The Porcelain Dolls (EXO OTP'...

By onychophagy

184K 7.5K 2.3K

Chanyeol, Kai and Sehun are three college students on their way home from a party when they discover 3 boys... More

The Porcelain Dolls [by: sweetukissfan]
The Escape [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]
Save Us.... [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]
A Little Bit of Love and A Little Fight [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]
Family [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]
Bittersweet Cupcake with a dash of Mystery
A new lead and Baekhyun's Story [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]
Dirty messages and a Fluffy Teddy bear
Allies and Gangster Men [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]
So Close [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]
Chapter 12 [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]
Murder ,Accusations and Text Messages
Uh-oh [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]
A Christmas Surprise: The Miracles of December
A New Year's Gala: Date, Proposal, Teasing Lover
Bad Grades and an Uncomfortable Encounter
Cockblocking Kids, Shopping and Kyungsoo's Tale
Kaisoo's Outdoor Escapade [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]
Baekyeol's First Date and Kiss [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]
Hunhan's Lotte World Adventure [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]
Voice Mails and An MIA Action [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]
The Headquarters [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]
Bare, and Exposed [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]
Touch, Kiss, Intimacy and...a Bracelet
The Wrong Movie and a Raid [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]
Interpol Arrives and a Very Steamy Makeout
Euphoria [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]
A Family Meeting and A Terrible Mistake
Gain and Lose. Twice. [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]
Burnt Flowers [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]
Watch. Him. Die. [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]
Bloodied Hands [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]
Bang [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]
It Can Wait [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]
Reunion [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]
Home [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]
Epilogue [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]
Bonus!! [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]

Truth and Lies [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]

3.6K 142 26
By onychophagy

  Xiumin arrived back at the boy’s apartment, his arms heavy with purchases he picked up from the grocery store. His kids were next door taking a bath as he dumped the groceries on the kitchen table. He eyed the living room. The TV was off, there were cushions and throw pillows on the floor and on the couch and a few open DVD cases lay on the glass end table. It looked like someone has been there before, but now has disappeared.

                “Luhan? Sehun?” the room only seemed to echo in reply. Xiumin’s eyebrows crossed together. Where are the two lovebirds?

                “Luhan? Sehun?” That’s funny, the bathroom door is open and the lights are on. “Guys?”

                “Yes?” came a muffled response from Sehun’s room. Xiumin breathed a sigh of relief.

                “Are you guys in there? Is Sehun with you?”


                “Is everything okay?”

                “Yeah.” Luhan whimpered out. He exhaled deeply once he heard Xiumin’s footsteps drown out in the distance. Everything was not okay. Right now, his back is scraping against the wallpaper of Sehun’s bedroom wall, his lips a deep red from all the kissing, his shirt was drawn up as Sehun attacked his neck like a vampire, sucking and leaving hickeys. This is not what he wanted. He wanted his pants off, his high in the air and some much-needed relief from this heavy sensation pooling in his groin. This is all a little slow for his liking.

                He couldn’t remember how they even ended up like this. He fell asleep watching Lady and her tramp boyfriend eating the same strand of spaghetti, when he woke up, Sehun was gone. Anxious, he stood up to find him. He saw the light on in the bathroom, knocked three times but there was no response. He opened the door slightly and was shocked to see Sehun standing there, to what sounds like his name.

                A  few thousand kisses and tongues and gropes later, they ended up here. Luhan had to admit, Sehun’s lips on his body felt really good. And I mean really, really good. Almost sinful, to say the least.

                “B…bed…” Luhan pushed his body off the wall and tried to direct Sehun to the bed. Sehun fell on his back, the soft covers rubbing against his upper body. He wanted to plant his lips back on Luhan’s neck, lips or whatever he could get his lips onto but Luhan started stripping. He peeled his shirt off his head, exposing his milky body for the first time.

                “Wow…” it dawned on Sehun that he’s never seen Luhan before and Luhan looked beautiful, like a work of art. He pounced on Luhan and started stripping the boy in front of him instead, feeling the soft skin mixed with rough edges. It’s like a fine, textured piece of silk, and Sehun’s lips once again found their way onto Luhan’s skin.

                “Sehun…” Luhan moaned, leaning for Sehun to get better access to his skin. He loved brushing his skin against Sehun’s smooth ones as he worked on getting their pants off.  He bit his lip when he felt his lower half exposed to the cold air and moaned once again when he felt a pair of hands caress his behind.

                “God Luhan…” Sehun peppered kisses down Luhan’s body, all the way to his groin. He laid Luhan down on his back, feeling fingers getting entangled in his own hair, pulling softly on them.

                “Sehun please…I need you…”

                “Are you sure?”

                “Yes, please…” Luhan begged. He couldn’t help it. His was so hard it was getting painful and all Sehun is doing is adding pleasure and making it even harder. He felt his eyes tear up when Sehun gave his throbbing a lick. The sensation was too much to handle.

                “More…” he moaned, absentmindedly pushing Sehun’s head down. Sehun obediently complied, giving the mushroom head some much needed suction. He tried to take it as much as he can and judging by how Luhan’s body was shivering, it won’t be long until he explodes.

                “I need you in me.” He heard Luhan shamelessly plead, pulling his head off by his hair. “Please…”

                “I’ll be gentle, okay?” Sehun dug a hand into the bedside table next to him, feeling for the bottle of lube. He grabbed a as well. Lathering up two fingers, he slowly circled Luhan’s perky entrance, one hand holding onto Luhan’s for comfort.

                “Ngh…” it’s been a long while for Luhan indeed. The feeling was uncomfortable, but it had to be done. Sehun is pretty big and without prep it could very well kill him. Sehun’s long fingers struck a bundle of nerves that sent waves of intense pleasure all over his body. Luhan’s body arched up like a cat and he gripped Sehun’s hand in response.

                “Was that good?”

                “Good, so very good…” was the breathless reply. He moaned as Sehun worked on opening him up, making sure to his prostate for good measure. When Sehun finally entered him, his eyes went blurry and he screamed.

                “Luhan…” Sehun planted kisses all over his face and body, trying to make the pain go away. He shifted a bit, and at a certain angle, Luhan saw stars before his eyes.

                “Do that again. Hit it again.” Luhan pleaded, his eyes watery with pleasure. This was the most intense and pleasurable he has ever had. The man of his dreams, Oh Sehun, finally making love to him. Sehun felt wonderful inside him as he begged the college student to move faster.

                “Oh Luhan…god you feel wonderful.”


                “ Luhan…”

                “I’m close…”

                “Hang on…” with one last thrust, a sheet of white and glitter burst into Luhan’s vision as he came violently, shooting his seed all over, covering their bodies. Seconds later, Sehun came as well, his body slumped on top of Luhan’s sweaty body and covered in .

                “Luhan…” Sehun wondered for a while what just happened. He just made love to his boyfriend, the most beautiful angel he has ever seen. He was terribly embarrassed when Luhan found him in the bathroom and his body turned red. Now, his body has turned red for a completely different reason.

                “You okay?” Luhan was panting so hard, he couldn’t reply. He let out a smile so wide and kissed Sehun. “I’m fine.”

                “Are you hurt?” Luhan shook his head.

                “That was the best ever.”

                “Really?” Sehun was a little surprised. Coming from Luhan’s background, he was sure he wasn’t going to be all that spectacular, but he was glad he could give Luhan the pleasure he deserved.      

                The two of them stayed there silently, breathing hard to calm their erratic breathing and pulse. Sehun stretched his arms, and noticed that Luhan was far from him. In fact, he had scooted over to the other side of the bed.

                “What are you doing? Come close to me.”

                “You’re not going to leave?”


                “All the other people…they always leave.”

                Sehun gave Luhan a soft smile and rolled closer, almost pushing Luhan off the edge. He wrapped his arms around the boy and rolled their bodies, so that he lay on top of Luhan and kissed him.

                “They left because they didn’t love you. But I love you Luhan, I love you so much.” He combed Luhan’s soft hair with his fingers. “I will never leave you.”

                “You…you really do love me?” Luhan’s voice was weak and it cracked towards the end. He touched Sehun’s handsome face and felt tears in his eyes again. He heard it so many times but he couldn’t believe it. The man who saved his life loves him? It’s like a dream come true.

                “Yes.” He kissed him. “I love you Luhan.”

                Luhan was so happy, he cried. He choked on his words as leaned into Sehun’s embrace and cried softly. Sehun rubbed the tears off his pretty deer-like features and kissed him again and again.

                “Luhan, can you do me a favour?” the boy nodded in response. “The next time you see someone else that’s not me in the bathroom, with their sticking out, don’t help them, okay?”

                Luhan threw a pillow at him. Trust Oh Sehun to spoil the mood.

                “It’s true! If I tell you the things Chanyeol did in there you wouldn’t use it!



                “What is the meaning of this?” Mr. Wu stepped out of his black Rolls Royce, his loyal assistant Jacques in tow. Jacques looked just as shocked as Mr. Wu did, darting his eyes around.

                “What do you boys think you’re doing, coming here and acting as if the mafia was invading? You’re ruining my business!”

                “I think you should be the one explaining something to us.” Suho said, pointing to the extended building. “Why is there an extension to the gallery?”

                “It’s for storing paintings and artifacts! I had acquired so much new works lately that I had an extension built years ago to store it all. I swear if you guys entered inside I will kill you.”


                “These works of art are centuries old! Contact to oxygen would ruin the painting, that’s why I had the giant metal vault built in as a door!” He eyed the metal vault with a hole in its side and he felt the blood rushing to his brain.              

                “Why didn’t you tell us about the extension?” Kris asked.

                “It slipped my mind, there was just so many things going on so I let Jacques handle it…it any case that’s not the point! The question is what are you doing here, raiding my gallery?!”

                “We have reason to believe that this is the headquarters for Mr. X’s operations.” Suho explained.

                “You have reason to believe? Just believe? You came and blew up my extension just because of a belief?”

                “This isn’t a god damn painting storage! There are no paintings inside!” Kris yelled at his father. “Dad, is there something you are not telling us?”

                “Hang on a minute, what are you getting at here?”

                “There’s a possibility that someone we know very well could be behind all this, or at least doing business with Mr. X.” Suho eyed his own uncle very carefully, watching his body language.

                “And you think I’m involved?”

                “We didn’t say anything.” Kris snapped.

                “Then what the hell are you doing?! You should be out there catching the real deal, not blowing up my stuff! Where the hell are my paintings?”

                “This is the real deal Uncle Wu.” Suho held out an arm to block his cousin. Kris was on the verge of losing it and attacking his own father. “We think you know more than you’re letting on.”

                Mr. Wu scoffed in disbelief. “This is crazy. Who do you guys think I am, huh? Do I look like Mr. X to you?”

                “We want to see your account book.” Kris said.


                “If you’re telling the truth your account should be clean.”

                “Are you ing mad?! My account is none of your business! There is no way you will get to it!”

                “Do you have something to hide?” Suho accused. He looked at his uncle, who is sweating profusely, either from the heat or nervousness. The CEO shook his head and whispered something to Jacques. The two cousins eyed the older man seriously.

                “I will tell you this once more,” he turned to his son and nephew. “There is no underground operation going on behind this gallery. This gallery is for your mother for God’s sake.” Kris hated that, he hated how his dad bought his mother in; as if he knew it was his weak spot and was aiming for it like a missile. “And if this happens again,” the old man threatened. “You two are off the case.”


                “Interpol is in Korea.” Mr. Wu buttoned up his jacket and straightened his tie. “Obviously you boys have been strayed so I called in help.” Sabotage is more like it, Suho seethed.

                Kris and Suho watched at the CEO went back into his Rolls Royce. The fancy car drove away, not before Kris muttered something with a very low voice. “.”Suho agreed. He hated working with Interpol, and now his uncle just called them in. Could this be a ruse?

                “Sir! You have to see this!” Suho whipped his head at the sound of Minho’s voice. They ran into the building and into one of the rooms where Amber, their forensics expert was crouching in a corner, pointing to a wall with her UV light.

                “Look at this.” Kris saw a white spot on the wall. “Traces of something.”

                “Move up.” He ordered. His eyes followed a dotted pattern along the line, coming to a traced letter on the wall. In thick squiggly lines, a ghostly apparition of a single word appeared. Help.

                “Help.” Suho mouthed. “Get a swab of this. Check for DNA.”

                “My father is lying.” Kris weakly mumbled, feeling his knees go weak. It was as if someone hit him on the head with a block.

                “We don’t know for sure, but someone is lying to us indeed.”

                Just when he thought he couldn’t have hated his father enough, now he feels like a total stranger to him.

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