Hayley Quinn (A Johnathan Cra...

By BigSister2K

7.4K 163 13

Hayley is an 18 year old girl who has recently moved to Gotham from a tragic mishap in her old High School. S... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 10

277 6 0
By BigSister2K

(A.N) Hello readers! This is an edited verson of the chapter and has a few changes at the end because I wanted to change where the story was going. I hope you enjoy and as always, vote comment and fan if you like!



We were all sat in an old warehouse with broken furniture and screens surrounding the main couch in the middle of the room waiting on the Bat to arrive. I took a deep breath and tried to rid my head of the images burned into it. The most painful of them all was the image and feeling of complete happiness when I saw what things could be like with John but then the tearing of my heart in two when I saw myself parading around with other men.

'SLUT, WHORE' His words echoed through my head. My eyes leaked small traces of tears that I wiped away quickly before anyone could see. That's when I heard glass break as someone entered the warehouse. I snapped my head up and saw the bat. John cleared his throat and stood up.

"Well, now we're all here. I have something to share with you all about when we got Hayley from Jarvis" He lifted his glassed up and rubbed his eyes like he hadn't slept in days and perched his glasses back on his nose. "I believe that Hayley had an insight to what may happen if she was to lose sense of her humanity to Shadow. It results in death in simple terms. The streets running red, piles of bodies. It ended with all of us and some man in a red cape and a 'S' on his cheat against her, to destroy Shadow." There was a loud clapping sound from the shadows behind John and there emerged Jack smirking at us all. My breath was caught in my throat in fear as I felt his eyes on me.

"Well done Dr. Crane, you are a smart one aren't you" He said cockily. "I am here for Hayley, you can either give her to me or I will take her" He said confidently.

I scoffed at his offer "Like you could take on everyone here" He smiled at me.

"I was hoping you would say that" He clicked his fingers and all of the sudden there was a blur of black around me. I blinked and saw that everyone was restrained on the floor around me struggling to get free by people dressed in black. I growled at him.

"Come and fight me then. I won't come easy" I snarled at him. He nodded and walked forward in a fighting stance. I readied myself.

'Shadow Help me'

Definitely she snarled. She always hated Jack. I was waiting for him to move first and studied his movements but there was nothing. I was preparing to strike when something collided with my head. That cheating bastard!


I started to regain consciousness and for the third time today I woke with a banging headache. I groaned and took in my surroundings. The room I was in was plain and boring not a splash of colour.

'At least you are not in a cell'

Shadow was right. I was on a really comfy sofa with a cover over me. Did I just get kidnapped because it sure as hell doesn't look like it? I heard footsteps come close to the back of the sofa, so instead of pretending to sleep like a normal person I turned round and saw it was Jack.

"Hello Sleeping Beauty" He said smiling over at me and sitting on the table in front of me. I sat up and looked at him with a blank look on my face.

'Is he stupid or does he wants to be torn to tiny pieces?' Shadow snarled in my head.

'I don't know; let's see how this plays out. That's probably what he wants'

"What do you want Jack?" He smiled down at me and tutted his tongue.

"You have forgotten my call already baby? I'm hurt" He said sarcastically laughing at me.

"I'm not your baby" I growled at him.

"You're my girlfriend, of course you are mine."He said matter of factly.

"So, me killing you wasn't enough of a message to say were over then?" I said raising a brow. He just laughed at me like I had told him the funniest joke in the world.

"No, my dear it wasn't. You should stop being so hostile anyway. Look I have brought you into my home and not a cell" He said motioning to the room we were in.

"Yay, I'm so happy" I said in a monotone voice. "Why did you kidnap me anyway?" I asked him.

"Saved you more like. That prophecy you saw would come to be if you stay with them people. But if you stay with me I can teach you how to control shadow to stop that from happening. I want to help you" He said looking me in the eyes. I couldn't see any signs that he was lying.

'Keep playing his game and find out his true intentions'

"Okay then, I accept your help. When do we start the training?" I asked relaxing a little

"Tomorrow, here I brought you some tea to help you sleep" he said passing me a hot mug.

"Thank you I said taking a sip" He smiled at me then left me to rest. I drunk the tea and laid down on my back, I could feel the wave of tiredness hit me and I fell into a deep sleep.

Shadow P.O.V

As Hayley fell asleep I could feel myself getting stronger and soon I was in control of us. I stood up from the sofa and walked out the room and into a long hallway. I followed the corridor down passing thick wooden doors on the way. They were all shut but one with a dim light coming from underneath it. I slowly opened the door to see a plain training room. Walking inside I saw Jack in the middle of the room smiling at me. I snarled at him and stepped away.

"Hello Shadow, ready to train?" He asked me throwing me a pair of boxing gloves. I looked over at him and saw he had a pair on too. I slipped the gloves on my own hands and walked opposite him.

"Never turn down a chance to kick your ass again" I growled smiling at him. He nodded and counted down.

"Three..." Whack! I right hooked him in the face and sent him stumbling back.

"A fight waits for no one" I laughed. He smiled and lunged at me trying to tackle me down. I managed to barely move out of the way before I swung my leg around and my foot connected with a crack to his ribs. He stumbled back and studied me. He was fast. We circled each other a few times but I grew bored and prepared to strike him. I threw a right hook at him but he blocked it and swept my feet out from under me and threw down a punch I narrowly missed where my face once was. I flipped back up and ran towards him dodging his punches then sliding between his legs so I was behind him and took out the back of his knees on the way through.

I stood up and spun round ready to attack again but he was already on his feet and sent a blow to my face. It connected with my cheekbone and snapped my head to the side. The pain I would usually feel now enhancing my strength I smiled sadistically at him knowing exactly how to finish him off. I got back up from my knees and readied myself for his next strike. I saw his left hand twitch before he balled it ready to throw a punch. So when he did, I was ready. I grabbed his fist and blocked his blow. I smiled at his shocked face and twisted his fist so his arm was bent in an awkward position so if I apply a little more pressure his arm would pop out the socket. His groan in pain filed me to continue so I kicked out the back of his legs causing him to fall too his knees in front of me. I placed me knee in the ridge of his back and popped out his arm savouring the delight of his agonising screams of pain. I then grabbed his other arm and his shoulder applying small amounts of pressure as I pulled against his back. If I carried on it would break slowly with all the disks snapping and collapsing as I endure his screams in pain. But before I could live my fantasy he spoke to me.

"Shadow stop! I know you like the power of being in control. I can give you that" I loosened my grip on his shoulders entertaining the offer he would make me for his life.

"If you let me, I will train you to become invincible, a killing machine you always wanted to be. I know you liked what you saw in the prophecy and I can make that happen for you. I will take care of Hayley and make her think I can help but I will give her an poison which makes her weaker then will eventually send her part of consciousness into a coma so you can be what you always dreamed" I thought about his offer.

It was so tempting to take and become unstoppable. I could kill the people who have screwed me over and be at one with the darkness of Gotham; by striking fear into the hearts of the citizens of Gotham with my king of nightmares by my side. Shadow and Scarecrow. We would be the most powerful Villains in all of Gotham. Everyone would fear us. I let go of Jack completely and popped his shoulder back in his socket. He groaned in pain and stood up limping slightly over to me.

"I accept your offer" I told him looking at his poor weak body. "But if you cross me over, make no doubt. I will kill you" He nodded and gulped a little.

"Very well, you should go back to the sofa; the drug will wear off in the next hour. See you tomorrow Shadow" He smiled at me and walked off. I walked back to the sofa grinning to myself.

Sorry Hayley. But now it's my time.

Hayley P.O.V

I woke up the next morning fling mentally rested but physically drained. I stood from the sofa and walked around the room stretching my legs. I shouldn't be here long; Harley will come and save me. I heard the door open behind me and I spun on my heels to face the source of the sound. It was just Jack; he was holding a trey of food and drink.

"You need to eat before we train today, keep your energy up" He said to me motioning with his head for me to sit. I did as he asked and took the trey from him to see what he had made me. Pancakes with syrup, a hot cup of coffee and a glass of orange Juice. I smiled at the sugary goodness in front of me and began to devour into it like it was my last meal. I soon finished my food and orange juice in silence. I picked up my coffee and looked at Jack.

"How are you back? I asked him the question I so longingly wanted an answer for.

"The Lazarus pit. Ra's al Ghoul saved me" He said looking down at his hands. Something seemed off here but I let it slide.

"How did Ra's get from here to Gotham the day I killed you? I raised a brow at him.

"I had called him the day before telling him about what had happened and warned him about shadow" He said looking at me.

"How did you know about shadow? I never told you" I asked disbelievingly.

"You speak to her out loud sometimes when you're with me" I nodded my head.

"So when do I start training today?" I asked him finishing off my coffee.

"Now, would you follow me" He stood up and placed his hand out to take. I looked at it as if it was the vilest thing in the world and stood up myself keeping my distance. I followed him into a plain room where he told me to sit in the middle opposite him. I did as told and studied my surroundings in need of a quick escape.

"Your training for today is to meditate and create a sanctuary for yourself to hide away in, where shadow will nver find you and you can be in complete control. I sighd and nodded. I began to imagine a small house in a woodlend arrea closed off from civilisation. The sound of the wind in the trees stimulatd my sences and gave me a natural piece of serenity. The animals in the forest creating a calm atmosphere and the singing birds bringing me a sence of joy. I smiled widely at the scene in front of me. This is my happy place. Shadow can't ruin this.

I opened my eyes and looked at Jack.

"I have my happy place, what now?" I asked him.

"Now, barracade it as much as possible witht things not even you could brake down. I nodded and closed my eyes thinking of happy and sad memories of me and my family to shield my mind from Shadow. I knew emotions don't affct her but thse images, they will. I felt a tear tricle down my face as I thought of all the happy memories I had with Harley when I was a kid which I interlinked with the abuse I would get from my father for being like her. I used them all and created a mental wall arround my haven which she would never break through. I breathed deeply in and out three times then opened my eyes to see I was alone in the room.

"Now you have your haven, you need to train your senses to see without looking as if you were going to find Shadow herself." His voice echoed through the room and I spun round a few times to find the source of the voice. I breathed in and out and let my entire senses peak and find Jack.

"Use what you have arround you and find me, or you will forever remain blind" I smiled ad I found the area of which the soundwaves were strongst. I sensed a small movement in the air around him, taunting me. I walked over and waited for his next move. I heard a deadly quiet footstep trail to the left of me that untrained ears would surely miss. I flipped over to the source and leaned out to catch him when my hand was met with air. This is a lot harder than I first thought.

For what felt like hours I tried to catch him but my attempts were unsucsessful. I opened my eyes to darkness and frowned, I guess I can't go until I find him. Sighing I tried once more listening out for any sign as to where he may be but silence was all I could hear.

"You need to move at somepoitnt" I said hoping he would slip up and make a noise and he did I heard a low chuckle come from the right of me. I dropped down and swept the floor with my leg and felt it connect with something and his body fall to the floor. I rolled over on top of him pinning him down smiling triumphantly.

"Well done, after 2 hours you found me" He laughed. I rolled my eyes at him and helped him from the floor.

"What was the point of that anyway?" I streached out my back making it crack and I smiled in bliss.

"To train your sences so you will be able to use them to your advantage in all situations" I nodded and followed him back into the main room. I saw some lunch on the table for us both and we sat down and ate in silence.

"Why did you do it?" Jack looked at me confused.

"Do what?"

"Cheat, lie. Why did you set out to hurt me" I thought of the day I killed him over and over, never understanding why he would do that to me.

"I was scared, I let my reputation take lead and did what I thought was right. Im sorry" He looked down at his plate and his body was hunched up like a child who had been scolded.

"Okay" Was all I could manage. I could never forgive him for what he did too me. I still love him. But that doesnt matter anymore. I finished my meal and felt sleepy and weak. Training really took it out of me today. I lie down on the sofa and fell asleep once more.


Time Skip


It's been a week since I have been here with Jack. No one has tried to find me. Though I can't say I'm surprised. No one will look for me except Harley and she is no good at these things. I have been doing the same exercises all week and it's taken its toll. I feel weaker and drained, like my life is being sucked out to my body but thankfully shadow has kept at bay and I can control her without too much trouble.

"Today I will be taking your training out into the streets of Gotham. You have to get from here to the abandoned warehouse on the other side of town without contact with the outside world, and you will also do it blind. I will lead you to the location and you must follow me or you will get lost. Let's put your training to the test" He smiled evilly at me.

I can't do this, I will get lost. None the less I nodded my head and put on the blindfold. I followed Jack's footsteps out the house making out distinct sounds and the speed he moved at in order to pin point his location. When he opened the door I followed him down a quiet area which I guessed was the ally leading out onto the main streets of Gotham. I managed to keep with him well for the first few minutes until the sound of his shoes against the pavements sounded like heels but they went in time with his pattern of movement. Oh god I hope I haven't lost him already. I followed the woman anyway and found his sound and rhythm again a few minutes later. It was getting harder to keep up with him from all the sounds and smells of the city. I begain to get a bad headache but continued to followed him through the busy streets and turned into a more quieter area where I could hear the footstps echo loudly as I followed him down. I began to panick wondering what his intentions were when I heard another set of steps land softly behind me and walk closer as a fast rate and before I could even react there werebhands covering my mouth and pulling off the blindfold I had on. I looked up and was greetedbwith the angry face of Riddler. I sighed and pulled away gently looking forward and seeing a furious Scarecrow and a pissed off Jack.

"What do you think you are doing Clayface?!" John hissed at him his hands itching to spray him with fear toxin.

"Wait- Clayface? Who the fuck is clayface?!" I looked over at them confused. Then jack begain to morph into something, he was made out of a type of mud lile clay but more liquid. I stepped back into Edward a little scared of the thing that had fooled me for so long.

"Ed, get her out of here. Ill deal with clayface myself" John, no scarecrow demanded. I saw Edwaed nod as he grabhed my arm. I ripped it out of his grip and staggered forward.

"No im staying, im helping you kill this piece of shit" I growled.

"Don't argue Hai, just go" He looked at me then ran at clayface. I felt Edward grab me by my waist this time and chuck me over his shoulder. I hit his back yelling at him too let me go but he was stubborn. He chucked me inti the car and locked the doors as he drove off to the safehouse.

I hope Jonathan will be okay...


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