The Boyfriend Project. C.H. (...

By Foreverattached

1.6M 41.3K 17.2K

"Calum please don't go." I plead desperately. "I can't stay." He says coldly before grabbing his bag and wa... More

The boyfriend project. C.H. (A.U.)
Thirty - Six.
Note ◇
Important! ◇
Sixty-Three. (Part 1)
Sixty-Three. (Part 2)
Sixty-Three (Part 3)
Thank you ♡
Seventy - One.
Epilogue and Sequel details.
Seventy- Seven.
Seventy-Eight. (Part 1)
Seventy-Eight. (Part 2)
Eighty - Epilogue
A/N: The End. ♥
Sequel ♥
Hi or Hey ♡
Alternate Ending ♥
One Million Reads!


22.2K 532 254
By Foreverattached

"Calum you need to get up." I tell him once again. By now I was already showered and dressed and ready to go, Calum however decided to turn over and go back to sleep when the alarm went off at five this morning. We had planned to leave at 7:00 and it was currently 6:30.

"Nooo." Calum whines pulling the blankets over his face. I shake my head at childish behaviour but also I can't help but smile.

"Oh my god." I go over to my bed and jump on top of him before pulling the blankets back down. "Hi." Calum childishly grins at me.

"You need to get up." I grin down at him and he pouts. "It's too early."

"It's almost seven." I point out and he groans. "Come on Cal get your cute butt up." I smirk at him placing a swift kiss on his nose.

"I do have a cute butt." Calum nods proudly.

"Time to get that cute butt up then?" I ask him and he lets out a sigh which I'm taking as a yes. I move to get off him but he grabs my hands suddenly and shoots me a mischievous smile.

"Or we could just go back to bed." Calum pulls me down and turns us over so that he was on top.

"Calum ." I whine but end up laughing.

"I just wanna cuddle the whole day." Calum says before he nuzzles his face into my neck.

"We can't though." I tell him and he huffs removing his face from my neck and looking down at me.

"Bloody Luke and Ashton." Calum shakes his head and I grin at him.

"Go get ready Hood." Calum sighs again before copying my actions from just before and kissing my nose then hoping off me and finally getting out of bed.

I moved my bags into the lounge as I waited for Calum to get ready, I figured that as soon as we was done we would just leave. We were only leaving so early because it was a three hour drive up to the camp drive and we didn't want to get there when it was dark. Everyone else was suppose to be meeting us up there.

I mentally go over everything that I had to do before we left and knew that I had sorted out everything so I could have some time to just relax. I grabbed my book from one of my bags and picked up from where I last left off.

I would say about fifteen minutes later Calum finally came wondering into the lounge. "Finally ready?" I ask him shutting my book and putting it back in my bag.

"Hey. It's takes time to look this good." Calum cocks an eyebrow at me and I roll my eyes at him. Calum was one of those people who get out of bed and go somewhere and still look perfectly great.

"No it doesn't." I tell him standing up from the couch. "You don't even need to try and look good Calum it just comes naturally to you."

"It does not." Calum protests frowning.

"Trust me. It does." Before Calum has the chance to say anything our front door swings open and I'm surprised to see Luke walk in. A very angry looking Luke to be exact.

"I swear I will kill her if I have to be trapped with her in a car for the next three hours." Luke huffs.

"Who? Claudia?" I ask him and he nods. I look at Calum who cringes and shakes his head.

"Luke get back in the car!" Michael yells before actually coming inside.

"Not with her in there." Luke sits down on one of the couches and crosses his arms.

"What are we going do with those two?" I sigh shaking my head.

We had planned for both Aria and Claudia to go with Michael and Luke since Ashton was going to drive up with Emma and that left Calum and I to go with each other.

"Maybe she could go with yous?" Michael suggests and I look at Calum who looks annoyed.

"Up to you." Calum tells me before sitting down next to Luke.

"What about Aria?" I ask. I didn't really want to leave her alone with Luke and Michael for three hours.

"She'll be fine. We don't bite." Michael shrugs a small smile on his lips.

"Genie does." Calum smirks and send him a small glare.

"Can't we just swap?" Luke asks getting our attention.

"What do you mean?" Michael asks him.

"The girls go with Genie and Calum comes with us."

"That might be better." Michael nods looking at me, I shrug in response before looking at Calum.

"No way." Calum huffs.

"Oh come on Cal, do you wanna go to Claudia's funeral?" Luke almost sounds serious. Jeez this two needed to get over their issues.

"It's only three hours." Michael points out and Calum lets out a sigh. "You two owe me." Luke claps in Excitement before hoping off the couch and rushing outside.

"Out of my car!" I hear him yell, obviously to Claudia.

"Mike." Calum nods to the door and Michael chuckles before going back out. I guess he was going to be the peace keeper out there.

"Road trip with the boys!" I say trying to lighten the mood. Calum grunts before hoping off the couch and coming over to me.

"I don't wanna go with them." Calum says.

"Really? I didn't have a clue." I lightly laugh making Calum crack a smile. "Come on you." I move pass him to grab my bags off the couch but he stops me.

"Calum.." I start but he cuts me off."

"I'm just trying to be a gentlemen Genie." Calum smirks reaching for my bags and then going out the front door. That boy really was something else.

I grab my keys off the table before heading outside. Claudia and Aria are already leaning on my car, Aria looks happy as can be Claudia just looks pissed.

"Cheer up buttercup." I tell her going over and unlocking my car.

"Shut up." Claudia grins at me before getting in the backseat.

"Sorry for the change of plans." Aria Says opening the passenger door.

"It's really fine Ari." I smile at her. "I'm just gonna lock up." I tell them. Calum was currently stuffing his bags in Luke's car and I really have to stop myself from at laughing at how annoyed he looks.

"Watch the seat cover!" Luke hisses. God the way Luke cares about his car was unbelievable. I don't think I had met a guy who cared so much but I'll admit,It was a little cute.

I go back up to the front door and make sure thing that I am 100 percent sure that I'm not forgetting anything before closing the front door and locking it.

When I get back down to everyone I think we are pretty much ready to leave. Calum was now standing at the boot of my car and had just put my last bag in the boot. What a gentleman.

"All done." Calum tells me when I reach him.

"Thank you." Calum slams my boot shut before looking at me and pouting.

"You're gonna be fine." I lightly chuckle before wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him in to a hug. He wraps his arms around my waist and hugs me tightly.

"It's only three hours Cal." I remind him and he lets out a small sigh.

"That's long enough." Calum states. I unwrap my arms from his neck and stare at him with a smile. "What?" Calum lightly frowns.

"You're just cute." He rolls his eyes at my comment but then smiles.

"Sure I am." Calum says pressing his lips to mine. His lips are so unbelievably warm and soft it's crazy. I swear it feels like my stomach is going to explode with butterflies as soon as his tongue meets mine.

Something I had picked up on whenever Calum and I kissed was that even if the was a quick peck or a heated make-out every time my body would react in ways that I had never even experienced before when kissing someone.. My stomach would drop unexpectedly or I would get extreme goosebumps, just little things like that. It was strange but at the same time I kind of loved it. The only thing that worried me was that this was happening with Calum, this only ever happened with Calum and I didn't think it should be considering he was my roommate, he was my fake-boyfriend not real one.

Yet these feelings were as real as it got.

The kiss is broken when Luke honks his horn. "Hurry up lovebirds!" Michael yells.

Calum rolls his eyes. "Three hours."

"Three hours." I nod kissing his lips once more before pushing him along to Luke's car.

"Drive safe boys!" I yell to them as Calum finally gets in the car.

"Always." Luke grins before beginning to back out. I hop in to my own car before starting it up.

"We ready girls?" I ask putting my seatbelt on.

"Oh yeah." Aria beams excitedly.

"As ready as ever." Claudia smiles and I nod before following the boys and backing out.

Three hour car ride. Yay.


After three food stops and six toilet stops we were finally pulling into the camp ground. The car ride was actually quite fun, it gave us girls to have a proper catch up and good gossip at the same time plus we had a pretty awesome dance party the entire way.

I smile when I spot Ashton's car, I really couldn't wait to meet Emma.

"Should we find Ashton and just unload later?" I ask the girls who both nod in agreement. We all hop out of the car feeling pretty happy to not have to be in there any longer.

"Looks Like he's already set up camp." Claudia points over to a tent that is set up.

"I love camping!" Aria says looking excited.

"You can put the tent up then."Claudia smirks at Aria

"Or you could both do it.." I suggest getting a glare from Claudia.

"That's an excellent idea." Aria smiles before pointing in the distance. "There's Ashton!"

We practically run down to where Ashton was making him laugh at us. "Hey girls." Ashton greets us happily.

"Hey where's Emma?" I ask looking around and noting the absence of a another girl.

"She's just changing." Ashton tells us. "Where are the boys?" Ashton questions.

"That's actually a good question." Aria says.

"Hopefully they got lost." Claudia grins jokingly but I'm sure she was being a tiny bit serious.

"I don't know actually, They left like two minutes before us so I thought they would be." I shrug. I wonder where they had gotten to.

"I'm sure they'll be here soon." Ashton shrugs.

"Yeah well I think we will wait for them to unload." I say and Ashton nods before looking towards his tent. I follow his gaze and see a short pretty brunette standing there looking a little nervous.

"Hang on." Ashton chuckles leaving us and going over to her. They share a few words before coming back over to us hand and hand. Sooo adorable.

"Girls this is Emma, Emma this is the girls." Ashton introduces.

"Hi I'm Genie! It's so lovely to meet you." I smile at her and she returns my smile.

"Oh Genie! I've heard so much about you."

"Hopefully all good." I smile before shooting Ashton a glare.

"Of course!" Emma grins looking at Claudia and Aria.

"I'm Aria! It's a pleasure to meet you."

"You too." Emma smiles. "And you must be Claudia?"

"I certainly am. Nice to finally meet the girl that Ashton has been beaming about." Claudia smirks at Ashton who blushes.

"It's great to finally meet all of you, I've heard so many good things. It's a shame Sam couldn't make it." Emma says looking a little disappointed.

"You just can meet her another time babe." Ashton says sweetly.

"Yeah true." Emma smiles. All of our attention turns to up the hill where a lot of noise is coming from.

"I think the boys are here." Ashton chuckles. Sure enough we spot Michael's still very green hair before Calum and Luke follow behind.

"We have arrived!" Michael yells stating the obvious.

"I'm guessing that's Michael." Emma lightly giggles.

"You would be right there." Claudia says. "I'm gonna go find a toilet." She walks off just as the boys reach us.

"What happened to you boys?" Ashton asks but we were all curious as to why they didn't arrive earlier.

"Michael needed food." Luke answers shooting Michael a small glare. I smile at Calum who looks a little annoyed no doubt from the great drive they just had.

"Have fun?" I ask him and he shakes his head pulling me into a hug.

"Really Cal? You saw her three hours ago!" Calum breaks the hug and flips Michael off.

"Where's satan spawn?" Luke asks looking around at everyone.

"Really Luke?" Ashton asks shaking his head. I'm sure this is the exact first impression he wanted the boys to have on Emma.

"She is." Luke shrugs.

"You two are ridiculous." I say and Aria nods at me in agreement.

"So boys this is uh.. Emma." Ashton Introduces looking nervous.

"Emma! Welcome to the group." Michael unexpectedly hugs her. We all look at him in shock, that was very strange for Michael.

"Thanks Michael." Emma smiles happily.

"Glad you could make it." Luke grins but it disappears as soon as he sees Claudia coming back over.

"Yeah me too." Emma grins at Ashton who grins right back at her. "And this me be Calum." Emma looks at Calum who smiles.

"Nice to finally put a face to the name." Calum replies.

"You too." Emma says.

"Can we set up camp now?" Michael asks look restless. Everybody agrees and all of us (apart from Ashton and Emma) go back up to the cars and get everything out that we need.

"How do we wanna do sleeping arrangements?" Ashton asks everyone.

"Well Claudia and Luke need to share a tent." Michael smirks.

"Like hell we do." Claudia huffs.

"I think it could be a good idea, Get some of those frustrations out." Calum adds getting glares from both Luke and Claudia.

"Actually I'm sharing with Aria." Claudia says.

"I wanna share with Calum!" Luke suddenly says making everyone laugh.

"You can sleep in our tent Luke." I smile at him and he grins happily.

"Michael can share with us." Ashton shrugs and Michael gives him a thumbs up.

"It's settled then." Aria claps excitedly. I guess she wasn't lying when she said she loves camping.

"Come on Ari, lets get this stupid tent up." Claudia turns away from everyone and Aria follows after.

"Come on you." Calum laces our fingers together and walks us over to where we were going to pitch our tent.

"Where are the instructions?" I frown looking through the tent bag and not finding any.

"We don't need them." Luke says coming over to us.

"Boys." I shake my head. Those typical males who thought they could do things without needing any help.

I stand there in confusion as I watch the boys start putting the tent together. They were actually doing a pretty good job, I know that if it was me I wouldn't have a clue.


"Calum I swear to god...If you." Calum splashes me making me instantly stop talking. After everyone was all set up we decided to come to the lake that was close by and since it was only early in the afternoon so it was still perfectly warm enough to go for a swim.

"I'm sorry." Calum laughs swimming closer to me. "I just had to one more time."

"You're so mean." I poke my tongue out at him and he shoots me that award winning grin.

"I'm mean?" Calum raises his eyebrows at me looking amused as his hands find my hips and pulls me towards him.

"You are." I nod.

"Genie do you have any idea how fucking amazing you look in that bikini?" Calum bites down on his bottom lip and I have to admit I flush at his words.

"I do!" Luke smirks at Calum as he swims pass us.

"Get lost Hemmings." Calum splashes some water at him and Luke just has to retaliate making those two break out in to a full war.

"Boys." Aria giggles as I swim over to her.

"Tell me about it." I grin. "Where did Claudia go?" I ask noticing that she was nowhere to be seen.

"She went back." Aria shrugs. "Apparently she was starting to get to cold."

"Or maybe she was getting to hot seeing a topless Luke." I smirk and Aria starts laughing.

"Or that."

"So Emma seems nice." I say looking over at Ashton and Emma who were laughing away something.

"She's lovely! Are they officially dating yet?" Aria asks.

"I actually have no idea." I would have to ask him about that.

"Well either way they're very cute." Aria beams smiling at them.

"Very." I agree. I really hoped that this time everything worked for Ashton, he really deserved to find somebody to make him happy.

"Dunk!" I head Michael yell before my head gets pushed under the water.

"You dick!" I yell to Michael once I come back up. Aria lets out a laugh as she wipes her eyes, Michael had totally gotten us both good there.

"It had to be done." Michael defends putting on his best innocent look. I had to hand it to him he was very hard to be angry at. I look over at Calum and Luke who are still messing around with huge smiles painted on both of their faces.

"I think I'm might get out." I tell Aria.

"Want me to come with?" She asks and I shake my head. "Stay in if you want." I smile before hoping out.

I feel goosebumps rise on my skin straight away, it was a lot colder when you weren't in the water. I rush over to where Ashton and Emma were and grab my towel.

"Good swim?" Ashton asks me and I nod. "The waters really warm."

"Genie you look so cold." Emma looks sympathetic and I can't but smile at her. "It's strangely cold out of the water."

"Genieeee get back in!" Calum yells to me. Luke and him had finished whatever game they were playing before and are both just chilling in the water.

"Make me." I tell him and smirk instantly spreads over his lips.

"Okay I will." My eyes widen at his words.

"I was joking!"

"I'm not." Calum says hoping out of the water and making his way over to me.

"No." I wrap my towel around myself tighter trying to get some extra warmth.

"Yes." Calum grins finally reaching me. His hands instantly dispose of my towel making me squeal at the coldness.

"Calum don't." I plead but he doesn't listen and instead picks me up before running and jumping back in to the lake.

"You're such a dick." I pout at him once we had both come out.

"I'm sowwy." Calum gives me puppy dog eyes as he wraps his arms around me sharing his never ending warmth with me.

"Dick." I say again before cracking a smile.

"I'll make it up to you." Calum tells me and I raise my eyebrows at him. "How do you plan on doing that?"

"I'm sure we can come to an arrangement." Calum smirks placing a swift kiss on my collar bone.

"I'm sure we can."

A/N: I don't know how to even feel about this chapter but I'm happy because I managed to do the double update!

I just wanna say a huge thank you to anyone who has read,voted and commented on this so far! You seriously have no idea how much I appreciate it :') so yeah just a big thank you.

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