Addicted | Yoonmin✔

By prespoverty

29.6K 1.7K 703

"I could easily get addicted to you, Park Jimin." - In which Yoongi, a recovering drug addict, finds solace i... More

|fourteen . two|
|Fifteen . two|
|nineteen . two|
|twenty one|
|twenty two|
|twenty three|
|twenty four|
|twenty five|
|twenty six|
|twenty seven|
|twenty eight|
|twenty nine|
|thirty one|
|thirty two|
|thirty two . two|
|thirty three|
|thirty four|
|thirty four. two|
|thirty five|
|thirty six|
|thirty seven|
|thirty eight|
|thirty nine|
|thirty nine . two|
| character q&a |
|forty one|
|forty two|
|forty two . two|
|forty three|
|forty four|
|forty five|
|welp i was tagged|
|forty six|
|future works and fun facts|
|extra : marriage texts|
|extra: lovesick|
|extra: first love|


769 48 17
By prespoverty

Don't apologize
For feeling something
A lot.

Yoongi was outside the café, enjoying yet another cigarette before his shift starts. He was actually awaiting Jimin, who would be on his way after school. Yoongi and Jimin haven't texted each other again after the previous night, but Yoongi preferred it that way. He was scared to get attached to the boy, and he didn't want Jimin to get attached to him. Jimin looked small and fragile, and Yoongi has a knack for tearing people's soul's apart without even trying.

He took another drag, finding the habit repulsive, but it seemed to dull the itching and the pain, even if just for a second. The only thing that seems to completely take his mind off things seemed to be sex, which he hasn't had in a while. Truth be told, he might have a big mouth but he's actually quite laid-back when it comes to his active sex life. Before his addiction, he had been too young to care about sex and relationships, and during his addiction was when he came out. He slept around a bit during the early days, when he still used “party-drugs” and used to stay out till late and wake up in a strange house, but nearing the end of his addiction he was too focused on getting his next hit to want to get some ass. Then came his decision to come clean, then withdrawals, and he's only had sex twice again after his first month of being clean (both had been one-night stands brought home from gay bars Namjoon and Jin had taken him to).

He wondered whether Jimin was a virgin or not. Well, not wondered, something told him that Jimin was a virgin without a doubt. He's also pretty sure that Jimin is, at the least, questioning his sexuality. Yoongi had a gaydar that stretches for kilometres, and Jimin was a bright blip on that radar. Well, Yoongi shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, even if that book does look like an excellent read.

Yoongi shook his head, shaking those thoughts away as well. Jimin is a kid, for fuck's sakes, and so innocent to say the least, and he's Yoongi's co-worker now. Everything about Jimin screamed “ Min Yoongi Must Not Try To Tap This”. Maybe Yoongi should go out this weekend; he has another gay friend who might be interesting in having some single-person fun with him. Namjoon and Jin were slowly becoming an old married couple, and Yoongi felt like their teenage kid: living in their house, being constantly scolded by them, catching them in inappropriate situations, ect. He even calls them mom and dad as a joke (the two constantly argue over who's the mom and who's the dad, even though it's clear to everyone else).

Yoongi killed the cigarette and placed it in the  rusted tin can before turning back to go in, only to be met with a smiling Jimin.

“Hello, Hyung! Is here a place where I can dress?” Jimin asked, still in his school uniform.

Yoongi blinked, getting lost in Jimin's smile for a short while before coughing and turning away, waving his hand in a way to say follow me. He walked in with Jimin in tow, to the back where the worker's lounge was. Jimin's eyes widened as he walked in, looking around the comfy room. Two small couches stood around a coffee table with some reading material (mostly the books Yoongi reads). There were four lockers situated to one side, right next to a mini-fridge.

“That fridge is for our stuff. Don't put any personal food in the main fridge, otherwise Jin will use it for the food. The lockers are for our clothes. Yours is the one next to mine. You can dress in here or in the bathroom, but I usually dress here since we don't have any female workers who can rush in and get the fright of her life from seeing my luscious ass.” Yoongi closed the door and walked to the locker, taking a hand through his dark hair before opening his locker.

He took off the t-shirt he was currently wearing, his pale body exposed to the cool air. He took the hanger which kept his work shirt (a white dress-shirt with the café’s logo printed on the left breast, with a skinny black tie and a black vest) and turned to Jimin. “Jin put yours in the locker last night. Try it on.” Yoongi stood aside for Jimin to reach his locker and started putting on his own shirt, buttoning it up slowly while trying to keep his eyes on Jimin.

Jimin took the clothes out and checked the size before blushing a bit and turning with his back to Yoongi. He knew that they're both men, but for some reason, Jimin still felt pretty shy about undressing in front of his hyung. Well, Jimin felt shy when he had to undress for gym as well. His hyung was handsome, though, and slightly built. Jimin took his blazer off and started unbuttoning his school shirt, trying to be as fast as possible.

Yoongi noticed how shy Jimin was and scratched the back of his head. “Look, if you're shy, I'll, uhh, wait outside?” Yoongi tightened his black tie around his neck and put on his black vest. Jimin didn't want his hyung to think that he's just a shy teenager, but when he looked over his shoulder to see his hyung smiling the tiniest of smiles, Jimin couldn't help but nod. Yoongi shrugged and walked out, closing the door behind him.

He's such an innocent 'lil bean, thought. He busied himself with greeting customers and appointing them to tables while Jimin dressed. When Jimin came out, Yoongi turned to him and jerked his head, indicating that Jimin should come over, which he did.

“Ready for duty, seargent,” Jimin saluted. Yoongi snorted and handed Jimin two menus.

“You're such a dork. Hand these menus to those two at the door, greet them and lead them to table three, then ask what they want to drink and write it down. Go, go.” Yoongi handed Jimin a writing pad and a pen and pushed him in the general direction of the front door. Jimin gulped audibly and walked over to the doors, smiling brightly at the customers.

They were two young girls, who were charmed by Jimin's smile. Yoongi grinned. He'd be lying if he said he hasn't used his handsome face to get a bigger tip. Jimin might not be doing it intentionally, but he's naturally charming (unlike Yoongi, who actually had to make an effort of it).

Jimin lead the girls to a table and wrote down their orders and walked over to Yoongi, dropping his smile to showcase a relieved-looking face. “That wasn't so bad, hyung. What do I do with this?”

Yoongi took the notepad and read it over while walking to the kitchen. “We make the drinks ourselves, but I need to teach you how to do that. And, well, it gets worse. You know, picky customers and rush-hour. I can not stress the amount of times I've actually told a few customer to go shove it. It's a wonder I'm still employed at all.”

Jimin's innocent brown eyes widened, his plump lips slightly agape. Yoongi admired how the light reflected off the glossy coat of his lips, finding the sparkle in the corner of his mouth to be a work of art on it's own. “Really? Name a for instance?”

Yoongi shrugged nonchalantly as he got the drinks the girls ordered from the fridge and took out two glasses. “Most of the time it happened when a customer was mean to Jin or any other employee. I can handle them: I just throw some shade their way, but no one is mean to my hyung. Then it gets personal. So anyways, this one guy kept making fun of Jin for wearing so much pink, calling him a girl and a fag and what not.” Yoongi poured the drink, Jimin paying attention to what Yoongi said as well as how he poured the drink. “And I walked over, smiled my most charming smile, and promptly poured his drink on his head. All the witnesses said it was an accident, because they all agreed the guy was being an ass and deserved it.” Yoongi smirked maliciously and placed the glasses on a serving-tray before walking ahead to the table, Jimin amazed by Yoongi's bravery.


“Welcome to Namjin café, table for two?” Yoongi asked his last customers of the day, two young men he hasn't quite looked at. He was tired and a nice nap was long overdue. With Jimin there, he hasn't had a chance to take a power-nap like he usually does. Jimin had been following him around the whole day, looking like a lost puppy. On top of that, Jin took the day off, so Yoongi had to deal with a few odd things that a manager was supposed to deal with, like signing for deliveries and keeping an eye in the kitchen.

“Yes please,” the taller of the two said. Yoongi led them to a table and placed their menus down. They sat down across from each other. The shorter immediately took the taller's hand from across the table; the two of them made it look like the most natural thing ever.

“I'll be back in a bit to get your drink orders,” Yoongi walked off, ready to just put Jimin in charge of them (Jimin was a fast learner, so he'd do alright), when he suddenly spun around again, recognizing the two boys.

The two from Jimin's instagram, Taehyung and Jungkook.

“God, they're so hot for each other,” Yoongi muttered under his breath as he walked into the kitchen to see Jimin talking with the cook. “Jimin? Go handle the last two customers before our shift ends. I think you might know them.”

Jimin tilted his head to the side questioningly, his pink hair falling into his eyes, before shrugging and jumping off the counter. “If you say so, hyung.” Jimin walked out front, and Yoongi held up three fingers, then two, then one.



“Teenage boys,” Yoongi said, rolling his eyes.

The cook snorted. “Like you weren't one.”

No, my childhood differed a little bit than theirs. I spent my teenage years dropping out of high school, getting into the wrong crowd, getting addicted to drugs, etcetera. “I guess you're right.”

Jimin came skipping back into the kitchen, excitedly pouring two sodas for his friend. He was hopping slightly on his feet while suppressing a smile, as well as a blush. Yoongi frowned and walked over, stood behind Jimin and placed a hand on his hip to steady him. “Slow down before you break something,” Yoongi said sternly before taking his hand away and leaning against the counter, watching Jimin with his arms crossed over his chest.

That was the first time Yoongi had actually touched Jimin. Yoongi chose to ignore the firm body that Jimin was hiding beneath his work uniform, which he had felt underneath his fingers.

“S-sorry hyung,” Jimin mumbled as he slowed down. “Just glad to see my friends here to support me, is all.” Jimin placed the glasses on a serving-plate, but Yoongi took it over from him.

“Let me rather carry this. You can go sit by your friends, your shift is basically over.” Yoongi walked to the table and Jimin followed happily, sitting down across from Taehyung and Jungkook (who were seated next to each other, Taehyung with his arm around Jungkook's shoulders).

“My hyung said I could sit here! Isn't he cool, guys? He's just the greatest!” Jimin was smiling brightly, causing Yoongi's mind to temporarily turn to white-noise.

“Whatever, I'm just a decent human being, contrary to popular belief. Would you guys like to eat anything?” Yoongi tapped the pen against the writing pad impatiently.

“Nah, just the drinks are fine.” The one with the bunny teeth, Jungkook, said. Yoongi shrugged and walked off, the sound of Jimin's laughter warming the entire restaurant. Yoongi looked at the empty café before sighing and taking his apron off.

Today was actually a good day, Yoongi thought as he wiped some tables off, losing himself to his thoughts. More often than not, that proved to be fairly dangerous, but for a change, his mind wasn't a mess of thoughts about drugs and self-abuse. I enjoyed my day. Jimin kept me busy. His innocence is just so cute. I thought he'd annoy me, but his personality is refreshing. His positivity makes me feel better. I can't believe he blushed when I talked about sex. The kid is eighteen, right? Damn, I feel like an older brother. No, wait, that's not right. A hyung? Am I a good hyung to the kid?

Yoongi thought about his other donsaeng, a boy named Hoseok, not much older than Jimin. Hoseok was actually the other reason he decided to go cold-turkey. Hoseok had wanted to go clean, and at first Yoongi had been reluctant, but after he saw the change in Hoseok's life, Yoongi decided that it was time to suck it up and get clean.

They were friends now, even if Hoseok is a tad annoying, but they go out for drinks every now and then (non-alcoholic, of course), and they attend AA meetings together. Hoseok, however, hadn't been as far gone as Yoongi had been, so his climb back to the top wasn't as heavy as Yoongi's.

Yoongi walked back past Jimin and the other two, snorting when he saw what activity they were busy with.

“Roll up your sleeves! It'll be easier then, Jimin!” Taehyung exclaimed, watching from the side-lines as Jungkook and Jimin were arm-wrestling.

Jimin pulled his arm back, rolling his sleeves up as high as they could, not minding his usual fear of showing skin. Yoongi stood there, watching with a smirk as the two clasped each other's hands again. “Go easy on me, Jungkook.”

“He's started going to the gym, you know,” Taehyung commented.

“Oh God, it's the end of us as we know it!” Jimin bit his lip as Jungkook started pressing and Jimin fought back with force.

Yoongi couldn't help but admire the form of Jimin's bicep. Well, Jimin is a dancer, after all. He is going to be well-built. Yoongi was just about to walk away, when something about Jimin's arm caught his attention.

His bicep had a few stretch-marks.

And his forearms had scars.

All of a sudden, the itching intensified.


sorry for the filler

And so the angst starts! Lol, I love me some angst.

Who else wants to convert to Yoongi's religion?




okay im done bye.

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