Summer, 1983 (I'll call you b...

By ThinkingPeaches

47.1K 1.9K 313

After the blank years, Oliver's wife can no longer keep the secret that she's known for years. She knows that... More

I'll call you by mine
The Boys
The Graduate
Not a kid!
The Party
4th of July
The book
Promise is a Promise
Summer's Ending
See you in New York
Home Again
Feelings, I don't do them
Hidden Desires
University Dinner
Friday Night Lights
Rules Don't Apply
Truth & Heartbreak
Letting Go
Best Friends and Cabins
Graduation Day
About Last Night
No worries
What happened to Elio?
Summer 2005
From a numb heart
Very Unhappy Birthday
Growing Up
So this is Love
I do's and I don'ts
In the park
It's the little things
The Past
Family dinner
To Forgive?
Home Sweet B
Elio meets Elio
Mon Coeur
Consume Me...
Back to Summer
Secrets and tears
My funny Valentine...
Penny for your thoughts
No day but today
Things happen for reasons
Letting go and starting a new
Ghosts of the past.

Oliver meets Oliver

557 23 5
By ThinkingPeaches

"Elio wake up, I leave in a few hours," Oliver whispered in a groggy morning tone. Elio grumbled lifting his head to see the clock.

"Mm, it's 4:30 in the morning."

"I know but I'm going to be gone for a week." Oliver said running his hand down Elios still naked body. Elio looked at Oliver he squinted trying to find him in the dim lit room.

"Didn't you get enough last night?" Elio asks sheepishly burying his face into his pillow. Oliver leaves a trail of kisses down Elio's spine, he can feel Elio starting to arch his body. Soft moans rose from Elio, Oliver slid his hand under the sheets cupping Elio's butt squeezing it lightly.

"Get your lips up here you sex-crazed man." Elio demands Oliver's face lit up.

"Oh, I like feisty Elio." Oliver says joyfully as he crawls back up the bed.

"Well, as long as we don't go for round five like we did the other night I will be fine." Elio smirked.

"I started the first two rounds and you initiated the other three times." Oliver laughed as Elio rolled on top of him. Elio slowly kissed Oliver's lips, he never had to search for those lips. He moved from his lips to his throat and Elio started roaming down the rest of his body.

"Oh fuck." Oliver bit out as he felt Elios lips kiss the head of his cock. Feeling them slide down his cock nearly pushed him over the edge.

"My heart will stop if you keep doing that." Oliver said breathlessly running his hands through his own hair gripping his pillow. Elio pulled back kissing Oliver's stomach and living a trail up to his body and stopping at his lips.

"Mm, you ready?" Elio asked in a husky tone. Oliver kissed him and bite Elios bottom lip. Elio positioned himself between Oliver's legs pulling them up.

Oliver sucked in air through his teeth as he felt Elio ease into him. Elio was Oliver's ecstasy every touch, kiss, look just everything Elio was Oliver weakness and his strength.

Elio quickened his pace letting go of Oliver's legs and laid to where their bodies were pressed together. So that Elio could look into Oliver's eyes. He could kiss him and watch him cum.

After all of these years together they knew when the other we going to cum. Elio always bit his bottom lip and buried his face into Oliver's neck. Oliver could hear his moaning was getting deeper. Oliver closed his eyes concentrating on Elios moaning in his ear and his cock inside of him. Within moments Oliver's nails were biting into Elios ass as he pushed him deeper inside.

"Oh, Elio fuck me harder!" Oliver gasped. Elio pushes deeper thrusting a few more times before his body couldn't hold back. One last deep thrust Elio came, pushing deeper inside of Oliver.

Oliver felt Elio's cock pumping inside of him for the third time that night. When Elio lifted his body from Oliver's he felt the warm cum that Oliver had released.

"Where's your billowy shirt when you need it?" Elio mused.

"It's still around. I'm sure if you look in that closet of yours you may find it." Oliver propped himself up on his elbows kissing Elios neck.

"As they say the third time's a charm, let's not push four. You still need to get a shower before you leave." Elio rolled off of Oliver wrapping his arm around his middle.

"What if I don't want to take a shower." Oliver winked at him.

"You are a sick man Oliver Adler."

"What? You act like that's the sickest thing I've ever done. I like leaving you inside of me."

"Well, I doubt that will be comfortable during a 20-hour flight."

Oliver thought about that fact for a moment.

"You're right that's not a fun idea, I'm going to hop in the shower."Oliver jumped out of bed, Elio watched as his still very firm ass walked away.

"Have I ever told you I think you are sexier now than when you were 24?" Elio said with his head tilted with a drunken smile on his face.

Oliver stopped and looked down at himself.

"You think wrinkles, grey hair and cracking bones is sexier?"

Elio nodded.

"Well I think you've done the impossible, I think you've finally fucked yourself senseless." Oliver had a serious look on his face and Elio lost it, the laugh that came from him was his genuine laugh.

"I can't believe you said that. You never seize to amaze me you know it?"

"Well can I amaze you in the shower? I'll even do a couple of magic tricks."

Elio dragged himself out of the bed.

"Alright but if I fall asleep on the way back from the airport and die than you can tell everyone that I was fucked to death too."


Oliver spent the twenty-hour flight putting the final touches on the script that Luca had asked for. He and Luca have been working the last seven months on finalizing it. Oliver's first few drafts that were read by Armie and Timmy had full-on nudity in them. Luca said it was too much so Oliver cut back on it, Luca wanted sensual nudity. Oliver trusted Luca's vision of this, he had seen and read everything on Oliver and Elio's life. And with the movie starting production in 3 months everything needed to be done.

The last year Elio and Oliver had gotten to know Timmy very well, Luca wanted Timmy to spend as much time in B so that he could be fully prepared for his role. As for Armie, Luca wanted Oliver to get to know him only. So Oliver agreed to fly to L.A where Armie lived and spend the week. Luca wanted things to go a certain way which Oliver thought was mad but he was the director. He wanted Armie to get to know only Oliver and when he came to B a month before shooting he wanted Armie to take in the entire experience. He hadn't even wanted Timmy and Armie to speak to each other.

Oliver landed in LAX, by the grace of everything he quickly got to his room texted Elio that he had made it and the flopped on the bed. He was done for the day, the following morning Oliver woke to his phone pinging. It was a text from Elio, it said we are missing you my love and below it was a picture of Elio, Jona, Lea, Chris, David and all the kids on the beach. Oliver put his hand over his heart. Moments like this is why this movie needs to happen, it's how this world needs to see love. His love for Elio is just simple unabashed love. Oliver replied with I miss all of my loves too wish I was on that beach with you. Getting up and stretching he knew he needed to do his morning jog but jet lag was horrible at his age. So he settled for a shower, he was meeting Armie at his home in a few hours.

Driving through L.A was different, he was used to seeing tree's and countryside, here it was buildings and homes. His GPS told him he was arriving at his destination, pulling into the driveway he wasn't sure what to expect when he pulled up to the house. It was a simple and beautiful home, not too big and it was lavish but in no way over the top. Oliver looked around as he stepped out of his car and he was greeted by a familiar face. One that he had only ever seen on screen and on a magazine covers. He had only spoken on the phone with Armie and through emails so this was a wonderful change.

"Oliver!" Armie greeted him not with a handshake but a hug. "It's great to finally get to meet you."

"Well, you are one hard man to track down." Oliver mused.

"Oh, you're being modest. You're the difficult man to track down to find an opening in your schedule."

"Well, that's the struggle of having a family and career, as you know."

"Yes I do, but come on in meet the wife and kid."

Armie showed Oliver into his home, they ate lunch and Armies daughter was put down for a nap.

"She's a sweet baby, reminds me of my little ones at home." Oliver spoke fondly.

"Yeah she's a pretty great kid, I'm kinda partial thought. Did you and Elio ever talk about adopting?"

"You know that topic has never come up. Wanting children never came into the conversation and Elio never holds back. But he did adopt mine and they call him papa, I've not heard them call him by his name in years. But now we have the grandkids who have taken over our lives really, we see them every day and I wouldn't change it for the world."

"That's beautiful, to know that's enough and your lives are full."

"Ha our lives are more than full, we have too much love to give. We seem to keep adding to our little family. All the grad students from the last ten years showed up for Thanksgiving last year, talk about a full house, even some of Elio's father's grad students showed. My mother in law was thrilled to see some old faces."

"So I've got a week to soak up all the knowledge about you and I'm not going to lie. Your book scares me and the last script, there is so much passion and it's raw. I'm not sure if I can do this. And I want to do your book justice, Elizabeth called it the sexiest book she's ever read but I've never done anything like this before."

Oliver looked down at his hand where a silver band sat on his ring finger and he smiled at it.

"Keep that feeling because scared is how I felt when I first met Elio. And I was scared because I was instantly in love and completely and hopelessly infatuated by this young man who knew who he was. He knew he wanted me even if it was just for one night but he didn't hide it, well he tried but failed miserably. I hated the fact that I was scared to feel that way towards another man, I wanted to be good, I thought I was going to corrupt him. I didn't have the home life Elio had, Mr. Perlman knew long before we did that there was something between us and so did Annella. They are two amazing human beings that created another amazing human. You know the one thing I don't like that people say about my book?" Oliver asked Armie as he came out of his thoughts.

"No, what's that?"

"That isn't a gay romance. Elio nor myself have ever said we were gay. I have enjoyed women, he has enjoyed women, we are both attracted to women and men. And I said that in my book, shared those experiences that I had and the ones that Elio had. And yet everyone focuses on the fact we are two men. We are two human beings that fell in love, who happen to be the same sex but gay is not how we define ourselves. Every article I see that places that phrase in there I want to correct it, it's not gay romance it's human romance, it's love. Love is just love. But if I say that then people will get offended, it would have made life a little easier if I were gay I wouldn't have been so utterly confused by my attraction to both sexes." Armie laughed at Oliver's last bit of words. "But when I said this to my son in law he told me no even being gay you are utterly confused by the concept of only being attracted to men when society says you should be attracted to women."

"I've now felt like I've offended every same-sex couple I know because I automatically assume because they are a same sex couple that they are a gay couple. I've never once thought to consider they are like you and Elio."

"Or like my son and his fiance's. Son is bisexual, son in law is gay it's just something people do not think about. And the same goes for so-called straight couples."

"Holy fuck Oliver you have completely blown my mind and made me feel like such an asshole at the same time." Armie sat in awe of this man, Oliver laughed at Armies choice of words.

"Well, we all need to think the unthinkable. If everything was laid out for us, life would be dull and boring. It's better to learn something new every day. I am constantly asking my grandkids what they have learned that day and if they say nothing, they know that's unacceptable to me. So I make it my mission every day to learn something new so that I can tell them and they know that. That way life is never dull."

"See now I'm even more nervous to play you. You are fucking brilliant."

"Oh please, when I was twenty-four I didn't know a damn thing. It's only with grey hair comes great knowledge. You will be fine, don't focus on who I am now. Follow the book and focus on who I was then. A scared, guarded and completely foolish twenty-four-year-old boy. I gambled too much, I smoked too much, ate too much and I drank too damn much."

"Really? Do you still do all of those but reasonably?" Armie smiled, his grin was mischievous.

"Of course I do, which is why I run every day."

"Well tonight we are going to drink whatever is your poison, I'm inviting some friends over for a poker game in your honor and I've already got steaks and ribs in the fridge ready to barbecue. But the question is do what is your smoke choice?" Armie leaned in. Oliver thought for a moment, was he going to turn down this opportunity to do something he hadn't done in years?

"You know I enjoy my cigars but I haven't smoked pot in a good fifteen years. So why don't we bring it all on."

"Yes, sir! Um before I get you into trouble do you need to call Elio first?" Armie asked.

"No of course not, who do you think I smoked it with?"


"You know when you come to B in a few months you my dear boy are going to fit right in. Every dinner is always full of drinks, food, yelling over one another."

"Oliver, I think you've just completely sold me on everything that is your life."

"Well if you have a great love, then you have a great life. If you have that you have everything."

Armie saw himself a lot in Oliver, no subject was off limits. Their upbringings were similar in many ways, unapproving parents was a big similarity. If he was anything like Oliver when he was his age Armie will consider himself the luckiest man in the world. Armie wanted the next few months to fly by so that he can get to B and start this journey. He wanted to embody Oliver as much as he could to do the love story the way any love story should be. Armie was amazed at how this man fell in love in six short weeks and stayed in love for twenty years all while having a wife that wasn't that love. If Armie couldn't be married to Elizabeth he would die inside every day until he was nothing, he wanted to know how Oliver survived that twenty years.

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