the kitchen to get me something to eat.

On my way I heard Demi's quiet music coming from his room his door slightly ajar, I noticed two pairs of shoes outside his room. I shrugged off the thought and thought of the beautiful dinner I would cook I sighed in lust and wiped the imaginary dribble from the corners of my mouth.

I stopped in half motion as I heard tap running in the kitchen.

"Demi come down here please" No answer. I knew better than to call me my mum because If there was no one actually in the kitchen she'd pour stew in my eyes. I shuddered at the thought and took one of the umbrellas from the stand in the corridor.

Okay in the count of three I charge in and attack.

1 ... 2.... 3.... I opened the kitchen door and swung aimlessly around the room. I then charged for the tall male figure infront of the sink. I poked him and after I cornered him near the fridge, I stopped.

"Ey stop that man Demi I will bang you up no lies what are you doing man?"

The man stood up from the corner before dusting himself off. So the thief knew of Demi, I always knew Demi's involvment with those stupid gang banger friends of his would soon put our family in danger.

"Hannah what the .. Wait you live here?" I gasped as he turned on the light.

I dropped the umbrella and closed my eyes. This is all but a dream. I opened them still he was standing there. I rebuke every evil spirit in this house by God's name will you dissapear. I opened my eyes still he was there.

What the hell was this f*cktard doing comfortable in my home?

Is this a test? This is most definetly a trial of patience. I could already hear the devil telling me to just open the cabinet and throw a knife in his direction. I closed my eyes and breathed out calmly knowing any second now I will fight this heiffer who broke into my house to make microwave noodles.

If I was to kill him now I honestly think God would umderstand. If the police got involved it would be self defence. I would get away with it. What I wanted to know is why my house above all the houses in South London. How did he even get in without my mum or Demi noticing did they not hear the kettle or the opening of the indomie packet? The last indomie packet may I add, in my favourite flavour of spicy vegetables.

My fingers were twitching every second I was closer to killing this fool. He took the last packet of indomie and is looking at me like everything is okay.

"Jabari I will actually officially, very certainly kill you if you do not explain why the hell you are in my home."


Authors noteee

That took long to write I got a lot of ideas but I wanna space everything out not make it

Too predictable or too fast. Hopefully this was good enough for you guys... Feel free to critisize and all that lols.

Please like follow& comment much aprreciated xx

Love proverbs xo

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