Chonis child :)

By choniriverdalelove

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After high school Cheryl and Toni decide to adopt an 8 year old from Canada, through twists and turns their f... More

Fiancees and Footballs
Dont be dumb
Wedding Day
Kathryn Taylor Topaz Blossom
Cant do it without you
New Enimies of Old Quebec
It's Not Your fault KT
Lodge Leave
Parts of our Past
Sheriff Kevin Keller & the Lodge Family
Back at It
Canadian Culture
What is this?
Telling KT
Mrs. Mergers Lodge Andrews
Begining of Hell
Press and Pressure
Only You
Coming Home
Back to School
Day 2
Hospital Again
Canadian Thanksgiving
More old enimes coming back for more
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Serpent Queens
Toni and her medication
Tayleigh and our 3 problems
PP and her ghouls wanna make a deal?
KT's Test Results
Dating and Drama
A Tragically, Happy Day
Hospitals- our least favourite
The Comeback
DOnt call me Lexi
2 weeks later
The reveal
What the hell.
Missing Her
Got our girl
Serpent Meeting
Naming everyone
Best Day of My Life
Tony Jace and Owen Mitchell
(Living) Nightmare
Just Fine
I love you, Toni Topaz
Serious Talk
We Got Burned
Bachelorette Party
Insecure in California
Relaxing and Hockey
5 years later
Guess who
Movie Night
Cut Crash
Last Words


1.1K 34 3
By choniriverdalelove

I wake up around 8:30 and I can hear Cher stirring beside me.
"Happy anniversary baby," I say kissing her cheek
"Happy anniversary TT,"
WE go downstairs and eat, the girls are still sleeping so we just let them and are really quiet.
All the girls went to school for the last 3 days so Cher and I have had a quiet few days to ourselves.
"BABE! I don't know what to wear! WHy did you let Fangs and Sweetpea do this party?" She says frustrated
"Because.." I say jogging across the hall to where shes standing in her closet "They wanted to do something nice,"
"BUT I DONT KNOW WHAT TO WEAR!" She throws a blouse
"Babe one don't wake the girls, and two the blouse did nothing wrong, don't punish the blouse,"
"I hate you," She says playfully
"Just wear your jacket and whatever goes with it and it will be fine,"
"I still hate you,"
"You love me,"
"Forever," She rolls her eyes and kisses me
"Let's wake up the girls,"
"You got the twins," She says
"AHHH, I hate you now,"
The twins are older and harder to wake up than KT.
"You love me,"
"Some days," I roll my eyes and walk to the twins room
I get to their door.
"Girlies, time to get up," I say turning on the light
"Ok," they both get up and start grabbing clothes immediately
Thats was easy, i think heading back to my room.
"You're back already?" Cher asks confused "No fights today,"
"Weird," She says "do you want your present now?"
"Babe you didn't have to get me anything,"
"Did you get something for me?"
"Well yes," I say rolling my eyes "Whatever with your psychology bullshit,"
She turn around to reveal a medium sized purple bag.
"Happy anniversary" She hands me the bag
I open it to see a silver ring, Rose gold bracelet and matching necklace.
"Cher, I love them so much," I say putting the ring on my right pointer finger
"Did you see the locket?"
I pick up the necklace and open up the small heart, one side is me and Cheryl at a baseball game and the other is our three girls playing in the backyard.
"Cheryl it's perfect!"
I look at the bracelet, she got engraved.
"Forever falling in love with you," I read out loud
"Every time  i look in your eyes,"
She kisses me.
"Do you want your present?"
She nods and I go into my closet. I bring out a bag similar sized as hers was but red.
She pulls out the red dress I got her first.
Then she pulls out the necklace I bought her. It's white gold with an infinity sign with our wedding date carved into it and the drag race day.
"What's August 11th?"
"The day I fell in love with you," I reply
"More specifically?"
"Not today cha cha,"
"I was born for this moment," She finishes
"Keep looking,"
The last thing was a small picture album with pictures of us and little quotes.
"Toni this is so cute," She says hugging me "Thank you so much,"
"Let's get to the party," I say
"Wait let me put the necklace on!" She says fumbling with the latch
"Babe ill put it on," I say
I clasp it and hand her mine.
"Will you?"
"Of course Toni, don't ask dumb questions,"
She puts it on and kisses behind my ear and wraps her hands around my waist.
"I love you and my presents, thank you so much," She whispers
"I love you too Cher,"
"Let's get to the party, were already late,"
We get the girls piled into the car and leave for the party at the Wyrm.

Cheryls POV.
We pull up to the Wyrme and Toni gets a phone call.
"Babe I need to take this, can you take the girls inside? I'll just be a minute,"
"Ok but be quick,"
"Girls lets go, were already late."
We walk in and the decorations are absolutely beautiful.
"Fangs you did all this?"
"Yep! Pea helped a bit but mostly with the food,"
"Same colours as your wedding,"
"It looks amazing thank you,"
The people here were pretty much everyone at our wedding and a couple kids from the high school that just showed up.
"Where's Tiny?" Jughead asks
"Got a phone call, actually there she is now!" I say waving at her
She starts walking over and pulls fangs and said something to him. He nods and starts walking somewhere
"What was that about?"
"Oh ya know telemarketers," She says
"You suck at lying,"
"EVERYONE," Fangs yells in a microphone "Cheryl and Toni decided to do separate speeches and Cheryl is going first by random, alphabetical order,"
"OH babe they need you up there,"
I walk up to the stage and grab the microphone.
"We will discuss what 'random alphabetical' means later but for now I am going to wing a speech that no one told me to prepare for. When Toni and I got married it was dream come true. Toni is the best wife I could ever ask for, she is one of the strongest people I know and that's why I love her. She is protective and loving. She is one of the best people I know. TT I'm so proud of not only the person you have became but how you make people around you better and more feel more accepted, Thanks for the best year of my life and to many more to comer." I say smiling
"Toni want to follow that up?" Fangs says
She rises from her seat hugs me and then goes to the stage.
"What can i say about the last year of my life? Cher the last year has been the craziest, longest, happiest year of my life. Thank you for all the good times and the bad and thank you for sticking in out with me. Cher I love everything about you, your smile your laugh, you sense of humour. Cher I just wanted to thank you for all the memories and for helping me raise 3 beautiful children. I would also like to say I'm proud of you because 3 minutes ago I answered a phone call from the doctor, so congratulations  babe you are officially cancer free," She says smiling

"...cancer free,"
I smile and look at Cher, she cant believe it. I give Fangs the microphone, hop off the stage and run to her.
"Babe you did it," I say hugging her
"Couldn't have done it without you TT,"
We hug for about a minute.
"Proud of you," I say letting go of the hug
"Thanks Toni, I love you so much,"
"I love you too,"
I grab her hand and we walk around the newly decorated wyrme to find our kids.
"They're not here Toni," Cheryl says
"They're probably just outside playing, lets go eat Cher,"
We go find the booth where Fangs Sweetpea and Jughead are sitting.
"Happy anniversary guys!" Jughead says
"Thanks Jug," I say hugging him
"Congratulations Cheryl, I knew something big was up when Toni said you two had speeches and then you said you didn't," Fangs says
"Ya Fangs lets talk about random alphabetical and why that's a terrible excuse," I say
"It was the first thing that came to my mind," He shrugs
"Anyways," Cheryl says ignoring Fangs stupidity "Has anyone see the girls?"
Just as Cheryl finishes her sentence we hear giggling from behind us. I turn around and see the girls coming in from the parking lot, Kait is limping a bit but they walk over to us once they see us.
"Kait, why are you limping?" Cheryl asks
"I was running with my shoes untied and fell, but I'm ok Madi and Alex found the first aid kit and wrapped it up,"
"Ok, as long as you're fine. Thanks girls," She says hugging Madi and Alex
"Congratulations mom," Alex and Madi say to Cher
"Thanks girls," She smiles
"Mommy," Kait whispers pulling on my jacket
:I kneel down to her eye level.
"Why is Mrs. Mergers and your scary friend here?" She whispers pointing towards the door.
"Don't worry Kait, Mrs. Mergers isn't here for you and Cher will get Veronica to leave,"
"Why don't you take your sisters and go somewhere Veronica wont see you,"
"Ok," She tugs and Madi and Alex and drags them away from their conversation
"What was that about?" Cheryl asks me still oblivious to the 2 people who just walked in
"Well we have company," I say nodding over my shoulder
"I swear on my life,"
"Let's try and get her to leave calmly, we don't need a scene,"
Just as I finish Veronica sees us and makes a beeline for us.
"TONI!" SHe says happy
"Why are you here?" Cheryl asks stepping in front of me
"Oh my mother got the invite as I was on my way to see her, and,"
"She followed me here," Hermione cuts her off "Veronica, stop tormenting this family, own up to what you did,"
"Shut up Mother," She says rolling her eyes
"Veronica leave, I don't have the time to kick your ass," I say
"T, I got this," Cheryl whispers grabbing my hand
"Who the hell are you?" Madi says stepping around us
"Veronica Lodge, and why do you care?" Veronica says stepping forward so her and Madi are only a few inches apart
"Madi Topaz-Blossom, Cheryl and Toni adopted me,"
"Well, I'm your mothers actual true love," Veronica says
"Ah Toni told me she has psycho stalker," Madi taunts "I think its time you leave,"
"You're like 10 why would I listen to you?"
"One, your really bad at guessing ages, I'm almost 14, and two because no one wants you here,"
"Toni wants me here," She says trying to get around Madi
"I don't think so," Madi says shoving Veronica back a few feet
"Why are you preventing your mom from being happy?" She asks trying to pull at Madi's emotion
"Because if Toni really loved you, she wouldn't be with Cheryl, she wouldn't have adopted me and my sister, she wouldn't have done any of that," She replies
"Oh but sweetie, your mom and I have a history, she is with Cheryl for her money. Sorry to burst your little perfect visade of Toni but I have proof,"
Veronica pulls out her phone and shows Madi something.
"These texts were sent to me via Toni,"
MAdi stands there shocked.
"I'm leaving, but ill be back," She says winking at me
Madi looks at me with disgust in her eyes and shakes her head walking towards the stairs.
"Why is Veronica set on ruining my life?" I say throwing my hands up
"What do you think she showed her?"
"Shit, texts from after... you know," I start crying
"I told her not to tell you and when she said she was going to I said 'if there is ever gunna be a chance of us having an actual relationship again, you cant," I say "I meant as friends, I wanted to try and forgive her,"
"Whats wrong Cheryl?" Fangs and Sweetpea ask coming over
"Well Veronica is trying to ruin our lives," Cheryl says hugging me
"Ok we knew that but specifically?" Sweetpea asks
"She showed Madi a screenshot of texts Toni sent her after the incident to make it look like Toni cheated on me."
"Thats not good," Fangs says
"No it wasn't," I say "Ill go talk to her,"
"TT I can if you want," Cheryl says rubbing my back
"Can we do it together?"
"Of course,"
Jughead comes down with the girls.
"Jug take Lex and Kait outside?"
"Sure thing,"
They leave and Madi wouldnt even look at me.
"Madi," Cheryl says "what did Veronica show you?"
"I wasnt going to tell y0u but since you asked, she showed me text messages between her and Toni. Toni begged her not to tell you about a relationship they had or something and Veronica said fine and that she had a great time the day before." She says all in one breath "I cant believe I trusted you Toni, I thought you were different, that you actually cared about me but you didnt did you?"
"Mads' let me and cheryl explain," i say trying to stop crying
"Does she even know?" She says with a laugh
"Yes Cheryl knows everything, you only saw half the story," I explain
"I'm listening,"
"When we were in High School whatever Veronica wanted she got, your locker, your desk, you girlfriend/boyfriend, whatever she wanted. Veronica always liked Toni but we were constantly attached at the hip so she never got Toni alone. One day Toni needed advice on what to get me for our 3 year anniversary of dating so she went to V's house because she was the other rich girl in school. Veronica saw an oppurtunity and took it and held your mom at knife point,"
"The next day I told her not to tell Cheryl because I was scared she was going to break up with me,"
Madi is sitting there staring at us not sure if she believes us or not.
"Youre telling the truth," She shakes her head "I'm so dumb, she just played me I'm so sorry Toni, I'm so sorry,"
I get up and hug her.
"Mads its ok, I love you,"
"I love you too," She starts bawling
I stand there hugging her for a minute.
"Kid why dont you go outside with your uncles and sisters? I just need to grab something,"
"Ok," She wipes her tears and walks out of the bar.
"Cher, I can't say how sorry i am," I start
"Baby what did I tell you? Never be sorry for what happened that night,"
"I meant everything thats happened since then, its all been my fault, everything bad sice that night has been because of me cheryl," I say crying "Sometimes I think you would have an easier time raising the girls without me, my mother wouldnt keep coming, Malachai, Veronica, literally everyone of our eniemes would leave if I did,"
"TT, you can't think like that, if you left we would still have my mom, the crazy people that hate me from highschool, and on top of them, I wouldnt have you standing by me helping me get through the tough times, Tones this is the 'worse' in for better or worse, I got you babe, remember what you said when we went to Vegas?"
"I'm All in, All the Time, As long as Im with you," I say smiling
"And then we doubled our gambling money,"
We laugh
"Baby, never think my life would be easier without you ok?"
We walk out hand in hand and drive back to thornhill with the girls

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