contagiously In Love

By brittneyvickerson

132K 3.5K 250

" I found the right place for us to start over, to become friends, but just like that he makes everything wro... More

Typical nerd and the sexy bad boy
Just a favor


2.8K 79 2
By brittneyvickerson

When your young you never thought of how much one simple thing or even a simple word could change the face of your existence. it's like after that moment your life turns a completely 360 and you become this person no one, not even yourself, could imagine. I didn't plan my next move nor did I allow it to come with open arms but I did allow the groups of people to approach me with an open mind.

After jake did what he did an after our small performance in the hallways just two weeks ago, my high school status had went from no one to someone, many rumours and many accusations fly around just above my head everyday but what's surprising about it all is, the rumours aren't about my stupidity or my lack of life I once loved, it was more of how good I looked or how much money I really had many girls and guys, never knew who I was and now suddenly I'm the face of this school. I guess I don't mind.

As for me and jake well, you may think everything just put themselves together an now were this popular happy couple but we are far from these things, yes were friends but after he smashed his lips roughly onto mine I couldn't allow him knowing he had me where he wanted me, we eneded up fighting some more before one of us stormed away with rage knocking down whoever came into our view. we ended up making up or should I say settling our differences three days after that but we still act weird around each other and we still argue over the smallest, stupidest things anyone could fight over.

I guess it's simpler this way, knowing we will never cross that line no matter how much either of us want to.

Jake was and is someone I still care deeply for and I know I'm the same to him but as for sex or even a relationship, I'm not to sure if that line is ever going to be crossed again matter of fact I double taped that line and placed lava all around it so if I dare think or dare do that stuff with him then il get burn.

"Jessie are you even listening to me?" Katie wined


"I said tony is coming down tonight so we can tell his parents about the baby...."

I ended up drifting from the conversation, Katie has been going on and on about tony and how wonderful he really was and blah blah blah for about a week now, apparently tony has been calling her every night with jokes and romance for hours on end.

I'm happy for Katie though, I know tony is a good guy and I know Katie would end up loving him but I'm afraid that sending her to jakes home on her own is a bad idea, I'm not saying I want Togo oh no no no all I'm saying is maybe tony should tell them over the phone before Katie goes over there .

Jakes mother is kind, no doubt about that but when something goes wrong and messes up her plan book for years ahead she gets weird and becomes this crazy lady with a mind that would belong to a mental person, jakes stepdad well he isn't much of a talker or much of a appreance type of guy but he can be hard on someone if Tonys life is done for, and let's face it Katie might have fucked up Tonys life.

"Katie, maybe you going isn't a good idea"

"What do you mean?"

I took a drink of my soda, which by the way taste nasty with my lunch " I'm just saying I don't think it's a good idea for you to meet his mom considering the issue at hand"

"I just don't see why you say that " she was getting upset

"I've known Tonys stepmom and dad for many years Katie, and I know how they can get if something went wrong in the future plan book, by the way it is as stupid as my future food book my mother makes me carry around"

"You still carry that thing around? and what makes you think she won't like the idea of being a grandma?"

"I have to record what I eat daily so yes I do, and I don't know if she will be excited or not but would you be excited to be a grandma at 30 sumden instead of 40?"

"I guess your right but I have Togo ya know? " she slumps down in the chair taking a big bit of her food, I'm counting down the seconds before she burst with the idea of me going along with her, suddenly Katie jolts up "can you go with me?"

"No" I said flatly

"Oh c'mon, you said you have known them forever so I bet you know how to get out of a bad situation with them please please "

"Katie, I'm a professional of getting out of bad situations but I'm afraid this situation is way to powerful for my get out situation"

"Please, I mean if you can't get out the situation then at least be my support" she leans back in her seat "I kinda need it right now"

"Isn't tony supposed to be your support? "

"He is but your better" she smiled

I gave Katie a small laugh, "you know I love compliments " I giggle

"Il give you ten a day for the rest of our life if you come with me tonight please!!"

"Fine, il go but I don't want you to repeat yourself "

"Thank you thank you" she smiled "now let's eat I'm starving"

I shake my head at Katie with a smile on my face as she takes big bites of her hamburger .

With all this weirdness happening in my life I'm afraid to say I'm grateful to have Katie with me.



After school I pretty much laid around all afternoon waiting for the doom time that has arrived way to quickly

"Why are you having dinner with the adams? My mother asked as she stands over me with a confused face, my mother does this thing where she literally stands over me while I get dress for something she had no control over, it's annoying as fuck

"I was invited mother"

"Sarah didn't tell me she was throwing a dinner party " another sign of her not knowing anything anger

"It's not a dinner party my friend Katie is sorta dating tony so he's taking her to meet Sarah and Katie doesn't want Togo alone so Sarah said I could come" well that was a lie but she didn't need to know that

"Oh I see, well make sure you dress nice" in other words make sure you dress high and mighty

"I know mother " I said as I grabbed the nicest dress I own

It was an off white almost cream color dress that was kinda tight from the waist up but not to revealing, it went an inch above my knees and it fluffed out but not to much, this dress was used and bruised for many years ,becuz I refused Togo shopping with my mother, I wore this at almost every dinner party or work parties since I was 15 I'm surprised it still fits me. I didn't do to much to my face or hair, as you know I never do and I didn't wear heels just a pair of flats that were so comfortable, I never want to take them off .

"Jessica Marie, your friends are here come down now don't want to keep them waiting!!!!" my mother screamed

Her voice makes my skin crawl

I fixed whatever was out of placed and race down the stairs walking into Katie's doomed zone and when you walk into someone else's doom it isn't a good feeling let me tell you......

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