The innocent one

By larp1234

1.2M 25K 5K

Cashmere is just an average girl. She's had a life full of abuse at school and at home. Her job is the only t... More

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36.8K 854 62
By larp1234

I was peacefully sleeping when I had the feeling someone was standing over me watching me. Actually, I never slept peacefully unless I was with Colton. When I was cuddling him the nightmares stopped, but as soon as I was back in my bed they started again.

I didn't know what to do. What do most people do when they're about to die? Do I fake being asleep or wake up in scream?

Then I felt someone breathing on my face.

Okay this is too much

I sat up in bed. Mr. Holland was inches from my face and I ended up head butting him.


He was still standing there staring at me. Why weren't my parents running in here? They were probably dead.

"Shut up."

His hand shot out and reached around my throat. I tried and failed to pull his hand away. He was so strong.

I slid my hand underneath the covers pressing four to dial Colton. Kiran was still number one on my dial pad.

I tried to pull his hand away so I could say something. Hopefully Colton wouldn't just think that I had dialed his number by accident.

I reached around his head pulling at his hair.

"Ah! You bitch!" He screamed as I continued to pull out chunks of his hair. Hurry up Colton!

"Ow." I groaned as I felt something hard hit my cheek. I looked down at the multiple rings on his hand. Of course. All I could hear out of my ears was ringing. He was still screaming but I was deaf to it.

I crawled backwards on the bed as he pulled out a knife. I knew he was a killer. I knew we were all going to get murdered, but I also thought I was being paranoid. That I had just watched too many movies.

"Mmmn." My screams came out muffled as the knife was slid into my stomach. I could feel something warm coming out soaking my stomach and running down my sides onto my sheets.

Tears started pouring down my face. This was it. This was how I was going to die. I tried to think about happy memories instead. I thought back to my date with Colton. How safe I felt with him. How soft his lips were.

The man was trying to pry my eyes open but I kept forcing them shut. I didn't want to see him. I only wanted to see Colton.

When he started twisting the knife around my eyes forced themselves open. There was blood everywhere. My blood. How could all of that be from me? My stomach and back was coated in blood. Laying in a bed of my own blood was disgusting. I couldn't imagine how sticky it would feel if I tried to pull myself up.

He pulled the knife out and I started seeing black spots in my vision. I could barely see his mouth moving and could hardly hear him. It was just muffled static noise.

Colton I think I love you

I wasn't sure. Maybe I was. I didn't know how to describe how my heart started being faster just thinking about him or how I wanted to be with him all the time. I would never get the chance to say it.

"Get the fuck off of her."

I couldn't tell who the person was. Their voice sounded so far away. Where was this person?

I heard a bang and blood starting dripping onto my face.

I didn't want to open my eyes. Who was shot? My body had become numb and I couldn't feel anything anymore.

When I finally opened my eyes Colton was leaning above me. His mouth was moving but I couldn't hear a word. He looked so scared. It seemed so unnatural for this look to be on his face. I think I was smiling at him. I couldn't feel my face but I was pretty sure I was.

How did I get outside? The night was so beautiful. The sky was dark but the stars were lighting it. I never realized just how pretty the sky was at night. Was Colton seeing this? I looked back at his face. He was still staring at me looking scared.

Why was he so upset? It was a beautiful night. I wanted to tell him that but I felt like I couldn't speak. There was no reason to be upset on a night like this. I felt weightless in his arms. I couldn't feel anything. It was such a great feeling.

Colton put me on the seat in his car. I didn't want to go I just wanted to lay in the grass and stare at the stars. He kept his eyes on me the entire time. It looked like his hand was about to break my small hand from holding it so tightly. I wanted to laugh.

When I opened my eyes everything was so bright. What happened to the stars? They were here a second ago.

"Cashmere! No!"

No what? Why was Colton screaming. He sounded like he was crying. I would choke whoever was making him cry. I could hear a buzzing sounded in the distance but my mind couldn't comprehend what was going on. The brightness surrounded me until there was nothing more.

When I could finally open my eyes I realized I was in a room. Everything was so blurry. That looked like Colton sitting beside me. His face was wet. I reached out to touch his hand.

"Baby! You're awake. I're awake."

Then everything hit me. I remembered the man stabbing me. Calling Colton. The night sky. Feeling numb. Feeling confused.

"My parents?"

"I'm sorry. Your mom is...dead and we don't know where your dad is. I'm so sorry."

Tough loss

I shrugged. A surge of pain went down my body. I just wanted to feel that numbness I felt that night. Perfect and weightless.

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