𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘋𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 «Zayl...

By jasminefj

383K 8.5K 1.9K

Story Status: [ on going + revising ] In which a girl named Selena falls in love with a frat boy named Zayn... More

C A S T & D E T A I L S
🎶Curated Playlists for character relationships:
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2.9K 92 57
By jasminefj

Stars Dance
Chapter 67
Selena's Point of View

BY THE TIME Levi came around, the sun was settling, I hurried and locked the door or the dorm, and made my way down the stairs with my duffle bag. I walked out of the double doors, and Levi was on standby with his car, he hurried to the back trunk and popped it open, pushing his hair back and pushing his sunglasses up to his face.
"I was starting to worry that maybe you were gonna drive off without me." I joked as he took my duffle bag and placed it in the back trunk.
"Are you crazy, a rough three or four hours road trip would be hella boring without having someone to talk to along the way." He chuckles.
"It might as well be like you left without me, because I fall asleep on road trips." I smile and he chuckles.
"Well I'm a talker so, you won't get any sleep when I'm around." He laughed shut the trunk door and we made our way over to the car doors.
Levi wasn't lying, he was a talker and an interesting at that, he trailed off as I nodded my head and listened to him giving him a few hums of agreeing to what he was saying, as I looked out of the window admiring the England scenery. Some light music of today's top hits played on the radio.
"You and Zayn make such an interesting friendship." I note.
"Yeah?" He chuckles glancing over at me before focusing his attention on the road ahead of him once again. "I mean I guess? Why? Is it cause he's more quiet and reserved with a temper if you test him, and here is me bubbly, happy, in your face type?"
My eyes widen. "Well I wasn't going to say it all that, but since you said it..." I chuckle. "Yes." I smile. "I guess I understand the Jackie and Zayn dynamic, they are a mirror of each other, but you and him? Are like ying and yang."
"Yeah I guess you could say that." He lifts his shoulders, nodding his head. "He's my best friend." He smiles. "I'll be honest with you, I don't have a story to related to what he's been through, or what Jackie has been through...I'm just a kid with rich kid money, two divorced parents, a mother who doesn't understand my career choices, and a father who supports anything I do." He admits. "My life is incomparable to what he and she has gone through." He explains.
"How did you both become best friends?" I question.
"Well, I was going to a private school and I begged and begged my mother to just let me go to a public school." He explains. "I just didn't fit in which all the rich snobs, I couldn't relate to the cocky and egoist nature, it just wasn't me." Levi explains his backstory into Zayn's life. "My grades fucking sucked, and I didn't have the kind of friends I wished to have when I was there." He says.
Out of Zayn's who friend group Levi was the most interesting,. I didn't understand how a guy like him could end up at one of Zayn's most trusted friends. Levi was the exact opposite of who Zayn was, putting the two side by side, they were black and white, ying and yang, a cloudy day and a sunny one.
"Going by what you said about your mom, I can't even imagine how she said yes." I admit.
"Luckily my parents were still together by then, and my father managed to convince my mother. She wasn't really fond of the idea of her only son going to a public school. I don't know...I didn't see the difference an education was an education, it didn't matter to me what kind of school it was." Levi admitted.
"You started your first day in a public school then what?" I continued.
"I didn't have friends right off the bat, the kids there thought I was some snob rich kid, I just wasn't liked, let's make that the main point." He admitted possibly skipping over details. "I sat alone in lunch, in class, in those moments I'm not going to lie, at least kids at private school liked me for what I had not for who I was, but where I was now, no kid liked me for what I had let alone for who I was." He chuckled.
"Let me guess, not Zayn." I raise a brow, and he nodded his head.
Zayn's Point of View

The sun wasn't even all the way down when Jackie and I wasn't into a club, however the atmosphere here was already in the club scene, for it being semi early, the club already had people, and the music through the speakers were loud as ever. It had been a whole since I was last here in a club essence with Jackie. She and I would do the craziest things here, but that was at a time in my life where I wasn't mentally equipped to deal with the things going on at home.
Jackie snapped me out of my thoughts, when she tapped the bat table to get the tenders attention. "Two tequila shots please!" She shouted to him over the music, and they nodded their head.
I tried to focus on having a good time with Jackie, I couldn't help but remember about the last time I was in a club, I was this close to beating the living shit out of some idiot trying to dance up on Selena, and she was just letting it happen. I literally had to pull her out of a club drunk of her feet in which she gave me an attitude for. In which I'm not going to lie, brought a smile up to my face.
I looked over at Jackie who grabbed the tequila shot that was set on the counter seconds before and she took a lemon from a bowl sitting there, and squeezed the juice into her mouth before downing the hot liquid. Her face went sour. I laughed.
"Woah, slow down we have the whole night." I laughed.
She moved her head side to side. "No! I want to get so fucked up that I don't remember a thing, your mom is gonna kill me but I don't care! I don't fucking care!" She shrugged her shoulders. "Another one please!"
"I'm warning you now, don't do anything you might regret." I point at her giving her a fair warning.
She scoffed and rolled her eyes.
Levi's Point of View

I had spent nearly the whole car ride to Bradford talking, but I didn't mind. Selena kept up with the things I had to say, smiling, nodding and laughing. Just listening to me attentively not that she had much of a choice but she didn't mind either.
"Zayn and Jackie around this time we're running around close as ever." I explained. "They were part of the outcasts of the school, always in people's mouths and thoughts, claiming that they were up to no good." I chuckle. "Jackie turns heads wherever she went and Zayn followed beside her, those two together were chaos."
She clears her throat. "So was this all before Lucy or after?" Selena questioned.
"I mean Lucy was around, but she wasn't around Zayn enough where the two started dating right away. Jackie was always around so she never got the chance too directly get close to him." He explained, "Lucy's always had this dislike for Jackie, and maybe it was because she was in a grade higher than her, Jackie was older, experienced...if you know what I mean." I decided to spare details and Selena nodded her head.
"I understand." She smiled. "So how did you become friends with Zayn exactly?"
"Well the story is rather embarrassing actually." He admits.
"I mean" She looked at her road and her phone. "We have lots of time." She said and I laughed.
"Well I was trying to skip one of my classes that I just didn't feel like going to and I don't know why I decided hiding in the janitors closet was the best idea..." I chuckled. "I ended up walking in on Zayn and Jackie in a very compromising situation." I explain and Selena's eyes widen. "I immediately felt so embarrassed."
The first two weeks of school were a dread, maybe begging my mother and father to switch me schools wasn't such a good idea. I felt so alone, at least the guys who were supposedly my friends, hung out with me because of the connections our parents had to each other. We held each other to such high regard, but here not that I cared but no one fucked with me. No one wanted to hang out with me, no one wanted to be my friend.
Maybe my teachers announcing that I came from a fucking private school wasn't the best idea, I got the dirtiest looks and I was just a outcast from the beginning . I sat alone at lunch and I would just sit there as I watched the influx of high school kids walked in, but two in particular caught my attention. A tall girl with full lips and long black hair latched onto his arm he had a rugged look, combat boots and a black charcoal jacket, as they walked in together. They sat at the back of the cafeteria, alone where no one seemed to bother them. My attention went to a girl sitting a couple tables across from them with another group of girls, she gave the girl that walked in with the guy in jet black hair such a dirty look.
My eyes widen slightly, this school had so much more drama than it showed itself out to be. After lunch the cafeteria cleared out quickly but I decided to skip the next period. This day had been dreading me already, I walked through the empty halls but panicked slightly when I realized it was after bell hours and if I didn't end up on a classroom before the tardy bell then I was going to detention. I didn't know what to do and when I spotted Janitor written across the template on a wooden door, I twisted the door knob and walked in letting the door hit behind me.
"What the fuck?!" I heard.
My eyes widen when I noticed it was that guy and that girl from the cafeteria earlier, he was attacking her neck, but quickly pulled away while she adjusted her blouse. "Fuck, I'm sorry...I didn't mean-....I was cutting class and I-..." I stumbled on my words.
"Well next time think twice before-....Wait aren't you that new rich kid from that preppy school who transferred?" She seems angry at first but comes to realized as soon as she notices who I am.
The guy next to her says nothing. "Yeah, but if you're going to make fun of me too, I'll just go-..." I point at the door behind me.
"Make fun of you? For being rich?" He chuckled. She smacked him on the chest with her hand and clicked her teeth.
"What Zayn meant to say is that you're the type of kid every group of friends would like to have around." She smiles.
"Why is that?" I questioned.
"Yeah why is that Jackie?" The guy I come to know as Zayn crosses his hands over his chest .
"Because you look like you have a pretty big house to throw awesome raves!" The girl who I come to know as Jackie claps her hands cheerfully.
I clear my throat. "I mean my house is pretty big-....my parents are hardly home so I mean I guess I could throw a pretty good rave." I try to sound as cool as possible.
"Fuck yeah!" Jackie laughed.
"Stick with us kid and we will take you places." Zayn said with a cocky smile wrapping is arm around my shoulder and gripping me tightly.
Jackie smiled. "Yeah you seem cool anyways, I don't know why they give rich kids such a hard time." She shrugged her shoulders. "This school's so fucked...if anyone tries messing with you just tell them you're friends with Zayn and Jackie and they won't bother you ever again." She explains.
"You guys run the school or something?" I questioned out of curiosity.
"Something like that." Zayn admitted.
The bell hand rung suddenly. "That's the bell, I got to make it to math. Cannot be late, see you Zayn, bye-..." She pointed at me.
"Levi." I said.
"Bye Levi." She smiled and opened the door disappearing into the hallway.
"Is she your girlfriend?" I questioned my new found friend Zayn.
"Something like that." He admitted. "Don't get any ideas about her either." He lightly hit my chest with his hand and pointed at me.
Selena laughed at the story I told, I imagine both Zayn and Jackie had told her all about their history that she didn't find any of this strange. I was rather hesitant to even tell her about this but I noticed with word, she listened, hummed in agreement and nodded her head.
"You're not weirded out by any of this?" I questioned.
"Not really." She admitted. "Jackie has mentioned a thing or two to me." She lifts her shoulders carelessly.
"Oh." I say surprisingly. "Well, now they are two of the best people I know." I smile.

Zayn's Point of View

It was well early into the night and Jackie was drunk, she was taking body shots off some girls body earlier and now is dancing among the crowd of dancing bodies that have filled up the club. I wasn't drunk or anything because I couldn't be while Jackie was like this. I just watched from the bar stool I sat at with one foot propped up on it. My eyes widen when I noticed Jackie getting riled up and getting all in a girls face. She shouted over the music and then the other girl shoved her, she began pushing back and I quickly got up from the bar stool I sat at and I pushed past the crowd of dancing bodies.
"Push me again bitch! See what happens!" Jackie exclaimed.
"Ok lets go." I said wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her against me to walk away together.
"Yeah that's right get your psycho girlfriend!" The other girl exclaimed over the music.
"What did you say? Psycho?" Jackie's head turned in her direction. "I'm not his girlfriend!" Jackie exclaimed.
"Forget it Jackie, just let it go!" I shouted over the music and managed to bring her back towards the bar where I sat at, and she stood in front of me breathlessly pushing her long jet black hair behind her ear. I motioned the bartender to give me a glass of water and I handed it to her. "You need to calm down." I chuckled. "This wouldn't be the first time we both got kicked out of a club." I explained as she practically chugged the glass.
She lifted her shoulders carelessly and set the glass on the counter, she began dancing to the music and swaying her hips to the beat. One thing Jackie knew was how to be the center of attention, she was catching eyes of the many guys who walked around with drinks in their hand just standing in the corner like losers waiting for the perfect opportunity to be creeps. However, if I wanted to hear an earful from my annoying brother I was going to have to act like a damn bodyguard.
"Dance with me!" She exclaimed pulling on my arms and practically taking me out of the barstool.
I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Jackie I don't really want to." I admitted.
"I'll dance with you." I was taken back when some random idiot walked behind Jackie and she squirmed away turning her attention to the guy that stood before us.
"Fuck off!" Jackie rolled her eyes and shooed him away.
"But you said you wanted to dance!?" He exclaimed over the music, began to get dangerously close to her.
"Yeah...but not with you!" She laughed in his face and I smirked.
"Seriously dude fuck off." I warned him, taking one step closer.
"Alright, alright." He said holding his hands up in defeat with a cup in between his fingertips and began disappearing into the crowd of sweaty club people.
I sat back on the barstool while Jackie stood in front of me. "What a fucking loser." She chuckles still rather drunk, I was surprised she was able to stand her ground against the guy.
Typically in situations like these Jackie was a pretty strong girl, most times she never needed my help, but other times guys were just complete assholes to her for no reasons. Everyone and I mean everyone wanted to get with Jackie but she was a hard girl to get. "Another shot please!" She hit the top of the bar counter.
I was never one to tell Jackie want to do, but I think the pain of not having her beloved Adam, was killing her inside and this was her way of acting like nothing was wrong. However a lot of things were wrong and maybe it was time I sat down and had a talk with my brother. Explain to him that Jackie and I really had nothing going on. Even though we once did, except nothing ever came out of it.
"I really do think you should stop drinking." I leaned over and told her over the music.
She took the shot glass up to her lips and downed the hot liquid, setting the glass onto the counter. She pointed her finger at me. "I think you should stop fucking moping over Selena and have some fun." She challenged.
"Says the one who is drowning herself into alcohol because she misses Mr. Perfect." I fire back. "He's probably crying for you too, he seems like a crier." I roll my eyes. She says nothing and instead looks at me with a glare, she holds her middle finger up at me. My eyes slightly widen. "Yeah we're leaving, lets go." I grab her by the arm, and behind to guide her towards the exit of the club.
I can hear her whining and her feet heavily tagging alone, that's when I manage to get us through the double doors, and the a fresh gust of wind hits both Jackie and I. She began stumbling on her heel and I realized she was wearing heels but was way to drunk to walk in them.
I stopped for a second and look at her, she was sweaty and her hair was everywhere, I sighed and picked her up in my arms. She reached for her heels and placed them in her lap as she wrapped her arm around my neck and leaned against my chest.
The night was becoming darker but the way Jackie was out of it so soon, there was no way we could spend it in the club any longer. I hurried to the car and set her down so she'd lean against the car while I opened the passenger door to get her in. "There's no way we can go back to my mums like this." I admitted to her.
"You're-...right." She slurred in her voice tainted with alcohol. "I miss him s-so much." She said in a whisper, before I knew it her head fell to my chest and she began crying.
"Oh my god Jackie." I sighed. "Please don't fucking cry, while we're in a parking lot." I said looking around.
"I love him so much." She snuggled.
I sighed. "Jackie." I didn't know what else to say, here stood a drunk girl crying because she misses her tool of a boyfriend, which happens to be my brother. "Well, do you want me to call him?" I suggested.
Her head lifted up quickly. "No! Are you-...crazy?" She admitted.
"Ok we'll stop crying and get in, now I have to book a hotel for the night." I explained. "My mum's gonna kill us." I sighed.
She slowly hit surely made it into the passenger seat of the car and I quickly shut the door, and ran around to the other side of the car into the drivers seat and turned on the engine to warm up the car on this cool night. I grabbed the strap of the seatbelt and brought it over Jackie's torso, before I knew it she was passed out asleep against the window.
I had managers to book a motel room for the night, obviously I couldn't just leave her here alone. I wrapped her arm around my shoulder and managed to put the key in through the hole and twist the knob, I stumbled in with her, but I managed. Shutting the door behind me, so hurried and gently lied her on the bed.
Jackie was so drunk that as soon as she hit the bed, she managed to pass out again. I took a deep breath of relief from all the trouble I had to go through, in getting her here. I pushed my hair back with my fingertips out of tiredness and just stood there for a second, looking around the motel room, a single bed, with a small table with two chairs near the window, and a telly on top of a drawer.
Jackie's long black hair was sprawled against the pillow and her body glistened from the sweat of the club. I rolled my eyes and picked up her heels and moved them to the side before sitting beside her, and pulling her dress down her legs. I doubt anyone would want to sleep in sweat, and like a good friend that I am, I at least helped her sleep comfortably.
I grabbed the thin fabric and went and put it over the chair, so it would be ready by tomorrow morning at least. I glanced over at Jackie who squirmed in her sleep, in nothing but her bra and underwear, I hurried over and grabbed the covers, and tossed them over her.
I sat at the edge of the bed as she slept, just sitting there in pure silence just the sound of a cellphone ringing I looked everywhere to see where the ringing was coming from and my eyes went for the floor next to her heels, it was Jackie's purse I grabbed it and reached for the phone.
I saw the caller ID and my eyes widen, it was Adam my brother. I rolled my eyes and clicked the green button. "Jackie listen before you hang up, just listen to me ok?" He began immediately right off the bat.
"It's not Jackie." I said bluntly.
"Zayn? Where's Jackie? What are you doing with her phone?" He questioned.
I looked over at Jackie who was slightly snoring. "I really don't think you want me to answer that right now." I admitted.
"Zayn seriously-..." He began.
"Seriously." I said eyeing Jackie.
"I'm in Bradford." He blurted out suddenly.
"What?" I nearly shouted but contained myself, instead I stood up from the bedside and walked towards the window, near the seating table. "What the hell are you doing here? Is Selena with you?" I couldn't help but ask.
"I am and no she's not." He said. "I'm here because I need to speak with Jackie and set the record straight and apologize." He admitted.
"Wow" I chuckled at his words. "We are certainly nothing a like despite being related, cause I would've never done what you've done." I admit. "Claps to you little bro."
"I love Jackie, and I am not willing to loose her over some stupid thing, especially if they stupid thing so happens to be about you." He admitted.
I leaned against the window peaked through the curtain outside before turning my attention towards Jackie as her hand dangled from the bed. "I will admit, and it's better you hear this once and for all, before you decided to jump to any other stupid conclusion. There is nothing going on between Jackie and I. However we are much closer then others including you would like us to be." I confess.
"I know she told me." He says.
"Everything Jackie and I ever did is done now, a thing of the past." I set my sibling at ease. "I love Selena-...look none of that matters, just know nothing will ever come of Jackie and I ever again. Everything at this point on is strictly platonic." I said. "However I will always be there for her, protect her, and care for her. She's like a sister to me, as fucked as it sounds, but it's true." I whisper careful not to wake Jackie. "Nothing ever came of her parents, and I'm the only family she's ever known."
"You know for as difficult as you are of a person." He chuckles. "You're doing this all out of your heart, you know?"
"Oh fuck off with the theatrics." I cringe.
"Fine." He sighs. "Can I at least know where you both are?"
I give in and just flat out tell him. "We're at a motel together" when I say that there's a second of silence from my brothers end. "Not for the reason you think! We decided to go clubbing and she got really drunk, and knowing my mum, I know we weren't going to hear the end of it, so I brought her here to sleep it off."
"Oh my god." He says.
"Yeah...she couldn't even walk on her own to feet. Practically carried her here. She's fine now through, she's sleeping." I say.
"I need to see her." He says.
"I don't think that's a good idea." I admit.
"Zayn I am begging you, this is saying a lot." He admits. "Do I look like the type of person to beg to out of all people...you?"
He did make a great point. "Fine." I sighed. "Write the address down." I said.

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