The Bad Boy's Camera Girl ✔️

By lonelylooseer

33.7K 782 177

Evaluna Adams loves to takes pictures of anything and anyone, her life isn't as good as she wants it to be an... More

~Author's Note~
~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
~Chapter 25~
~Chapter 26~
~Chapter 27~
~Outifts for Ch. 27~
~Chapter 28~
~Chapter 29~

~Chapter 3~

1.4K 36 3
By lonelylooseer

A/N: not edited

"Este proyecto vale ochenta puntos puede subir o bajar tu calificación. Si eliges no hacerlo, eso depende de ti. realmente no me importa. Es debido en 2 semanas. Tienes que hacerlo en parejas" she says and everyone cheers "pero ya tengo a las parejas en la lista." she then says and everyone groaned.

Translation: this project is worth eighty points. it can either bring up or lower your grade. if you choose not to do it, that's on you. i really don't care. It's due in 2 weeks. You get to do it in partners but i already have the partners.

"Alyssa and Max."

"Nathalie and Alex"

"Angel and Monica"

"Jose and Richard"

"Liam and Jacob"

"Jason and Caroline"

"Rosaline and Krystal"

"April and Naomi"

"Jennifer and Samantha"

"Adam and Carla"

"Catherine and Faith"

"Addison and Noah"

"Veronica and Nathan"

"Isabella and Lucas"

"Evaluna and Axel"

"Póngase con sus socios y hablen sobre cuándo se pueden reunir para trabajar en esto, porque después de mañana no les daré más tiempo en clase. Entendido? " she said. Translation: Get with your partners and discuss when you guys can meet with each other to work on this because after tomorrow I'm not giving you anymore time in class. understood?

The class nodded.

Everyone started moving around, even Bella and Veronica. I didn't know what to do this actually the first time he's been to class in like a month. I gathered my belongings and stood up. I walked to where he was seated. I sat down in the empty seat next to him. He looked too busy on his phone to notice my presence.

I looked up to make eye contact with Bella and Veronica. I mouthed a 'help'. They just shrugged and giggled. I shook my head. They turned away and i looked at Axel again, but this time he was already looking at me.

He smirked. "Aren't you that one girl that's always the teachers pet?" he asked.

I didn't reply. Being nice to teachers does not make the teachers pet.

"Oh, i see." his smirk grew. "Cat got your tongue Angel?" he chuckled.

"Look i'm pretty sure you don't want to be here as much as i do. So why don't we just hurry up and do this project so we can just go back to living our normal lives and don't ever have to speak to each other. " i said to him.

He sat there dumbfounded. "Wow, she speaks!" he said and smirked. I rolled my eyes. "Look princess, why don't you just do this project and i'll just put my name on it so that way we don't even have to talk." he said and returned back to his phone.

I glared at him. I took his phone out of his hands. "It's called a group project for a reason." i said and he just rolled his eyes.

"Your point is?" he asked crossing his arms over his chest.

"My point is, im pretty sure you're already failing all your classes and at this point you really don't care right?" i said and his jaw was locked. "You probably won't even graduate but you don't care. You don't care if you go to continuation school right? At least there you'll get your high school diploma right? But why do double the work when you can just finish it here and get over with it." i said but he just stayed silent. "But you don't care so i'll just do it by myself." i said getting up from my seat. I turned my back to him and started walking away.

"Wait!" he cried out. "Where do you want to meet then?" he said and i smiled.


After the little speech I gave Axel in Spanish, he decided to agree and we are meeting up at the park this afternoon.

It was now lunch and I was in line trying to get a slice of chocolate cake before they run out.

"EVA!!" my very loud friend, Isabella yelled with Veronica at her side

"What?" I asked.

"Come here, we have to talk to you." she said.

"Hold on, I'm trying to get this piece of cake." I said.

I turned back around to find that there was now nobody in front of me. I walked up the lunch lady before I bumped into something. I looked up, yes i have to look up since i'm only 5'0, and saw someone's back. Wow this person was not here before.

"Wat-" they said until they turned around and looked at me. "Oh it's you." Axel said. He turned back around when the lunch lady asked him what he wanted.

"A piece of chocolate cake." he said.

"Okay, you got the last one! Congrats." she said with sarcasm dripping from her statement.

I glared at him. "Are you serious right now? I've been trying to get one of those for the passed three months and right when i was about to get it you show up, cut the line, and take the last piece. Unbelievable." I said and shook my head.

I walked out of the line and walked to my friends. Looks like i don't have anything to eat today. I've gotten used to that actually. When my father first started abusing me, I wanted to kill myself so i would try everything in my will to do so. That meant that I starved myself, i cut myself, I burned myself; anything you could possibly think of i tried it, including hanging myself. Of course that didn't work because my brother caught me and gave me this whole speech about how he cared about me and didn't want to lose another family member.

"Are you hungry?" Veronica said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"No." i simply said.

We walked back to our table and veronica and isabella nodded to each other before bella reached into her backpack and grabbed a sandwich.

"Guys i said i wasn't hungry." i said.

"Girl you need to eat, i know your history." Veronica said with a hint of sass.

"Yeah, come on, one bite." Bella said.

I shook my head.

"This is not the Evaluna we know." Bella said.

"Yeah, the Evaluna we know eats a whole box of pizza in about five minutes." Veronica said. I smiled.

"I don't really want anything right now, I guess." i said.

"Okay, promise me you'll eat something at home." Veronica said.

"Okay, i promise." i said.

"I'll ask Isaac if i need to." she said.

"Okay, okay." i said and rolled my eyes playfully. "What did you need to talk to me about?" i asked.

"Where are you and Axel meeting for the project?" she asked.

"We decided on the park. Why?" i said.

"Just asking, because me and Lucas are meeting up at starbucks and Veronica and nathan are meeting up at the library." she said.

"And Nathan knows where that is?" i said and laughed at my own joke.

"Laugh all you want, but nathan is actually very smart and fluent in spanish. Plus he's the most mature out of them three. He's not irresponsible like the rest of them and actually respects woman." she says defending him.

"Damn, you didn't have to defend him, you're acting like a fucking crazy girlfriend." Isabella said to her.

"I'm not crazy nor am i his girlfriend." she said. she looked at us, "okay maybe i am a bit crazy."

We laughed at her.

"Hey ladies, mind if we join you for lunch?" Lucas asked us with both guys behind him.

I looked at them and back at the girls and they looked like they had hearts for eyes like the little emoji.

"We don't want you guys here." I said.

"What she means is, sure you guys can have lunch with us." Bella said and scooted over so there was a space between her and Veronica. I, on the other hand, always sit in the front of them, meaning there were two open spots next to me.

Axel sits down on my right and just as I was about to scoot over, Lucas decides to sit on my left, so I was in the middle of them two.

I don't really know how to explain this, but I don't like when guys or older men are near me and having these two next to me is already giving me anxiety. I don't think having those two mixed is a great idea.

"Right Eva?" Bella asked.

"W-what?" I stuttered, trying to control having an anxiety attack.

"Camera Girl has a name?" Axel asked beside me and smirked.

"Yeah, her name is Evaluna Adams." Veronica said for me.

Adams. I hate that last name. It's the monsters last name and I hate being related to him.

"By any chance are you related to Isaac Adams." Nathan asked.

"Yeah, that's her twin brother." Bella said.

"Oh shit, really?!" Lucas asked.

Veronica and Bella both nodded.

"Why do you always carry a camera around your neck?" Someone whispered in my ear.

I turned to my right and saw Axel close to my ear.

"Why do you care?" I asked him. My eyes watering up.

The bell rang and I got up quickly and went to my class.

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