How Can't You See It? (Cody S...

By letmyguitarcry

119K 1K 181

"Are you still mad at me?" "No." "Are you sure?" "I was never mad at you." "What were you?" "Hurt..." More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 28

2.6K 25 1
By letmyguitarcry




"Pizza for lunch?" I asked hopefully.

"I suppose" He laughed and went to get the phone to order the pizza. I got up off the couch and took my suitcases upstairs, I'll unpack later.


Jess' POV:

A blur. That's all these past two months had been. A blur. I haven't spoken to Cody at all. At all. I've been on skype with Alli, we've texted and talked on the phone a lot. But not Cody. I'd forgave him, long ago, but still not spoken to him. I haven't even plucked up the courage to send him a text, not a single text. But he hadn't either... That had to mean something didn't it? Or maybe we were both waiting for the same thing? A call from the other, or a text, a skype call, anything. He had cropped up in conversation while I was talking to Alli many times, but he was never around when we were talking. That was the main thing that stopped me thinking that any of those thoughts that he did want to talk, were true. Me and Alli talked quite often, three times a week on the phone, sjype twice a week, and texting every day. You can't say he hasn't been around any of those times. I don't blame Alli for any of it, if he doesn't want to speak to me, then he doesn't have I'm not going to force him.

I admit that I miss him. Of course I do. But then again, if I really did miss him, why didn't I just text him? It wouldn't harm to. On the other hand, maybe there really is an explanation for all of this. He doesn't miss me. He's happier now I'm gone. He did say that he wouldn't miss me if I left. And I did. And then got no contact with him at all. 

My dad knows all about what happened with Cody, I've grown closer with him over these past two months, and I told him every little detail. My dad is the one that convinced me to forgive Cody, saying he may have said it out of anger, not knowing what he was saying. I haven't yet told Cody that I forgive him, I've told Alli that I have, but that I want to be the one to tell him... And I will... when the time is right...

I was woken by the suns bright rays coming through my curtains, groaning I sat up and stretched my arms. I looked over at my clock on my bedside table, 10:38am. I suppose it was about I got up. I looked down at what I was wearing, the clothes I was wearing yesterday, grey jean shorts and a light green short sleeve tee. Then I remembered, I had just got in from a run and couldn't be bothered to change so just pretty much collapsed onto my bed. That was one of the things that had changed about me, I was now eating a lot better, but soon started to feel bad about it all when I in a restaurant with dad. I guess you could say I had ordered enough for three people? A guy around my age on the table next to us made a comment in a hushed tone, I pretended I hadn't heard it, but I had. Since then, I still eat tonnes, I've regained my love for food. But I now exercise a lot more. I ran fro two hours straight yesterday, and it felt good.

I got up form my bed and made my way over to my wardrobe. After settling on my purple skinny jeans and a grey short sleeved tee with a faded pink heart on it, I grabbed some fresh underwear and went into the shower. After showering, I decided tp let my hair dry naturally, not even bothering to brush it, I grabbed my phone form my room and went downstairs to get some breakfast. I was met by my dad as  I reached the top of the stairs,

"Oh, hello darling, I was just coming to wake you up" He said, planting a kiss on the top of my head as I pulled him into a hug.

"Hey dad, didn't you hear the shower running?" I laughed as we both made our way downstairs.

"That's why your hair's wet! I was just in the back garden cutting the grass, only just came in" 

"Why else would my hair be wet?" I laughed as we walked into the kitchen, where I grabbed a bowl and poured in some cereal.

"I don't know..." We both started laughing, then my dad left and I soon heard the tv in the living room. I smiled to myself while eating my cereal, and it after putting my bowl in the dishwasher, My phone vibrated in my pocket,

From Alli<3 : Jess! We got back yesterday, mom made we wait until today to tell you so we could get all our stuff unpacked -_- I have to see you! Come over? :D xx

To Alli<3 : Alli! You're home!! Of course I'll come over, be there in a minute! :D xx

To Alli<3 : Wait... will he be there? :/ xx

From Alli<3 : Yay! And yeah, sorry about that... :/ xx

To Alli<3 : No it's fine, I'll have to face him sooner or later :) I'll just put shoes on and tell dad where I'm going and then I'll be over :) xx

I put my phone into my pocket and made my way into the living room to tell dad.

"Hey dad, I'm going next door, Alli came home yesterday, I don't know when I'll be back, but I have my phone yo can text me" 

"Ok Jess, will you be ok seeing Cody again?"

"Yeah, I have to face him sooner or later, bye dad" I smiled as I made my way to the front door, putting on my black converse.

"Ok, have fun, love you"

"Love you too dad!" I shouted back as I closed the front door and made my way to Alli's. 

I had barely knocked on the door before it was swung open, and there stood Alli with a huge grin plastered on her face. 

"Jess!" She screamed while bringing me into a massive hug.

"Alli" I whispered while holding her tight. I had missed her. Wait, that was a massive understatement.

"Come in, come in! Me and mom were just making a cake, you can help!" She smiled while we released from the hug and started walking into her house. 

"Haha, okay, what kind of cake?"

"Chocolate of course! And I love your hair, it's all wavy and how do you get your hair so perfect!" 

"I do nothing, I just left when I got out of the shower I couldn't be bothered to do anything, even brush it." I laughed as we walked into the kitchen, there stood Angie mixing the cake mixture in the bowl. She stopped and turned when she heard our laughter and rushed over to me, bring me into a hug.

"Jess darling! How are you doing? How's you and your dad?" She smiled brightly at me, it was impossible not to smile back.

"Hey, I'm doing great thanks, and me and dad are so much better. How are you?"  

"That's good, and I'm doing just fine. I'll leave you two to finish the cake, I'll be in the garden with Brad and Tom" She smiled before going to quickly wash her hands, and then she left. 

Me and Alli had put the cake in the oven, and were currently laughing at nothing, a lot, and very loudly. Neither of us knew what we were laughing about. We finally calmed down, but not for long, as soon as we got a slight glance at each other, we were off again. 

"Alli, what is all the noise ab-" That's when we locked eyes. His sentence was cut short, and all that surrounded us was silence. Absolute silence...


I know it's short, but I wanted to at least get something up as I left for so long. Almost four months, adn my explanation for leaving? I don't even have one. I can't even explain how sorry I am for leaving you all in the dark like that, I am back now though, and am hoping to maybe finish this story soon. 

Anyways... tell me what you think about this, and I'll try and upload more tomorrow, but am Bout to go to bed, it's late and I'm quite tired. 

Love you all, sorry for leaving, Amy xoxo

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