How Can't You See It? (Cody S...

By letmyguitarcry

119K 1K 181

"Are you still mad at me?" "No." "Are you sure?" "I was never mad at you." "What were you?" "Hurt..." More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 30

2.7K 27 8
By letmyguitarcry


"Stay over tonight?" He whispered, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Ok" I whispered back, taking a small glance at his lips. I hoped he hadn't noticed, but of course he had, he just smirked then let go of me and stood back taking one of the glassesand starting to drink the apple juice. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in before picking up the other glass and drinking mine also.


Jess' POV:

We were currently sat on the couch in the living room watching The Hangover, Alli had finally decided she would join us. Her excuse being that she forgot where she left the dvd, neither me or Cody believed her but we let it slide. I was sat in the middle and had the bowl of popcorn on my lap, Alli to my left, and Cody to my right, with his arm around my shoulders. It was nearing the end of the movie, and I felt something on my foot, so looked down to see what it was. Spider. A spider. A big fat spider. On my foot. I screamed, before jumping up and running straight out of the house and over to my own, opening the front door, closing it and sliding down as I caught my breath.

"Jess?" My dad started walking down the stairs.

"Yeah dad, just me" I said, while trying to catch my breath, he came into my view with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Are you ok?" 

"Spider" That's all I had to say before my dad burst out laughing, and then dragged me away from the door.

"Is that it?" He asked, I nodded, looking down to the floor. There was a knock at the door, probably Alli and Cody, and dad went to answer it, me following behind. He opened teh door,a nd before even looking, I knew it was them. There was Alli staying all calm, and Cody going completely loco.

"Hi sir, Jess was just over ours and then s-" 

"Did Jess come back here? Have you seen her in the past five minutes? She ran out screaming. Is she ok? Do you know where she is?"  My dad just laughed at how he was acting, I poked my head around from behind my dad and just smiled at them, Alli was laughing at Cody, so was my dad, Cody stopped talking and just stared at me.

"Did I freak you guys out?" I asked, stepping out from behind dad.


"YES" Cody shouted before bringing me into a hug

"Sorry" I mumbled, but he still wouldn't let go of me.

"Why did you scream? Are you ok? What just happened back there?" He questioned me, my dad started to laugh again.

"A spider was on my foot..." I said into his chest, completely inaudible.

"What?" He asked taking my shoulders and holding me and arms length, looking into my eyes, I sighed, looking down to my feet.

"A spider was on my foot." I said clearer, there was a pause of silence, before every in the room but me burst out into laughter.

"Jeeze, thanks guys, thanks for making me feel better" I sighed, before joining in the laughter, "Bye dad I'll be back later!" I shouted as I walked out of the house and started walking to the Simpsons house. 

"Alright, don't be too late" 

"Where are you going?"Both Alli and Cody asked in unison.

"To your house to get Buddy, I'm taking him on a walk" I replied as they started to follow me, my dad closing the door behind them. Alli just laughed at me and Cody raised an eyebrow.

"Shouldn't you ask me about taking my dogs first?" He smirked, as they caught up with me, one either side as I walked up to their door.

"Codes, you and I both know that he loves me more than you" I smiled at him before opening the door.

"Yeah..." Cody sighed and Alli started laughing, walking ahead of me and starting to go upstairs.

"Well have fun with the dog and Buddy, I'll see you when you get back"

"Hey!" Cody shouted as I started to laugh and grab Buddy's leash, then headed off to find him. I heard Cody following after me as I walked into the back yard and found Brad and Tom putting up a tent and Angie watching them with Buddy sat on her lap. 

"Hey Angie, could I take Buddy for a walk?" I smiled as I came up next to her.

"Oh hello Jess, of course you can, it saves me from doing it! And I'm pretty sure Cody wouldn't" She laughed, putting Buddy on the ground in front of me. 

"Actually mom, I'm going with her" I stood up from connecting Buddy's leash to his collar, and felt Cody put his arm around my waist, I looked at him and saw him already smiling at me. I smiled back, looking down as I felt a blush creep across my cheeks. 

"Oh, ok! Have fun you two!" She smiled, I nodded at her and we started to walk towards the side gate of the house, Cody dropped his arm from my waist as he unlocked it and we headed off on the walk.

"So, where are we going to go on this walk?" Cody asked as he looked at the houses we were passing.

"I don't know, let's just walk and find out" I shrugged.

"I don't see how Buddy likes you more than me" Cody shook his head, laughing at himself, after we had been walking for a few minutes, we found an empty park and headed towards it.

"What are you trying to say Simpson?" I joked, as I unhooked Buddy's leash and let him run around fro a bit. 

"That I'm more awesome than you" He teased while sticking his tongue out at me, I laughed.

"Have you hit your head or something? You're turning dilusional" I stuck my tongue out back at him. 

"You have three seconds to run" He said, turning serious, my face turned to confusion as I raised an eyebrow at him.

"3...2..." I then realised what he had said and started to run.

"1!" He then started to run after me, and I knew there was almost no point in running, he was obviously faster than me, but I didn't stop trying. I actually managed to stay ahead for a while, but then I felt arms around my waist and someone pushing me to the floor.

"Got you" He said excitedly, not realising that he was currently crushing me as he sat on my back with me face first against the grass.

"Get off" I groaned, swatting my hand backwards in an attempt to hit him somehow. I didn't succeed and he just kept laughing at me,

"Ok, ok, I'll get off" He chuckled, getting off of me, I turned over so that I was laying on my back, and then Cody layed down next to me. We were layed in silence for about a minute or two, when I felt Cody take my hand and intertwine our fingers, I couldn't stop the smile appearing on my face as I started to blush. 

"Does Alli know you're stayong over tonight?" 



"Good?" I asked, turning my head to look at him, he turned his head also and smiled at me.

"Yes, good. Because now I get you all to myself" I laughed at his answer and looked back up to the sky, but only for a split second before Cody used his other hand to cup my chin and turn my face back to face his.

"Do you want to go out to dinner tonight? Just me and you. On a date." He smiled at me, a small blush appearing on his cheeks. 

"Sure" I smiled at him, starting to blush myself. He then suprised me by jumping straight up, dragging me with him. 

"Come on then we better get home, it's already 5 and I'm taking you out at seven" He called Buddy over and I put him back his leash and we walked back towards Cody's house together, hand in hand. 


Tell me what you think about it :) Love you, Amy xoxo

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