The Boy || Leondre Devries

By cheerschardre

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This is a story about Leondre Devries :) Hope you enjoy it as I'm not as good at writing stories If you don... More

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t w e n t y f o u r
t w e n t y f i v e

n i n e

1.2K 19 5
By cheerschardre

First period had finished and as soon as the bell went, I bolted to my bag to get away as fast as I can.

I felt someone grab my wrist, I turned around in shock. As my eyes slowly scanned the mans arm. I looked up to see one of my best friends.

"Marcus!!" I practically screamed as I hugged him. We both giggled. I let go about to say something but was cut off by him.

"Sooo, seen any beautiful men?" He winked. "Really Marcus? Just because your gay doesn't mean I'll help you find men" I laughed and Marcus sighed. "But I may have found someone for me" I smirked.

"Omg hun, point him out." I smacked him in the back of the head. "He's already gone" I laughed.

"Let's get to math" Marcus groaned in pain.

We quickly walked to math class to get a seat. As soon as I entered I looked at Leo. I gulped down my saliva and gestured for Marcus to pick a seat. And of course it's next to Leo.

As soon as I sit down I see Georgia and Charlie burst in laughing quietly. And they sit down at the circular table.

The order as Leo, Me, Marcus, Charlie, Georgia.

I blushed knowing what Leo had said thinking he was texting Charlie.

We all work on some math equations for the whole lesson, Marcus and I talking to Leo and Charlie playing around and Georgia and I helping each other.

That whole lesson Leo did not speak to me. I was somewhat scared, I had a weird feeling that I messed up everything.

The bell rang and I snapped out of my thoughts and continued grabbing my things.

It's now lunch time and I don't know who to sit next too. Marcus keeping nagging, trying to get me to sit with him but I somewhat kind of want to sit next to Leo.

"Hey Marcus, why don't you sit with us" i shyly said. "Sure, if I can" he smiled back. I turn around finding Leo and Charlie talking. They move apart as soon as they see me look.

We all go to our normal seating area and talk about some rumours and secrets. I grab my phone and find Marcus on my phone, and attempt to send a message without looking rude.

Y/N: Marcus, she that guy sitting in front of me...?

It takes Marcus 2 minutes to reply.

Marcus: wait... that really cute guy looking at you now?

I blush thinking about it and try to cover my face while trying to peak. Wow. His beautiful brown eyes are gorgeous. It's like I can stare at them forever and not get tired. And his blonde hair. The way it flips over his forehead. It's like he doesn't know he's cute. But he is.

Y/N: yesss!... well that's the guy I was talking about early...
Marcus: omg! He's beautiful.
Y/N: I know 😍

I see a hand in my face as I slam my phone down and try to hide the fact that I'm blushing. It's Georgia.

"Awee, she's blushing" she said in awe. "Ughh go away" I say hiding my face in embarrassment. "What happened? was it a boy?"

I looked at the bench and smile "yes, it was a boy" I bring my head up looking at Leo. He's eating cookies. As if he's sad about something.

I walk up to him and sit beside him. "Hey, what's wrong?" He looked up to me and spins around where the seats in between his legs. "Look y/n, I need to talk to you" he sighed looking down in between us. I nodded in shock. "When and where?" "I'll text you" he said as he left due to the bell.

School was basic, I had science next and after lunch it was humanities. The rest of class I didn't have Leo. Literally none of my friends but that was a kind of a good thing. Because then I can focus more. Once the bell rang I was outside where Leo wanted to talk to me.

Just outside school at a nearby park. I kept my phone on me at all times incase he called.

"Rarrr!" I feel to the ground confused and terrified on what just happened. Thank god it was just Leo. I slightly pushed him, "wow you seriously didn't need to do that, you scared me half to death" I said as Leo laughed.

"Y/n, I know we've only just met but I think. No, I know I'm falling in love with you and it hurts seeing you blush about another guy and it hurts me when you don't talk to me. Look I wasn't going to tell you know because I know it's too soon but y/n, I'm crazy about you. You make me feel a different way when your near me. And I just want to be with you forever and I don't want you too be with anyone else.
Y/n I know this is sudden but will you be my girlfriend?"

I couldn't move, I felt the same way but he's right, it may be too sudden. I followed my heart and shook my head.

"Omg, I'm so happy that I can call you mine" he smiled. "I'll walk you home if you want me too" "yes please that'd be great" I smiled.

I was speechless that Leo would actually like me and that I'm dating my idol. We talked as we walked home, every now and then our fingers would grazed against each others making me flinch from his touch.

4 minutes later

"Well, this is your stop" he said with a little frown. "Come on Leo you know you can stay over, I trust you." I said as I gestured him to come in. He smiled and came in taking his shoes off as he came in.

"Wow, your house is beautiful" he said "well my moms not here so we can do anything."

He looked at me "it's up to you, it's your house" "hmmm, I can invite Charlie and Georgia and maybe Marcus?" "Okay" he said "but on one condition, we can't tell them we are dating because it's too soon." I said as Leo nodded in agreement.

I called Marcus and Georgia while Leo called Charlie I told Leo he could go home to change if he wants to and he did.

Now it was just the waiting game.

A/N~ I barely update but I have some good ideas so make sure you keep reading. Well that's what I think 😂 it's just very slow so bare with me. Hope you enjoy, like, comment and vote if you liked this chapter and comment any ideas you have for this book.

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