BATTLE SCARS (I) ↳ Tony Stark...

By atownn

626K 12K 2.7K

You could say Rebel hasn't had it easy. Between multiple abusive foster homes, street fights and then ending... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
A Second Coming ???

Chapter 42

4.5K 100 53
By atownn

*Rebel's pov*
I tried sleep but it is impossible to get comfortable when your handcuffed.

Time doesn't seem existent while I sit in my cell and wait for Tony and come bail me out, again. I pray he won't be too mad because honestly this wasn't my fault, not this time at least.

As I sit in silence my thoughts are the only thing occupying my mind

" This is all Aulluver's fault, if you never hung out with him this never would have happened. Although he didn't mean to get me in trouble, he was just trying to be nice, I shouldn't be so hard on him"

In the midst of mental debate weather or not I should blame Aulluver or not I hadn't realized Tony came into the station, and may I add not happy looking.

"Heyyy Tonyyy" I say giving him a guilty smile when he spots me in the back sitting inside the holding cell.

"Don't 'Hey Tony' me" He reply's looking dead serious.

From then on I keep my mouth shut, not wanting to dig myself deeper in this hole I put myself in. I wait to speak again till after Tony signs my release forms and the guard comes back to unlock my cell and take my handcuffs off.

" Thanks again Officer... Calvin" Tony says to the officer, looking at his badge for his name.

" Anytime Mr. Stark sir" Calvin replies.

Tony doesn't say a word to me the whole car ride home, this didn't bother me but at the same time I just wanted him to yell at me so we could get this over with.

We pull in the large garage of Stark tower, the door closing behind us. We both exit the car and head into the tower, where I'm assuming Pepper is waiting for us just as angry. I enter the living, lucky Pepper is the only one there and not the whole team.

" Ya know it's getting late I'll just be heading up for bed now" I say while trying to walk out of the living room to escape Tony.

" Yeah I don't think so, get back here Rebelis" Tony say, I was a little taken back that he used my full name, how did he even know my full name?

I sigh and turn back around to face Tony who greets me with an angry expression on his face. Just as I was about to start apologizing Pepper come rushing in when she notices we are home.

"Oh thank god, Rebel you're okay" She says and engulfs me in a hug.

" Hi Pepper" I say trying to escape her grasp.

" Don't hug her! She was in jail for lord sakes" Tony exaggerates.

Technically it wasn't jail Tony.

Pepper lowers her head knowing Tony was right, thanks for having my back Pepper.

" Can we just get this over with, just yell at me already" I practically yell, getting impatient and uncomfortable with Tony's glares.

" Oh so you want me to yell at you? Alright then I have plenty to yell of things to yell at you about" He starts off he lecture.

" So first of all you landed your self in the slammer, again. Second of all it was all because of the same you who brought you home dunk from that party that one time, the same boy I knew nothing about and had never met till then. When will you start noticing your actions effect other people then just yourself Rebel?" Tony scolded, the taking a deep breathe regaining himself.

" In my defense, Aulluver said we wouldn't get caught! Also despite what you think he's a amazing person, I would have thought out of  everyone you'd be the one to most appreciate him for the time he brought me home safely if I may add." I retorted

Tony just scoffs at my comment, probably not believing that Aulluver is a "good person".

" I literally can't even leave you with another adult without you finding some way to get into trouble" Tony insults

" Then stop giving me babysitters!" I yell.

Pepper had slightly left the argument half way through leaving just me and Tony to see who can yell at the other the loudest.

" You know I think I figured out what your problem is" Tony says calming down a bit.

" Excuse me? My problem? I don't have a problem" I say defensively.

" You just need more friends" Tony says in a matter-of-fact tone.

" I don't need more friends, I have plenty already" I inform him.

" Yeah who? Jax and that Aulluver kid, that's it." Tony taunts

" Yeah so who cares if I only have two friends? What's it to you anyway?" I say getting suspicious as to where he was going with this conversation.

" You just need a friend who is a good influence, someone to be you moral compass" Tony says, it was more to himself than to me though.

" I need a what?" I asked completely confused.

"You need a Peter Parker!" Tony exclaimed.

" A what?"



So I finally posted a new chapter so I'm feeling very productive rn. Also just letting y'all know; I know I haven't incorporated Peter and Rebels new powers into the story much, but don't worry because the next few chapter will be filled with both. On a completely different note, HOLY CRAP GUYS MY STORY HAS 6K READS LIKE HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE? So thank you so much to everyone who's read and been active one here because I couldn't have done it without you. As always thanks for reading and don't forget to vote and comment.

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