Sweet Talker♡ - Minchan/Chanho

By chanskitchen

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His smile used to annoy me, its the smile he would have when he knows he's done something wrong and I hated i... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Sixteen

2.2K 176 77
By chanskitchen

Chans POV

Tonight would be my first ever high school dance. I knew this day would come eventually, I couldn't avoid them forever. Maybe if this happened last year my anxiety would be consuming me, but I was calm and actually excited. Because of a certain person.
"So are you going to actually make some kind of move tonight?" Seungmin asked as he fixed the obnoxiously big pirate hat that was his head.
"Pshh me? Make a move? Yeah no I barely manage to form sentences around him." I said as I struggled to put blue eye contacts in.
"Come on you gotta at least do something, you realise we all saw your little moment at skating last week, why don't you just kiss him already? I'm tired of waiting." My cheeks heated up at the thought of last week.
"Did everyone really see that?" I cringed and glared at Seungmin when he started laughing.
"Do you think Minho likes you back?"
"I'd be stupid to get my hopes up like that, he most likely just sees me as his best friend or something, thats why not I don't wanna try anything, I don't want to scare him off." I sighed, sitting on my bed after finally putting my contacts in and applying fake blood to the edge of my mouth.
"Are you forgetting that he literally asked you to be his date tonight?" Seungmin mentioned.
"Yeah but its like a friend date, like how the rest of you are going in a group."
"Chan, sweetie, if it was a friend date he wouldn't have asked you, we would have just gone as a full group, what about the flirty comments he always says? I know you probably think it but he doesn't say that stuff to anyone else, you're always his first pick, even before Hyunjin and Seungmin. Why are you so bad at noticing this stuff." It felt as if everything froze after Seungmin said that, his words playing in my head on a constant loop. Had I really been that oblivious? Why did I never notice the things that Seungmin told me?
"Do you actually think....... he likes me?"
"Yes dumbass, the only reason you don't notice is because you're too scared to get your hopes up, everyone can tell you both got it bad for each other."
I couldn't stop smiling, I felt almost sick with happiness. Maybe, just maybe, Minho did feel the same, maybe this wasn't another hopeless one sided love story. I started to laugh, a laugh full of so much genuine happiness. I felt giddy, like a teenage girl in a cliche high school movie.
I was interrupted by the door bell ringing. My eyes widened and so did Seungmins.
"Your boys here?" He grinned and got up.
"And so is yours." I winked as he punched my arm. "Don't worry Minnie, your secret is safe with me."
"Tell anyone and I will set your house on fire." He said, pointing his finger at me. I laughed and nodded.

We walked downstairs and I took a breath before opening the door.
"Hey darling." Minho smiled, I was thankful for the pale makeup.
"You look nice." I said, the two boys that were coming in Minhos care with us had already gone outside, probably awkwardly complimenting each other since neither of them know how to communicate. Minho and I had our matching dumb vampire outfits, but of course Minho had managed to make it look good. I had to admit, his dark eye makeup was kinda hot.
"You know I don't think I was ready for you to have dark hair yet." Minho said, playing with my now chocolate brown locks.
"Its only semi permanent, it probably wont last that long."
"You look perfect with any hair colour." He smiled. I blushed and playfully hit his chest as I walked past him and out to the car.
Minho got in the drivers seat, I sat in the passengers seat, then Seungmin and Jisung sat in the back.
"Are you feeling nervous at all?" Minho asked me quietly, turning up the radio.
"No no, I'm okay." I smiled, Seungmins word still in my mind. Minho looked please with this, although it was dark, his smile seemed to light up the whole car.
We talked the whole way there, and I thanked the universe for Minho being so easy to talk to. The two in the back were still struggling.

The whole school was full of decorations, not just the hall. Seungmin and Jisung went ahead, leaving Minho with a now anxious me. We stood in front of the gym door for almost two minutes, me trying to muster up the courage to actually in.
"If at any point you want to go home, we can you know I wont mind, we can do what we did last." I had almost forgot about that, when Minho stayed with me at my house instead of going to the dance. I don't know how I ever saw Minho as selfish and cruel, I hated myself for ever thinking that. I now saw him for who he real was, he was kind and selfless, and I knew right then, in front of that hall, I was falling for him.
"Thank you."
Then I did it, I opened the door. It was loud, way too loud, the flashing lights and the amount of people was already making me anxious. Then my once lonely, shaking hand, wasn't alone. I looked down, to see Minho's hand holding mine. It was gently, like how you would hold hands with a small child. No fingers were intertwined, his grip wasn't firm. It was just gentle.
Minho, the hold handing anti, was holding my hand.
And because of him, everything was okay.

I smiled and pulled him over to the photo area, where couples stood, doing basic bag hug poses and the type of stuff me and Minho would make fun of.
Our photos were stupid, the photographer even seemed mad at us. We laughed and walked off to find the others, you could buy the photos at the end of the night, which I was defiantly going to do.
"No alcohol consumption okay?"
Minho chuckled and nodded, "Anything for you."

Thank god there were tables. All of us had somehow managed to call dibs on one so we wouldn't have to stand up all night. Except for Felix and Changbin, who had come as The Joker and Harley Quinn, were already up dancing stupidly.
"Okay who said to Felix that it was okay to wear booty shorts?" Hyunjin sighed, shaking his head in disappointment.
"He really has no shame, its kind of inspiring." Jeongin said.
"DON'T GET ANY IDEAS!" Jisung yelled, slapping his hand on the table. Which was stupid, since he then cried about his hand hurting whilst getting scolded by Seungmin for not being more careful.
Eventually, everyone had got up to dance, not caring about how stupid they looked.
Then Minho stood up and held out his hand, "You have to dance to at least one song."
"I can't dance."
"Do you think anyone here can? How funny."
I smiled and shook my head, before sighing and placing my hand is his. Minho pulled me over to were the others were.
I stood there with Seungmin, both of us not wanting to embarrass ourselves. Then mother Woojin had to come over and dance like an idiot trying to get us to join in. No one here was really dancing, mostly just jumping around and waving their arms around, including Minho, he was singing loudly with Hyunjin and Jeongin.
"Want some food?" Seungmin asked. I nodded and we walked over to the table. There was a whole glass bowl full of pink punch, we decided to have some of that because most of the food had gone cold.
We had about two or three cups of it, then Seungmin said "You know what? I wanna dance!" I don't now what got into me but I suddenly was filled with adrenaline.

Suddenly all eyes were on us as me and Seungmin did the whole choreo to What is Love? Including our confused friends.
We bowed and skipped over to our friends, Seungmin looking the happiest he's ever been.
"What happened to not wanting to dance?" Minho laughed.
"I dont know I just, got excited? Me and Seungmin had some punch and-"
Minho face palmed and the rest of the boys started laughing.
"Channie, you realise the punch has alcohol in it? But before you freak out, its the tiniest bit so you wont get drunk or sick or anything, just.......... extremely energetic." The others still stood there laughing, Seungmin looking like he was ready to slap someone.
In any other situation I would have freaked out, but I trusted Minho, I didn't feel drunk? I was still very much aware of everything around me.

And so for two hours, we all danced, sung terribly, and laughed like we were the only ones there. Maybe school dances weren't that bad.
At around 9:30pm the slow songs started, half of everyone thw was on the dance floor went and sat down, the only people left were the couples.
But Minho and I stayed, the others looked over from our table in shock. Neither have us had gone and sat down.
The first song to play was 'Don't Leave' by Block B.
"You still remember what I taught you Channie?" Minho asked, referencing to the time when he taught me how to slow dance in my lounge room.
"Of course I remember." I said as I put one hand on his waist, the first step he taught.
He put one hand on my shoulder, then with my left hand, I went to told his wrist, but he replaced it with his hand.
I laughed as I struggled with the foot steps and Minho spinning me round and pulling me around every two seconds.
"I can't keep up slow down!" I said, a permanent smile plastered on my face.
"Nope, you're just gonna have to learn." He laughed along with me, the people around us getting annoyed, neither of us caring.
The song ended, a new one starting, the DJ announced that this would be the last song, everyone booing accept for me.
The first few notes of Astro's 'First Love' started playing. Minho moved his hands and put them loosely around my neck, both my hands going on his waist, just like we practised.
I felt the nerves from ice skating come back, the nerves I got at the end of the song. He was too close, my heart couldn't handle it. I wasn't going to even try to speak, I knew all that would come us would be a stuttering mess of words.
My breath not-so-subtly hitched when Minho pulled me the tiniest bit closer to him. He now had the dumb smirk on his face which meant he had realised.
"Why are you so nervous?" He asked, his eyes never leaving mine.
"I ah I don't know." My voice was hardly audible, it felt like the butterflies in my stomach were now fluttering up to my throat, trying to suffocate me. Minho's sweet smile returned, and as usual, blew off what ever moment we had just had, and started making jokes about Felix and Changbins outfits.
The song ended, and the dance was over, and I had somehow survived. Minho had let go of me quickly, and run off somewhere with Jisung, leaving me standing there like an idiot. I walked back over to the others and watched as they got all their stuff together.
They told me that Jisung and Minho had gone out to the car park already and me and Seungmin would meet them out there.
Seungmin and I walked behind the others, him still complaining about how irresponsible it is to put alcohol in punch.
We almost walked past where the photos were displayed.
"Wheres mine and Jisungs?" Seungmin asked, shocking me that he had actually gotten photos with him. he must have realised and added, "He insisted."
Thats when I noticed mine and Minho's weren't there either.
I was sad but shrugged it off, maybe they forgot to print them.

"And ah, Jisung is coming over tonight." Seungmin mumbled, fiddling with his sleeves. I smirked and he slapped my arm. "I was intoxicated when I agreed to it."
"There was hardly any alcohol in you don't even lie." I laughed as in the dim light I saw his face go red.

We walked out into the car park and got into Minho's car. But the way back no one talked, the only noise came from the radio.
We dropped Seungmin and Jisung off, I expected Minho to start talking then but he still didn't.
"Okay whats up? Why aren't you talking?" I asked, unable to take the silence anymore.
"Maybe because I'm still in shock." He said quietly.
"About what?"
"You actually coming with me."
"Why would I have said no?"
"Theres many reasons you could have used to get out of, but you didn't, thank you." He looked over at me and smiled as we pulled up out the front of my house.
"You don't have to thank me, I wanted go...... with you." I mentally slapped myself after saying that, oh my god why haven't I gotten out of the car yet.
"I'm proud of you for going, I know it must have been difficult because of your." He fell silent, like he was about to say a word he wasn't allowed to say.
"Anxiety." I finished the sentences, giving him a smile so he knew it was okay to say.

Silence again.
I should say bye now and leave.
But I kept thinking about what Seungmin said.
He told me to make a move.
And thats exactly what I did.

"Minho?" He turned towards me, and in that moment, I didn't think about the consequences, I wasn't thinking about what would happen afterwards.
So I kissed him.
I put my hands on his cheeks and kissed him.
It wasn't as innocent as our first kiss, but not as intense as our second kiss, but somewhere in between.
It took a good ten seconds for my brain to realise what was happening, because thats when I started to panic.
You're kissing Minho oh my god you're kissing Minho.
The feeling of kissing him sent sparks through my body. Thats why I didn't pull away. I gave into what I wanted and continued to kiss him. I had been so caught up in my own thoughts I hadn't even realised that he was kissing me back.
I shut off my other thoughts and decided to only focus on one, his lips on mine.
What felt like an eternity only lasted thirty seconds. I pulled away and opened my eyes. Minho sat there in shock, but I noticed the faint smile.
"uh, goodnight" I said, opening the door and walking up to my porch. Before I opened my door I looked over at Minho in his car, who was still looking at me. I tried not to smile, I really tried, but I did anyway. Because he had kissed me back, he didn't push me away.

And then he smiled back.

Hi did I give the people what they wanted

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