The innocent one

By larp1234

1.2M 25K 5K

Cashmere is just an average girl. She's had a life full of abuse at school and at home. Her job is the only t... More

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45.5K 951 195
By larp1234

What was I supposed to wear?

This would be my first actual date. I knew Colton wouldn't just leave me like Taylor had. I looked down at the piles of dresses on the floor. Why was I so nervous? Why was my hair doing that thing?

I eventually decided to wear a long sequin dress with a low back. The only problem was that my bandages were in the way.

What's that saying? Beauty if pain? Well It would be tonight because I was taking these off. This dress was too cute not to wear. My idea was that Colton would see me and instantly fall in love. Wishful thinking.

An hour later Colton was outside. I took one last look in the mirror. Wow. I actually looked good. Having extensions allowed me to curl my hair in a way my natural hair never did. The dress complimented my tan and my back looked toned from stocking selves at work.

"Hell you going?"

Ugh. Not him again

"Work." I quickly lied.

"Work where? At a strip club?"

Yes my dad was that drunk. Yes I would be sliding down a pole in a long ball gown.

"Yeah. We need the money."

"Right then."

I waited until he moved away from the door and ran outside to coltons car. A girl could really move in high heels if need be.

"Wow. You look amazing."

"You look good too."

It was the understatement of the year. He looked so handsome in his tuxedo. I could just see the tattoos on his neck peaking out from his collar. I would have to keep an eye on him tonight because every girl would be looking.

When I say the restaurant was nice. I mean nice. There wasn't anything on the menu for less than a hundred dollars. My soul would have left my body if Taylor had taken me here and left.

"Order anything you like."

"What can I get you and your sister to drink?"

Was I related to everyone

"I'll have scotch. You can ask my girlfriend what she wants."

Colton was purposely ignoring our waiters attempt at flirting and looking anywhere but at her.

"I'll have a glass of wine."

The waiter pouted as she looked away and I had to stifle my laugh.

"Maybe you'll get drunk enough to tell me what happened to your stomach." Colton said hopefully.

Maybe not

Colton could never understand. He could never see what I went through. I know he knew something and every time he would ask I would lie. And every time I lied he would know I was lying but he would never push me. There are some things that happen and you can't talk about it. Then there are things that happen that you can't even think about. This was one of those things. The thing that every time I thought about it I would feel like I was falling into a deep black hole. When I would feel like giving up. When I wondered why I was even here. When I felt hated. When I hated myself. Colton could never know. Would he even still want to be around me if he knew the truth? I know he wants to know but neither one of us are ready.

"We'll talk about that and Liston."

His mouth dropped open. "She did that?"

I had tried over and over again to convince Colton that I had nothing to do with what happened to Liston but he never believed me.

"She didn't do anything."

"Look cashmere. She means nothing to me. She never did. I went out to dinner on a double date as a favor to a friend. He really liked some girl but she wouldn't go unless Liston did. She was a rude bitch the whole time. I didn't pay attention to her. Afterwards I dropped her off and went home alone. I never thought I would see her again but she must have followed me. I can promise she'll never bother you again though."

Did I overreact or what?

"Maybe she'll get murdered." I joked.

I'm terrible

"Probably." Colton whispered it, but I heard him clearly.

"This view is so pretty."

I stared out at the lake. There wasn't much here in our small town. We had houses and some businesses that now because of the murders were closing early or closing for good. All we had was the wilderness around us.

"My view is beautiful."

I turned my head and when I saw that he was staring at me I blushed and pulled the blanket over me covering my head.

"So now you're going to hide?" He laughed.

"No. I was just..."

I pulled the blanket off and his face was inches from mine. He was perfect. How anyone could just wake up and look so good was beyond me. Other people might see him and see flaws, but to me he was perfect.

I stared into his eyes and realized his eyes were staring downward at my lips.

Is he going to-

My thoughts were cut off when he pressed his lips against mine. They moved so carefully and softly and slowly like he was trying to make this moment last forever. Like he wanted to memorize every detail so he would never forget.


I'm pretty sure I groaned when he pulled away and leaned his forehead against mine.

"That was perfect." I couldn't even find the words. Did everyone get this tingling feeling throughout their whole body? If I knew kissing him would feel this good I would have done this a long time ago.

Do it again

"You're perfect."

I was just thinking the same thing about you

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