Chonis child :)

By choniriverdalelove

114K 2.7K 341

After high school Cheryl and Toni decide to adopt an 8 year old from Canada, through twists and turns their f... More

Fiancees and Footballs
Dont be dumb
Wedding Day
Kathryn Taylor Topaz Blossom
Cant do it without you
New Enimies of Old Quebec
It's Not Your fault KT
Lodge Leave
Parts of our Past
Sheriff Kevin Keller & the Lodge Family
Back at It
Canadian Culture
What is this?
Telling KT
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Begining of Hell
Press and Pressure
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Coming Home
Back to School
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Hospital Again

1.2K 29 2
By choniriverdalelove

Tonis POV
"Even if you dont get out, I have a restraining order against you and within arms length is not the order," I say aggressively hitting her hand off my shoulder.
"But baby, I just want some alone time," She whines
I stand up and back up across the way to Cheryl.
"Why the hell do you keep calling her that?" Cheryl yells getting in front of me
"Because I thought by now she was done slumming up with the trash of the town,"
"Veronica we have enough to deal with without your delusions." I reply "How are out of jail?"
"It's called bail honey,"
"You were pleading guilty,"
"Yep and aI have connections so I have 2 months of freedom before sentencing,"
"Wow how lucky, now go live your life," Cheryl says stepping closer to her
"Oh, is someone jealous or worried that I may steal their wife?" She teases Cheryl
"NO, not at all, our daughter is in the hospital and Toni is already worried sick about that, she doesn't have to deal with a bitch like you." Cheryl says
They are right up in each others faces, literally inches a part. I see Cheryls fist clench and her move to punch Veronica. I grab  her wrist.
"Toni let me go!"
"Babe she will send you to jail," I whisper
The boys and F.P. come around the corner along with Reggie and Tate.
"Lodge I think its time for you to leave," F.P. says calmly
"Why is that leader of the losers?" Veronica says not turning around and never breaking eye contact with me.
"Because we have things to deal with that hopefully do not include an ass-whopping of a Lodge,"
"Oh well, Cheryl here already tried that now didn't she?"
She ushers to my tight grip on her wrist
"Leave Veronica," I say rolling my eyes
"Don't worry TT I'll be back,"
She winks and walks right past the boys and sit down in the chair behind me.

Cheryls POV

Toni sits down and starts to cry.
"If I wasn't so goddamn stupid, and trusting-" She starts whispering through her tears
"Babe, none of this is your fault ok? None of it. Ronnie is a terrible human being," I say kneeling down in front of her chair
"But if I wasn't dumb and went to Betty, or trusted my instincts on what's to buy you, or not I don't know a complete wuss and if.." She keeps stammering
"Boys is there a way you could go and get us coffee?" I say looking at them,"
They nod and walk away.
"I love you Toni, you are such an amazing woman, I look up to the person you have become so much, I wish I could be as brave and kind as you," I whisper
I pull her into a hug and we sit there for a minute or so.
"Please don't ever leave me," She whispers
"Never in a million years Toni,"
"You were always the best part of me, you still are the best part of me,"
She lets go and i sit beside her on the couch. The boys come back with coffee's and we sit and talk for a while. Toni suddenly gets up and calls someone.
"Get TherE parents here NOW!" Toni orders someone on the other side of the phone.
We have been in the waiting room for almost an hour when Betty shows up.
"Oh the people of the hour are both finally here " I say sarcastically
"What did we do?" Jughead says defensively
"Hmm, how do I say this," I start angrily
"Cheryl... don't start this not now," Toni warns
"No Toni they deserve to know, you remember when Betty gave birth in sophomore year without anybody but us knowing and you two put her in a foster care system? Ya well apparently they raised a demon who literally wants to kill Kait," I say with a sarcastic smile on my face
"Woah, slow down." Betty says "Thats what the kid said?"
"Thats crazy,"
"Again yes,"
Just then 4 pairs of parents walk in. Chuck and Isabel Clayton, Ethel and William Muggs, Valerie and Dayton Brown, and Dalton and Alyssa Doiley.
"Damn it, what is it with this hospital? We just got rid of one psychopath and they let 8 crazy people in now?" Fangs says
"Fogarty shut up before I make you," Chuck says
"You people have to tell your children to stop beating our kid up!" Toni says angrily
"Getting right to the point I guess," Ethel says sarcastically
"Ya well, being a Blossom heir she deserves it,"
"She isn't even a Blossom," I say "She's a Blossom-Topaz and even if you're angry at that 1. She is just a kid, doesn't even know what shit went down 2. Doesn't have either of our DNA so chuck if your ego is still hurting because you failed the serpents initiation, that's you fault and 3. She wasn't even raised in Riverdale, she was raised in Canada and has already gone through hell,"
"Well, living in your house and legally being your child is heir- like enough," Valerie says
"Oh Valerie I heard you failed out of college, I didn't know it made you dumber," Toni snaps
"What did you say?" Dayton says getting in Toni's face
"I said your wife is dumb as a stump and I didn't know her standards lowered with her iq," Toni says laughing in his face.
He swings his fist right at her face. She ducks and pops back up quickly. I was expecting her to swing back but she steps back calmly and says
"Almost as slow as your wife, and just as predictable,"
Everyone on our side starts laughing and high fiveing.
"Anyways, I won't tell my kid to stop, you deserve it,"
"But I'm not the one getting hurt," Toni says
"Ya well like I said, it's the Blossom-Topaz heir which is twice as bad as the Blossom heir," Ethel says
"Because there is two of them," Fangs says matter-of-factually
Toni starts laughing her ass off.
"You people are jokes," I say shaking my head "She's 8 years old, hasn't even been in Riverdale a year yet and she been in the hospital at least once a month, had to face Archie, and Hiram. Please I just want her to try and have a normal childhood,"
They all start laughing
"Oh but she is a Blossom now and that comes with a price, after our kids are done with their suspensions, there will be hell to pay, because we aren't stopping them,"
"Well then thank god she's moving to Southside Prep as soon as she is recovered," Reggie says stepping in
They didn't seem to notice Reggie before because they are taken aback.
"Mantle, you used to be a Bulldog, you were one of us, why are you with these... scum," Chuck says
"Well for one, I don't know if you've been hit too many times on the head to remember senior year but Toni is like my best friend and for two our kids are really good friends,"
"Dad were dating,"
"Right they're dating," he laughs
"Please leave and don't let me catch you or any of your little demon children around KT,"I threaten
They all leave after that comment and we sit down. We laugh for a few hours and Reggie has to go home with Tate. It wasn't until 3 in the morning when the doctors came in to talk to us.
"I was Kathryn Taylor Blossom Topaz's surgeon,"
"We're her parents,"
"Ok, so we stopped the bleeding pretty late, she crashed about 4 tines and we are afraid the oxygen was cut off from the brain for a longer time than previously thought. This could cause confusion, mood swings, short and long term memory loss, hallucinations, seizures, and in some cases paralysis and death. But, the good news is she did wake up shortly after surgery,"
I'm in tears, Toni is angry and the boys all sat down in the chairs in shock.
"Can we see her?" Toni asks
"Actually, She is not in a good mood, and rightly so of course, she asked to see someone but it was neither if you," he says cautiously
"Who did she ask for?" I ask confused
"Toni? She said she only wanted to talk to Toni. Which one of you.." he was cut off by Toni
"I'm Toni," She says getting more angry
"Oh I'm so sorry, usually when people are asking for their parents they refer to them as Mom or Dad, and since you two.." this time I cut him off
"We get it all the time it's fine,"
"Well, she didn't say anything about Cheryl?"
"She a pretty direct kid, she said she only wants to see Toni and the only other thing she said was she never wanted to see Jughead and Betty again,"
"I can't believe that much has changed," I say shocked "she didn't even hit her head,"
Jughead and Betty have tears rolling down their faces.
"Guys don't take it to heart, she probably just scared. And maybe a little angry that your child beat her up," Toni says
"Go Toni, someone needs to be with her,"
"Ok babe I'll come get you after," she kisses me on the cheek
"Ok sounds good "
She walks away and I slump in the chair.
"I failed as a mother," I say shaking my head "tell Toni I left because she probably put me in the Jughead/Betty category of 'people she never wants to see again,"
I get up crying my eyes out and try to leave.
"Not so fast Red," Sweetpea says grabbing my hand "Sit down,"
"Ya not gunna happen just tell Toni I left, I probably won't be back, I love her, nice knowing you all," I start rambling, breaking loose of his grip
"Alright boys, plan Toni doesn't kick our ass for losing her wife in action," Fangs says diving at the ground grabbing my legs
"What the- get off of me I'm leaving," I'm a complete mess now
Sweetpea grabs under my arms and they lift me off the ground, I keep struggling.
"I'll see if Toni can come back," Betty says cautiously getting up

Toni POV

I was talking calmly to KT who really only remembered my name and her name when Betty shows up out of breath.
"What's this bitch doing here?" KT says giving Betty a death stare
Oh and she thinks she hates Betty and Jughead for unrelated reasons to the girl who beat her up.
"KT language," I say "Betty what are you doing?"
"Ch-Cheryl, shes spiraling, she is threatening to leave and not come back,"
"Cheryl, that was her name!" KT says with a sense of relief
"Who's name?" I ask
"Well one She was the girl in the story I was telling you," she says again glaring at Betty "and I wanted to see her but I couldn't remember her name,"
"Oh thank GOD," Betty says looking at the ceiling "But if you can Toni we really need you,"
"KT will you be ok?" I ask "I'll be back with Cheryl in like 5 minutes,"
"Cheryl?" She asks confused "ok whatever I'll be fine,"
I walk back with Betty pretty fast.
"Why did you say thank god when KT said she remembered Cheryl." I ask before we round the corner
"She thinks she failed being a mother and that it would be easier for you without her," She replies
"What a dumbass," I say shaking my head
We turn the corner at almost a run, I see Cheryl bawling covering her face and Fangs and Sweetpea physicality restraining her to the bench, Fangs at her feet and Sweetpea holding her shoulder making sure she doesn't move.
"It ok let her go," I say sliding to her eye level.
"Babe talk to me" I say trying to move her hair so I can see her face
"KT doesn't like me, she only wants you and that's ok. I just need to go get my stuff so when she comes home she doesn't need to see me,"
"What about me? Are you just going to leave me?" I say pretending to act hurt
"Well, I hadn't figured that out yet, but if that's what you and KT want,"
"Cheryl slow down," I say calmly "I want you and KT wants to see you,"
"No she doesn't," she says crying harder
"Babe, she does she just forgot your name," I explain "she knew my name because yet again I was the last person she saw,"
"Are you sure?" She says looking at me, stopping her crying
"I'm sure, as soon as Betty said your name she perked up, she was telling me stories about you, she just forgot your name. Babe your the best mom ok?"
She hugs me and I hug her back. She buries her head in my neck.
"I'm sorry Toni, I didn't mean any of it I was scared, I was a little disappointed, I would never leave you or KT I was way to overwhelmed," she whispers going back to crying just a little softer
"Babe it's ok, I know it's been stressful, but you can't get this worked up ok? The doctor says it's bad for your treatment, I don't want you getting sicker over stupid little things,"
"I know I know. I'm so sorry,"
"Do you want to go see her?" I ask breaking our hug
She nods and smiles.
"Let me fix your mascara," I laugh
"I'll just go fix it in the bathroom,"
"No running, I'm tired," Fangs says lying down
"Deal," She laughs walking across the hallway to the bathroom.
"Thanks guys, for stopping her she's overwhelmed right now between her treatments and KT,"
"No problem,"
"Now What actually happened? Like why was Fangs wrapped around her legs?" I laugh
They explain they had this planned since Cheryl joined the serpents, just in case she went on rampage or something happened to me, they never had to use it and they decided tonight was the night. We laugh and Cheryl comes back.
"Ready to go?" She asks

A/N: Kinda a long chapter IK, there will be a time jump from September to just before Halloween, and then November will be a couple chapters and then December.

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