standing next to me - milex

By humbugalex

30.9K 1.3K 1.3K

Alex has written Miles love letters almost everyday since he figured out he was in love with him. But when so... More

part 1 - craving
part 2 - having
part 3 - losing
the end
teaser - book 2


1.2K 47 119
By humbugalex


Alex's heart started thumping hard. This wasn't normal. Miles didn't love him, surely. "Wh-What? N-No, I thought you weren't-"

"So did I. I was so scared after we kissed that I had to stop. I didn't know I wanted to do that, but something inside my head told me to kiss you, and I did. And I didn't want to stop. But I just had to."

Alex was shuffling closer to Miles, as he held his trembling hands tightly.

"When I got home, I couldn't stop thinking about you. And, um, I'll be completely honest...I thought about fucking you. And those thoughts just erupted and I knew I had some sort of attraction to you. I came to the conclusion I was bisexual. But I had to keep it secret. And then when you said you didn't love me, I was really sad. And then I thought you and Alexa got together, I was so jealous."

Alex took all this in. Suddenly it made sense.

"I love you, Alex. I just wanted to let you know that I do really love you, it just took me a while to realise."

"Alexa knows that I love you. I'm pretty sure she's aware I love you more than her. I'm obsessed with you, Miles. She told me she couldn't be with me because I love you. I loved her for ages, but she's...she's not you. She's a great person and I don't not like her but-"

"Al, I get it. I do."

"I-I really love you." Alex blushed, squeezing Miles's hands.

"I love you too, Al."

Miles leaned towards Alex and kissed him passionately. His cold fingers on his neck turned Alex on desperately. He didn't care if he had hypothermia. He was going to kiss Miles's cold lips if it was the last thing he did.

Miles kissed him deeply, making Alex's stomach erupt into a wheel of butterflies. The sweat produced by the both of them was making each other much warmer, and soon Miles wasn't cold anymore. Alex didn't really feel all that fatigued anymore as Miles vigorously kissed him.

Miles pulled away, both boys breathing heavily to each other's faces.

Alex looked down at Miles's wet and red lips, which soon turned into a smile.

Alex's lips felt sore, but that didn't stop him from putting all his might into kissing the love of his life once more.

Miles laughed and gently pushed him away. "Al...stop for a minute..."

Alex blushed, wrapping his arms around Miles's neck and looking up at him, waiting for the next moment he had to kiss him.

Miles grinned down at him, before kissing his nose and ruffling his hair.

"Alex, will you be my boyfriend?"

Alex grinned in response. "Yes. Of course."

Miles wrapped his arms around the boy and squeezed him tightly. "I really love you, Al. I'm sorry I didn't realise it before, I lied to you when I said I didn't like you and I kept you waiting."

"It's alright. It's fine, Mi. I'm sorry I kept secrets from you." Alex said, playing with Miles's dark, wet hair.

"Please, don't apologise, I kept secrets from you too."

The two boys stopped talking and stayed in each other's embrace for a few moments, breathing in each other's scents and holding each other tightly.
It felt nice. Alex particularly felt incredible. He wanted to take on the whole world with Miles at his side.

"I want to tell my parents about us." Alex suddenly said.

"Did you come out to them then?"

"I did. Literally, a few minutes before you got here. I told them how I felt about you."

"Let's go tell them then."

Miles entwined his fingers with Alex's and they walked downstairs together.

"Uh, I let Miles borrow my dressing gown because he's cold." Alex said, once they walked into the kitchen, where Alex's dad was sitting at the table, and his mum was making dinner.

"Okay, would you like to stay for tea, Miles? Considering your mum isn't home?"

"Yeah, please. Thank you, Mrs. Turner. She won't be home until about seven." Miles replied. Alex smiled at him being so polite.

"Alright, sweetheart."

"Uh, I've got something to tell you." Alex said, taking a deep breath.

"Yes?" Alex's dad asked, not looking up from his newspaper.

Alex was really nervous. Miles could tell from his sweaty palms. Miles gripped his hand tighter to comfort him.

"Um, also bisexual. He just told me. And um, we like each other a lot. So, um, Miles asked me to be his boyfriend. And I-I said yes."

"Really? That's great! Alex, I'm so proud of you!" Alex's mum exclaimed, bombarding him with kisses and hugs, before doing the same to Miles. "And Miles, I'm so happy for you! I'm happy for the both of you!"

"Mum, it's alright, calm down." Alex laughed. Miles's grin made Alex feel warm inside.

"Right, Miles, I've called your mother and told her you're here." Alex's mum explained. "She's going to pick you up on her way back home."

"Okay, thank you." Miles replied.

"Dinner's almost ready. I'll call you down."

The two boys ran back upstairs, collapsing on Alex's bed.

"Well, that went quite well, actually." Miles started laughing.

"Yeah." Alex sighed, looking down at Miles's hand and taking it in his own. "Do you remember when we climbed that tree, then you fell and broke your wrist?"

"Yeah, vividly." Miles rolled his eyes, whilst containing his laughter. "Do you remember when we stole John's skateboard and tried to get away with both of us on it?"

"Yes! Although, the sexual tension was awkward..."

Miles nodded. "You started realising you liked me then, didn't you?"

"Yeah. But now I have you. That's all that matters to me at the moment, Mi."

"I hope I always matter to you." Miles whispered, gently stroking Alex's cheek.

Alex blushed at him, gripping onto Miles's hand that was now relaxed on his cheek. "You will. You always will."

Miles rolled onto Alex, pressing his lips to his and forcefully making out with him. Alex gripped onto the dressing gown wrapped around Miles's body, pulling him deeper into the kiss. There was so much heat being exchanged between the both of them. Miles unwrapped Alex's dressing gown, slipping it slightly down his arms. The boy shivered as a sudden chill came to his shoulders and chest.

Miles kissed down the short boy's neck and eventually down to his chest. It was tickling Alex, making him giggle with each kiss.

"Boys! Dinner's ready!"

Miles pulled away and laughed. "We'll try that again later."

Alex smiled, before pressing his fingers against his neck. Miles had managed to leave a few hickeys on Alex's neck.

"Shit. How are we gonna cover those?" Miles asked.

"I have make-up..." Alex sighed, standing up and walking over to his chest of drawers.

"You wear make-up?"

"Sometimes. I use it to cover acne, but I quite like experimenting."

Miles walked over and pulled out a tube of concealer. "Let me help you."

Miles started applying it to Alex's neck, and at the top of his chest, blending it in to cover the marks he'd left on the boy's porcelain skin.

"There. Like nothing ever happened." Miles helped Alex put his dressing gown back on, and they walked downstairs together.

At the table, everyone was quiet, except when Miles got asked questions by Alex's parents.

Once Alex and Miles has finished, they excused themselves and went back upstairs.

"My mum just texted me...she said she's nearly here."

"Maybe we've got a little bit longer to ourselves." Alex smiled, wrapping his arms around Miles's waist.

Miles laughed and ruffled Alex's hair. "You're adorable, you piece of shit."

As Alex blushed, Miles tucked Alex's hair behind his ear. "I miss your long hair."

"So do I. I'm letting it grow back."

"Good." Miles pressed his lips against Alex's cheek and pulled him close. "What are you into, Al? So like...I know what I should and shouldn't do with you."

"Um, well...I like cuddles. I like all kisses. And...everything. I like everything. I just...I-I haven't had sex yet. I don't know what I'm into in that case..."

"That's okay. We can figure that out together, baby." Miles gripped onto Alex's hands and stared at him lovingly. Alex felt so tense. Miles had just said they were going to have sex. "My parents are out tomorrow after school. All night. Stay over, and maybe we can figure out what you're into."

Alex started blushing, as Miles winked at him. Alex felt so vulnerable. He wanted Miles to take him there and then. "Okay. I'm not at school tomorrow. I'll be over at...four?"

"Yeah. That's good." Miles nodded.

"Miles! Your mum's here!" Alex's mum called from downstairs.

Miles took a deep breath. "Coming!"

Alex walked to the radiator and picked up Miles's clothes. Miles removed the dressing gown around him, remaining to stay in his boxers so Alex could stare at him longer. When Miles put his dry school clothes back on, he took a hold of Alex's hand. "Let's go, Al."

The two of them returned downstairs, where Alex's parents said goodbye to him. Miles looked down at Alex, waiting for him to say goodbye to him too.

Alex stood on his toes and gently pressed a quick kiss on Miles's lips. He didn't really care that his parents were watching.

"I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, see you then." Miles hugged Alex quickly before running off to his mum's car. Alex and his parents watched them drive away, waving.

"It's so lovely to see that you love somebody so much, Alex. We're very happy for you." Alex's mum spoke, closing the door.

"Yeah. It...feels nice." Alex was blushing hardly.

"Go and have a shower, kid, go to bed. Get some rest." His dad smiled, patting his son's back.

Alex did what he said, and climbed into bed giddy. He took his book from his side table, noticing Miles had left one of his rings there. Alex grabbed his pen, and as he sat in bed, he wrote a few simple words.

i'm madly in love with miles kane.

and he's madly in love with me.

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