The Bad Boy's Camera Girl ✔️

By lonelylooseer

33.7K 782 177

Evaluna Adams loves to takes pictures of anything and anyone, her life isn't as good as she wants it to be an... More

~Author's Note~
~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
~Chapter 25~
~Chapter 26~
~Chapter 27~
~Outifts for Ch. 27~
~Chapter 28~
~Chapter 29~

~Chapter 13~

988 24 4
By lonelylooseer

This chapter is longest out of the whole book. It's 2579 words while the other are like 1,000 and something, so enjoy (:

I looked up but couldn't really form who it was since I had tears in my eyes.

I wiped my eyes and ran to Axel.

I hugged him and sobbed lowly into his chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist tightly.

"It's okay." He whispered. "I'm here now." He whispered again. He kept whispering sweet nothings into my ear to calm me down.

Once i calmed down, he spoke again.

"Eva, i'm sorry I got mad. I can't control it. I didn't mean what I said. I want you here that's why I invited you. I'm sorry. I hope you can forgive me." He said.

I wiped my eyes. I hugged him again. He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me close to him.

"Thank you Axel." I said to him.

He smiled and pulled me closer to him. I felt his heartbeat. It was beating so fast.

"Do you want to go home or stay here?" He asked me. "I get it if you want to go home. It's okay." He said with a little frown.

"I'll stay." I said with a smile. His eyes lit up.

"Are you sure?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Alright then, let's go." He said and grabbed my hand in his.

I blushed a little but turned away.

He led me to where his mom was. They were in line for a ride.

"We're gonna go get tickets, if you need us, call me." Axel told Cathy.

She nodded.

"You're leaving us already?!" Lilly and Ella whined.

"I'm sorry princesses, but me and Luna want to go on big kid rides." Axel said to them.

"We wanna go on big kid rides too!" Lilly said.

"I'm sorry, Princess. We'll be back okay?" Axel said to him.

They frowned but nodded. "If you guys don't give mom trouble, I'll get you guys some cotton candy." Axel said.

"Okay!" They said and got happy.

"See you later!" Axel said.

Skittles, he is really good with kids.

We made our way to the ticket booth. There was a long line, but I didn't mind it.

I took out twenty dollars and my camera.

I turned it on and called Axel.

He turned around to face me and I snapped the picture.

I laughed at how funny he looks, but at the same time, it was like there was nothing wrong with the picture. He had a big smile where you can see his shiny white teeth and a small little dimple on left cheek. His bright brown eyes sparkled because of the flash and his hair was dark.

"You're photogenic." I said to him as I showed him the picture.

"Send me that, that's my new profile picture." He said and laughed.

I laughed too. "Can I see your instax?" He said.

I nodded and went through my bag. I got it out and gave it to him.

He turned it on and matched the dot with the light.

I looked over at the Ferris wheel. I'm afraid of heights but I've always wanted to go on one.


I turned around and found Axel smiling.

He grabbed the picture from on top of the camera and waited till it formed.

As we moved up the line, the picture started to look better.

"I hate it. I look really ugly." I said as I looked at my nose and how it's so pointy from my side profile. My "jawline" looked like I have a double chin. I'm so fat.

"No, you're not." Axel said. He lifted my chin so I was looking into his eyes. "Listen to me, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever met. You're not fat, you're not stupid, and most definitely you're not worthless." He said.

I blushed. Super hard. He chuckled and held my hand. He put my instax camera back, while I put my Camera around my neck, and put the picture of me in his phone case. His phone is matte black with a clear case.

"Next please!" The lady at the booth yelled.

I gave her my twenty dollars and Axel got the forty pack of tickets.

"EVA!" Someone yelled.

"IZZY!" I said being as dramatic as Isabella. I laughed and let go of Axel's hand. Sorry, I don't want them asking questions.

"Hey boo, how was breakfast?" She asked.

"It was incredible. After that we went to the park." I said to her.

"Interesting." She said. "Hey Axel."

"Hey Bella." He said back.

"What are your intentions with my boo?" She said.

"Not now Izzy, they're not even together yet." Veronica said out of nowhere.

"We're not getting together. I already told you guys." I said.

"Talk to me about that in about a month." Veronica said.

"You're giving it a month?" Lucas said coming out of nowhere too. "I'm giving it about two in a half weeks."

"Bet." Veronica said.

"Bet." Lucas said and they shook hands.

"I'm giving it about..." Nathan started off and came closer to exam Axel and I. "Let me see your phone Axel." He said.

"Uh. Nope." He said.

"Why not?" Nathan said and crossed his arms over his chest.

"He probably has nudes of some chick there." Lucas said and laughed. "But if you do, send them to me." He said and winked.

He's nasty.

"I don't have nudes of anyone." Axel said.

"Then, why don't you give me your phone?" Nathan said.

"Cause I don't want to." He said.

Nathan looked back at the others and nodded. What was that supposed to mean?

"Get him!" Nathan yelled and they all ran towards him.

I laughed but turned on my camera and took some videos. I also took some pictures in the process.

"I got it!" Bella said.

She held up his phone. Nathan got the phone from her and he pressed the home button. The lock screen was a black and white mirror selfie of him shirtless.

Conceited much. Nathan unlocked Axel's phone. The home screen was a picture of him and Lilly playing on the swings, also in black and white.

"Okay, Nothing new." Lucas said.

Nathan then went to the contacts and looked in the "E" section.

"You're not gonna find anything there. He calls her Luna, instead of Eva or Evaluna." Veronica said.

"You're right!" Nathan said. He moved his finger over to the "L" section and before Nathan can see where my contact was, it was pulled out of his hands.

"I think that's enough." Axel said.

"He's hiding something." Bella said.

"Yeah, I know." Nathan said. "And we're gonna get that phone."

"You mean this one?" Veronica said hold up Axel's phone.

"What the fuck?" Axel said. "How did you-" he couldn't finish his sentence since Nathan grabbed it.

"Dude, when did you get this picture of Eva?" Lucas asked.

"What?" Nathan said and turned around the phone. He looked at it and smirked. "Like i was saying, I'll give it a week." Nathan said.

They all laughed. I even laughed a bit.

"Alright, we have forty tickets and a whole carnival to conquer." Axel said. "Whose partnering up with who?"

"I'll take Veronica." Bella said.

"Okay." Axel said.

"I'll take Eva." Nathan said.

"I'm stuck with this idiot!?" Axel exclaimed.

Nathan laughed. "Good luck with that!" He said.

Axel rolled his eyes and clenched his jaw.

"Awww, is little Axy mad that he won't be able to go on the rides with his little girlfriend." Lucas said in a baby voice.

Him and Nathan laughed.

Axel fumed with anger.

"Okay, i think we should get going." Veronica said.

She led the way to the first ride, which was 'The Zipper'.

Okay, this one doesn't seem too bad, I thought.

I saw how the ride went. It went forwards as the seat moved in a 360 motion.

Never mind, it's pretty bad, I thought again.

"Ima go to the bathroom." I told Nathan.

"You're not chickening out, are you?" He said and smirked.

"Whattttt. Nooo." I said as I played with the buttons on my camera.

"Okay, well hurry, cause it's almost out turn." Nathan said.

I nodded and left.

I felt like I was gonna have a panic attack while I was in line just looking at the ride. I already felt myself finding it harder to breathe.

"Just breathe Eva." I said to myself as I looked in the mirror in the bathroom.

"Count to ten and breathe." I said again. I did what I told myself to do and it wasn't working.

I sat down in the corner of the bathroom.

"You're a worthless piece of crap. Why are you still here?!"

"It should've been you who died, not your mom."

"Is that why you kept having more panic attacks?"

"I'm not letting you leave until you've taken your pills."


Pills! My pills!

I looked through my bag and found my bottle of my old prescription pills.

I got up from the floor and went to one of the food booths.

"How may I help you?" A lady said with an accent.

"Do you sell water?" I asked them.

"Sure do! One dollar each." She said.

I gave her a dollar and she gave me a water.

I put the three pills in my mouth and swallowed it down with water.

"What are you doing?" Someone asked from behind me.

I turned around and found Axel.

"What?" I asked him confused.

"Why are you taking pills?" He asked and grabbed the bottle out of my hands.

He looked kinda mad. He looked at the bottle and then he looked up at me and his expression changed.

"Is everything alright?" He asked me with concern written all over his face.

"Yeah, I just got a little scared when I saw what The Zipper does." I said to him.

"It doesn't even feel like that though, so I think you'll be fine." He said.

I nodded.

"Come on, they're waiting for us." He said and grabbed my hand.

We walked over to The Zipper again and realized they were at the very front.

"Hey." I told Nathan as I let go of Axel's hand.

"Hey, everything alright?" He said.

I nodded.

We waited for about three minutes until the ride stopped.

When me and Nathan got inside the little chair, the guy but the chest bar on us.

We went up a little so the next people can go.

"What can you tell me about Veronica?" Nathan suddenly said.

"What?" I said confused.

"What can you tell me about her? Does she have a boyfriend? Is she complicated? Is she easy to get to or do ?" He asked me nervously.

"She doesn't have a boyfriend. She's a bit complicated but it's easy to get around. She loves to argue. She's had relationship problems. She wants someone who would actually love her." I said.

"You like Veronica?" I asked him and he turned a light shade of pink.

"I mean I don't know yet. I mean she's so beautiful and she makes my day with her smile, but then at the same time I feel like it's too good to be true." He said with a frown towards the end.

"Wait a little more, just so you know if you actually have feelings for her or not, so you and her won't get hurt." I said to him.

"Okay." He said and turned to me. "Thanks."

I smiled.

The ride started and I screamed so loud. All I felt was it going upside down.

Axel was right. It was pretty fun.

Once the ride stopped, Nathan and I got out.

"That was fun!" I said once everyone was out.

"I told you." Axel said and smirked.

"Where to next?" Veronica said.

"Ooo, what about those swings?" Bella said as she pointed to them.

"We should go on those in the night." Lucas said. "It looks better. What about we go to that fun house? I know it's not a ride, but it's always fun to get lost in the mirror maze." He said.

"Let's do it." Nathan said.

"We don't need partners do we?" Axel said.

"Nah, it's a whole group thing." Nathan said.

He nodded.

"Let's go!" Veronica said.

We all walked over to the fun house.

Veronica and bella were way up in the front. The three boys were behind them and I was in the back taking pictures of stuff.

"Don't get lost now." Axel said.

I almost dropped my camera but the strap was around my neck so I was glad.

"What the skittles. You almost made me drop my camera." I said and hit Axel on the arm.

He laughed.

I rolled my eyes and continued walking.

"Hey wait up." He said and came after me. He grabbed my hand.

We made it to where the others were and I let go of his hand.

I gave the girl my tickets after Nathan went in. The last person to go in was Axel.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him so we were the last people.

I turned on my camera and snapped a picture of Axel. Again he was off guard but it looked like he was already posing.

I rolled my eyes but laughed.

He went a little ahead of me but since I was on my camera I didn't really notice where he went.

I went forward but bumped into a mirror. I then went backwards and bumped into another mirror.

As I kept bumping into them, I kept losing my breath. I felt like I was being trapped inside of a room with only four walls with no door and no windows.

It felt like the time I kept losing oxygen because of that monster. He had grabbed my neck and I felt myself losing air and not caring.

I sat down and hyperventilated.

I tried to breathe normal but it didn't seem that easy. It kept coming out on short breaths like I just ran a marathon.

"Calm down, Angel. Everything is okay. I'm here." Axel said.


"Are you an angel?" Ella said to me

"What?" I asked confused.

"My mom told me that those who have marks are angels." Ella said.

"I'm not an angel." I said.

"Of course you are. Mom said that only angels harm themselves because they don't like life on earth. This world is destroying them so they try to return to heaven again. They are too sensitive to the pain of others and their own." Ella said.

"You know, your mom is very wise." I said to her

"Thank you. She's also an angel but she has already returned home." ella said.

"Wait, you heard when Ella said I was an angel?" I asked him.

"Uhh...yeah." He said nervously as he scratched the back of his neck.

I smiled. He grabbed my waist and helped me get up.

I took out my instax Camera and snapped a picture of me and Axel.

I stuck out my tongue as he just smiled at my silliness.

I laughed and waited for the picture to form.

"Let's go, or they will suspect something." He said.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me through the maze.

Once we made it out of the maze, we climbed some stairs and we got to the top.

We had to go through some obstacles but it wasn't that bad. The whole time, Axel was wasting my film and he was making laugh really hard. 

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