Love Contract - A Love Sick f...


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I have always wondered what life would be like after Phun and Noh's book ended. Here I can create a future fo... Еще

The Intro to my version of Phun and Noh
Plans for a Reunion
Old Friends
Words and Actions
P'Noh in Person
Some Doubts and Concerns
Hidden Thoughts in the Open
The Semi-Finals
The Time In Between
The Act of Facing Reality
The Greatest Love
Mick's New Job
The Pain and the Hope
Fi's Revelations
The Contract
Another Kind of Reunion
Separate Yet Together
Family Ties
A Glimpse Into The Past
A Time of Coming Together
The Confrontation
Lies and Manipulations
We're Famous Here Too?
The Hindrance and The Help
Trust, Guilt and Forgiveness
Full Disclosure
Games of Cats vs Mice
Love Oasis
The Accident
Gulf, the Highrisers, and a New Leap Forward
P'Tear Variety Show Revelations
Tearing It Up
The Night Before...
Live Stream Antics
Kirisat Ngonkomdhon
Fian Charoenpakdee
Stating My Intentions
The Date
5 Million Views in Just One Day
Baby Shower
The Passage Of A Term
The Interview With Sempai Mel Pt 1
The Interview With Sempai Mel Pt 2
Secret Time
Noh Steals A Slogan? Elevation Is The Revolution?
Phun's First Work Trip
Unwavering Love
Midnight Meeting
Ending On A Sour Note
Clearing Out The Cobwebs
Visiting Jack And Getting Back On Track
Reuniting With Ohm
Self Discoveries
Catharsis And Carry On
Catching Up (A Time Skip?)
Addressing Some Allegations
Welcome Home My Star
Catching Up With Per and Meeting Khom


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So have you all heard the rumors about Love Sick Season 3? I'm not sure how I feel about this. On the one hand, I'm super excited. I mean I love this show. On the other hand, why mess with a good thing? Then there is the drama about Captain and his girlfriend. I mean, he's human and everyone fucks up so her pregnancy isn't a big deal but his parents seem to be getting in the way of them talking it out from what I understand. Then there is also Thai culture to consider. People are now saying they wouldn't cast him because of this scandal anyway. This is all really sad. Anyway, I don't know what goes on behind his doors so I can only give him my support and hope he does what's best for him.

Everyone gathered at the new house where the Phumipat siblings were shaking up. Flex and Ohm carried Noh between them while Phun rushed to open the door. Pop and Pang hurried in after him and raced up to the room so they could set up the bed for Noh. The rest of the band headed to the kitchen while Film properly parked the cars and gathered everyone's junk out of it so they could get it all properly organized.

"Here, let me help. It's a good thing Mick told us to pack the moment we got up." Dye said as he helped Film with the bags.

"I know right. Noh would have wanted to leave the moment he confirmed everything."

"Tell me about it. We would have been off tonight. We might still be off tonight. Once he sleeps off those painkillers and wakes up, he'll be disgusting to deal with." Dye and Film exchanged a knowing look.

"Yes, yes he will, which is why I'll be packing up his shit right now." Phun took the bags from them in the living room. "We'll eat and plan for when he wakes up. Film, you'll go with us. If anything he may ask you to be his stand in for the games and this is good for you too. Mick is making some phone calls as we speak."

"Cool." Film said and went back out. for more bags.

"Shouldn't you have asked him first?" Dye squinted at Phun. He wasn't sure why he felt like Phun was overstepping but he did.

"It wouldn't have mattered really. We were never going to leave him behind." Phun said absently as he carefully checked each bag with their ribbon identifier.

"Oh." Dye said and blinked. That was true. He shook away the weird thoughts and want back out to help.

Ohm bounced into the kitchen and immediately saw Pang. His eyes widened in fear and he called out to her. "Hey. Can you do me a favour and keep Noh company please? He keeps moving his leg in his sleep and I have to run back to the studio with Mick and secure all our music and stuff."

"Oh sure. I need a bit of rest too. I freaked out so much this morning." She hurried out and everyone sighed in relief. They hadn't wanted to say anything to Pang but they all realized by now that she was a scary cook. The cookies she had done yesterday couldn't be saved and when Ohm gives up on food, you know it's bad.

"Come on Mick." Ohm called once Pang was gone. "Let's go deal with the last minute things and come back here. I'll bring food if there is any to bring and Phun said he would deal with the plane tickets if he can't get through with Gulf."

"Is this the same Gulf who flew us to Malaysia for the fan meet for Prince?" Ex was speaking of the low budget drama they had done music for.

"Yep one and the same." Gulf had gotten a degree in navigation and gotten his ship captain and pilot's licence. He now owns his own company that did air and ocean transportation. It was mostly of goods but if you were an important friend and managed to catch him at the right time, he would personally fly you wherever you needed to go.

"Cool. I liked him. What about the stuff we can't take with us?" Ex asked. He wondered how they would be able to load everything up in the cars. The space was quite cramped with all of them there.

"I'm packing it up so when the parents go back home, they can go with it. We'll just collect it when we get back."

"Oh! Ok. That makes sense. I'm sorry our vacation got cut off. I was having a great time with the hide and seek and all that."

"Me too but this is show business."

Three hours later Phun called Mick. "Gulf will be available to take us tomorrow afternoon. The flight will leave at 4."

"Got it." He turned to Ohm who was now shutting down all the equipment. "Gulf can get us at 4 so we need to leave here by 8 tomorrow morning."

"I prefer to drive down early in the morning. We are still under surveillance."

Mick grimaced but Ohm kissed him. "Don't give that your focus. This is the last of it all. It's a good thing we're in the habit of always being semi-packed. Damn. We had so much junk with us this time too."

"That's because we were dumb enough to think we would have our last quiet vacation." Mick gazed at Ohm, taking in everything about him that he could. "This will be my last term with you too. You're graduating but it's more work for me for two more years."

"Oh? Were you planning to make a love contract for us too? It's not like I wouldn't come find you no matter where you are Mick." Ohm looked over with a raised eyebrow.

"But I'll be working with other bands." Mick stated, not seeing past his own concerns and discontent. Ohm stared at him for a moment, surprised. This wasn't like Mick.

"So? Mick, do you think those bands wouldn't benefit from having me there? This isn't like you to not utilize everyone at your disposal and I'm always at your disposal. Besides, if I need to then I'll drag one of the others with me but I'm not staying away from you."

Mick opened his mouth but the phone rang and he looked at it as if it was the devil. Ohm grabbed it and answered Phun.

"What?" His tone was a bit harsh but he didn't apologise. It was Phun's own damn fault that his timing was shit.

"Um. Dye wants the flash drive_"

"I already have it. The red and gold one." There was a pause as Phun swallowed some mean words then he simply sighed.

"Ok. Bye." Smart ass. Ohm shook his head and tossed the phone back to Mick before reaching for his hand.

"I have no intentions of getting in the way of you and whoever you get assigned to next but there's a point when you have time for yourself and I intend to be there during that time whenever possible. Do you understand me?"

"Yes. I just don't want trouble or too give the impression that I'm not giving any band I'm assigned to my all. I don't want it to seem like you're a distraction or like I'm_ I don't know. I just want everything to go smoothly."

"Like it did today? You can't control everything Mick. I thought you accepted that already so why are you letting this frustrate you? Right now, you're not thinking clearly or you would have realized where I was coming from already. It's not like you to be this slow." 

Mick looked at Ohm in shock. "What the hell do you_" He shut it down, took a deep breath and sat. The fact that he had been about to blast Ohm's head off made him absolutely right. It was rare that Mick got pissed but he did have his moments. The fact that he was about to chew Ohm's head out for seemingly no reason made him dig a little deeper.

Ohm made himself comfortable and waited. Mick was sweet and hardworking but he wasn't a sheep. Ohm had been chewed out by Mick more than once and he had loved every minute of it. If there was make up sex then he loved it even more. But Mick didn't always pay attention to what he was really feeling. He might think he was upset about having only one term left with Ohm but it was only one issue. The real problem bugging him was what he truly needed to face.

Ohm knew the moment Mick figured it out. He stiffened and stood.

"I need you to wait here for me. It should take about an hour."

"Just don't let him tell you how to do your job. If I don't see you in an hour, I'm coming to get you."

Mick waved and was gone. Ohm pulled out his phone and set the alarm then settled down to wait. He was confident in Mick so it didn't take him long to fall asleep.

Mick walked into the kitchen  and looked around. He found Rena immediately and wai. She smiled at him and indicated the living room. He smiled back and hurried off. Eve watched him go, then stood and looked at Rena.

"Think he'll make it?"

"He's stronger than he looks, that kid. He'll be fine." She smiled at Eve who sighed and nodded.

Mick took in the sight of his parents on the couch watching the television and was struck by how normal they looked in comparison to his current life.  He took them in for a full minute before he made his presence known.

"Oh, Mick. How is nong Noh?" His mother asked the moment she spotted him. His father took the remote and muted the television.

"He's fine really. He should be awake soon. Which is what brings me here." Mick took a deep breath. "Once he's up, we'll have to leave here. We have one day to get to Chiang Mai."

"What's in Chiang Mai?" Kerry asked carefully.

"P'Tear's show is hosted there. We were invited as the live event."

"And this is a big deal?" Kerry looked over with a squint. 

"Yes. You don't really watch the variety shows or you would know P'Tear's show is one of the biggest ones. He hosts it himself and he has an interview segment, a performance segment and the games segment. The entire show is usually an hour and a half but we have a two hour night special. It's being held on western Christmas day which is actually a converted spot. Most people are home on that day and international viewers can stream it live on different sites. Noh has always wanted to do that show as well."

"So we have to pack?" Kerry asked as he started to stand.

"No, no. You are staying here. This is your vacation too. I, however, have work.  So stay and enjoy the rest of your days here. We'll meet back up with you in Bangkok in a couple of days."

 Both parents froze in the act of getting up. His father's face formed into a scowl. "I don't understand." 

"What don't you understand dad?" Mick settled in. This was going to take some time and he wanted to be comfortable.

"I thought there would be no working this holiday, then we came here. I thought we would be having some family time but your leaving for Bangkok." His father answered carefully. He sensed his son's coiled tension.

"You know what dad?" Mick took a deep breath and jumped both feet first into the deep end of the pool. "I love you and you know that but I'm sick and tired of your double standard. Between the ages of 5 and 16 where were you? I had birthdays and holidays and important milestones and where were you? You were working. That's where you were. Now you want to have family time but I'm working so why is it that I have to sacrifice for you when you couldn't do it for me?"

"I beg your_!"

"Mick! How could you!" Lea's voice rose above her husbands and took his attention. She was red with fury, practically vibrating with it. But, whereas in the past he would have apologised or backed down, Mick was having none of it.

"So you're trying to say I'm wrong mom? I'm just a liar then?" His voice was challenging. It made her even more uncomfortable.

"What? No! Mick, what is going on with you? Why are you speaking this way?" It was easy for her to ignore the words because she had always supported her husband, even when he did the wrong things and made the wrong choices. She had promised to be with him for better or for worse and now that the worst was over, it was practically erased from her mind. Why did he have to push the bad things back out in the open?

"In what way? Asking questions? Stating facts? I am pursuing my dreams and seeking my own happiness. In this case, you can't be a part of most of that simply because of the nature of my job. When I have time, I can be with you but that all depends on you." Mick was oblivious to the emotions he was stirring in his mother. He was simply trying to get his point across.

"I don't like this." Lea shook her head as she stared at her son in horror. She didn't like facing the truth he was unknowingly stirring inside her. Kerry must have sensed it because he suddenly stood, bearing down on Mick with his height and size.

"I find you to be downright disrespectful. You leave the house to pursue this dream of managing some band and suddenly you turn_" Mick cut his father off with a hard tone. Now he also stood and faced his dad head on.

"It's not just any band." His hand slashed through the air. "I am representing the people who put their faith in me and supported me when I was in school, I am supporting the P's who taught me the hard life lessons that you should have. I am supporting Elevation and I am proud to do it. 

"I understand you dad." Mick softened his tone. "I get what you want to accomplish but I'm no longer at a place where I must blindly follow what you dictate. I actually need you to just silently support me. When there is time, then I will spend it with you. I am not neglecting you. But I can't be stuck under you forever simply waiting for you to call me when you need me. That is not how this works. This is why I told you to take this time and be with mom. Wine and dine her. Have sweet romantic moments and enjoy this beautiful atmosphere. Have sex." The gasp was loud but he ignored it.

"Do all those things and let me worry about succeeding so that I can take care of you when you  want to rest. And stop trying to  control everything." He smiled softly as Ohm's words came out of his mouth. "Just let life flow naturally and face the obstacles head on. That's how it should be." Mick sighed and wiped his face because now he was no longer talking to his dad but to himself.

"Sorry. I have to go. Just enjoy yourselves." Mick turned and hurried out leaving his parents to face the bones he unknowingly dug up. But instead of facing each other the two turned away and back to the television. 

Mick rushed into the music room but it was empty. He heard the ping of a text and read it then rushed to the car. Ohm smiled at him as he hopped in. 

"Phun called. Noh's awake and we are a go." Mick looked over with a smile.

"Great. I'll contact Mr. Sou. And Ohm. I love you ok." He whispered and leaned over. They kissed softly but deeply. Ohm pulled away then took Micks hand and kissed the back of it before he pulled out.

PinkPenny - Did you see the image? What do I do with it?

Minnie - I'm... I'm still in shock. Like I don't know what to do right now. I feel like I was struck by lightening.

PennyPink - Mel wants to know about P'Noh and Secret. I mean I can hold on to this until you make a decision. I'm the only one who saw. 

Minnie - Ok and thanks. Cause I really don't know what to do right now. I never say this coming. I mean... Jeez!

The picture stared at her in the face. Their lips were locked. She could see it clearly. If their parents know... Hell even she didn't know how she felt about this. What the hell was she supposed to do?

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