Escape into Reality (A One Di...

By BreezyPie

52.9K 1K 175

When Josie Jaynes wins a contest to go on tour with One Direction, World War III might break out. Josie has... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 6

2.8K 55 10
By BreezyPie

Hey Guys!  Aren't the Olympics just so freaking amazing?!?  I know I wish I were there... can't wait for volleyball and the closing ceremonies!!! Danielle, One Direction, and Ed <3

Vote and Comment!  But mostly comment because I love reading them hehe :) 

-Love ya muahs <3

Josie's POV

"Your prince is Harry Styles?" I growled at Femi, unbelieving.

"Yeah." She said shyly looking down at her coffee.  I groaned inwardly and to my horror, Harry was walking over to our corner.

"I have to go use the restroom, I'll be right back."  I say rushing away as fast as I can.  I make it to the restrooms before I turn around and look behind my back to see Harry smiling and talking to Femi.  

I wonder if they were flirting?

No no no.  They aren't flirting, I assure myself as I walk into a stall.  Why do I even care?  I don't care.   

Images replay themselves through my mind as I calm down.  The first day I met the boys.  The day I started to trust them.  The day Harry and I became non-enemies.  Then, the day they left me to die.  I can't believe they would do that to me, especially Josh.  

Maybe they didn't.

Shut up you stupid subconscious mind.  Of course they left me.  There's no other explanation, Femi is the one who saved me.

You never know.

I groaned and slammed my head against the stall door.  I was literally going insane.  The situation I'm in is confusing enough, but I just had to have a voice in my head.  And an annoying one at that.  Before I could start talking to inanimate objects, I left the stall and peeked out the restroom door.  Perfect!  Harry was gone, leaving the coast clear for me.

I skipped happily over to Femi and took a seat.  

"So, how was Mr. Prince Charming?" I asked teasingly.

"He's perfect!  I-I mean, he's really kind.  He's going to buy us coffee right now."  She said grinning from ear to ear.

Wait.  What.  He's buying coffee?  As in, he's still here?  

"Hey girls, I got us some latte, a ca-" I snapped my head up to meet Harry's face as his voice filtered through my mind.  Shoot!  Don't let him see your face, he'll recognize you!  Stupid, stupid, stupid Josie.  I quickly looked down at my lap trying to hide my face with my hair.

It was a fruitless effort as Harry stopped talking and dropped his platter of drinks.  On me.  

"Harry!  Watch it!" I hissed at him menacingly.  He seemed to busy staring googly eyed at my face to hear me.  I snapped my fingers in front of his face but he still seemed to be in a trance.  

"Femi, tell your boyfriend to stop staring!  It's rude!" I said to her.  She blushed and mumbled something that sounded like "Not boyfriend".  That seemed to snap Harry out of his daydream.  

"I'm so sorry Jay!  Here let me help you." He said quickly.  He snatched napkins from a table and started to soak up the coffee that he had spilled all over me.  I watched amused as he cleaned up the coffee quicker than it had spilled.

"Thank you Styles." I laughed to myself as he flashed his cheeky grin at me, winking.  Still a flirt I see.

"You guys know each other?" Femi said, finally speaking up and eyeing me suspiciously.  She was definetley going to kill me later for not telling her that I knew Harry Styles and One Direction.  I needed to come up with an excuse later...

"Yeah, we go way back." Harry said.  I rolled my eyes at him.  Wait, why was I joking around with him?  I was supposed to be mad at him!  He was a traitor!  A backstabber!

Maybe he's not.  Maybe you just don't want to fall into his charm.

Okay, the voice inside my head is officially making no sense at all.

"Yeah.  Yeah.  Let's go Femi, I'll see you later Harry."  I said dragging Femi out of her chair and to the door.  I was done with Harry and this voice that seemed to pop up when he was around.  Suddenly, I was pulled to a stop.  I looked over at Femi.

"But we just got here." She pouted.

"Fenyang's going to murder me in my sleep if we don't go."

"He's out tonight, like every other night.  He won't know."

"Who won't know what?"  Harry asked coming up behind us.  I groaned inwardly, this boy was going to be the death of me-- literally.

"I have a headache.  Can we please leave." I whined, tugging at Femi's arm so we could leave.

"Don't go.  At least come back to the house with me first, don't you want to see the boys?"  Harry asked, now tugging at my arm, begging me.  

I roughly shoved him off.  Why would I want to see the five backstabbers who don't give a shit about me?  They were like little devils in an angel's costume.  I see through their facade and there's no way I'm about to get caught up in their little game again.  

"No." I answer.

"Yes!" Femi says at the exact say time.  I look at her like she's gone insane before I remember her obsession with these boys.  

"Come on.  Please." Harry whispers looking into my eyes and pouting.  His eyes are a deep green and I can see tears brimming on the edge.  Him and his stupid crocodile tears!

"Fine." I answer giving in to him.  He makes me crack with those eyes. Every single time.  And I hate him for it.


Here I am.  Again.  On the front lawn of the huge mansion I stayed at last time I came to go on tour with them.  I nervously walked up to the door behind Femi and Harry.  I really shouldn't be here.  The emotions bubbling on my skin from anticipation was killing me.  

Harry unlocks the door and we walk in, me meekly hiding in Femi's shadow.  This place is just how I remembered it from last time.  Grande.  Fancy.  Magnificent.  And smelling of trouble.

"Guys, look who's here!"  I heard the familiar Doncaster boy's voice echoing around the walls.

"And he's brought a girl with him!"  The Irish boy sang teasingly.

"Guys, guys calm down.  This is Femi.  But I'd like you to meet somebody else."  Harry says as we enter the main room.  

I hold my breath as Harry introduces me.  These are the boys who all ditched me!  They don't care about me!  Why did Harry even bother to bring me back to see them?  He knows it's going to be awkward as hell right?  Maybe I should just turn around and leave.  Before they can see me and start pretending to apologize and making up excuses on why they left me.  Before I know it, my feet are taking me backwards.

It's too late though.  Harry moves aside and I am revealed.  The boys all gape at me, their mouths dangling open.  I look at my shoes and twist around uncomfortably, keeping my face emotionless.  I hate you, every single one of you.  

Keep your mind open.

I jump up, the voice in my head always scares me like that.  It's rather stupid since the voice is myself.

"Josie!"  The four lads plus Josh scream at once coming to tackle me in a hug.  They each hug me, but I stand there like a statue.  It's not until Josh envelopes me in his familiar bear hug that I start to crack.  I shove him off quickly before I start crying.  I can already feel the lump in my throat.

"Josie, we're so sorry!"

"We didn't want to leave you!"

"But the Royal Army-!"

"Literally dragged Josh awa-!"

"We we're so worried!"

"I freaking missed you like I missed the bus!"

"It was the Navy's order!"

"Simon tried his best!"

"Please forgive us!"

What the heck?  Their story sounded nothing like the story I got from Fenyang.  Then again, they're probably making up stuff to confuse me.  Remember, their not what they seem, I told myself.  

You believe Fenyang over your best friends?

Shut up voice!  Can't you see I'm busy?  But...maybe...just maybe...they were telling the truth.  Could I believe them?  They did seem more trustworthy than any other human being I've ever met.  And their not the ones to lie.  

But they lied to you!

No, Fenyang lied to you to confuse you!

I groaned as I had an internal argument with myself.  I probably looked insane as I tried to clear my head so that I could think straight.  

Maybe you should ask the boys to set you straight.

"Wait, what happened after I got kidnapped?" I asked them to get that stupid voice to shut up.

"The a-army, they took us.  We tried to get you, we r-really did.  But.  British Army.  Took us b-because  they paid f-for us t-to be saved.  B-but not you because they didn't know you were t-there."  Liam said stuttering like crazy because he was crying.  Were they all really that happy to see me?  

"Don't cry.  I forgive you." I muttered rubbing the tears off Liam's cheeks.  I can't believe I just forgave him!  But his puppy dog face and tears just kill me!  And his story sounded semi-legitimate.

"We thought you were dead!" Louis bursts out.  

"Obviously I'm not dead because I'm standing right here." I said rolling my eyes.  I glanced down at my phone.  A quarter 'til 11?!?  How did time fly by so fast?  "Femi!  We have to get going!  Like now!"

Femi looked up at me startled.  She had just started talking to Josh and they both looked really into whatever they were talking about.  "Fenyang won't know, don't worry!"  She said, obviously trying to buy more time so that she could talk to Josh.  But it wasn't her life that was on the line here.  Fenyang obviously wanted me dead, and me sneaking out at night was just the catalyst he needed.

"Fenyang?  You mean the studio manager?"  Zayn asks scrunching his eyebrows at me.  Fenyang wasn't a studio manager, he was a freaking terrorist!  Maybe Zayn was talking about a different Fenyang, but how many people in the world could be named Fenyang?

"Yeah that's the one!" Femi said.  I looked at her, questions swimming through my brain.  She gave a slight shake of her head and made a loop with her eyes.  Ooh.  That meant she didn't want the boys to know her guardian killed people for a living.

"Oh!  He's with Simon over-" Niall got cut off by the sound of shoes clicking against the marble ground.

"Here" Fenyang stepped into the living room with an evil grin spread across his face.

My stomach churned and my brain froze as I stared into Fenyang's eyes that seemed to glow with delight.  He then turned his gaze to Femi who was also frozen in shock.  Everything seemed to be in going in slow motion until he pulled out a gun.  He pulled out a gun.  He pulled out a gun!  

My brain finally started working again as I registered what was happening.

"I've been waiting for this moment a while.  What did I tell you Femi?  This one's a sneaky brat."  Fenyang said as he aimed the gun at me.

"No!" Josh roared as he lunged for me and pulled me out of the way of an oncoming bullet.  Then everything seemed to go in fast forward.

We all scattered out of the living room from the different exits.  There were four exits out of the living room, well make that three since Fenyang was standing in front of one.  Everybody seemed to be running in a different direction.  

I barreled out of the room through the left exit and booked it toward the spiral staircase.  

"Go, go, go!" Harry huffed from beside me.  Since when did he get here?  We reached the top of the staircase together before we heard the spray of bullets from a gun.  Harry suddenly collapsed onto the ground.

"Harry!" I screeched bending down beside him to shake his shoulder.  Suddenly, hands grabbed me from around my waist and threw me on their shoulder.

"Eep!  Let me go!  Harry!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"Shut up!  It's me you idiot!" Josh hissed into my ear.  Oh.  Whoops.  But what about Harry?

"You left Harry!" I cried.

Josh ignored my protests and swiftly carried me into his room.  After twisting the lock on the door, he set me down on my feet.  I could still hear gunshots outside.  There was no doubt in my mind that Harry was dead, maybe some of the other guys were too.  Whatever doubt in my mind I had about the boys being angels were erased.  Josh probably just saved my life, and Fenyang proved to be quite the liar himself.

"Hide in here."  Josh directed me to his closet where there was a bunch of boxes stacked upon each other.  I jumped into one and Josh into the one beside me.  After I placed the lid on my box, it became enveloped in a darkness.  

Then I heard the sound of trampling boots and a bunch of screaming and shouting.  I wonder what that could be.  If they found us, we would be dead, like Harry.  Tears sprang to my eyes as I imagined his body, all bloody and crumpled.  No, I couldn't believe anything bad happened to him.  He had to be alive.  He just had to.  

Suddenly, it was awfully quiet.  Like the calm before a storm.  My insides started to shake with butterflies as I tried to silence the chattering of my teeth and the shivering of my body.  There was the sound of a door handle being jiggled.  The door opened.

We are so dead if they find us.  They have guns.  They took away Harry.  

Stop shaking!

I couldn't tell if I had said that to myself or if that was my subconscious mind speaking.

I heard voices outside, but I couldn't decipher what they were saying.  It was definetely not a familiar voice.  

The closet door opened.  

"Just where he said they were." A deep voice said.  

Before I could process what was happening, I got dumped onto the floor.  "Oomf'" I huffed as the air was knocked out of me.  Suddenly, Josh was next to me, but he landed on his butt so he seemed fine.  

"Sorry, miss.  I thought you were the boy."  A man in a professional uniform and an age face apologized.  I jumped backwards on all fours.  This guy didn't seem here to ensure my death...he seemed like quite a friendly chap in fact.  

 "Josh!  Josie!  Thank the lord!"  Simon came rushing into the room and helped us onto our feet.  He looked a little disheveled.  I glanced back at the men in uniform who were standing there like statues.  Simon must've caught my glance because he said:  "Don't worry, they're the good guys."  So where exactly were the bad guys?

"Did things work out?"  Josh asked.  Did what work out?  Why am I always in the dark and confused?  Simon nodded at Josh.

"What's going on?" I asked, trying to keep the annoyance out of my voice.

"She's alive!!!" I hear Louis scream before barging into the room.  Soon, I am enveloped in hugs from Niall, Zayn, Liam, and Harry.  Harry!  He was alive!  

"Boys.  Settle down while I get Josie informed."  Simon said.  Thank you Simon, I would really like to know what the fuck is going on.  The boys all huffed and sat down on the bed.  The two uniformed guys stood there unmoving.  Simon began talking.

So basically, Simon had known Fenyang was a terrorist who was still after Josh, even though the British government had supposedly paid them off for him.  They had thought I was dead, so to avenge my death, they had taken in Fenyang as a studio manager to lure him into their trap.  They were supposed to arrest him today but then Harry brought me back which surprised everybody since everyone thought I was dead.  When Fenyang started firing his gun, the boys had already been planning on an evacuation route because they knew Fenyang firing at them was a possibility.  Josh was supposed to hide in his room alone but Simon had told him to bring me since I was an unexpected event.  Harry had went out of the plan to take me to his hiding spot which was the wrong move, but Liam fixed it.  When Josh had taken me away, Liam had taken Harry to his hiding spot where they treated his sprained ankle (which explains why he fell down).  The Royal British Spy Team had come to arrest Fenyang ASAP, which is why the uniformed guards were currently in my room.  They were secret British spies.  

"Okay..." I nodded slowly.  What a great plan, just as great as the plan Simon came up with that nearly got me killed.  One of the boys could've easily gotten killed today too.  Simon was just too smart.  I looked around, thankful that these beautiful people were still around me, alive.  Did I just say beautiful people?  Wait, what about the brunette that saved me?  Suddenly, there's an ill feeling in my stomach.  "But where is Femi?"

"Oh, she's fine.  She's an Egyptian princess it turns out so she has some duties to fulfill back home.  She's been scheduled for a flight back to Egypt."  Simon says with a wave of dismissal.  I sighed a huff of relief.  Thank God Fenyang didn't take her life.  Then again, he is her guardian.  

"But I need to tell her goodbye!  And what about Fenyang, where does he go?"  I asked.

"Femi had to leave promptly.  The British Government does not tolerate foreigners like her.  And as for Fenyang, he is going to prison obviously."  

Femi's not dangerous I laughed inside my head.  How crazy was that?  The Egyptian princess that went around trying to save lives is regarded as dangerous.  How ridiculous!  

But what about me?  Femi was my home, my shelter.  Now where do I go?

"What do I do now then?"  

"Come on tour with us again!  We have a concert next week!" Louis cheered happily.  Everybody nodded their assent, even Harry looked at me hopefully.

"No.  She has duties too."  Simon said briskly.

What?  What duties could I possibly have?  

"Josie, you have to go see your mother." mother?  I looked down at my lap.  I don't even remember what my mother looks like.  I maybe saw her once in my lifetime.  All I remember is my nurse caring for me and hanging out with Josh and Piper.  Wait, my mother...if I'm not mistaken, I am the princess of Britain...making my mother-

"You have an appointment with the queen."

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