Sweet Talker♡ - Minchan/Chanho

By chanskitchen

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His smile used to annoy me, its the smile he would have when he knows he's done something wrong and I hated i... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Eleven

2.3K 166 54
By chanskitchen


Minho's POV

I walked home room school alone, Chan was going over to Woojins to do a project I knew they didn't have. He'd been a weird around me since the kiss, he avoided being alone with me and barely talked to me when we were all together. Honestly it hurt, he didn't freak out the first time he did, but now it was like a had the plague or something, he wouldn't even sit next to me. He probably figured out how I feel about him and now we'll never be friends again. I tried to stay positive and think of any possible reason as to how this could be a good thing, but it was impossible. I kicked a piece of gravel down the road, wishing thoughts were that easy to kick away. Maybe Jisung said something? He's Chan's best friend, why would he keep my secret from him? He probably told him I was creepily obsessed with him or something. Then they'll all go over to Woojins and talk about how much of a freak I am.

I walked inside my house and went to go to the kitchen to get some food.
"Hey sweetie how was school?" Mum asked in her tired raspy voice. Our neighbour was sat next to her on the couch, two cups of tea sat on the table in front of them.
"Fine." I mumbled, walking down the wall and going to my room. It was Wednesday, that meant I had class today. I put on a simple dark grey t shirt, black tracksuit pants and black Adidas shoes on and grabbed my dance bag. I left with a quick goodbye to Mum and Miss Shang and grabbed my car keys from the bench.
I drove with the feeling of someone pushing on my chest. I practised my smile in the mirror above me when I stopped at the lights, I felt stupid, feeling so sad because of a problem so small. Theres people in the world that live a much worse life then mine, I was being immature and stupid.
So why does feel like someone just smashed my heart into a million pieces?

I walked into the building and went straight to my studio. I was teaching a hip hop class today so I had to clear out all the ballet things from the previous class.
After about ten minutes about twelve seven year olds came in, all hugging me and telling me what they did on the weekend. I loved working with kids, they were kinda and they didn't judge. The room that had just been suffocated by my sadness was now beaming with life from the happiness in the children around me. I smiled and started doing the warm up exercises with them.

After an hour I had to say goodbye, giving them all stickers and a lollipop for doing so well. They left with smiles on their faces, making me feel warm inside.
As I was packing up I head someone clear their throat. Felix and Hyunjin stood there, like they always had, right there when I needed them.
"So whens our lesson?" Hyunjin asked. I laughed and threw the towel on him as we walked out.

"What are our plans for tonight?" Felix asked as he sat in the passenger seat next to me after a five minute battle with Hyunjin over who gets to sit in the front.
"Can I forget that I exist?" I sighed as I reversed the car out of the drive way.
"Cmon hyung lets be positive!" Hyunjin beamed from the back. I ignored him and went back to talking with Felix.
"Weren't you gonna go out with Changbin tonight?" I asked, Felix hadn't shut up about it for the past two weeks.
"I got cancelled on, about ten minutes ago he texted me and told me there was some friend emergency and that he's sorry." I could hear the disappointment in Felix's voice.
"Guys suck." I said, tempted to bang my head on the steering wheel.
"I know right." Felix agreed.
"I know right." Hyunjin said.
Felix turned around and stared at him. "Aren't you asexual?"
"Doesn't mean I don't think guys suck, Chan's being an asshole to Minho after HE asked Minho to to kiss him, and then Changbin cancels on you way too last minute, you two don't have great taste now do you?"
It felt like Hyunjin had smacked me right across the face and made me see clearer. I wasn't in the wrong, I hadn't done anything. Chan was the one that kissed me, now he's the one avoiding me. I've done nothing but tried with him this past week and a half and all he did was act as if I didn't exist.
"You know what Hyunjin? You're right, can't we just go out and do something to forget them at least for one goddamn night." Felix said, he looked upset, which was rare for him.
"Theres not exactly that much stuff to do, its a Wednesday night." I stated.
There was silence in the car for a couple of minutes, each of us trying to think of something fun to forget our problems.
"Well I heard Jackson Wang is having a party? What if we go to that?" Hyunjin suggested. We thought for a second before agreeing to only go for half an hour, so I couldn't get too drunk and end up doing something stupid.

The smell of alcohol and smoke filled my nose as soon as I stepped in. The blasting music making my ears hurt. I hadn't been at a party in a while, not since I made that promise to Chan. But it's not like he cared anyway.
Jackson's friend Mark came up to greet us, hugging me and asking me where I'd been.
Hyunjin and Felix got taken away by some of our old friends, it was okay though I trusted them. Hyunjin didn't drink and Felix only ever had the tiniest bit of beer. It was myself I was worried about.
I found myself in the kitchen, picking up multiple shot glasses and downing them in seconds. I needed a break. A break from trying to be the perfect person. One night won't hurt.

It had been over half an hour, I could barely make out my surroundings. I found myself in the backyard, dancing with people I didn't know. Laughing and dancing to the music. Everything around me felt as if it was in high definition, colours danced around me and I could see the music. Alcohol had never done this to me before. Then I saw Chan, telling me I broke his promise. Then he disappeared. Thats when I noticed the girl kissing me. How didn't I notice that?" Then I kissed her back, I broke his promise, I fucked up again. Nothing new.

I remember laying on the grass, watching the colours dance in the sky. Then someone pulling me to my feet, then there was more talking. I was in the back of car. Then everything went black.


"You're so lucky my parents aren't here." Woojin said, helping Hyunjin and Felix carry Minho out of his car and inside.. He only lived a street away from Jackson and had walked as quickly as he could when Felix called.
Minho was put on the couch, unknowing to the eight boys surrounding him, one of them panicking more than the rest.
"What the hell did he drink?" Chan exclaimed anxiously as he knelt down next to Minho, patting his forehead with a damp cloth.
"It wasn't just the alcohol, one of his drinks was spiked." Hyunjin said, causing everyone to freak out, especially the grey haired boy.
"Relax it was only LSD, it doesn't really damage your body in anyway, it just makes you hallucinate and do shit then eventually you just fall asleep." Felix said, as if he had experienced it.
"A lot of kids at my school in Australia had it at parties, I've seen what it does." He explained.
"When will he wake up? Do his parents know?" Jisung asked.
"Felix called them and said Minho and Hyunjin would be staying at his house to work on a project." Hyunjin said tiredly as he rubbed his eyes.
"I'll text my parents too, telling them I'm staying here." Chan said, getting out his phone.
"Oh now you suddenly care about him?" Hyunjin said bitterly, he cared about Minho and Felix a lot, anyone who upset them upset him.
Chan sent his text and sighed, "I can explain that just not right now." Sitting back down on the floor.
"It's your fault he was there in the first place, both of you, you're lucky it was only LSD" Hyunjin was mad, really mad. He was worried about his friend, now Changbin and Chan got the blame.
"Felix.." Changbin started. Felix mumbled "Drop it" and walked upstairs to message his parents, telling them he was staying at 'Hyunjins'.
"Okay well that was awkward so we should be going." Seungmin said, looking at Changbin, their driver.

Jeongin, Seungmin, Jisung and Changbin left, leaving Hyunjin, Felix, Chan, and a sleeping Minho at Woojins house.
Woojin showed Hyunjin and Felix where they could sleep, then going back down to Chan.
"So which room do you wanna sleep in?" Woojin asked.
"Its okay I'll just stay down here." Chan said, his eyes still filled with worry.
Woojin sighed and nodded, "At least try and get some sleep."

Chan nodded and said goodnight, watching Woojin walk up the stairs.

He got no sleep that night, he sat next to Minho all night, sitting on a pillow with a wool blanket over his legs to prevent contact with the cold tiles.

"I'm so so so sorry."



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