Hayley Quinn (A Johnathan Cra...

By BigSister2K

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Hayley is an 18 year old girl who has recently moved to Gotham from a tragic mishap in her old High School. S... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 6

470 13 0
By BigSister2K

As I was about to leave the front entrance the receptionist called me over to her desk. I walked over and she looked up at me smiling.

“Courtesy of working here, you get a company car. I also saw you got a taxi so it’s easier to get around” She said handing me the keys. I looked at her shocked.

“T-Thank you”

“Your car is in bay 5. Have a good night” She said before typing away at her computer. I walked outside and was glad that I had a car as the heavens decided to open on Gotham. I ran over to the car in bay 5 and opened it up chucking my bag in and starting the car. I reversed out and started driving to the hotel. It was around 10:30 the car clock said. I was halfway home when my car started to splutter and stop. Groaning I tried to start the car again but it would keep cutting out. Aggravated I hit the steering wheel and grabbed my bag and my small knife from the pocket in case anyone tried to attack me and tried to hitch a ride home .After about an hour no one had stopped and cars were becoming scarce on the street. Luckily someone decided to stop a little bit down from my car.

(Play video on the side)

“Hey! Hey, stop, hey. Please stop, fuck stop! The car stopped and I ran over and got in the car out of the rain and put my bag on my lap.

“Thank god you stopped fuck, my fucking OnStar isn’t working, I left my fucking phone at work! God, I’ve been standing out here for like, an hour. I’m soaking wet, freezing. Thank you so much. Really, you’re a life-saver” I rambled to him rubbing my arms and searching through my bag trying to keep war. I heard the sound of duct tape being ripped and saw the man who helped me come towards me to gag me.

“What are you doing? Fucking! Get away from me! What the fuck! Fucking asshole! Get away from me you motherfucker” I began to panic searching for my knife but couldn’t find it. “Get away! Get away you fucking freak! Get away from me! Goddamit fuck! Help me!” I cried out

Jonathan P.O.V

I arrived at crime Ally and saw Joker and Harley pull up in front of my bike and exit the van. I walked over to them and shook Jokers hand.

“So, I hear you have met kid’s sister Hayley, you call us out here to tell us that because we already know” The joker laughed. I grimaced at this. They already knew about her, there goes my leverage.

“I was actually going to asked for your help to get her to come and join us, her talents are waited on the life she leads now” I said to them. Harley stood forward shaking her head.

“Nu-uh Scarecrow, my Hay-Hay is not gonna become one of us. She needs ta be normal! She is ma only family I have except ma Puddin’” She said to defiantly. I smiled at her.

“I think she should make that choice, she may have already chosen just needs a push” I said taking out her drawing and passing it to Harley. She paled a little and Joker plucked it out of her hands and laughed manically.

“Well we will soon find out. I got one of my goons to collect her from work. Should be here in 3...2...1...” Just then a car sped round the corner and stopped just inches from us. Expecting an Idiot of jokers, I was suppressed to be met with a red and angry face of Hayley. She got out and stormed over to us arriving at joker’s feet before slapping him hard around the face. I was frozen in my spot by shock of what had just unfolded in front of me.

“What the hell were you thinking you psychotic clown! I thought that man was going to rape or kill me or something! If you wanted me just ask and I would have come have fun stitching his mutilated body back together, it’s in the trunk!” He hissed at him. She was way beyond mad. I saw joker flinch towards his gun then whip it out to shoot her. I jumped in front of her to stop the bullet

‘What are you doing, he will kill you in a blink of an eye!’ Scarecrow hissed at me. I just have a feeling that I need to protect her. Joker dropped the gun and began to laugh manically at me.

“Aha! I know why Johnny-boy actually brought us here Harl’s. He likes your sister” He chuckled. My mouth fell open.

“I do not!” I growled at them. Yeah she is beautiful and has amazing brown eyes... No John stop! You can’t be distracted I scolded myself. Joker carried on laughing and Harley who managed to catch up with what just happened ran to Hayley and hugged her tightly. I stepped aside and let them have a moment. Joker leaned over to me and whispered in my ear.

“You should have seen how red she went when I said that” He laughed. “She likes you too” He said before clapping his hand and hugging both Harley and Hayley in their reunion. Hayley pushed the clown back and growled at him.

“You don’t touch me you maniac” She hissed. Harley frowned at her.

“Don’t talk to ma puddin’ like that Hay-hay! He would never hurt you. Would ya mistah J?” She said.

“Of course not! I like her, she has guts” He said laughing.

“I’ll rip out yours in a minute” She growled lowly. I heard and chuckled. Her head snapped up and looked at me flushing a little red.

“Dr. Crane!” She exclaimed laughing slightly. “Correct for the second time tonight, thank you for not letting Joker kill me” She said smiling at me. It lit up her face making her look stunning.

‘Oh god, you’re falling for her’ Scarecrow laughed.

Shut up, you like shadow, and don’t deny it; I know how you felt during that session. I growled back at him before nodding

“You’re welcome, think of it as a thank you for the book, and this” I said passing her the drawing. She took it and gasped in shock.

"How did you? The book” She slapped her head and I frowned at this. “I'm so stupid she muttered.

“Hay, why did ya draw that? You told me shadow left ya alone” Harley said softly looking worried. Tears began to fall from Hayley’s eyes and she began sobbing into Harley’s shoulder.

“She, she killed them. Harley I killed Jack and my f-friends. They didn’t accept me, he cheated, I lost control” She sobbed hard into her shoulder. I felt anger boil inside of me. How could someone hurt and cheat on a beautiful girl like her!

‘Tut tut, don’t get too jealous’ Scarecrow sniggered. I growled at him. I looked up to see Harley stroke her hair and Joker standing there confused. He walked over to Hayley and tapped her shoulder. She flinched and glared at him.

“Look kid, I'm sorry that you have been through that but we have all killed before on a first time and know what you have been through. I can tell you mean a lot to Harl’s and are her only family so that’s why I'm being so nice, don’t always expect it though! But I'm sorry for the stunt I pulled. You are more than welcome to stay with us for a roof over your head” He said snaking his arm around Harley and pulling her close. I was completely shocked. I have never seen Joker be this civil towards anyone but Harley.

Hayley blinked a few times and thought about his offer. Her choice was clear when she hugged both Joker and Harley tightly nodding.” They both laughed and looked over to me.

“Meet at the warehouse on the outskirt, we have a new family member” Joker laughed. I nodded and went to jump on the bike to leave.

“I will come, but on once condition” Hayley said standing back smiling evilly at me. This will not be good.

“What’s that doll?” Harley asked.

“I get to take the bike” She said. Joker and Harley nodded looking at me.

“No I am not getting in that van with you. You can jump on the back and I’ll take you there, you won’t know where to go anyway” I said to her smirking. She shrugged her shoulders and ran towards the bike jumping in the air and landing behind me. I chuckled and revved the engine turning round to a shocked Harley and a laughing Joker

“See you there” I said and sped off with Hayley holding onto me from behind. I usually hate being touched but with Hayley, I didn’t mind at all. Maybe I did have feelings for her. I admitted.

‘She is good on the eyes’ Scarecrow agreed.

Hayley P.O.V

I held tightly onto John while we sailed through the streets of Gotham. I felt nervous about ‘meeting the family’ of criminals.

“John?” I said into his ear. “Can we stop for a moment?” I asked wanting to delay this as much as possible. He nodded and pulled over into a small ally and parked the bike. I got off and started to pace the ally.

“What wrong Miss. Quinn?” He asked me. I stopped in my tracks and looked at him beginning to laugh.

“Please call me Hayley, or Hay whatever you prefer but not Miss. Quinn” I said to him feeling relaxed. He nodded.

“Why are you stalling?” He asked straight to the point. I frowned and looked down.

“I'm nervous about meeting ‘the family’” I said sarcastically. He walked over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him and saw him smiling down at me.

“You have nothing to worry about, if you can survive joker and Harvey you will be fine, no one will touch you, Joker, Harley and I will make sure of that. Do you feel better now?” He asked with a cocky smile. I rolled my eyes and nodded. He got back on the bike and I followed behind. The ride to the warehouse wasn’t too long. When we got there John parked the bike down the side ally and chucked me the keys.

“Keep it, you need a ride anyway” He said. I thanked him and followed him to the front where Harl’s and Joker were waiting for us. When e met up with them Harl’s turned to me.

“Now don’t ya worry ok? Mistah J won’t let anything bad happen too ya. I'm sure everyone will like ya anyway sissy!” Harley said full of excitement. I giggled at her bouncing figure and nodded my head. She and Joker walked in first leaving me and John to walk behind. I sighed and headed in next to John. I sneaked a look over to him and actually looked at his face properly. His brown hair flowed across his face and was messy from the bike ride here, but it looked hot. His glasses were perched on the top of his nose and his lips were in a small smirk. He wasn’t that bad looking; I understand why shadow likes him. He is hot... No! I can’t say that. I shouldn’t be here, these are my patients. I can’t turn out like Harley.

Oh Shh, you know you would love to be exactly like your sister, it’s better than the dead end you will be stuck in, admit it!

This is true, and we would make an awesome team... But what about Tess and everyone?

They will understand, plus Tess loves your sister. You can introduce them

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the loud voice of Joker.

“Hello everyone! How are you all? I have someone I would like you all too meet” He announced.

“And if ya hurt her, I will kill ya!” Harley added on the end laughing along with Joker.

“Well who is it? I heard Riddler say. I rolled my eyes and walked out from behind my sister.

“Hello” I said shuffling slightly.

“Hold on, is that the new doc at Arkham?” I heard a woman say. I looked round and saw it was Ivy. I nodded.

“Yeah, some of you I have met, but as far as work knows I'm Hayley Williams, my real name though. Is Hayley Quinn” I said. The criminals in front of me all looked shocked and I laughed at their faces following John and Harley to sit down. Joker and Harley sat on what I guessed was their sofa taking up all the room so I sat down next to John on his brown couch.

“So you’re Harley’s sister?” A gruff voice asked me. I looked too see where the voice came from and came face to face with a scaled man. I gulped.

“Y-Yeah, I am. Who are you may I ask?” I said slightly nervous. He chuckled at me and held out his hand.

“Waylon Jones, or Killer Croc to you” He said taking my hand and kissing the top. I smiled at him and nodded looking to Ivy next to him.

“What did you do to me when I first saw you, I felt like I was being hypnotised” I asked her. She laughed.

“Sorry about that, it’s the pheromones I released into the air, I can control plants” She said making vines around her tighten and then relax a little.

“That’s cool, explains your beauty” I said. She laughed dryly and I looked around the room knowing everyone except two girls sat on the Riddler’s sofa.

“Hey, I'm echo” One girl said

“And I'm Query!” The other girl said happily. I smiled at them.

“Hey, you must work for Edward there” I gathered from their green outfits. They smiled and nodded.

“Yep we just busted them out of Arkham” Echo said proudly” I laughed,.

“That explains how I am now in a room full of criminal masterminds. Edward you make a smart remark and I will punch you” I said as I saw him about to speak. He shut his mouth and I heard everyone laugh.

“Harley, can I speak to you and John in privet quickly?” I asked she and john nodded. Riddler raised an eyebrow at me.

“John?” He teased.

“Shut it I growled at him and stood off to walk into another room.

“What’s up doll?” Harley asked as we all sat down.

“Its shadow, she is still thirsty for blood and I’m worried I will lose control and kill everyone. I need help to control her, and I think being with you all, becoming one of you will help, she gets freedom for a bit but I need to control her. That’s why I asked John, he has scarecrow and I thought maybe you could teach me to keep her under control” I said looking down.

“Hayley, I agree with ya doll, shadow is more dangerous and loose than mistah J. I know it will be hard for yaa, but Johnny-Boy will help. Wont yaa” She said forcefully at the end.

“Yes I will, but it will take a while” He sighed. I nodded and hugged John.

“Thank you” I said. He was rigged for a few seconds before relaxing and hugging me back.

“Oh my” I heard a voice from behind purr. I pulled back flushing red at Selina who stood in the doorway but she was not alone, all the villains were there. I groaned inwardly.

“Jonathan, you’re going soft. Don't tell me you have a thing for Hayley here” Ivy joked. He went a light shade of red.

“No! I was just being polite” He growled, they all laughed.

“I'm going to my lab” He growled and left. I yawned and stretched.

“Sis I'm sleepy, where can I rest?” I asked her.

“Take Johnny’s room, he never uses it anyway. I nodded and headed down the hallway where John went looking for his daw. As I walked down I saw a door slightly ajar and curious I looked in. It was John’s lab. He looked up and grimaced.

“What do you want” He growled. I rolled my eyes and walked into the room. I saw him mixing a load of chemicals together to make his toxin.

“You know if you add more of this” I said picking up one vile “and less of this” I picked up another vile. “You’re toxin will be stronger and last longer, but not strong enough to kill” I said. He looked at me in shock. “I did science. I know what I’m doing” I laughed at him. He did as I said and mumbled something about a test subject. I yawned again.

“Harley said I can take your room. Is that okay?” I asked him. He nodded his head and told me it was the last room on the right. I nodded and thanked him. I walked into the room and saw it was almost completely brown. I smiled and got undressed into my pants and a long top of John’s I stole from his draw. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind. I climbed into his bed and fell asleep straight away thinking about John.

I think I may have a small crush on Jonathan Crane

(Ivy On the Side)

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