My Immortal

By TarableTaralynn

25K 1.2K 466

Dean's a centuries old vampire who hates the monster he's become and others of his kind; which causes him to... More

Author's Note :)
In The Beginning
Uncovering Secrets
Meeting Him
Telling Him The Truth
Found Out
On The Run
Chosen One
Telling Him
Returning To Them
New Discoveries
Letting Them Help
A New Attack Plan
Hunting His Kind
Going To War
Learning Of His Past
The Search Continues
Figuring Things Out
Saving His Life And Mistakes Made
Getting Help
Break Out
Coming Back Together
Going Hunting
Countdown To War
A New Ally
Trusting Him
Training Day
Losing One Of The Family
Making Plans
Choosing To Fight
Ambushed And Taken
Finding A Way Out
Out Of Time
A New Ally And Home
Problems And A Change Of Plans
Moving And Keeping Things From Them
Stronger Together
Hurtful Words
An Attack And A New Ally
His Story!
Going On A Vamp Hunt!
Breaking Him
A Secret Meeting
A Deal Is Made!
A Secret Discovered!
An Uncertain Future
Breaking Down
Forgiveness And Coverups
The Truth And Fighting Each Other
A New Problem Appears
One Problem Solved
A Secret Mission
Fights And Nightmares
Trying To Save Rose
Nightmares Come To Life
Plans Coming Together
Plans Exposed
Plans Work Out For Once
Making Decisions
A New Offer Is Made
Finding Inner Strength
The Battle Within
Past Lies Uncovered
The Battle Begins
The Begining Of The End
One Step Closer To The End
The Battle Draws Closer
Family Reunion
A New Reign Begins
Author's Note

The Truth And A New Enemy Revealed

197 12 13
By TarableTaralynn

 After everyone was settled, Jameson took a deep breath and began to pace, he had never discussed the group with anyone outside of it before and Dean was the first Vamp he had ever met, until Zander. Both were intimidating, but there was something more intimidating about Dean since he was the Chosen One. The others were all humans and an odd group to be associated with Vamps. All of them were unsure about him, he knew that, but the only one who made it perfectly clear they disliked and didn't trust him was Seth.

 "Alright, Jameson...if that's even your real name, we're waiting!" Seth said annoyed, Paige lightly hit him in the arm to silence him.

 "It is my real name and as I've already told you, I'm part of a very old and knowledgeable group called The Watchers."

 "Yeah, you have, so tell us something we don't know!" Seth said bitterly.

 "Wait, why does that name sound so damn familiar to me?" Dean questioned.

 "Our group was...the reason for your kind's demise."

 "What?" All six said together shocked.

 "I'm afraid it's true."

 "I knew I had a reason to not trust or like you!" Seth stated angrily, as he stood. "You aren't going to do a damn thing to Dean or Zander, you son-of-a-bitch! I..."

 "I don't want to!" Jameson said, cutting him off.

 "Again we're just supposed to believe you after you told us the group you're a member of were responsible for the almost complete decimation of Dean and Zander's kind!" Seth stated upset.

 "If you'd just let me explain, please?" Jameson asked, looking at Dean and Zander for help.

 "Seth, sit down and let him finish." Dean said sighing.

 "What? You all don't..."

 "Brother, thank you for your concern, but let's hear him out." Zander added, cutting Seth off.

 "Fine!" Seth agreed pouting, as he sat beside Paige.

 "Thank you." Jameson said smiling. "The Watchers have been around since the first Vamp was created. They were the ones who kept the peace between Vamps and humans. Believe it or not, but there was a time when the two sides got along. As a sign of good faith, the first Vamp Santos, created a dagger, its only purpose was to kill Vampires; it was only to be used if Vamps turned on humans."

 "The Imperial Dagger!" Dean and Zander said together, Jameson nodded.

 "Yes." Jameson said.

 "We were led to believe the dagger was only a myth." Zander stated confused.

 "Yes, there's a reason for that. As time went on both the Vamps and Watchers grew to resent the other; each side believing they were the better species. So, members of both sides began rebelling against their respected leaders and each side's rebellion was led by an evil man who wanted to control their side's power and influence. For the humans it was a man named Micah, for the Vamps, it was..."

 "Vassago!" Dean said, cutting Jameson off.

 "Yes, one night Vassago used the dagger to kill Santos and made it look like Micah and the other humans did it. Vassago became King by default and Micah eventually took control of The Watchers, by instilling fear into the others and exploiting it."

 "So, what happened?" Paige asked.

 "As time went by Vassago was angered by the other Vamps allegiance to Santos and so he spoke to Micah, promising him what he craved the most...power! In return of the other Vamps deaths at the hands of humans, Vassago would give Micah power beyond his dreams. So, they went through with their plan, every Vamp was killed except for the Elders, Keeper and Vassago and every one of them fell by a Watcher's hand."

 "How do you and the monastery fit into this?" Roman questioned.

 "To obtain this great power though, they had to come here where an ancient scroll; a prophecy lay, guarded by a group of monks. Of course, when they got here the monks refused to tell them where it was or give it up and it started a battle; one the church to this day hides to keep its reputation safe. The Vamps and Watchers accused the other of breaking their pact and the war between them began."

 "Okay, so how do you fit into this? What about the bitch who attacked and almost killed me?" 

 "The original leader of The Watchers was my blood, he was my great, great, great, great..."

 "Alright, we get the point!" Dean said annoyed, cutting him off. "He was your Grandfather."

 "Yes and I'm the only Watcher left who still believes in Santos and my Grandfather's pact. I'm an outcast; I have been my entire life, because of my beliefs and desire to reveal the truth."

 "So, the bitch who attacked me...she was one of Micah's followers?" Dean asked.


 "How did The Watchers get the dagger if Vassago held it?" Zander questioned.

 "Before Vassago grew his new family; which includes Dean and Zander, Micah and the other Watchers attacked and stole the dagger. He swore to Vassago that he would fall by the hand of a Watcher, even if it took a 1000 years!"

 "If she's a Watchers descendent, why didn't she know how to kill me with the dagger then?"

 "Micah and his followers were sloppy, undisciplined and over the years their descendants only became worse. I, on the other hand, studied and trained, preparing myself for the final battle."

 "Okay, now explain how you not only knew I was a Vamp, but that I was also the Chosen One and how you knew where my family was!" Dean demanded.

 "It all comes down to the prophecy." Jameson answered. "You see, the scroll had nothing to do with Micah, that was a lie to get the Watchers to help them find it, Vassago knew the monks would never have trusted Vamps, so he used Micah and the others as a cover. He wanted the scroll to learn its secrets and uncover the identity of the Chosen One so; he could kill him before he knew what he was. I learned of the prophecy after I came across my Grandfather's scroll, I thought it was the only one, until now. After studying the scroll for years and my training as a Watcher, I was able to tell what Dean was. After saving him, I honestly didn't have any idea where your family was, but I figured coming here would have been a good start. When I arrived and saw your cars I knew I had been right." Jameson explained.

 ", you could read the scroll?" Zander asked shocked.

 "Me, no." Jameson answered. "I"

 "Are there any more Watchers?" Paige asked.

 "No, after killing Sarah; the woman from the alley, I'm the only Watcher left, which is why I saved Dean."

 "To avenge your Grandfather." Father O'Conner said, Jameson nodded.

 "Yes, that is also why I'm joining the fight."

 "No! Not happening, asshole!" Seth said angrily, as he stood. "For all we know you could be lying; telling us what we want to hear, just waiting for us to drop our guard. Then when we're not looking you attack and kill Dean and Zander! I won't take that risk with my family, dammit!"

 "Seth, go for a walk and clear your head." Dean said sighing.

 "What? No, I..."

 "I'm not asking!" Dean said firmly, cutting him off.

 "Fine!" Seth said angrily, before he stormed out.

 "Alright, we need to talk!" Dean stated, looking at Jameson.

**Two Days Later**:

 Dean stood outside in the shade alone, trying to get back into his training, but because of his injury, it was proving to be a little difficult. The others were inside trying to keep Seth from killing Jameson. They had agreed to let Jameson stay, but were still unsure if he could be trusted and none of them were taking any chances. He sighed, as he picked up his sword again and began to swing it, but after two swings he had to stop, his wound; which was almost healed, began to bother him again.

 "Dammit!" Dean yelled in frustration, as he held his side where the wound was.

 He wasn't used to being sidelined because of an injury and it pissed him off. He sighed again, as he leaned the sword against a tree and stared out at the trees around him. His injury wasn't the only thing bothering him, it was also that strange feeling he had gotten from his family when he had first woken up. He hasn't spoken to any of them about it, trying to figure it out himself, wanting to be sure he wasn't just picking up on their anger towards Jameson.

 "You seem troubled, brother." Zander's voice spoke from behind him.

 "Zander?" Dean said, as he turned to face him. "I thought you were inside with the others?"

 "I was, but I sensed your worry and came to check on you."

 "I'm fine, just worrying about the battle, nothing new." Dean lied.

 "Brother, we can't lie to each other, remember? What's troubling you?"

 "Z, did...did you sense something strange from the others the night I woke up?" Dean asked sighing.

 "Strange? What do you mean?"

 "I...I don't know what it was exactly, but I felt like something between them."

 "Dean, there's something I need to..."

 Zander was cut off by Dean getting dizzy, both knew what it meant, Dean was about to mindlink with Vassago again. Before Dean could fall, Zander caught him and gently laid him on the ground, his head in Zander's lap; all he could do now was wait for Dean to wake up.

 Meanwhile, Dean found himself back in Vassago's body, he turned from the window he was looking out of and sat back down on his throne, petting his Raven. As he did Keeper came into the room smiling, he stood before the throne and after a quick bow, he told Vassago that their plan to find Dean was working. Their new ally had made contact with them and they wouldn't suspect anything, having never heard of The Watchers. Soon they'd have Dean and his pathetic, little mortals right where they wanted them...dead! Vassago then sent Keeper to check if their new friend had returned with any news. Once he was gone, Vassago picked the cup up off the table beside him and took a drink. As he did he thought of all the ways he was going to torture and then kill his two brothers and their happy, little, mortal family!

 Suddenly, the connection was broken and he was thrown back into his own body. He sat up gasping for air, before he began coughing, seconds later his breathing returned to normal, he stood up angrily with one thing on his mind...Jameson was a dead man! He began walking back to the house, Zander quickly followed, unsure of what he had seen. They went inside and followed the other's voices into the kitchen, before anyone could say or do anything, Dean kicked the chair out from underneath Jameson from behind. Before he could hit the ground though, Dean grabbed him by the front of his shirt and flipped him over his shoulder, making him do a backflip; he then used the motion of his body to slam him hard onto the kitchen table on his back. Everyone was shocked and confused, as Dean held him on the table and punched him in the face.

 "Dean, stop!" Roman yelled upset, thankful the girls were napping upstairs and hadn't heard the commotion. "What the hell happened?" He asked Zander.

 "I...I don't know!" Zander replied. "We were talking, when he suddenly mindlinked with Vassago, he came back and rushed in here without saying a word!"

 "I warned you, dammit!" Dean said angrily. "You lied to us!"

 "What? I didn't I swear!" Jameson replied scared.

 "You lying piece of shit!" Dean yelled, before he hit him two more times.

 "Dean, stop! You're going to kill him!" Paige said upset.

 "Yep!" Dean said smiling, before he hit him again.

 "Dean, what did you see that made you so angry?" Roman questioned.

 "Vassago and Keeper were talking about how their new friend has made contact with us!" Dean explained angrily, as he looked into Jameson's eyes, watching closely for a reaction. "Oh, yeah, their new friend is a Watcher!"

 "What?" Roman said shocked.

 "I knew it!" Seth added.

 "'s not me, I swear!" Jameson pleaded.

 "Shut up, asshole!" Seth ordered angrily.

 "Dean, brother, there has to be another explanation!" Zander said quickly.

 "Yeah, well, while you all try to figure it out, he's going to lead Vassago here to slaughter us all! I'm not giving him the chance!" Dean said angrily.

 "I'm with Dean!" Seth agreed. "Kill him, before his new friends kill us!"

 "I've never met Vassago or Keeper before, please you have to believe me!"

 "Dean, give us some time to talk to him, find out if he's lying!" Zander begged.

 "Dean, you can't seriously be considering this?" Seth asked shocked.

 "Please?" Roman said gently.

 "You have until sundown to figure it out, then I'm killing him!" Dean agreed bitterly, before he let Jameson go and stormed out.

 "All of you better know what you're doing!" Seth said upset, before he went after Dean.


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