Loving Alpha Stone [Completed]


548K 18.4K 648

At 17, She rescued herself from a disastrous relationship, her neglectful mother and poverty. She built a new... Altro

Epilogue I
Epilogue 1.5 (the wedding night)
Epilogue II


6.2K 232 4

A/N: Hey loves! I'm so sorry this is going up so late! This weekend has been absolutely insane.
As always, comment, vote and share!
Ok Ada. Before we release you for good, is there anything else we should know?" Julius asked.

"Yes Alpha. Alex had another site. A manufacturing one. He's also keeping prisoners there. "

"When you say manufacture, what exactly do they manufacture there?" I asked.

"Chemicals and chemical weapons. Like scent Masker,wolfsbane tranquillisers and a ateríos that stops female heat."

I shifted uncomfortably at the sound of wolfsbane. I had seen the damage it did to a wolf during one of my visits to the infirmary. It made both the human and wolf side so weak and vulnerable.

"Scent neutraliser. That's what you used to hide your scent." I realised, speaking aloud.

"Yeah that's right." Ada mumbled, briefly making eye contact with Xavier.

"And the anti-heat steroid?"

"It hasn't been tested. I used it once on..."

"On?" I pressed.

"I used it on Alina, the night you came into your powers. My da... Alex wanted all of you awake, no distractions."

I sighed not sure what to say. Julius clenched his fists, before taking a deep breath.

"But she was fine. I gave her something to flush it out of her system the day after."

"Ok. I need you to write down the location  of the site for me. I will have warriors go and take a look immediately. Do you know if there will be any posing threats?"

"No. Aaron was the overseer of the factory. But when he joined my dad in Spain, he left one of his warriors in charge. I strongly doubt they will oppose you now that both their leaders are dead."

"Ok perfect. Well I should just warn you that it will take some time for the pack members to forgive you and get used to your presence. I think it's worth laying low for today, maybe stay inside?"

"No actually Xavier is taking Ada off territory to the next city over."

I looked at Xavier, trying to convince him with my eyes. He was too nice to say no.

"Yeah that's right ; I mean yeah if Ada wants to go of course."

"I would like that." She spoke shyly, a ghost of a smile gracing her face.

"Great. It's settled. You two will go have fun and get to know each other. And Julius and I will finish up planning the ceremony."

The two stood up and exited the study.
"I'm guessing you planned their little date." Julius chuckled, beckoning me over to him.

I leaned on the big oak desk. "Maybe. Maybe not. Mates need to spend time together. It's very important."

"Well mate, if you're done playing matchmaker, I'd very much like to spend time with you right now."

"Oh, is that so Alpha?" I asked, playing with his tie.

As I sat up on the desk, Julius slid forward so that he was directly between my legs.

"I'm so fucking lucky." He murmured.

"And why is that?"

"Because my mate is absolutely perfect."

"I wouldn't say perfect. Far from it actually. And besides, I'm the one that's lucky. I've never been in a mutual relationship, where I receive as much adoration as I give. " I confess honestly.

"Because no one before me saw your worth. Even if we weren't mates Estrella I'd still like you. I'm not anything special ; I've done terrible things. But the one thing about me that is genuine and can't be denied is how I feel about you mi amor."

My heart swelled at the tenderness of his words.

"Well. Seems like the ruthless and powerful Alpha Stone has gone soft."

"Only for you." He whispered, pressing his lips to mine.

The kiss was short and sweet but definitely enough to have my heart racing at 100mph.

I'd come to one very important conclusion; I was in love with this man and I was ready to take things further.

I pulled away from the kiss, panting lightly.
"If we don't stop now we probably won't stop at all."

"And that's a bad thing because...."

"Because we need to finish putting plans in place for the initiation ceremony."

"Fine. Let's look over the list of people joining the pack."

I grabbed the list from beside me and read aloud.

"Ok so we have 8 people who decided to join this pack. Does this mean that the rest have chosen to return to their packs original packs?"

"Yeah that's right. Most of them remember their packs and their families. The few that are joining us either don't remember or just don't really want to go back. My Aunt plans to go back to her mate's pack soon."

"Alright. And Ada's initiation will be last correct?"

"Yes. We ask her similar questions to the one we asked you then we use the relic and so on and so forth."

"And where are the new members staying?"

"A cabin not to far from the pack house. Just to give them a chance to recuperate. I've asked that no other pack members touch that area."

"That's good. So the order goes,
Ellie Brooks
Lola Brooks
George Fischer
David Smith
Demetria Costa
Ray Jackson
Isaiah Black
Thomas Mann"

"Yeah that's right. Well that's all sorted I guess. You already know what you have to say right?"


"Cool. All done. Well now we don't have any other pressing issues, I think we should also spend the day together."

I cocked an eyebrow at him. "Well what are we gonna do?"

"Oh you know just regular human stuff." He smiled picking me up so that I was straddling him.

The smirk on his face told me all I needed to know.

Xavier POV
I rushed to the other side of the car to open my mate's door. We'd driven down to the pier after our little tour of the city, as Ada had really wanted to see it.

I had abstained from any physical contact all day ; even actions as simple as holding hands.
I wasn't what you would call a womaniser but I'd dated several girls.

This however, was completely different. This was my mate ; supposedly my forever.

We stood, leaning on the railings and looking out over the river. It was a cool evening, the sun just about setting. The lights of the several boats passing by illuminated the ripples of water.

"Thank you." Ada spoke quietly.

I blinked and turned so that I was facing her.

"What for?" I asked

"For today. For agreeing to be my mate. For even looking my direction. I know this situation isn't ideal."

"What do you mean?"

"Well having an outcast for a mate. I know as the beta it must be very difficult ; the pack really admires you, almost as much as they admire Alpha Julius."

"Don't call yourself that. You aren't an outcast."

"But I am. The pack - they hate me for what I've done. And I don't blame them."

" I agree that things have happened in the past but, they do not define you. And as for the pack, they will come to accept you once more. I will see to it that they do so. You're not just some quick fling . You are my mate. And I wouldn't trade you for the world."

"You say this because you need someone to produce your pups. I don't blame you if you don't really want me as a mate."

"Listen to me. Yes, it's physically a little hard to have pups with those who are not your mate. But that isn't even relevant right now. I want to know you Ada. I want you to trust me and depend on me. I want to know what makes you laugh and what ticks you off ; all the inns and outs. As cheesy as it sounds, I'm ready to dedicate time and energy to our relationship.
You remember when we were much younger, I was around 15 and you were 12? You came for Julius' Alpha initiation and we were hanging out in the pack gardens?"

"Yeah. You kept coming up to me and trying to get me to join in with all you stupid little games." She chucked lightly at the memory.

"I had always been so fond of you. I had no idea why but you just weren't like the other girls."

"Yes because I was the weirdo. I never really got to interact much with people my age, thanks to my dad, so I struggled to fit in."

"You weren't a weirdo. You stood out, but in a good way. You were so much more interesting and fun, when you weren't shying away."

"Yeah yeah." She giggled.

Suddenly, she became serious and took both of my larger hands in hers.

"If you'll have me Xavier, I'm willing to give this a chance. I want to be happy, with you. "

"Of course. I'm so happy to hear you say that."

We stared intensely at each other for several moments.

What are you waiting for loverboy, grow a pair and kiss our mate!

I mentally rolled my eyes at Aidan, my wolf. Without a second thought, I leaned forward and pressed my lips to hers. Ada seemed a little surprised at first but still responded to the kiss.

They weren't kidding when they said nothing compared to the touch of your mate. I could feel the sparks just as we made contact. Snaking an arm around her waist, I pulled her to me, deepening the kiss.

Ada moaned against my lips, driving my wolf crazy. I pulled away, knowing exactly what would happen if I didn't. Aidan was eager as ever to mark his mate, but it was way too soon.

"Do you wanna go get something to eat before we head back?" I asked.

"Yeah ok. What did you have in mind?"

"Italian?" I suggested.

She shook her head."How about Indian?" Ada asked.

I shook my head also, not in the mood for that.

"Chinese?" We both suggested simultaneously, causing us both to laugh.

"Well Chinese it is then." I grinned. "Shall we m'lady?"

"Oh so chivalrous!" She giggled, taking hold of my arm.

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