Loving Alpha Stone [Completed]


549K 18.5K 648

At 17, She rescued herself from a disastrous relationship, her neglectful mother and poverty. She built a new... More

Epilogue I
Epilogue 1.5 (the wedding night)
Epilogue II


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I joined Julius on the stage to address the pack.
"Good evening everyone."

"Good evening Alpha. Good evening Luna."

"As you all know, we have gathered here today to witness the initiation of 9 new members into the Silver blood pack."

It was like Deja Vu, hearing Julius talk about the importance of unity and communication in the pack.  It felt like just yesterday, I was the one being welcomed.

"Now you will hear a few words from your Luna."

The crowd clapped as I stepped forward a little to give my mini speech.

"Good evening Everyone. Tonight we will witness something truly beautiful. The integration of new people into our family.
It is important that you treat them as you treat one another ; with respect and compassion. Adjusting to something new is easier said than done. We may incur problems and we may not see eye to eye but with time, we will become so integrated, the past won't even matter . All I ask of you all is that you are patient and understanding."

I sighed in relief as the crowd clapped once I had finished talking. Public speaking had never been my forte and I was still getting used to addressing such a big crowd.

The individual initiations began shortly after. One by one, each of the new members were called forward. They would place their hand on the pack stone and make their vows to the pack, its people and its leaders. There weren't any objections - unless you counted Zeke and Peyton's fan clubs sniffling when their mates walked on stage.
Last but not least was Ada. I looked at her sympathetically before Julius asked the question  she had obviously been dreading.
"Are there any objections to this initiation?"

"She's a traitor!"

"She tried to destroy this pack!"

"She doesn't belong here!"

I could see the tears welling up in Ada's eyes. Xavier immediately stood up to comfort her.

"Enough!" I shouted, causing the whole room to immediately go silent.

"If you all truly respect me, you will listen to what Ada has to say. Yes what she did in the past is almost unforgivable, but there are two sides to every story. If I am willing to give her a chance, then you should be too."

I beckoned Ada to step forward onto the podium and then I took a step back.

"Good evening everyone. I would first like to thank the Luna for giving me this opportunity."
Ada began. She explained her story to the pack, from the death of her mother, to the downward spiral that was her dad's life.

"I know that this does not justify my actions. And, I do not want your pity. But now that I am free to live my life the way I chose, I would like a fresh start. I want to experience the wonderful things that come with being part of your amazing community. I want to feel apart of something special and mostly I want to be with my mate. All I ask is that you give me time, to mend relations and earn your trust."

Silence followed for a few moments before choruses of applause echoed throughout the room.

"So we begin. Does anybody object?" Julius asked. Nobody made a sound, much to Ada's relief.

"Do you Ada Emerald Kane you swear your loyalty to this pack?"

My heart warmed. She had been desperate so abandon her father's surname. She had opted for her mother's maiden name instead, as a way to feel somewhat closer to her.

" I do alpha"

""Do you promise to openly accept this pack and each member ?

" I do alpha"

"Do you promise to accept your role and your title?"

"I do alpha"

As expected she placed her hand on the stone, officially making her part of the pack.

"I present you Ada Kane, Beta Female of the Silver Blood pack!"
The round of applause and appreciation was enough to bring Ada to tears.

Once all the officiating had taken place, we gathered in the pack fields where the real party started. Considering how hot it had gotten, we had decided it best that the party happen outside where it was a little cooler and a little less crowded.

Fairy lights were strewn in all the trees which gave the venue a magical feel. We had settled on a cream and peach theme ;cream table cloths, peach table runners, peach and white roses. It was simple yet elegant.

We were all sat down at the long tables when Xavier stood up to propose a toast. "To the amazing Alpha and Luna, the new members and of course my beautiful mate."

The air filled with laughter and the clinking of champagne glasses.

The place was buzzing and the party was in full swing. As I had hoped, the newbies were really hitting it off with the other members.  The place was buzzing with merriment and all in all, good vibes.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I think it's high time I play something a little slower and more, sensual. Grab yourself a guy or girl and head to the dance floor for our couples dance." The DJ spoke into the microphone.

All around me, people were grabbing their mates and heading over to the floor. I looked around for mine but couldn't see him anywhere. You couldn't miss him ;The man was 6"8 for crying out loud!

"Luna? May I have this dance?"

I turned around and laughed at the man stood there, head bowed.

"Yes of course I'll dance with you Daniel."

I let him lead me to the dance floor. He kept his hands at a respectable distance from my behind, just as any gentleman would.

"So, how is operation woo the human mate going?"

"It's good. Ella, is amazing." He said, a sad smile gracing his face.

"Really? You don't look too convinced."

"Things are going great. Ella is the most beautiful and genuine person I've ever met. I couldn't have chosen a better girlfriend."

"But it's not exactly what you want is it?"

"I hate hiding my secret from her. I want her to understand how important she is to my wolf as well as me. She's more than just a girlfriend. She's my soul mate, my life partner. I keep trying to find a way to introduce this part of my life to her, but I am worried about scaring her away."

"Ooh Daniel. I know this is hard. If I'm honest, the way that Julius introduced me to this wasn't ideal. There wasn't time for us to initially sit down and talk about it. Hell, he didn't even warn me, he just transformed into a huge wolf right before my eyes! What I'm trying to say is, it's always better to be completely honest and it's also better to come right out with it sooner rather than later. When you are ready to talk to her let me know. If we are going to do this, we are going to do this right."

"Mind if I cut in?" Another voice asked.

"Of course Alpha. Thank you so much Luna ;for everything."

Julius and Daniel swapped places so that I was finally dancing with my mate.

"You look great tonight." He whispered into my ear, pulling me close.

"Thank you. And, surprisingly, you are a very good slow dancer."

"Oh yes. Slow dancing is one of my many talents. I'm more than just a pretty face babe." Julius said cockily, spinning me.

"And who told you that you've got a pretty face?"

"Well I remember clearly, my Luna telling me so. She said I was "the sexiest Alpha alive."

"Cocky, Aren't we?" I laughed.

"Yes, very. And I know you love me for it."

"I do. I love you Julius. So much."

"I love you too mi amor. More than you'll ever know."

Gently, I leaned up and kissed him. The kiss was sweet and innocent - like it was the first time. We pulled away just as the slow song had finished. Then, it was back to faster, more uplifting songs.

"Alpha. Could I speak to you for a second?" Xavier asked, approaching us.

Julius kissed me on the cheek before releasing me.

I glanced down at my watch. 9pm. The party would be ending soon. It was now or never. It was time to put operation 'Night with the Alpha' into gear ; but not without a little pep talk from the girls.

I stalked over to the table where Alina and the rest were sitting. "Hey babe how are you enjoying the party?" Simone asked.

"Oh it's great. I've had so much fun. Where are all the guys?"

"Oh they are over there somewhere. It started off with just a couple of guys doing something stupid and then they all kinda just flocked over there."

I chuckled. Sounded about right!

"Well um I'm going to head back up to the house now.." I said slowly, hoping that at least one of them would catch my drift.

To my surprise and  embarrassment, all six of the girls did.

"Ooooooooooh. You ready?"

"I mean I think so. I'm sure this is what I want I'm just sooo nervous."

"Don't sweat it babe. The chemistry is obviously there. You will be fine as long as you relax and take things at your own pace." Aaliyah advised.

"Yeah. You two love each other. Now it's your time to make love to each other." Alina added.

"I'm sure the Alpha will be a gentleman as well as a sex God."

"Ok I love and support you Estrella but all this sex talk about my brother is starting to make me feel a little unwell."

The whole group laughed at Alina's slightly horrified face.

"Right. Get out of here. Go and get that sexual healing."

"Good luck boo. Not that you'll need it! "

"Don't be too loud. Consider your neighbours."

I shook my head at the weird and wonderful 'not so human' beings. I could not have asked for a better set of friends!

Quickly, I slipped away and began my journey back to our house. It was a cool evening. The moon was at its highest point in the sky, dazzling for all to see. I watched as the gentle breeze caused all the little plants to dance. Using this action, I managed to calm myself down a little.

But millions of thoughts rolled through my mind.

As far as I was concerned, this was my first time. I was going to willingly give part of myself to someone else. But I wasn't just giving it to anybody ; I was giving it to a man I loved with all my heart.

The more I thought about it, the more I realised how ready I was to be intimate with Julius.

Feeling a little excited, I entered the house and went straight up to the bedroom to change.

A/N: The next part is a sexy scene as you all would have guessed. I will put it in a separate chapter so you can skip over it if you wish and you won't miss anything important.

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